Chapter 597
The wide hall suddenly fell into silence, and it became the sound of needles dropping.

Dressrosa was once stolen by Don Quixote Doflamingo, and King Liku became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat; Violet's sister Scarlet died unfortunately, and she was forced to join the Don Quixote The Quixote family became killers; Cyrus lost a leg and was turned into toy soldiers by Sugar.

Killing Doflamingo, defeating Eric of the Don Quixote family in Dressrosa and the Dawn Pirates is a great kindness that needs to be remembered for a lifetime for the King Rick family.

However, the Dawn Pirates are the number one enemy recorded by the World Government.Although the world government has given up the entire North Sea, the battle between the two in the North Sea has continued.

"Ahem..." King Liku cleared his throat, temporarily not understanding the true meaning of Elizabello II, and asked instead, "King Prodence, why are you asking this?"

"Hahaha!" Elizabello II seemed to be aware of King Liku's worries, grinning loudly, and then said: "I have also been saved by Eric, King Liku, you don't have to worry. "

"Oh?" King Liku was taken aback.

Violet seemed to remember something, and asked, "Could it be what happened at the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association?"

"That's right." Elizabello II rubbed his head embarrassingly: "I thought I could easily defeat the Four Emperors with my 'King's Fist', but I didn't expect that I was also a frog in a well."

"Don't underestimate yourself, King Prodence, that heavy punch of yours must have scared Big Mom too."

"However, I have experienced hard training after the Martial Arts Tournament, I hope I can get a good ranking in the next Martial Arts Tournament!"

"Why, do you still want to participate in the next Budokai?" King Liku covered his forehead with a headache.

"After all, I also love fighting very much, and it is also a pleasure to compete with strong men from all over the world." After finishing speaking, Elizabello II smiled boldly: "It's just that after I punched It won't work."

Cyrus standing aside said, "There are only a handful of people who can take a punch from King Rodins, at least I can't take it at all."

"Hahaha!" Elizabello II grinned, "It's an endless honor to be praised by an arena hero with an 'unbeaten record of [-] games'!"

"No, no, no..." Cyrus blushed when he heard King Prodence's compliment.

Seeing the harmonious atmosphere, Elizabello II opened the skylight and said bluntly: "There are only the Kingdom of Prodence and the Kingdom of Dressrosa among the countries in the New World."

"I'm very worried, if the world government abandons the new world, what will we do with the Kingdom of Prodence and Dressrosa..."

Elizabello II did not continue to speak. This is very likely to happen. The world government sits and watches Doflamingo become the king of Dressrosa, which is a lesson for the past.

"Well..." King Liku fell into silence, and said slowly: "This is a question..."

"The geographical location of Dressrosa and Prodence is equivalent to the buffer zone between the Navy and the Four Emperors, so it won't be so easy for the world government to give up..." Violet looked worried.

"It's hard to say, even the whole of Beihai was abandoned, and all the royal families and nobles who were captured in Beihai were also executed." Cyrus' voice was a little low.

"Not all the franchise countries." Elizabello II shook his head.

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Elizabello II explained: "The royal families who were publicly executed by the Dawn Pirates are basically stupid and tyrants who extort money."

"I have learned about these kings at the World Conference, and I have also done some investigations on the North Sea recently."

"Some countries that joined the Dawn Pirates in advance were not liquidated, and some well-known virtuous kings were not in danger of life, but were reused by the Dawn Pirates."

Speaking of this, King Riku, Violet, and Cyrus looked at each other, while Rebecca listened quietly.

King Liku has always implemented benevolent government, making Dressrosa a country full of joy and laughter. He is kind and generous, and often assists countries caught in war, and thus gained the friendship of King Prodence.

Therefore, after the Dawn Pirates wiped out the Don Quixote family, they returned the entire Dressrosa to King Liku, and King Liku also secretly established an alliance with the Dawn Pirates.

"Even if the world government is temporarily at a disadvantage, the world government with 800 years of experience will never fall so easily."

"No." Elizabello II slowly shook his head: "In my opinion, the world government is like an old giant, hobbling and dropping a piece of carrion with every step."

"And the Shenzhou Kingdom ruled by the Dawn Pirates is like a scorching sun. The sun and high temperature will wipe out all the ghosts and demons that grow in the dark..."

"Ilizabello." King Liku put on a smile on his face, "I'm sorry, I've been testing you just now."

"Huh?" Elizabello II was taken aback, then thought about it, and then laughed: "King Liku, you are really cautious..."

Just from the fact that Elizabello II had the upper hand in the game against King Liku, it was clear that he was not a muscular idiot.

He also fully understands the important impact of Shao Shaoguo. He is not a political idiot, and he can only tell trustworthy friends about some relationships that cannot be revealed.

"Sorry." Violet expressed apology on her face: "Once the world government knows about our relationship with China, Dressrosa has absolutely no power to resist the world government."

"Dawn, won't the Kingdom of China send troops to help you?" Elizabello II was a little puzzled.

"Certainly not..." King Liku said, "The Kingdom of Shenzhou and Dressrosa are separated by Big Mom's Totland Kingdom. The distance between the two is a bit far away."

"That's right." Elizabello II nodded.

"So, it's good to keep the current appearance." King Liku walked to the window, overlooking the bustling street from the king's height.

"It doesn't matter even if you lose the throne?" Elizabello II asked.


"King Liku..." Cyrus took a step forward, wanting to say something.

King Liku raised his hand to stop Cyrus, and said: "If there is a better ruler who can make people's lives happier, then this throne is not worth it."

Elizabello II said with emotion: "You are really open-minded."

King Riku waved his hand.

"King Liku, I want to contact 'Kuilong' Eric, and get a chance to make contact." Elizabello II stared at King Liku with a burning gaze.

"...Why do you want to see Eric?" King Liku couldn't help asking, if it wasn't because Eric was the pirate who helped him, he would hate pirates from the bottom of his heart.

"I think he values ​​rules more than some kings and nobles." Elizabello II raised his head and recalled: "All the laws and rules he made himself were strictly enforced."

"On the other hand, the member countries of the world government, behind the scenes, are everywhere."

Hearing this, King Liku nodded immediately. It is normal for wars to break out among the allied countries. Even if he can't do it himself, he drives some weak countries to start wars for their own interests.

"Okay, I'll help you contact Shenzhou Kingdom."


Eric put down the microphone, reached out and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Why didn't you promise to meet the king of Prodence?" Kurumi asked.

"We are currently not suitable for two-front warfare. Prodence is a little closer to Punk Hazard of the World Government and Totland Kingdom of Big Mom."

"The king of a franchise country crosses one of the Four Emperors' seas to arrive at the territory of another Four Emperors. The agents of the World Government are not just for display. They will attract the attention of the World Government for no reason."

"However, this is something to be happy about." Kuang San pursed his lips and said with a smile: "In addition to Beihai, there will be other kings of the franchise countries who take the initiative to show favor to us."

"A member country located in the New World." Eric rolled his eyes: "The leaders of these countries who are surviving in the cracks will not be too superficial."

However, even if the kings of the other three sea areas want to get in touch with the Divine State, they have to sail through three quarters of the great route.

"Besides, I didn't completely reject King Prodence's request to meet. Didn't I agree to meet him privately when the Martial Arts Festival is held next year?"

"I hope he can seriously think about it during this period of time."

Some people will consume impulsively, and the same is true for politics. It is possible to come up with ideas as soon as they get hot.


La Jilu, who was originally wide and fat, has become a lot thinner, and there are some burn marks on his face. He is the last member of the red-haired pirates to recover.

"Kellu..." Shanks looked at La Gillu with a melancholy look.

"Boss, what is your expression?" La Jilu smiled and patted his body indifferently: "I succeeded in losing weight, and you are not happy for me!"

"Hahaha!" The other members of the red-haired pirates burst out laughing, which was a bit different from the happy atmosphere in the past, with a hint of sadness.

La Gillu put one arm around a companion, forming a human wall. They danced while laughing, sang while crying, and the tears in the corners of their eyes were accompanied by the spittle splashing from laughter.

La Chilu pulled out a bone-in barbecue from nowhere, bit into it, and commented, "It doesn't taste that good! ——Who grilled this?"

"It's me." Ben Beckman gradually got used to smoking with his left hand: "I'm really sorry for the bad roast."


The other members laughed one after another: "The vice-captain who knows everything has something he is not good at!"

"Gillu!" One of the members of the red-haired pirates turned around and shouted at La Gillo, "We miss your cooking so much!"

"Hehe!" La Jilu patted his belly habitually. The position where he could have touched his belly shrunk a lot, making La Jilu's movements a little uncoordinated. His body paused. He opened his mouth again and said with a smile:
"You wait here, let me cook you a big meal!"

After finishing speaking, La Jilu started cooking with a "bang bang bang bang".

"What, Shanks, can't you let go?" Ben Beckman sat down beside Shanks, and the familiar smell of cigarettes entered Shanks' nostrils.

"..." Shanks didn't answer, his eyes swept over La Jilu, Jesus Bu, Dego, Bendick Snake, Benk Pinch, Meng Shida, Roaring Gab, and finally landed on Ben Beckman's empty right wrist.

"It's no big deal." Ben Beckman looked at the playful members of the red-haired pirates: "Going to sea is something we decide on our own. Since we are your crew members, life and death...we have already ignored it."

Shanks closed his eyes, and then showed a sly smile: "I just pretended to be depressed, doesn't it look like it?"

"..." Ben Beckman showed a defeated expression, smoothed the hair on his forehead with his left hand holding a cigarette, and smiled helplessly.

"Sorry, Beckman, for making you tired."

Ben Beckman put his cigarette butt back on his mouth: "Shanks, what do you think next?"

"Regather your companions, West China Sea, South China Sea, and East China Sea, and then go to the great route, and take all seven routes."

"Not going to Beihai?"

"No, the North Sea is already in Eric's pocket. Once we go to the North Sea, we will ask for trouble. At present, we are far from their opponents."

Ben Beckman showed a gratified smile, and then with a solemn expression, said: "But, Shanks, the Dawn Pirates occupying one of the four seas will become stronger and stronger."

"They have a vast territory, and they are definitely growing faster than us."

Shanks smiled and said: "In future operations, we must take into account the forces of the whole world, and we cannot rely solely on our own strength."

"..." Ben Beckman was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "You want to use other forces? Could it be related to the time you disappeared before?"

Shanks nodded and said, "I can't tell you yet, Beckman. But you will know one day."

No matter how intelligent Ruben Beckman is, he would not have guessed that Shanks is a descendant of the Celestial Dragons.The Tianlong people who claim to be the descendants of the Creator actually became a big pirate, what a joke!
"Cough cough" Roaring Gabu coughed a few times. This is a sequela after a serious injury. Once he exercises too much, he will cough involuntarily. He is proud that the roar attack can no longer be used.

Shanks got up and walked over: "Gab."

"Boss." Gabu showed a simple and honest smile.

"I swear, it will heal your lungs and make you roar more powerfully."

"I believe in the boss!" Roaring Gab opened his mouth wide and nodded heavily.

"..." Ben Beckman believed in Dege's medical skills. Although Dege's hands could not continue to perform precise operations due to injuries, his theoretical knowledge was still there. He concluded that Gabu could no longer use roaring attacks, but Xiang Why would Kex say that...

At least it is certain that there are many secrets hidden in Shanks.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for the three monthly tickets of Kaikai Kaikai; one monthly ticket for YANG; monthly pass;
(End of this chapter)

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