Everyone was startled and turned to look at Eric, waiting for Eric to make a decision.

Naturally, Eric would not let Zhongyuan Zhongye eat peanuts for this reason, but he couldn't forgive Zhongyuan Zhongye who made a serious mistake in this way, which would make people despise the laws of the Kingdom of China.

"Wendy, heal Chuya Zhongya first." Eric said, "The punishment of Chuya Zhongyuan will be discussed after we go back."

"Okay." Wendy secretly breathed a sigh of relief, at least explaining that Zhongya's life was not in danger, so she bent down to treat Zhongyuan Zhongya. The blue light shone down, and the pain on Zhongyuan Zhongye's body suddenly eased.

"Brother-in-law!" Heitong came out from the woods.

Eric glanced behind her, and there were not one or two more puppets: "Why, didn't you find a suitable target?"

Up to now, Heitong has changed several dolls, and there are currently seven dolls:

"Fujitora" with a smile, "Whitebeard II" Edward Weibull, "Ten Yasha" Don Quixote Doflamingo, "Shutenmaru" Asura Doji, "Frozen Fu" Fuzzy Fu , "CP0" Moore, and the cadre of the Don Quixote family, Rao G.

The number of black-eyed dolls is not complete, and they even want to kill some stronger enemies to replace a few weaker dolls.

Therefore, Hei Tong first went to the place of the battle just now to find some materials suitable for acting as dolls.

After all, the per capita bounty of the red-haired pirates is high, even for a small guy, the bounty is nearly [-] million.

Unlike other pirates who are all evil, Shanks has very strict conditions for recruiting members. Pirates who do evil can't join the red-haired pirates, so the bounties offered by Shanks' men are equal to their own strength.

"Skaha didn't show mercy, and all the enemies who entangled her died on the spot." Heitong shook his head: "As for the members of the red-haired pirates who fell in front of the fighters, there are a few guys who still have a sigh of relief. I don't think so. Their strength is too weak, so I helped them out and sent them on their way."

Eric nodded without saying anything.


"Woo!" Lime Jones gritted his teeth, the scorching pain from his upper body made his head dizzy for a while.

The movements of Lime Jones' legs slowed down, and his ears could not hear a sound. Just now, the violent explosion at extremely close range damaged his eardrums.

Several detonating clay little flying birds flapped their wings and flew over from different directions.

Lime Jones dodged several times, but still let the explosive clay rush in front of him. He could only cover the armed domineering to defend.

"Boom boom boom!"

The detonating clay exploded together, and the flames and smoke caught the attention of the crew on the Red Forth.

"Not good!" Jesus Bu's sensibility sensed that Lyme Jones was in danger, and immediately raised his rifle, aiming at Didara who was chasing Lyme Jones.

Other personnel followed suit one after another, and continuous gunshots rang out on the deck.

Ben Beckman bit his cigarette butt, and the penetrating lead bullet flew straight towards Didara.

"It's dangerous." Didara dodged Ben Beckman's fatal bullet, manipulated the bird to flexibly turn several directions in the air, and continued to chase Lime Jones.

Lime Jones could already clearly see the faces of everyone on the Red Forth.

"Saved..." Lime Jones showed the expression of the rest of his life.

The companions on the Red Forth warned loudly: "Be careful!"

Even if he couldn't hear the sound, Lime Jones could clearly see the panic expression on his companion's face at this moment.

A detonating clay mixed with a lot of chakra suddenly appeared in Lime Jones' ear.

"It's over. Hmm"

Didara put up the two-finger seal: "Drink!"


The detonating clay set off a terrifying explosion at a very close distance.

The strong impact instantly knocked Lime Jones into the air, causing Lime Jones, who was about to return to the Red Forth, to fall straight down.

"Lyme Jones!" The crew on the Red Forth immediately shouted, hoping to wake up the unconscious Lyme Jones with their voices.


Deidara, driving the explosive clay bird, appeared at the right time under the fall of Lime Jones, and tied Lime Jones with the tail of the bird.

In a jerk, the sunglasses that Lime Jones was wearing fell off his face.

"Let go of Lyme Jones!"

The members of the red-haired pirates shouted loudly while pulling the trigger to shoot, hoping to shoot the nasty Didara down.

Ben Beckman knew the truth of shooting the horse first, and immediately reminded everyone: "Don't attack Didara, shoot the giant bird under him!"

The members of the red-haired pirates immediately obeyed their orders, and Jesus' shooting skills made Deidara concentrate and dodge.

"It's really troublesome. Hmm," Didara complained, still refusing to give up the spoils in his hands.

The barrage formed by the members of the red-haired pirates tried their best to block Didala's escape path, evading and circling in the sky for tens of seconds.

Didara threw out the newly made C5 Yemo Sword casually, and it turned into a giant sword tens of meters long with a "bang".

"!" The members of the red-haired pirates opened their eyes wide.

Under the traction of gravity, the blade began to fall at an accelerated rate. The surface of the blade was covered with red flames. Its posture was like a meteorite falling, and the air made a "hissing" explosion.

The tail of the long sword exploded, and the reaction force of the explosion pushed the clay long sword to accelerate further. In an instant, a majestic sonic boom cloud was aroused, which turned into a supersonic missile and blasted towards the Red Foss.

Ben Beckman had to change the shooting target, and the members of the red-haired pirates were also in a panic, revealing a gap in the dense firepower net.

There was a smile on the corner of Didara's mouth, and he aimed at the gap where there was a gap and rushed over.


The sound of this gunshot was particularly loud among the many voices. Didara felt a chill on his forehead, and a bullet flew out through his skull.

"Huh..." Jesus Bu breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly put down his rifle, "I knew that you would definitely run away from this direction."

"Squeak!" Meng Shida yelled at Jesus cloth, dancing and dancing a few times.

"What's wrong?" Jesus asked a little puzzled.

Seeing that Jesus Bu couldn't understand, Meng Shida quickly signaled to Ben Ke Pinch.

Ben Ke Pinch suddenly came to his senses, and reminded loudly: "That guy, you can replace the body with a kneaded sticky doll!"

"What!?" Jesus Bu immediately raised his rifle as if waking up from a dream.However, under the slack of the red-haired pirates, the giant white bird has already flown a short distance.

"Hahaha!" Didara got out from the bird's back, exposed his upper body, and waved to everyone in the red-haired pirates: "Goodbye! Mmm."


"Lyme Jones!"

"Deputy captain!" Someone immediately turned to look at Ben Beckman: "Let's go back immediately and save Lyme Jones!"

"..." Ben Beckman let out a foul breath, and asked back: "If we go, can we rescue Lime Jones?"

"..." Everyone was silent, the fighting power of the Dawn Pirates terrified them, and they knew very well that if they rushed back now, all the members would be lost there.

"Give up." Ben Beckman wanted to save Lyme Jones very much, but he had to take the most correct choice, even if he was regarded as a coward by the captain and his companions afterwards, he had to lead these members back safely.

"Let's get out of here first." Ben Beckman looked at the navigator.

Bendik Snake limped to the rudder wheel silently, clenched the rudder tightly tightly, imprinted his fingerprints on the rudder unconsciously.

Meng Shida picked up the sunglasses that fell on the deck, and there was an obvious crack on the lens.


Everyone had arrived, and the injured Kisame was receiving treatment from Wendy when a giant white bird landed.

"I'm back." Didara jumped off the bird's back, and the half-empty sleeves attracted everyone's attention.

Eric frowned: "Where's your left arm?"

"Give it to this guy. Yes" Deidara turned his head to signal, and the giant bird turned its body, revealing Lime Jones with its tail tied up.

"Every fight loses an arm..." Eric sighed.

"I didn't lose my arm in every fight!" Didara retorted immediately.

"Catch one tail and fight against Naruto and Kakashi." Eric snapped his fingers to help him recall: "If it wasn't for a person with only two arms..."

"Okay, okay." Didara shrugged: "As long as you can win, losing an arm is not a big deal..."

"I'm afraid you will blow yourself up desperately." Eric gave him a blank look.

"Uh..." Deidara was at a loss for words.

Eric threw two fairy beans to Didara, Dida stretched his hand to catch them, and asked with doubts: "Can't one fairy bean heal all injuries?"

"The other one is for you." Eric simply replied, "Prevent you from depleting your energy and exploding yourself regardless."

Didara didn't refuse, put a fairy bean into his mouth, chewed it, swallowed it, and a brand new arm grew out in an instant.

Didara asked, "What should I do with this guy?"

Eric glanced sideways at Hei Tong who was eager to try: "Let him be Hei Tong's puppet."

Heitong's face was full of joy, like getting a new beloved toy, and said, "Thank you brother-in-law!"

"If you do this, you'll end up with the red-haired pirates forever?"

"We have been fighting with the red-haired pirates forever." Eric said lightly:
"Killing so many members of the red-haired pirates, it is impossible for Shanks to forget, and he will definitely come to revenge in the future."

The giant bird let go of its tail, and Lime Jones rolled to the ground. Heitong held the handle of the knife with both hands, and took a last look at Eric.

Eric nodded slowly, indicating that Heitong could do it.


The arms fell, the blade entered the body, and there was the sound of the blade piercing into the flesh.


The intense pain caused Lime Jones to wake up suddenly, and spit out a big mouthful of blood, but his body was pierced by a sharp knife, and he was firmly nailed to the ground, making his upper body unable to move.

The ensuing bursts of drowsiness forced Lime Jones' eyelids to fight non-stop, as if all the strength in his body had been taken away, and the struggle of his body gradually weakened.

The thrilling adventures and joyful banquets I have experienced before, like a slide show, flashed before my eyes frame by frame.

"Is this the revolving lantern as the saying goes..." Lime Jones thought lightly: "I'm sorry, my companions.I can't go on with you...'

'This life is...really really...very interesting...'

'It is the greatest honor in my life to know you...'

Then Lyme Jones stood up again.


Shanks lying unconscious on the bed in the captain's cabin of the Red Forth.

Lime Jones' sunglasses are quietly placed on the bedside table.

A crisp, tiny sound of "click" came from the side.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the crack on the lens expanded rapidly, and the entire lens was broken into two halves.

The few people in the room seemed to understand something, and lowered their heads to prevent others from seeing their expressions, and crystal tears fell like broken threads.

"Extra! Extra"

The newsboy waved the newspaper and yelled loudly: "There is friction between the 'Four Emperors'! The Red Hair Pirates are defeated, and the Dawn Pirates are victorious!"

"It's coming again..." The people in Beihai are already familiar with this. The Dawn Pirates are like the sword of Dakmos hanging above their heads, and they don't know when it will fall.

"The sea is becoming more and more chaotic..." A passer-by read the newspaper, shook his head in distress, and sighed: "Alas... our country is the same."

"Who says it's not..." Another person echoed.

"By the way, the royal family and nobles of this country even want to abandon this country..."

"Hush!" One person immediately covered the speaker's mouth, glanced left and right, and lowered his voice: "Are you dying!?"

"Huh?" The man forcefully knocked down other people's palms: "The royal family and nobles are now desperately seeking money and preparing to run away! They don't have time to stop the mouths of poor people like us!"

Others laughed wryly, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the royal family and nobles collectively sold their real estate and exploited the common people frantically.Even some rich people have cashed out in advance and exchanged for easy-to-carry gold, silver and jewelry.

The nearest passenger port has become much more lively. Rich people lead their entourage and salute with large and small bags on passenger ships, preparing to escape from the North Sea and head to other sea areas.

Of course, the recent newspapers also often appear: news that a certain passenger ship was ransacked by a certain pirate group, and the entire ship was unfortunately buried in the belly of the fish.

However, most of the people who died in the belly of the fish were ordinary people, and the navy sent warships to escort them not to them, but to the royal families and nobles of the alliance countries.

The drama of the Great Escape from the North Sea has also become a feast for countless pirate groups.The money obtained by the pirates from ransacking a passenger ship is even richer than the ransacking of two or three cargo ships in the past.

Therefore, some pirates who acted low-key also attacked everywhere smelling the smell of blood.The strength of the North Sea Pirates is not weak. In addition, the Dawn Pirates offer a bounty for the head of the admiral, which has caused the North Sea Navy's military strength to be stretched.

The white bear in orange overalls squeezed out of the crowd and rushed back with a newspaper in his hand: "Captain! There is big news!"

"Huh?" Luo took the newspaper and read the report carefully: "A battle of this scale is still a bit far away from us."

Xia Qi said: "However, as a member of the Dawn Pirates, there is also a little bit of honor."

Pei Jin immediately asked: "You said, will we follow Captain Eric to find One Piece?"

Luo glanced at Pei Jin, and asked back: "Being a dispensable witness to history, will you be satisfied?"

Pei Jin blushed and replied loudly, "Of course not!"

Luo nodded, and an unknown emotion flashed in his eyes.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Beppo asked aloud.

Luo Ya looked up at the sky and said, "I have a goal now."

The members of the Heart Pirates gathered around: "Captain, what order do you have? Say it!"

Luo lowered his voice and said softly: "..."

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