The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 591 Xiaoyu's sugar-coated cannonball

Chapter 591 Xiaoyu's sugar-coated cannonball
The subtle and clear voice kept getting into Stucey's ear canal, and the senior female agent couldn't help shaking her mind.

'Kuilong... is it so powerful? '

Stussy secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and moistened her dry throat. She is the queen of Happy Street. She has never seen a pork, can she not see a pig running?
She put those slender and fair thighs together, trying to relax her mind, but——!

An hour later, the door of the lounge was opened again, and Eric and Hiyori came out in a well-dressed manner.

However, a blind person can tell from Hi He's breezy expression, what kind of shady things these two have done just now!

"Sorry, Ms. Stuci." Eric didn't feel ashamed at all, but was very excited. He said slightly apologetically, "Unexpected situation."

Stucey's face was full of smiles again, and he tightened his thighs that were about to close together, and said in a gentle and soft tone: "Mr. Eric has a great career, this is a normal thing."

She didn't want to expose Eric's lies to his face, there was no interest at all.

Stuci stretched out his slender hand and picked up the teapot to pour water, only to find that there was no more tea in the pot.

"It's really impolite." Rihe stepped on his weak legs, bent down, and was about to take the teacup in Stucey's hand: "Ms. Stucey was allowed to drink tea alone for an hour..."

"..." Stussy's thumb and index finger squeezed the handle of the teapot that was about to leave, while Hiyori's hands were on the other end, and the two beauties began to compete secretly.

The former reserve oiran and the madam of the current brothel, where the eyes of the two meet, there seems to be a flash of thunder.

"Cough cough" Eric coughed, and the two woke up.The two beauties smiled brightly at each other without a smile on their faces. Stuci let go of his fingers, and Hiyori also took back the teapot, ready to go to the sideboard next to him to pour hot water.

"I got my finger stuck just now." Stussy found an excuse.

Hiyori chuckled, and said casually, "Ms. Stuci, you need to lose weight."

"..." Stucey paused, and the white and tender skin on his cheeks almost bulged out with blue veins.

"Let me see." Eric held Stucey's palm just now, and played it carefully in the palm of his hand.

"Stucci's hand is already very thin, and the skin is very beautiful and smooth." Eric commented, without any intention of letting go of Stucey's palm.

Stu blushed blushing in a suit, and gently pulled his arm back, but unfortunately he didn't pull it back.

This was exactly what she wanted, with small movements in her hands, soft fingertips gently rubbing against Eric's palm, combined with Stucey's fascinated expression with a faint blush on her face...

Hiyori came back from making a new pot of tea, and seeing Stucey's naked seduction, she still puffed up her cheeks with jealousy, after all, she had just had a blind date with Eric.

Seeing Rihe's expression, Stussy snickered in his heart: "A little girl who's not ready yet wants to fight with me?" '

"Take Ms. Stucey to drink tea." Rihe poured Stucey a cup of tea with a blunt expression, using too much force, the hot tea splashed from the rim of the cup and landed on the white and tender thighs.

"Ah!" Caught off guard, or maybe on purpose, Stussy didn't avoid the tea, and the scalding tea immediately left a red mark on his fair skin.

"No, Hiyori, go and get the burn ointment." Eric urged, and gave Hiyori a secret wink by the way.

"Yes." Hiyori nodded, and immediately turned to look for medicine.

Eric sat next to Stucey, put his arms around her waist, and looked at the red thighs worriedly: "It won't look good if there are scars."

"No, I'm fine." It was the first time that Stucey was forcibly hugged by a man at such a young age.Although I have been mentally prepared for a long time, old vines also have a chance to sprout new sprouts, let alone the most emotional human beings?
"Come on, let me take a closer look." Eric lifted Stucey's legs with the other hand, put them on his thighs, and stroked them carefully: "What a beautiful pair of beautiful legs..."

"..." Stucey's hairs stood on end, she didn't expect Eric to be so anxious, and in front of her own woman, he raised his hands to her!

This was something that hadn't happened a dozen times in the past, but it was a good thing for her that Eric was obsessed with sex.

This just took the opportunity to narrow the distance with Kuilong and contribute to the intelligence work of the world government.

"That, that..." Stussy was a little incoherent, dedication is a sure thing, but she didn't want other women to watch her erotic pictures.

"Come on, I'll apply the medicine for you." Eric took the ointment from Hiyori, unceremoniously gave a princess hug, and carried Stucey, who was in a trance, to the lounge.

As soon as you enter the lounge, the decoration of the guest room is simple yet luxurious, and the lighting seems a little dim, giving people a hazy beauty.

Well, there's a little other smell left in the house...

Eric gently put Stucey on the bed, squeezed out the ointment, and applied it to the burnt area.

"That, that..." Stucey's relieved body tensed up again, and she applied the fingertips on the burnt part, making her heart flutter again and again:
"There are not so many burns..."

"No?" Eric smiled, the eyes of the hunter staring at the prey: "I will take precautions for you first, and you may be burned after a while..."


Perona carried the parasol on her shoulder and complained: "It's so tiring to play... I really want to stay in the castle and do nothing..."

"You've been floating in the sky..."

"Using abilities will also consume stamina."

"Well, I'll tell Brother Eric when I get back that Perona lacks exercise."

Perona apologized: "I was wrong!"

"There's still a little distance." Wendy pointed to a few wisps of blue smoke floating upwards in the distance, which were the fireworks for the people to cook and cook: "It's just right to have lunch there."

"Tao Li, aren't you tired?" Police asked with concern, Tao Li has been staying in the talent workshop, it stands to reason that her physical strength should have bottomed out by now.

Dolly puffed up her chest: "I'm not tired at all!"

"My sister is actually very tired, Do, Misaka No. 1498 can see the reality of my sister at a glance."

"She's just doing it for her sister's sake, Do, Misaka 4119 added."

"No!" Dolly retorted loudly.

Policeman asked jokingly, "Do you want me to carry you?"

"No need!" Doli puffed her cheeks, pointing at a few Misaka sisters who exposed her background, and said: "You are younger than me, you should be more tired!"

"Misaka made adjustments in order to fight Accelerator. Do, Misaka 7157 replied quickly."

"..." Taoli was silent for a while, and said, "From now on, I will not let you fall into danger."

"Pfft..." The Misaka sisters covered their mouths and laughed artificially.

"What, what!" Taoli blushed and asked, "Why are you laughing at me!"

"When you are in this world, you will always be accompanied by danger. No place is absolutely safe. Do, Misaka 7157 pointed out the problem."

"My sister has lived in this world longer than the Misakas, right? You still don't understand this truth. Sure enough, my sister is only older than the Misakas. Do, Misaka 6666 sighed in disappointment."

"Hmm..." Doli could only whimper when she was argued by her sisters.

"My sister is also connected to the Misaka network, so she should have learned a lot of knowledge. Why do you still have such naive thoughts? Do, Misaka 4743 asked in confusion."

"Because, Taoli doesn't want you to get hurt..." Police officer Wang Zhi replied for Taoli.

"...Misaka is an imitation made for the project, artificial body, artificial heart, an experimental animal with an average price of 18 yen..."

"No, each of you is a unique sister to me!" Dolly said firmly, "No. 7157 loves to take care of others and likes to help others; No. 6666 is more lustful and likes to provoke others; every, every A person has a different personality!"

"So, don't say such things in the future!"

"...Hmm." The Misakas present nodded slightly.

"It's have so many younger sisters." Yoshino whispered.

"Yoshino, you still have me." The rabbit-shaped doll in his hand comforted.


"Pei Tan, hurry up!" Runti, who was riding on Pei Jiwan, urged: "Now, the little girl will become No.1!"

"No.1..." Although Peggy Wan was not tired, he was also very upset to be ridden like a horse in front of everyone: "Sister, why don't you go by yourself?"

"Huh? Huh?" Runti put her head next to Peggy Wan's ear: "Rebellious? Is the rebellious period coming? Sister, I won't allow the lovely Pei Tan to enter the rebellious period!"

"..." Peggy Wan turned a deaf ear to it, and rushed to the weaving village with both legs.

The villagers of Biangasa Village showed a friendly smile.

Peggy Wan begged, "Sister, come down."

Runti didn't continue to be stubborn, and got off Peggy Wan's back, and the other members arrived one by one behind.

"Hey!" Yamato, who was a guest in the bamboo hat village, greeted, "Why are you here too!"

"Sister Dahe, it's just a holiday, so let's go out to play together."

"Oh." Yamato nodded.

"Yamato, what about you? What are you doing here?" Perona asked curiously.

"It's like this. There are many remote villages in Shenzhou." Yamato explained: "There are many school-age children in the village who need to go to school. Eric asked me to persuade their parents to let these children move to the school dormitory to go to school."

"...Why did I ask you to do this job." Seven Sins whispered, there should be many more suitable candidates for the Dawn Pirates than Yamato.

"Hmm..." Yamato scratched his head and recalled: "Eric said that I am cute, a bit like Erha, and the villagers will not be afraid of me."

"..." Everyone was speechless.

"You are Kaido's own daughter, they should be poisoned by Kaido and Orochi's tyranny, aren't these villagers afraid of you?"

"Don't worry!" Yamato waved to a little girl in the distance, and the cute and well-behaved girl immediately ran towards this side, and at the same time, a big dog with a lion's mane followed behind.

Dahe stretched out his arms to pick up the little girl, and introduced to everyone: "Her name is Xiaoyu, and her surname is Heitan."

"Heitan... isn't that the big snake's surname..."

"That's right, Xiaoyu's parents are from the Heitan clan, but they haven't been discriminated against or bullied by others."

"why is that?"

"Her parents almost died in Orochi's factory, so the villagers here understand that even if they have Heitan's surname like Orochi, they are not necessarily from the same path, and I am the same."

Yamato held out a finger and played with Xiaoyu, who laughed happily.

"so cute……"

Several women surrounded Xiaoyu with love.

At this time, Xiaoyu's parents came over: "Ayu has caused trouble for everyone."

"No trouble, and Xiaoyu is so cute..."

"Wow!" Komachiyo yelled twice.

"Cuckoo" someone's stomach suddenly screamed.

Xiaoyu's father greeted: "Haha, although there are no delicacies from mountains and seas, they are all simple food, if you don't mind, please come to my house for dinner."

"It doesn't matter if there are so many people?" Wendy hesitated. This village doesn't look rich, and it can afford food for a dozen people at once...

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xiaoyu's mother smiled gently, "Are you the Dawn Pirates?"

"Now that you guys recognize it, I won't hide it anymore..." Perona puffed up her chest.

"Miss Maiden of the sky detoxifies poisoned people for free, we all remember your kindness!" Many nearby villagers said to Wendy gratefully:
"This is what I should do." Wendy scratched the back of her head embarrassingly.

"Welcome to my house as guests!"

"come to my home!"

"No, come to my house!"

The villagers fought with each other.

"..." Perona slumped her shoulders in despair.

"Pfft, Misaka 6666 covered her mouth and laughed at Miss Perona's complacency."

"Negative ghost!"

"Misaka wants to make a battery in her next life..."

Several other Misakas uploaded the picture of Misaka No. 6666 landing on all fours to the Internet simultaneously, played it in real time from several different angles, and thoughtfully marked it for other Misakas that this is No. 6666.


Stuci, who is far beyond the physique of ordinary people, is about to fall apart.

"Are you thirsty? This is for you." Eric gently lifted Stucey up, and handed her a glass of added water, which was the kind of powerful sleep potion that could make Eric fall asleep immediately.

"Thank you." Stucey, who had been wailing loudly, didn't think much about it. To be precise, her brain was in a mess at this time. The only thing left in her usually meticulous mind was the need to drink water. She took the water glass and drank it down.

She pressed against Eric's body tightly, and Eric's gentle caress made the physically exhausted Stuci one step closer to sleepy.She braced herself, tried to have some intimate conversations, and obtained information by insinuating. After all, men's mouths are the easiest to pry out information at such a time.

"Woo..." Suddenly, a strong sense of drowsiness surged, and Stuci fell into a deep sleep.

"Fall asleep at last." Eric stretched out a finger and tapped on Stussy's skin, sensing the electric current in her body, it was a deep sleep.

"Hmph, I think you should be very happy." Kuang San who emerged from the shadow snorted coldly.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for the six monthly tickets from Diaexiao; Luo Tao's two monthly tickets; the password for the compressed file Stuci 897456213
(End of this chapter)

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