Chapter 589 Travel Accident
"This place is really strange!" Taoli said with emotion: "An island contains the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter."

"I really want to know where the crocodile shark you mentioned..." The policeman looked around the surrounding scenery.

"It's in the wilderness ahead." Wendy pointed to the front, and introduced: "There is a baboon with a katana in the forest at the end."

"???" Countless question marks popped up in Jing Ce's head.

Brin walked cautiously among the crowd, her curious eyes swept over dozens of women with the same appearance.

One of them, Misaka, turned his head and walked over with a blank expression.

"What's the matter with you? Do, Misaka 7157 asked curiously."

"Uh, it's nothing..." But Brin couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked, "Are you two sisters?"

Charlotte Lingling's litter of quadruplets and quintuplets is very common, but there is no special case of giving birth to dozens of babies at a time.

"Yes, Do, Misaka 7157 answered quickly."

Brin didn't care about Misaka's self-proclaimed name, although it was a bit weird to add a number after the name.

She also heard the rumors recently: there are many girls with the same appearance entering all walks of life, making the people of Flower City feel that this girl is everywhere...

Is this a new urban legend?
Bryn didn't feel much, her sister Charlotte Bree has the ability to use mirrors to change the appearance of others.

"If there is nothing else, Do, Misaka 7157 will return to her team."

"Okay, okay." Brin nodded his thanks, and watched Misaka 7157 return to his team.

Perona sighed: "I'm so tired..."

Runti, who was riding on Peggy Wan, said bluntly, "Haven't you been floating in the air?"

Perona curled her lips: "You don't have the right to say me, do you? Dead brother accuses you."

"What did you say?!" Runti clenched her fists, and at the same time her body jumped up, trying to grab Perona.

"Sister, don't move around!" Peggy Wan's body was unsteady being carried by Runti, shaking from side to side.

"Can't you catch it? Idiot—!" Perona deliberately elongated her voice, and a transparent ghost emerged from her palm: "Negative ghost!"

The negative ghost passed through the bodies of Runti and Peggy Wan, and Runti rolled down from Peggy Wan, and the two knelt down on their knees, muttering:

"In the next life, I want to be the dust on Peggy Wan..."

"In the next life, just be a dinosaur..."

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo..." Perona looked up to the sky and laughed.

The newcomer Taoli's eyes glowed, and she was eager to try it out: "It seems to be very fun!"

"Isn't this a bit of fun?" The police officer forcefully pulled Dolly away from the vortex of struggle.

"..." The negative BUFF failed, and Runti didn't continue to ask Peggy Wan to carry her on her back. Both Runti and Peggy Wan couldn't hide their embarrassing expressions wearing masks.

The group continued to move forward until a tiger rushed out in a panic.

"Be careful!" Jing Zong rushed in front of Taoli, and the liquid metal waiting for a person's size quickly formed a human figure.

The tiger didn't rush towards its own side, but went around from the side, and then, a huge creature that looked like a crocodile rushed over.

"This, what is this!?" Jing Ce was stunned, such a huge creature must be difficult to kill, and his own liquid metal may not be able to cause fatal injuries to the target.

The policeman still didn't flinch, his legs were still standing in place, and he didn't take half a step back.

A human figure made of liquid metal, with a sharp long knife extending from each arm.

"This is the crocodile shark." Wendy rushed to the police officer.

"Be careful!" Jing Ce was taken aback.

Wendy took a big breath first, her delicate face was round and cute, and her small mouth shouted: "Tianlong's—roar!"

As the wind swept and the storm roared, a dragon's breath gathered by the whirlwind spewed out from Wendy's mouth, and the huge crocodile shark was easily swept away by the wind.

"..." Jing Ce looked at all this dumbfounded.

"They are all very powerful!" Doli smiled and patted Jing Zhe on the shoulder.

"You did it on purpose, right?" Jing Ce gave her a blank look.

"No!" Taoli said innocently: "These days, you've been belittling me and asking me to tell me how I'm doing recently, but you didn't ask me about the strength of other people."

"..." Jing Ce was speechless.

Taoli clasped her hands together in front of her chest: "Look, your act of protecting me just now is so cool!"

"... Long-winded." Jing Ce looked over his head.

"That crocodile shark won't die, right?" Dolly asked worriedly.

"Probably not." Wendy scratched her head: "I didn't use much strength."

"It didn't take much effort..." Jing Ce analyzed word by word, and realized that his own strength was very weak among this group of people?

"Speaking of which, why keep such a terrifying creature?" The policeman asked in confusion, "The crocodile shark must eat meat, will it attack other humans?"

The Seven Sins replied: "Let's preserve the diversity of species? Besides, few people will come to this kind of place."

"Even if someone comes, it is basically a guy who recognizes his own strength." Seven Sins shrugged: "If you die here unfortunately, it will be your own fault."

"...You say that, but I'm a little worried." Cold sweat dripped from Jing Zong's forehead.

"Don't worry..." Yoshino's voice was soft and weak, leading Jing Ce to pat her head.

Yoshino continued: "Ericsan is in the Kingdom of Shenzhou, he can perceive the entire island, and will not let us encounter danger."

"Ah?" Jing Ce took a look back and found that the outline of the Capital of Flowers was long gone.

"Isn't it very far from here?"

"Don't worry, Do," Misaka 1498 quickly replied."

"Misaka sensed an electric wave that has been scanning here, it should be released by Eric, Do, Misaka 4119 added."

"It's like licking our bodies with electric current, Do," said Misaka 6666 with emotion.

"..." All the members fell silent.

Some of them pointed their eyes: What nonsense are you talking about?
Even Dori felt embarrassed, and signaled Misaka to shut up with her eyes, but how can Misaka be controlled by a mere number 0?

Misaka 6666 continued: "Couldn't Eric be making friends with Misaka God? Wow, Misaka 6666 is no longer pure..."

Dori hastily stretched out her hand to cover Misaka sister who was eloquent.

Seven Sins muttered to himself: "If Eric knows that you arrange him like this, he will be so angry?"

The police officer complained in his heart: "I have returned the telegram." '

The group continued to play, and when they approached the forest boundary, Wendy quickly turned her head to look behind, and shouted sharply, "Who!?"

Dozens of men in black coats came out, and they were the first to clap their hands and said, "As expected of being a member of the Dawn Pirates, your intuition is quite keen."

"CP agent of the world government?"

"Oh?" The man was startled, then smiled and said, "How did you recognize it?"

"Wearing all in black, sunglasses, and a black top hat, the words 'I'm a bad guy' are almost written on his face. Brother Eric often complains about how these retarded agents are agents." Wendy was not polite. Said bitterly.

"..." The man in black in front of him felt a burning pain in his face.

The leader took a few deep breaths, and slowly said: "You stay away from the capital of flowers, this is a great opportunity, just to capture you all!"

 Thank you Xiyue Shengxiao and Xiao Xingxing for the two monthly tickets;
(End of this chapter)

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