The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 606 Joining the Revolutionary Army Esdes's Work Arrives in Hong Kong

Chapter 606 Joining the Revolutionary Army Esdes's Work Arrives in Hong Kong

"Who are you going to meet?" Jessica is not a political novice, and she doesn't want to be led by the nose by the two teenagers she just met.

Both Sabo and Kerla shook their heads without saying anything clearly.

"Forget it..." Jessica was unwilling to meet someone who refused to reveal her identity.


At this moment, the key was inserted into the lock, and the sound of twisting was heard, and the locked lock bar was unlocked.

The three people on the scene tensed their muscles immediately, Sabo immediately picked up the steel pipe, and Kerla stood in front of Jessica.

'Is there an agent following us all the way? 'Kerla asked Sabo with her eyes.

Sabo shook his head and said in a low voice: "I didn't pay attention just now, Kerla, what about you?"

Kerla cursed with mouth shape: "Sabo, you are a big idiot! '

"Sabo, Kerla, are you back?" A person wrapped in black clothes asked, hearing a familiar voice, Sabo and Kerla felt relieved.

Kerla said, "Master Haku, are you back?"

"Yeah." Haku nodded.

Sabo and Kerla were not the only revolutionary troops who came to this island. The experience of the two young men, a man and a woman, could not go to sea alone to do missions. This time, Haku led the future star of the revolutionary army.

Haku turned and looked at Jessica who stood up: "Who is this?"

"She is..." Kerla briefly introduced Jessica's life experience, Haku nodded, another ordinary person persecuted by the world government.

"Are you... a murloc?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah." Haku answered frankly, and didn't want to hide his race.

Hearing this, Sabo asked: "Ms. Jessica, do you despise the murlocs?"

Jessica shook her head and said, "There is not much difference between murlocs and humans. I have only heard of murlocs before, but I have never seen them with my own eyes, so I have this question."

Haku raised his hand to signal the three to sit down first. After the three of them sat down, Haku opened the chair, sat down, and said: "I found that there was a sudden commotion outside, and there were a lot of black suits and navy on the street. I I returned here immediately, do you know what happened?"

"..." Sabo shed a few drops of cold sweat.

Kerla bit the bullet and explained: "When we were saving Ms. Jessica, there was friction with the CP5 agents of the World Government."

"No wonder..." Haku stared at the two with an unfriendly expression. If there were no outsiders, Haku would most likely start educating the two newcomers on the spot.

The Revolutionary Army has always acted in a strict, secretive and low-key manner, and their actions that do not follow the rules are likely to cause irreparable and major losses in some areas in the future.

"It's my fault." Jessica took the responsibility, stood up and said, "I'm leaving now, these running dogs of the world government should leave here."

"Ms. Jessica, what are you talking about?" Haku stretched out his hand to stop Jessica, and said, "I don't care about people who are being persecuted. Wouldn't my martial arts practitioners feel ashamed?"

"Master Haku..." Sabo was a little confused, "Then why are you still so unhappy?"

"My education was a bit too gentle." Haku sighed, and said, "The reason I'm angry is that you didn't kill all the world government agents who have seen you."


Sabo and Kerla were stunned. He didn't expect that the Martial Daoist, who has always been on point, would kill others.

"Competitions are different from going to the battlefield." Haku said indifferently: "Competitions are as far as the point is concerned, but when you go to the battlefield, think about it for you and your companions, and you must not show mercy."

"Because of your benevolence, your companion died in the end, and you will definitely be in pain."

"...Mr. Haku, you look like you have a story to tell." Kerla expressed her feelings.

"Ahem" Haku cleared his throat and looked at Jessica again: "We will temporarily protect your safety, but do you have any plans?"

"Teacher Haku." Kerla pulled Haku aside and whispered, "I want her to join the Revolutionary Army."

"Hmm." Haku neither agreed nor objected.

"Her husband was framed, and she was wanted by the world government. She must not have a good impression of the world government!"

"However, it is not ruled out that she has feelings for the navy." Haku glanced at Kerla.

"Uh..." Kera was speechless, speechless.

"Are you going to take him back to the Revolutionary Army base?" Haku glanced at her.

"That's right, she has no other choice then..."

"Stupid!" Haku criticized: "If Jessica is unwilling to join the Revolutionary Army, will you kill her?"

"...No." Kera lowered her head.

"At that time, not only will the location of the base camp be leaked, but our compatriots will also have an unprecedented crisis. Have you considered all these things?"

"..." Kerla said nothing, bowed her head in silence.

"That..." Sabo tried to ease the tense atmosphere between the two.

"Sabo, you too!" Haku criticized angrily.

"..." Sabo made the same pose as Kerla.

Haku ignored the dejected two, turned to Jessica who was anxious, and said directly: "Ms. Jessica, are you willing to join the Revolutionary Army?"

Jessica's eyes widened, and she asked suspiciously, "The Revolutionary Army? Is it that secret organization?"

"That's right." Haku nodded, "We are an organization determined to overthrow the world government."

"Eh?!" Jessica was dumbfounded. She didn't expect this organization to have such an outrageous idea. The Pirates just ransacked villages and towns, but this organization actually wanted to subvert the whole world.

"If you want to wash away your husband's innocence, you have to overthrow the World Government." Haku said bluntly: "It is the World Government who blamed Lieutenant General Jonathan. Do you understand the meaning of this?"

"Uh..." Jessica lowered her head. She also understood how naive her previous thoughts were. If the world government retracted her words, wouldn't this be slapping them in the face?
"What do you think?" After waiting for a while, Haku continued to ask.

"I..." Such an important decision made Jessica make a decision on the spot, and she was not sure what to do at this moment.

Kerla persuaded: "Master Haku, you are too impatient."

"Isn't it because you are sloppy in doing things?" Haku pointed out the problem bluntly: "Jessica's position has been exposed, and the identities of the revolutionary army of the two of you have also been guessed by the agents. Start hunting for you."

"At that time...there were too many people present." Sabo began to make excuses.

"There are many people here who are persecuted by the world government and the Tianlong people." Haku said bluntly: "Because we believe that only by overthrowing the rule of the Tianlong people and making every race equal can the world become better and better." .”

Jessica's gaze became firm: "I want to join the Revolutionary Army!"

"Great!" Kerla held Jessica's hands: "Miss Jessica, please give me your advice in the future."

"Yeah." Jessica said embarrassingly again: "However, I'm not as powerful as you, Kerla..."

"It's okay, everyone has a place to shine!"

"Now that we have made a decision, let's go!" Haku urged, "Remember to take your luggage!"

"Well, my luggage is in the hotel where I'm temporarily staying..." Jessica said, "I don't need to take the clothes, but I must take Jonathan's photo frame with me!"

"Don't worry, Miss Jessica." Sabo grinned: "I will definitely help you get your luggage back."

Sensing Sabo's sincerity, Jessica pursed her lips and smiled: "Thank you."



Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, sat on his office chair and laughed, not at all trying to hide his laughter.

"President, what happened to make you so happy?" the member asked curiously.

"These newspapers publish fake news in order to collect money!" Morgans, who has been working in the industry for many years, can see the impact of this incident at a glance:

"The reputation of these newspapers has plummeted, and many readers will be lost in the future, and other passers-by will also have doubts about the news of these newspapers!"

"In this way..." the members quickly understood, and immediately said: "The other newspapers will no longer pose a threat to the World Economic News?"

"BINGO!" Morgans snapped his fingers, spread his wings, and stood up: "From now on, World Economic News will truly be the only one! Become the number one newspaper in the world!"

"It's all thanks to Governor Zhuge's strategy." Morgans said with emotion: "When I first received a call from him, I thought I would use the Economic News to publish the news about the victory of the Dawn Pirates in the North Sea."

"Unexpectedly, he would think of a way to prove the victory of the Dawn Pirates from the side. The world government's buttocks are not clean, and it hurts the face of the world government. This is why they don't care about preserving the reputation of the navy and only care about themselves. face."

"It not only increased the sales of the World Economic News, but also allowed the world government to shoot itself in the foot, and helped us level up a lot of competitors..."

A member of the club cheered and said: "President, your topic is also very well written. Everyone's testimony, conspiracy, and speculation are linked together."

"Haha!" Morgans said with a smug smile, "After all, I have been in the business for more than 20 years! Isn't it easy to grasp what the public likes?"

"Conspiracy theories are always the people's favorite news!"


"Pineapple Head" Marco rubbed his chin: "The Dawn Pirates are doing a lot in the North Sea. Hey!"

"An ambitious little devil, since the day we started to build the connection to the Northern Sea Route, we have already understood." Whitebeard drank a barrel of wine, and exhaled a strong smell of alcohol.

"I didn't expect that Kuilong could really drive the navy out of the North Sea." Joz said with emotion.

"It is said to be driven out of Beihai, but the two sides are still in a tug-of-war. There are also many powerful countries in Beihai, which is enough for this kid to keep busy."

Whitebeard reached out to open the second barrel of wine, and casually said: "Even if the Navy is at a disadvantage, don't underestimate the Navy Headquarters too much. The World Government... must have hidden some secrets that we don't know about."

"What secrets can the World Government hide?" Marco, Joz and the crew looked at each other and asked.

"How would I know?" White Beard paused: "It is impossible for a large organization that has existed for 800 years to not have a so-called trump card."

Whitebeard took a sip of the wine: "This wine tastes... like wine from the North Sea."

"It's wine from the North Sea." Marko nodded and said, "Although during the war, the trade between the North Sea and the New World has not been completely cut off."

"Just this business alone, the Dawn Pirates will make a lot of money..." Marshall Teach aroused the interest of others: "Now, half of the Dawn Pirates are at war with the navy, and we..."

"Forget it, Tiki." Whitebeard glanced at him: "The red-haired pirates fought with the dawn pirates, what's the result?"

"One of the nine cadres was killed, the other eight cadres and the captain were all seriously injured, more than half of the crew was lost, and they were jointly encircled and suppressed by the pirate group Charlotte Lingling and Wang Zhi."

"Uh..." Marshall Teach scratched the back of his head and said with a simple and honest smile, "I just want my brothers to live a better life."

"Brother, it's good if you have this kind of heart."

"We have accepted your wishes, and now we have enough food and clothing, and there is nothing dissatisfied."

The members of Whitebeard may not have been doing well in the past, but now under the protection of Whitebeard, the members of this group of Whitebeard Pirates have basically never suffered any serious crimes. If they are hungry, there will be Neptunes in the sea, and there will be no Enemies who don't know how to live or die dare to challenge the Four Emperors, and life is enjoyable.

"The Dawn Pirates seem to have unknown powers." Yizang, the captain of the [-]th team, said: "I went back to Wano some time ago, and I don't know where it came from, that the Dawn Pirates have clones, and made robotic technology."

Marshall Teach asked: "Captain Yizang, have you seen it?"

"No." Yizang shook his head and said, "However, I often meet a girl with short brown hair on the road."


Marshall Teach continued to consult: "How is Wano Country now?"

"..." Yizang was silent for a moment, then sighed, "Although I don't want to admit it, the Kingdom of China under Eric's rule is far more prosperous than when His Royal Highness was under him."

"I have nothing to say."

The faster the Dawn Pirates develop, the more flustered Marshall Teach will be. If his fruit and strategy come true, the enemy he will face in the future will undoubtedly be the extremely terrifying Dawn Pirates. In spite of his usual good manners, he also wanted to seduce some companions as helpers.

However, things backfired. Most of the members did not want to be rivals with the Dawn Pirates.

Tiqi can only continue to hide, waiting for the opportunity to provoke.


After more than ten days, Don Aquino, who was tortured by Esdeth, was transported back by a sailboat.

"What's the matter with those crew members?" Kuang San looked curiously at the crew members who were leaning over the side of the ship and vomiting towards the sea: "Isn't it seasick?"

"I think... it should be the masterpiece of Estes..." Eric guessed something in his heart, and persuaded: "Kang San, Chi Tong, Hei Tong, otherwise, you should not follow."

"It's okay." Chi Tong said expressionlessly: "After so many battlefields, I can bear no matter how cruel the scene is."

Hei Tong raised his hand and said, "Brother-in-law, I do the same!"

"Ah, don't underestimate me?" Kuang San raised his eyebrows.

"Okay..." Eric shrugged.

"Your Majesty..." the captain said with lingering fear, "The captive of Esdesi is in the cabin..."

"You don't have to follow here." Eric glanced at the blue-faced captain and crew.

The relieved captain handed Eric a bunch of keys, and pointed to the end of the corridor: "It's the innermost room."

Eric, standing in front of the door, took a deep breath, and opened the room...

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you big brother Bingbing for being my monthly ticket; a monthly ticket for Southwest Suffering;
(End of this chapter)

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