The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 602 Post-War Inventory

Chapter 602 Post-War Inventory
The weapon in his hand fell, his spine seemed to be completely taken away, his body lost support, and Finley collapsed and fell to the ground.

The commander was killed in battle, his colleagues rebelled, and his allies stabbed him. Under these three blows, the morale of the Beihai Allied Forces quickly dropped to negative. The remaining [-] soldiers quickly dropped their weapons and knelt down and surrendered.

In fact, they really want to escape!

But the sailboat used for escape was frozen by Esdeth, and the vast ice sheet was surrounded by rough seas.Relying on their good water skills, some soldiers jumped into the sea to escape, but they were killed by the arrows shot by Chiron and the explosive clay by Didara.


With one hand on his hip, Estes looked down at the black crowd.

The soldiers she personally trained and trained stood behind her.The neat queue, serious expressions, and murderous eyes made the enemies who knelt and surrendered dare not look at them, and lowered their heads one after another.

"General Esdes." Zhuge Liang cupped his hands politely and said, "You are the biggest contributor to the victory of this war."

Estes commented lightly: "They are too weak."

"..." Zhuge Liang didn't know how to continue.

"Let's give them all my credit." Estes tilted his head, signaling to give all the credit to his subordinates.

Zhuge Liang immediately praised: "General Esdes really loves soldiers like his son."

"Excellent soldiers should be treated well." Estes pursed his lips and smiled: "They are all guys who have followed me through life and death, and their performance this time is also very good."


The soldier behind Esdeth straightened his back even more.

"I'll leave the rest to you." Esdeth turned around, waved his hand at Zhuge Liang, and said to the soldiers, "You guys, temporarily obey Governor Zhuge's orders."


The soldiers responded in unison, which was even more majestic, and the discipline and coordination of the entire team were extraordinary.

Then Estes hooked his index finger at one person, and said, "You, the number of enemies killed is the least, and you will be punished by me."

"..." The defector named by Esdes was shocked.

"Follow me." Estes gave him a sideways glance, and continued to walk away.

The defector followed up dejectedly, and the rest of the defectors breathed a sigh of relief.

"What should we do with these captives?" Chiron asked Zhuge Liang.

"The first to surrender will be given preferential treatment, and the rest will undergo labor reform." Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

"Those navies, are they treated the same way?"

"Well, but, they all need to pass the singing of Her Highness Meijiu." Zhuge Liang lightly shook the feather fan. Ordinary people without strength could not resist the voice of Meijiu's infusion of spiritual power. Meijiu's ability also made Zhuge Liang no longer worried about surrendering. Whether a person will rebel or not, it only needs to deepen the mind control.

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Honathan Cooper led a group of officers, knelt on one knee and said, "Governor Zhuge Liang."

"Please get up quickly." Zhuge Liang immediately acted like a respectful corporal and helped him up.

"The world government ordered us to blow up bases and destroy warships. I did not execute any of them, and dedicated them all to the Kingdom of China."

"With people of righteousness like you, why should the corrupt and dark world government survive!" Zhuge Liang held Cooper's arms with both hands and wanted to shake them vigorously, but now he is a lieutenant general, equivalent to the rank of chief officer of the Navy headquarters. Cooper didn't move.

"..." Zhuge Liang let go of his palm indiscriminately, pretending that nothing happened, and continued chatting and laughing with Cooper and others.

Cooper didn't realize what happened just now, but felt that Zhuge Liang's strength in holding his arm increased a little.

Since all the stubborn rookie sailors were dead, those sailors who had been in the army for several years had no resistance to surrendering to the Dawn Pirates.

The longer the time in the army and the higher the status of the sailors, they understand that what they defend is not justice, but the rights and interests of the world government and the supreme authority of the Tianlong people. However, this group of vested interests will never look down at themselves, The matter of surrender therefore proceeded very well.

Perhaps only Chiron and Lei Jiu tensed their nerves, fearing that Zhuge Liang would encounter a sudden assassination, and concentrated on guarding Zhan Wuzai.

Estes, who entered the cabin, asked, "How is the injury, that fat man?"

A doctor in a white coat replied: "Seriously injured and unconscious, but not life-threatening."

"Remember to put Hailoushi handcuffs on him." Estes reminded, leading the punished person into the torture hut.


The guy kneeling on the board and being punished cried bitterly: "General Esdes, I am very sorry..."

Like a washboard, the raised part is sharp but not sharp, which can cause great pain without seriously injuring the person being punished.

"Oh?" Estes raised his legs and held his chin, asking with great interest, "Why are you apologizing?"

"...I have the least number of enemies killed." After pondering for half a second, this was the moment when his brain was running the fastest.

"Hmm..." Estes tilted his head and said, "Half of the answer is correct."

Then he said to the person standing beside him, "Add a stone slab to him."


The man moved quickly and threw the slate in his hand on the punished Martin's leg.

The pain in the calf was like a blunt knife cutting flesh, and Martin immediately screamed: "Ahhhhhh!"

"This time the punishment ends here."

"...Thank you, thank you Lord Esdesh for the reward..."

"You'd better be mentally prepared." Esdeth glanced at the personnel standing aside, who was the second-to-last number of enemies killed this time, No.3: "If it's still the last few next time, you two should also receive punishment."

Sweat broke out on the foreheads of those who watched Estes' punishment.

"Did you hear me?"


Estes clapped his hands: "Okay, you two let him go and take him to the medicine."

Then he got up and left the torture room alone.

Didara, who was waiting in the cabin, was quite surprised, and asked curiously: "After being punished by the head of Elder Sister Esdes, he is still alive?"

"These are guys who surrendered before the battle." Esdes said indifferently: "Besides, the coach has already stated before the war that prisoners cannot be slaughtered at will."

"Miss Esdes, are you such a person who obeys orders?"

"..." Esdeth turned his head to look at Didara blankly: "You want to try my torture, and I promise not to hurt your life."

"Forget it..." Didara waved his hands again and again.

"My torture technique is an art."

"I can't afford this art."

"Is that so, that's a pity..." Esdeath chuckled, then turned and left.

"...No, it's not a pity at all." Didara muttered.

After the war, more than 9000 coalition forces were captured, more than 130 enemies were wiped out, and more than 3000 large and small ships were captured; the navy surrendered 2000 people, with more than [-] casualties, captured two large warships, and seven medium-sized warships. Twenty small warships.

"Governor Zhuge." Cooper has been sticking to Zhuge Liang's side, while introducing: "The bases of the 34th to 40th branches of Beihai are intact. When will you send someone to receive them?"

"It won't be too late to go after I reorganize the navy and the Beihai Allied Forces." Zhuge Liang said with a smile: "Sharpening a knife is not a mistake in cutting firewood. If the army's organizational system is chaotic, the battle orders are not uniform, and it becomes a mess during the battle, then it will be too late." How to win."

"Say, what you said..." Cooper's eloquence was no match for Zhuge Liang, who was talking to the Confucians. Whenever Cooper wanted to show off his talents, Zhuge Liang could always change the subject without a trace.

"Don't worry, I will report to my lord the merits of Your Excellency Cooper!" Zhuge Liang said with a smile, "Your official position will definitely not be low."

"That's good, that's good." Cooper nodded reassuringly.

"You go back to restrain the sea soldiers first, and we will return to the station together." Zhuge Liang patted Cooper on the shoulder with a smile.

"Yes, we promise to complete the task!" Cooper is also a soldier who has worked in the naval system for more than 20 years, and he does not lack command ability.

Zhuge Liang watched with a smile as the Navy and the Beihai Allied Forces were divided into small teams and boarded their own sailboats in batches.

Reiju secretly smiled mockingly.

Zhuge Liang asked: "What's the matter? Your Excellency Lei Jiu?"

Reiju pursed her lips, and said: "It's nothing, seeing the other party's flattering expression, I just want to laugh."

"This is normal, Your Excellency Lei Jiu, everyone has different desires." Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "Those who have desires are easy to control."

"Whoever desires money, reward him with money; whoever desires power, promotes his official position; if a person thinks nothing, this kind of person is very scary."

"Why?" Reiju asked suspiciously.

"People who have no desires and desires are a minority after all. If it is the desires and desires that I deliberately show, this kind of forbearing guy is the most terrifying. His secret plot is definitely not small."

"I might be such a person." Reiju said ironically.

"No, Your Excellency Reiju cares most about family members, and this kind of person will not betray easily."

"..." Lei Jiu was silent for a while, then shook her head with a wry smile: "I can't hide it from you, Governor Zhuge."

Zhuge Liang remonstrated: "This kind of ability to know people, Your Excellency Lei Jiu needs to study hard."

"I don't want to rule Beihai at all." Reiju complained.

Zhuge Liang smiled "hehe", shook his feather fan, rolled his eyes, and said, "If Your Excellency Lei Jiu doesn't want to rule the North Sea, you can give birth to a child and let your child be the king of the North Sea."

"..." Lei Jiu suddenly felt a little hot on her face. For a big girl with yellow flowers, she actually skipped the middle link and jumped directly to the last link of giving birth.

However, Lei Jiu, who has a generous personality, decided to fight back: "I don't know, when will Governor Zhuge's wedding be held? I can also prepare red envelopes in advance."

"Ahem" Zhuge Liang cleared his throat. After the Dawn Pirates aggressively invaded the North Sea, the confederated countries who came here early have been urging Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liang and other ministers to marry their own princesses. After all, these kings are also afraid of Dawn Pirates cross the river and tear down the bridge.

Once married, these kings can be regarded as a real "family", so there is no need to continue to worry.

"After this period of work is over, I will get married with Zifang and others." Zhuge Liang simply explained that Beihai is currently in the most chaotic period, and Zhuge Liang does not want to miss such a good opportunity to invade.

To be honest, Zhuge Liang didn't agree with the lord's distribution of power to his women and sons. He was worried that a situation like Yuan Shao's would happen. The three sons fought for power and were finally defeated by Cao Cao one by one.

However, in this world, Eric has strong personal strength and the means of immortality, so Zhuge Liang did not strongly oppose it.

Esdesh's strong strength and personal charm also played a lot in the process of capturing the North Sea.Moreover, Estes is different from other women, she does not start some moths fighting for power, all she wants is strong enemies and fighting.

"Go back." Zhuge Liang turned around to leave, his feet were a little stiff.

Reiju showed a silent smile. It is difficult for ordinary people to resist the freezing cold temperature created by Esdesh. Zhuge Liang, who must be hands-on, must have endured it for a long time.

"Chiron." Estes found Chiron who was assisting Zhuge Liang in his work, pointed to the sky, and asked, "Is that cloud very special?"

"Clouds?" Hearing this, Chiron raised his head and narrowed his eyes: "...there are windmills and balloons on it, it should be an empty island."

"Sky Island..." Estes said regretfully, "It's a pity that Wendy isn't here, so there's no way to go up."


"What did you say!?" The five old star "Gorbachev" was furious: "The navy in Beihai actually surrendered to the enemy on a large scale!?"

"Surrender to the Dawn Pirates!?"

"Yes, yes!" The naval captain who reported did not dare to look up, and continued: "According to the report of the special agents who sneaked into the Beihai Allied Forces, the base chief and deputy base chief of the 34th branch to the 40th branch of the Beihai Branch, Honathan Cooper took the lead. , all surrender to the Dawn Pirates!"


The lungs of the five old men in charge of the highest power almost exploded.

The five old star "Lincoln" let out a foul breath and asked, "Have the bases from the 34th branch to the 40th branch been blown up?"

"No." The lieutenant whispered: "After receiving the report, I ordered the agents who stayed near these branches to go to these naval branches to investigate, and found that there were no traces of bombs."

"I'm afraid these base leaders never intended to obey the order to blow up the base from the very beginning."

"Several intact naval bases, as well as dozens of warships, all fell into the hands of the Dawn Pirates."


The five old star "Hideki Tojo" smashed the scabbard on the floor heavily, and said viciously: "I didn't expect that I was bitten by a domestic dog!"

"..." The captain of the navy, known as the house dog, lowered his head even lower.

"Since the navy surrendered to the enemy on a large scale once, there will be a second and a third time." The five old star "Churchill" turned his head and looked around, and said coldly: "This must not be the first of its kind."

"This sign must be strangled! The base chief and deputy base chief of the 34th branch to the 40th branch, as well as Honathan Cooper, must not let them go easily!"

"Itagaki Taisuke", the five-year-old star with a long beard, asked, "Do you want to send CP0 to Beihai?"

"Of course, give these traitors—death!"

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from the big brother Mu Weichenchen; two monthly tickets from book friend 20200906201021224;
(End of this chapter)

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