The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 615 Contestants who are about to gather

Chapter 615 Contestants who are about to gather

"Let Qiwuhai go to the world's number one martial arts meeting held by Kuilong..."

Karp scratched the white hair on his temples: "The brains of the Tianlong people are really powerful..."

"At the beginning, the group of Tianlong people seemed to want to send the admiral to participate in the world's number one martial arts meeting, but they were rejected by Wu Laoxing, and finally chose a compromise plan."

"The admiral is going to attend the martial arts meeting held by the Four Emperors?" Garp was taken aback, then laughed out loud, with tears in his eyes.

Sengoku sighed: "Garp, you laughed too much..."

"The Tianlong people really treat the general as a dog at will..."


"Che..." Garp smacked his mouth unhappily: "Wu Lao Xing is not afraid that there will be a few more vacancies in Qi Wuhai? The Dawn Pirates have killed several Qi Wuhai."

"Probably not." Lieutenant General Crane held his chin and said, "The host of the first Budokai was Gilder Tezzolo. They safely left the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of China."

"After all, China needs such a martial arts competition to expand the country's influence and improve its own power. If the people who come to participate in the competition are killed wantonly, the next martial arts competition will be ruined."

"It is also a good thing for Qiwuhai to participate in the competition. Several Qibukai died, and Qiwuhai's deterrent power has dropped a lot." Sengoku flipped through the documents at hand: "However, I did not expect that Hai who never obeyed the summoning order of the Navy headquarters The Thief Empress would actually agree."

"For pure gold..." Garp shrugged: "Pure gold can keep youth forever, no woman would not want to have it, right? Xiaohe."

Lieutenant General He simply ignored Karp's question.

"This year's Budokai Four Emperors did not participate, and the overall strength is far behind. Bartholomew Bear and Boya Hancock are likely to win No.1."

"Don't underestimate some unknown people who suddenly appeared, such as Yixiao..." Garp's voice gradually lowered. He still likes to be a person with a smile, but it's a pity...

"Leave the Budokai to these two people. Crocodile is still killing pirates in Alabasta?"

Lieutenant General He pondered for a moment and said: "Well, the pirate who was ambitious to challenge Whitebeard more than ten years ago is now performing his duties in a law-abiding manner. No matter how you think about it, it is suspicious."

"In any case, Crocodile is the king's Shichibukai. Without definite evidence, we can't do anything to him."

"Hmph!" Garp snorted coldly: "The pirate is clearly in front of us, but the navy can't do anything about it. This is the biggest insult to the navy headquarters!"

"You can't say that." Lieutenant General He sighed: "At least Qiwuhai is indeed hunting down pirates, and they have captured a lot of them."

"Judging from the report sent by Advance City, the bounty prisoners captured by Ulquiola and Kakuzu are at least as good as four or five naval G8 branches."

"In the past year, the number of pirates captured and exterminated is also more than the number of pirates captured by your G3 branch."

"..." Garp was speechless.

About four months ago, Ace actually ran out to become a pirate. His nominal grandfather and actual adoptive father was furious, and immediately led the navy to chase Ace, but unfortunately he was one step late every time.He has been busy with this matter in recent months, resulting in a sharp drop in the number of pirates eliminated.

"The Dawn Pirates' offensive in the North Sea has slowed down." Sengoku raised another topic: "The surviving agents sent back information that the Dawn Pirates are consolidating their dominance in the newly occupied area."

"The Dawn Pirates are obviously different from other pirates. They have a strict and meticulous bureaucratic system, and have plans to deal with various emergencies. Facing the big cake of the entire North Sea, the Dawn Pirates did not choose to swallow it all at once. , but gradually eroded and steadily controlled..."

"In the area where the Dawn Pirates have ruled for more than a year, there hasn't been a single turmoil or riot. Zhuge Liang, the commander-in-chief in charge of the entire war in Beihai, has a certain level of politics."

"Of course, Esdesh's powerful strength also has something to do with it, but we must not ignore Zhuge Liang's role."

General He expressed his opinion: "To sum up, I think Zhuge Liang's bounty of [-] million has risen to [-] million Bailey."

"Brain alone is worth 1 million Baileys, which is probably No. [-] in the history of bounty criminals..." Warring States smiled wryly.

"Actually, I hope that Zhuge Liang's bounty will increase even more. Unfortunately, the world government responsible for paying the money may not agree to offer a reward that is too high for a pirate who has never made a move." Lieutenant General He sighed. Everywhere subject to the world government.

"The governor who can make the Ice Queen obey must be convincing." Karp also agrees with Lieutenant General He. Won't take orders from a piece of crap.

"Okay, I will report it." Warring States agreed.

"The strategy of luring the Dawn Pirates into swallowing elephants and sinking them into the quagmire of the North Sea has failed." Garp continued: "Although the World Government still controls the East China Sea, South China Sea, and West China Sea, as well as the first half of the great sea route. , the territory area, total population, and overall strength are stronger than the Dawn Pirates..."

"But the reputation of the Navy Headquarters has decreased, and it is an indisputable fact that there are more and more pirates."

"The Navy only needs to complete its own tasks." Sengoku obviously didn't want to talk about it. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that there were problems within the World Government and the Navy Headquarters. The appearance of the Dawn Pirates made this problem more serious, but it was not easy to reform internally.

"...ha" Garp let out a breath, stared sharply at Sengoku, and asked, "The revolutionary army is not a pirate, so there is no need for the navy to catch it, right?"

Hearing this, Lieutenant General He raised his eyelids and sized Garp up, but didn't say much.

"Yeah." Warring States gave the answer blankly.

"Then I don't care about it." Garp's own son was turning over the table of the world government. Karp had a little bit of concern at first, but he didn't want to take care of the world government's own behavior. He just thought he had nothing to do. do not know.

"This is not your problem, Garp." Lieutenant General He comforted.

Karp led Drago to join the navy. As a result, Drago saw too much darkness inside the navy, so he resolutely left the navy system and established the Revolutionary Army.

The Revolutionary Army, which has been developing in secret, rose up half a year ago and caused the collapse of several unpopular alliance countries.

The world government also paid attention to it at this time. The purpose of the revolutionary army obviously hurt the heart of the world government, but most of the energy of the world government was still focused on the Dawn Pirates, unable to conquer the growing revolutionary army.

Right now, the Dawn Pirates have suspended their offensive, and the World Government also feels that it is time to solve the chronic illness of the Revolutionary Army.

Of course, this is also Zhuge Liang's trick to bring disaster to the east.

"Huh..." Zhan Guo stretched out his hand and pressed the bridge of his nose to relieve his headache, and finally said: "There is nothing else, the meeting is adjourned."

"Bang!" Garp stood up, knocked away the chair behind him, and walked away without looking back.

"Don't blame Garp." Lieutenant General He, who stayed on his seat, said, "My son's revolution caused a coup, and his grandson went to sea to become a pirate. He must be in a bad mood."

"I know." Warring States sighed, so many great things happened, but the world government still didn't make any changes, and the Tianlong people were still spending a lot of money to buy their favorite slaves as usual.


Isle of White Earth, Baldigo.

The soldiers of the revolutionary army welcomed Sabo and others who had returned from victory.

"Sabo, you've done it again!"

"Our heroes are back!"

"Haha..." Sabo scratched his head, embarrassed to accept everyone's praise.

"Ha..." Kerla let out a long breath and said, "It's not a hero, Sabo actually rushed into the enemy's fortress alone."

"Hey!" A revolutionary army casually said: "Sabo is not at all troubled. At the age of 17, he single-handedly broke down the enemy's fortress. He is a formidable young man!"

"It's not all right!" Kerla said angrily: "What if Sabo rushes into the enemy's deep siege and something happens then?!"

"Kerla is really worried about Sabo~" One person joked: "Our murloc karate master has already identified Sabo?"

"What!?" Kerla's face was flushed, and she argued loudly: "I just care about him as a companion who grew up, practiced, and fought together!"

"Kerla, you even omitted your name~" The others continued to tease.

"Hmm!" Kerla puffed up her cheeks, stretched out her hand to pinch the face of the speaker, and the flesh immediately turned red.

"It hurts! It hurts!" The revolutionary army who was tortured by Kerla's face immediately surrendered: "I was wrong!"

"Hmph!" Kerla let go of her fingers, and the man immediately ran away from Kerla rubbing his face.

"Sabo!" Kerla was still angry, and rushed to Sabo aggressively to educate him: "You do this every time, and you are not allowed to do it again in the future!"

"Hey..." Sabo's face was full of displeasure.

"Okay, okay..." Haku, the murloc, advised from the side: "Nothing happened anyway..."

"Huh?" Kerla stared, making the gentle and kind her full of momentum.

"You guys!" A female voice shouted in the distance: "You are all hungry! Come and eat!"

"I'm going to eat!" Sabo ran away immediately, patted his empty belly and rushed into the cafeteria.

"Ms. Jessica!" Kerra puffed up her cheeks.

"Let me teach you a way..." Jessica leaned into Kerla's ear with a smile on her face: "I'll make sure you take down Sabo."

"I, I don't care..." Kerla whispered.

"Really?" Jessica repeated with an expression of watching the show, "Are you sure?"

"Hmm—" Kerra bit her lip and nodded slightly.

"Women, don't be too strong." Jessica put her arms around Kerla's shoulders: "Especially in front of outsiders, you must leave enough dignity for men."

"When the two of you are alone, you act like a baby and teach me a lesson."

"Oh, oh..." Kerla nodded again and again, wanting to take out her notes, but hesitated for a while, but did not do so.

"After an intense mission, you pay attention to Sabo's health and diet, and at least let him know that you care about him."

"Ms. Jessica, you treat Jonathan like this..." Kerla suddenly stopped talking, and she remembered the misfortune of Jessica's husband.

"I'm fine." Jessica waved her hand. "It's been more than a year. Although I'm still very sad, life must go on."

Jessica followed Sabo, Kerla, and Haku back to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army a year ago. Dorag also knew the resourceful Lieutenant General Jonathan. After learning about the purpose of the Revolutionary Army, Jessica Immediately decided to stay in Baltigo to support this group of revolutionary troops.

Now she is in charge of the revolutionary army's meals, and her excellent cooking skills have won the praise of the revolutionary army who have been exposed to the wind and sun all day long, and soon won the support of a group of revolutionary army.

"What's more, I also have a goal I want to pursue now, don't I?" Jessica looked back with a heroic smile, and Kerla nodded heavily:

The two women pushed open the door of the cafeteria, only to see many companions of the revolutionary army standing beside Sabo, chatting while eating.

"Go..." Jessica gently pushed Kerra's back and pushed her over.

"It's amazing to be able to make such a big contribution at such a young age."

"I'm afraid your day to lead the Revolutionary Army is not far away."

"Speaking of which, I heard that a supernova is also about your age."

"Ah~ Did you say 'Fire Fist'?"

Sabo asked suspiciously, "Fire Fist?"

"It looks like a young man, but how long can he survive in the new world?"

"The name seems to be Portgas D..."

"Ace." Sabo picked up the name without a trace.

"Eh?" Kerra stopped in her tracks.

"Yes, Ace, what's going on, you know?"

Sabo's reaction was also very strange, and he asked suspiciously, "No, did I say something?"

"Why, have you lost your memory again?" The others laughed.

"Ahaha..." Sabo also smiled wryly.

"Sabo!" Kerra leaned over to Sabo: "Do you have any impression of the name Ace?"

"Ai Si..." The flesh on Sabo's face was squeezed together, and his face became distorted.

"Sabo! Sabo!" Kerla shook Sabo's shoulder vigorously.

"Huh..." Sabo broke out in a cold sweat, and said, "I'm fine, this name..."

"It may be related to Sabo's previous memory."

The chatting revolutionary army noticed the speaker and immediately shouted: "Boss!"

Drago lowered his head, and said to Sabo with a confused expression: "This 'Fire Fist' is also from Donghai, maybe he knew you in the past."

"..." Sabo lowered his head, trying to remember but couldn't get any answer, the memory before the age of ten was still blank.

"You can ask him face to face."

Kerla asked worriedly: "But how to find this pirate named Ace?"

Drago took out a newspaper from the inside of his coat and threw it on the table: "As long as you are a pirate, it is impossible to be indifferent to the prizes of this martial arts tournament."

Kerla read: "The world's number one martial arts association!"

"Sabo, you can also go to this martial arts competition to test what level your skills are in the world."

"...Okay!" Sabo reached out and grabbed the newspaper.


(End of this chapter)

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