The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 608 Dinner Reception

Chapter 608 Dinner Reception

"smell good!"

Before everyone entered the restaurant, the incomparable aroma of the dishes wafted out from a distance, arousing the gluttons in everyone's stomachs.

"I heard that there is a new companion here, and I don't know what she looks like." Taoli looked very excited. The members who joined the team behind her had a warning, and more than 1 Misaka sisters. Taoli was embarrassed to be here They pretend to be old people in front of them; Xiaoyu after that is still too young, and currently basically lives with her parents.

Today, she can finally become an official "old man".

"The newcomer is a chef." The police officer closed his eyes, lifted his nose and smelled the fragrance of vegetables in the air, "Maybe he is a big man covered in flesh."

"Hmm... no way." Yoshino seemed to shrink back, and her petite figure seemed even smaller.

"How, how is it possible!" Dolly opened her eyes wide.

"Chefs usually look like this." Qi Zui lowered his eyelids and said in a low voice: "Taste the taste while cooking, eat greasy mouth, and uncontrollably put on body..."

"Are you still going in? Misaka can't wait to smell the scent."

"Unfortunately, sister Misaka can only come with a few people." Dori looked at Miss Misaka following behind with some regret.

"It's okay, Misaka will help them taste it." The younger sister Misaka even put out her tongue and licked her lips pretendingly.

"Haha..." Yoshino laughed dryly.

"Let's go in." Dolly took the lead and pushed open the door of the restaurant.

The double doors of the restaurant were silently pushed open by Taoli.

"Okay, a lot of delicious food——!"

Several people were dazzled by the colorful delicacies. Baby-5 and Queen Sweetheart led the maids to help serve the dishes.

Sitting on the chair, Nangong Nayue said, "You are finally here."

"Na Yuejiang, good evening!" Doli happily ran over, opening her arms to hug Nangong Nayue.

"Don't add sauce after my name!" Nangong pulled out a fan with lace trim that month, and tapped Taoli's head seemingly hard, but in fact it was very light.

Taoli stretched out her hand to cover the part where she was beaten, and looked at Nangong Nayue with tears in her eyes: "It hurts, hurts..."

"Obviously Eric said it's all right."

"Don't pretend to be in pain, I had control over that moment just now." Nangong Nayue said angrily, "It's not that he told me that it's okay, it's that I can't beat him."

"If I can beat him..." Nangong Nayue gritted her teeth, veins appeared in the hand holding the fan.

"You're waiting for us..." Police Wang Tuo walked over, looked at the dishes in front of Nangong Nayue, and showed no signs of moving his chopsticks.

"It would be rude to eat first." Nangong unfolded his fan that month, covering the lower half of his face.

"...Miss Nayue, are you trying to prevent the smell of the dishes from getting into your nostrils?" Yoshino asked cautiously.

"Yes..." Nangong Nayue sighed.

"It's also the reason why she hugged her shoulders with her hands just now." Jing Ce said seriously, "To prevent uncontrollable stealing with both hands, Nangong put in all his strength that month."

"..." Nangong raised his eyebrows that month, but did not refute what the police said.

"It seems to be true~" The rabbit-shaped doll Yoshina said with emotion: "I can't help smelling this fragrance, and I want to open my mouth to eat it~"

"I can still control it, but..." Nangong closed his fan that month, pointed to the drooling black pupil not far away: "Her condition is more serious than mine."

Yoshino said in a low voice: "Miss Heitong, otherwise... you can eat first, Mr. Eric won't be angry."

"No..." Hei Tong shook his head vigorously, flicking aside the saliva that flowed down his chin, avoiding Seven Sin as if disgusted.

The other members of the Dawn Pirates know that the two sisters Chitong and Heitong are experienced foodies, and they want to eat a bite of all kinds of strange creatures.

"I want to wait for my brother-in-law to eat together." Heitong clenched his fists, controlling his appetite with great determination.

"Where's Miss Chitong?" Yoshino changed the subject, and helped Heitong divert his attention by the way.

"My sister is helping Xiangling with cooking."

'Chitong is definitely stealing! 'In everyone's head, such a thought could not help but emerge.

"Speaking of which, Genos, do you have a digestive system?" The policeman looked at the mechanized Genos.

"The doctor gave me the function of feeling taste, and Dr. Da Vinci did not delete this function afterwards."

"Hmph, if the sense of taste is deleted, Mr. Genos will be too miserable." Da Vinci Lily puffed up her small chest and said.

"Can machines digest food?"

"That's right, Genos can convert the ingested organic matter into organic fuel in the body for effective use." Da Vinci explained, and then smiled: "That's great, it's because of the sense of taste that we can taste Such deliciousness."

"Yes." Genos nodded expressionlessly: "I smelled this dish, and I felt—it's great to be alive."

"...It's too exaggerated." After that, Jing Ce took another breath: "...It's not that I can't understand your thoughts."

Wendy smiled and said, "Everyone is attracted by this smell..."

"You too, just secretly took a few deep breaths of 'air'..." Xia Lulu complained.

Wendy blushed, hesitated and couldn't speak.

"This is also Wendy's advantage." Karen laughed.

"Wendy is so cute." Kana hugged Wendy, and her big, soft pussy smacked Wendy's face.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was pushed open again, and Eric arrived with Kuang San, Rihe, Zhang Liang and other ministers.

"It's all here, we are late."

"It's not time yet." Baby-5 replied with a smile.

"This taste is simply heaven and earth..." Zhang Liang sighed.

Han Fei clapped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, Zifang, Ting Yi, don't get drunk tonight!"

"I still have official duties to finish, so I can't drink alcohol." Yu Qian declined.

"You don't know what fun you are!" Han Fei shook his head and smiled freely: "However, I still approve of Ting Yi's work attitude."

"The new companion is not only responsible for today's food, you can come to eat at any time when you are free in the future." Eric instructed: "However, you can't leave your business and come here to eat Hesai."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! I will never disappoint your high expectations!"

"Here we come!" While several people were talking, Xiangling came out of the back kitchen with a big basin in his hand: "Boiled black bass! This is my signature dish!"

Chitong followed behind her, also holding a plate of dishes in both hands, and the rice cakes followed behind the two of them step by step.

Xiangling put down the delicious food and introduced herself: "My name is Xiangling! From now on, you can come to me for whatever you want to eat!"

"Then we won't be polite!"

Several of them glanced at Xiangling, and they still remembered guessing about their new partner's appearance.

"You're welcome, you're welcome!" Xiangling showed the momentum of a waiter, and greeted everyone: "Everyone, sit down quickly and come and taste my handicrafts. The dishes will not taste good when they are cold."

"Okay!" Eric sat down first, and the other members took their seats one by one, except for Nangong Yue who sat on the chair and didn't move his butt from the beginning.

"Chitong, how do you feel about stealing food...?"

"I didn't steal it." Chi Tong lied without blushing.

"...When you say this, please wipe the corner of your mouth first."

"..." Chitong wiped the corner of his mouth as usual, and said, "It's very delicious."

Eric was the first to speak: "Welcome our new companion, Xiangling! She cooked so many delicious dishes for us today."

"Papapa" everyone applauded collectively, Xiangling scratched her head embarrassedly and giggled.

"Hmm..." Nangong was the first to move his chopsticks that month, his delicate lips were pursed together, his cheeks were shaking, he chewed the food carefully, closed his eyes to feel it, and expressed his position with the attitude of a superior: "The dishes are well done. .”

"...Why do you speak in a condescending tone?" Xia Lulu has become a full-time complainer.

"...Why are you staring at me like this?" Xia Lulu looked at Xiangling suspiciously.

Xiangling half-closed her eyes and asked curiously: "What a wonderful creature, can this be eaten?"

"..." Everyone fell back collectively.

"Is cat meat delicious?" Chitong suddenly became energetic.

Xiangling recalled: "I remember... there was a very famous dish in a certain place, the name was 'Dragon and Tiger Fighting'. Dragon is a nickname for snake, and tiger is a cat."

"..." Chitong began to salivate, and his mouth kept moving, but his eyes were fixed on Xia Lulu.

"That..." Wendy said with a troubled face: "Xia Lulu is our friend. By the way, Sister Chitong, your eyes are so scary..."

"It's a pity, my friend can't eat it then." Xiangling touched the rice crust's head: "Are you right, rice crust?"

"" Guoba nodded, then buried himself in cooking.

"Chi Tong, don't deliberately scare Xia Lulu."

"I always feel that Chitong's eyes are serious..."

"Xiangling, why don't you just complete a real 'Dragon-Tiger Fight'." Nangong Nayue said with a smirk: "In this world, there really are creatures like dragons."

"Eh?! Is there really a dragon?" Xiangling seemed to be frenzied, and asked for the news seriously: "Where is the dragon?"

Nangong turned to Eric that month, showing a smirk: "Ask Eric."

"Hey!" Eric was afraid that one day he would wake up and find himself washed clean and thrown into the steamer: "This joke is not funny at all!"

"...Chitong, don't take it seriously!"

"Eric, do you know where the dragon is?" Xiangling's eyes sparkled.

"..." As a last resort, Eric's arm partly turned into a dragon, revealing blue dragon scales and dragon claws.

"Oh—!" Xiang Ling widened her eyes, carefully examining the dragon scales in front of her.

"You can't eat me, can you?"

"Hmm..." Xiangling showed a look of regret from the bottom of his heart.

"I suddenly feel very uneasy..." Eric wanted to remind Xiangling of other thoughts, and immediately said: "I will take you to hunt dragons in the future, so don't think about it for now."

"Okay!" Xiangling nodded heavily: "Then we will make an agreement."


"Well, Mr. Eric...the food is half gone." Yoshino reminded in a low voice.

"It's so fast!" Eric looked at the table, Hei Tong and the others buried their heads in eating, without saying a word, Eric flew his chopsticks like flying: "It's delicious!"

"This one is delicious too!"

"It's delicious, Misaka can't stop talking, Do, Misaka 2399 praised."

Even Han Fei, who encouraged his ovary to drink together, had to speed up his eating. After all, the other members were basically not ordinary people.

"Don't worry, eat slowly." Seeing that everyone liked the food she made so much, Xiangling showed a sincere smile: "If it's not enough, I will still make it."

Xiangling swore secretly in her heart: "Father, no matter where I am, I will always uphold my love for cooking and cook super delicious meals!" '

"Huh..." Nangong let out a sigh of relief that month, and suddenly realized that this action was not in line with his own settings, took a sip of tea, and cleared his throat with a "huh" sound:

"Pepper, sea salt... The ratio of the seasonings used is very precise, protruding the taste of more points, and less taste, very good."

"That Yuejiang, you actually became a food critic..."

"...are you underestimating me, Eric."

"Before this, have you ever had a better meal than this?"

"..." Nangong was silent for a second or two that month, then sighed, "Unfortunately, not."

Eric smiled and said, "Xiangling, you conquered the stomach of this stinky guy."

"You boy..." Nangong Nayue had a blue vein on his forehead, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't beat it...

"Thank you for your praise!" Xiangling got up and thanked.

"No, it's because of your good cooking skills. If the food is unpalatable, I won't praise you."

"I understand." Xiangling clenched her fists and said, "It is precisely because of strict customers that I can find out my shortcomings."

Xiangling asked: "Miss Nangong, are you willing to be my dish tester?"

"'s not impossible." Nangong Nayue replied arrogantly.

"Eric, why do you have a smirk?" Kuang San asked the reason in a low voice.

"I hope I won't eat my stomach badly that month..." Eric replied with a low laugh. From the conversation during this period, who knows what Xiangling will bring out on a plate. Fortunately, there are no slimes in this world...

"Huh..." Sister Misaka stroked her belly with her hand: "I have never eaten such a delicious dish, and Misaka can't stand up anymore. Do, Misaka 2399 is very annoyed that her belly is not big enough."

"I...can't eat any more..." Dolly's stomach stretched out in an arc.

"Sister is so useless, Do," Misaka 2399 mocked."

"Hey!" Dolly turned her head to argue with Misaka 2399 about who eats less and who is more trash.

"Alas..." Jing Ce looked at the quarrel between the two with a smile while holding his chin.

Yu Qian walked to Eric's side, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I'm going to deal with official business first."

"You, alas!" Eric also understood Yu Qian's character, and urged: "Ting Yi, you have to pay attention to your body."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will witness with my own eyes that Your Majesty will unify the world."

"Eh?" Xiangling's eyes widened in surprise, "Eric, are you actually the emperor?"

"Why?" Eric asked with a smile: "I am the emperor, so you don't want to cook for me?"

"Of course not!" Xiangling scratched her head in embarrassment and said, "I didn't expect that the emperor would like to eat common food."

"Is there a distinction between high and low food? I haven't heard of it."

[Ding... Xiangling's favorability has increased significantly, and the bond level has risen from 1 (ordinary friend) to 2 (close friend), gaining a little bond point. 】

"That's right!" Xiangling seemed to have found a confidant, and shouted imposingly: "There is no distinction between high and low food!"

PS: (For those of you who like Dragons, you can watch "Lu Mingfei, But Returning from Zhanshuang")
 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket in the morning from Daxie Southwest; a monthly ticket for Qiandie Xia Mobing Lingxue; a monthly ticket for Qinghui Lingmi;
(End of this chapter)

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