Chapter 619 Brothers Meet

"Are you looking for me as a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, or as Qi Wuhai?"

"No, the World Government won't allow you to have too much contact with the Kingdom of China. It's enough to have Tezolo as a white glove."

Eric asked and answered himself, and continued: "So, what's the matter with your revolutionary army looking for me?"

Bartholomew Xiong raised his head, and under the cover of the square lens, Eric couldn't see much expression.

"It's what Drago means. I also know that you are not someone who accepts allies so easily."

Eric sighed: "Oh, then you still follow his orders to complete this impossible task?"

"It won't hurt to try more," Xiong replied briefly.

"..." Eric took a few deep breaths, and said in a cold tone: "From the way I acted in Beihai, you guessed that your revolutionary army should know my character."

"From now on, your revolutionary army should stop sending people to win me over. If you need weapons or food, please go directly to the middleman Tezolo to buy them."


"As for the world government, China will always be hostile." Eric immediately wanted to interrupt the conversation.

"Our real enemy is not the world government, but the Celestial Dragons who rule the world government." Bartholomi Xiong corrected.

"It's all the same. The idea of ​​overthrowing the Tianlong people without first cutting off the wings of the world government, that is, the affiliated countries of the world government, is tantamount to nonsense. The revolutionary army also overthrew three affiliated countries in the past year, right? This shows that Drago also understands this truth."

Xiong replied with the same tone: "I will go back and tell Drago."

"Walk slowly, don't see you off." Eric directly issued the order to evict the guest.

Bartholomi Bear disappeared like a teleportation, and Eric flashed back to the original place.

"Eric, as the ruler of a country, don't meet outsiders alone, even if the opponent's strength is far inferior to yours."

Unexpectedly, Estes and Kurumi were waiting for him in Eric's office.

"That's right." Kuang San agreed, and the two who had quarreled when they met each other rarely agreed.

"Well, I will review it, and I won't do this in the future." Eric readily admitted his mistake.

"Very well... where is that guy? I'll fix him up." Esdeath changed the subject, looking eager to try.

"You obviously want to satisfy your desire to fight..."

"Forget it, Bartholomi Xiong still has to participate in the No. [-] Martial Arts Association in the World, or you go to Artoria, or Joan of Arc?" Eric suggested.

"I got tired of playing some time ago."

"By the way, didn't Joan go to Beihai with you before? Didn't you fight her every day?"

"It's not appropriate to go abroad."

"Yo, you're quite a team." Kuang San sneered.

"Esdes, where are you!?" Before the words fell, the three of them heard Joan's angry roar from a long distance: "Esdes, get out!"


The door of the office was pushed open vigorously, and the pure solid wood door turned 180 degrees, hitting the luxuriously decorated wall heavily.

"..." Eric covered his face in distress.

"Esdes, it's good that you're here!" Joan of Arc had a sneer on her face.

"Oh? You want to be beaten again?" Estes stood calmly with his arms around his shoulders.

"This time is different!" Joan of Arc's black saber ignited the magic flame, and said every word: "Last time, you dared to freeze me in ice..."

"Go to the training ground and play whatever you want." Eric began to wave his hands away: "Joan, the door repair fee will be deducted from your bonus."

Joan turned a deaf ear and chased Esdeth towards the training ground with murderous intent.

"Alas..." Eric sighed as he looked at the scorched section of the plank.


"Wow!" Kerla, who was dressed in disguise, looked at the bustling atmosphere on the street, and couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement: "The country ruled by pirates is so prosperous!"

"It's not like a country ruled by pirates." Sabo echoed.

"You guys underestimated the Dawn Pirates too. Anyway, the fact that they challenged the World Government is not adulterated."

Belo Betty, the commander of the Eastern Army, also followed. Even though he changed his outfit, the buttons of his jacket were still unbuttoned. Because he was not wearing underwear, his clean collarbone was exposed all the way down to his lower abdomen. The naked scenery attracted the attention of nearby The eyes of some tourists, of course, are overwhelmingly male.

"Ha..." Kerla sighed, "Commander, may I trouble you to fasten the buttons here?"

Betty pulled down her sunglasses: "It's my freedom not to button up."

"Commander, your look is too eye-catching and easily exposed." Kerla walked up to Betty and buttoned her up.

"Obviously the look just now is cool and cool..." Betty tugged at the neckline, and the buttons on her chest were automatically undone one by one, and the clothes became open again.

"W-why..." Kera opened her eyes wide.

"Possibly the God of Unbuttoning?"

"There is no such god!"

"Stop arguing, let's find a hotel to stay. There are so many tourists, and I don't know if there are any vacant rooms in the hotel of Shenzhou Kingdom..." Haku wore a white cloak all over his body, showing his iconic murloc features. Hidden below.

Sabo said: "Haku, I heard that the people of Shenzhou do not discriminate against murlocs. Would you like to change this outfit?"

"No, murlocs are a minority after all, and they will receive too much attention for no reason."

"It's so rigorous..." Betty laughed.

"It would be great if the commander could do the same." Kerla sighed.

Sabo laughed and said, "However, I didn't expect the commander to come to the martial arts meeting."

"I'm not here to participate in the Martial Arts Association, but to learn from the scriptures." Betty took a puff of smoke.

"Take a scripture?"

"A pirate can make the citizens of the country happy, isn't this worth learning from the Revolutionary Army?" Betty asked.


"After all, a participation quota requires a registration fee of 100 million Pele. It is appropriate for Sabo to play. I am not a fighter."

"Ah, I found it." Everyone finally found a hotel and stepped into it.

"What? The room is full?"

"I'm very sorry, guest." The lady at the front desk said apologetically, "Because the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Festival is approaching, there are many contestants and tourists from all over the world, and all the rooms have been rented out..."

"Uh..." The four members of the Revolutionary Army looked at each other in blank dismay, and reluctantly retreated from the hotel.

Kerla cheered up: "It's okay, let's go to the next one, there must be some left!"


The facts were disappointing. After walking for a long time, I found that more than a dozen hotels were fully booked.

"What can I do, I can't sleep on the street..."

"Sleeping on the streets is not uncommon." Betty smiled and said, "How can the Revolutionary Army be afraid of this difficulty, right, Kerla?"

"Of course!" Kerla was a slave of the Tianlong people before, and the beatings and training she suffered were far more terrifying than sleeping on the streets.


Sabo's stomach growled suddenly, like a starting gun, and Haku's stomach also growled.

"Pfft..." Kerla covered her mouth and laughed, "Sabo, are you hungry?"

"Hmm..." Sabo rubbed his stomach embarrassingly.

"Kerla only cares about Sabo, and Haku's stomach growled too." Betty joked.

"No, I also care about Master Haku!" Kerla argued with a blushing face.

"Let's go eat first, it's all over here." Betty looked up at the position of the sun and estimated the approximate time.

"I heard that there is a restaurant called Wanmintang in Shenzhou, and its food is famous all over the world!" Kerla said like a treasure.

"Oh..." Sabo pointed to a line that couldn't be seen at a glance: "Is this the one you're talking about?"

Kerla opened her eyes wide and said in surprise, "There are so many people!"

"When will this be arranged?" Betty persuaded: "Let's change to another one."

"...Okay." Kerla lowered her head in frustration.

The waiters of Wanmintang persuaded the long queue of guests to leave. Xiangling, who came back from Beihai, couldn't cook 24 hours a day.



Porcelain spoons kept hitting the dinner plate, making a crisp sound, and a man in a cowboy hat uttered a series of inarticulate praises.

"Captain..." Deus leaned close to Ace's ear and whispered, "I heard that this restaurant was opened by a member of the Dawn Pirates. The price of the food is not cheap."

"Oh, I know." Ace continued to eat and eat: "But after waiting in such a long line, you must eat enough!"

Skaar whispered: "Captain, if you continue to eat like this, we may not have enough food money..."

"Captain, don't forget, we not only need to pay for this meal, but also the registration fee, and the food expenses for the next month or so..."

"...It's easy to say." Ace Gudu swallowed the food in his mouth, grinned and said: "You go first, I will stay here alone..."

"Are you going to eat the overlord's meal again!?" A member of the Spade Pirates complained.

"Hey" Ace smiled back to show his affirmation.

"Captain, think again, this is the property of the Four Emperors! If you eat the overlord's meal, we may not be able to leave the Kingdom of China alive!"

"Don't worry..." Before Ace could finish his sentence, a young girl's voice without any emotion came from beside him:

"Misaka heard a conversation that cannot be dismissed as unheard, Do, Misaka 2399 said with a serious expression."

"Uh..." The members of the Spade Pirates turned their heads to look at Miss Misaka who was wearing a waitress costume.

"We were joking, right." Several people laughed dryly, and then took out a wad of ten thousand Baileys: "Look, we brought money."

"This is the best, Misaka doesn't want the restaurant with such delicious food to be damaged, Do, Misaka No. 2399 is relieved."

Seeing Miss Misaka turn around and leave, the hearts of the members of the Spade Pirates were relieved.

Ace gave everyone a look: "You go first, I will stay here."

The others had no choice but to get up and leave the table.

"Then..." After several companions walked away, Ace stood up and shouted, "Thank you for your hospitality!"

"Thank you for coming, the total is..." Without waiting for the waiter to quote the price, Ace ran away and rushed out of Wanmin Hall within a breath.

"What's wrong? What happened?" The four revolutionary soldiers who were about to abandon the line looked at the noisy crowd suspiciously.

"Stop!" The sheriff in charge of order chased a teenager in a cowboy hat.

"That's..." Sabo opened his eyes wide, looking at the seemingly similar appearance, a large amount of memory rushed into his brain like a torrent, he hugged his head and cried out in pain: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Sabo!" Kerla exclaimed, and quickly asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

"That man is... 'Fire Fist' Ace." Betty narrowed her eyes, carefully looking at the teenager who was being chased by the sheriff.

"Huh..." Sabo exhaled, thick sweat streaming down his face: "Ace is... my sworn brother!"

Kerla and Haku said in amazement: "Eh?!"

"So, it really does matter..." Betty pulled off her sunglasses and asked, "What should I do? Your sworn brother may have committed some crime. Once he makes a move, he will become an enemy of the Four Emperors."

"Of course I want to help him!" Sabo said firmly, "Don't do anything, I'll help Ace get rid of the sheriff's pursuit!"

"Okay, you must be careful!" Kerla exhorted worriedly.

"Don't worry!" Sabo immediately rushed to Ace.

"Eh?!" Ace, who was running, also opened his eyes wide, and the boyish appearance that appeared in his childhood memories appeared in front of him.

"Ace!" It wasn't fantasy, he called out his name accurately.

"Are you... Sabo!?" Ace asked in disbelief. When he heard that Sabo had passed away, he tried desperately to deny the fact until he learned from Eric that Sabo was still alive...

Ace stopped walking.

"Okay, I caught it...!" Ace slowed down, and the sheriff who was chasing behind stretched out his palm, about to grab Ace's arm.

"Hey!" Sabo's steel pipe fell on the sheriff's stomach, and the man who was attacked rolled his eyes and passed out.

"What's the matter, Ace, what trouble have you caused? You want me to wipe your ass for you." Sabo asked with a smile.

Ace hugged Sabo happily: "I knew it, Sabo, you are not dead!"

"Hahaha!" Sabo happily hugged Ace back: "I don't die so easily, Ace!"

"Be careful, there are other accomplices!" The remaining two security officers pulled out their batons from their waists as if they were facing an enemy.

"They are sheriffs. I just ate the king's meal." Ace explained, and then urged: "Don't hurt their lives."

"You are still eating the king's meal..." Sabo sighed, "Don't worry, I just knocked people out."

The magistrate shouted: "Catch him without a fight!"

"Otherwise, he will be arrested for assaulting the police!"

"Be careful, back away!" The crowd of onlookers immediately backed away when they saw that they were about to make a move, without any intention of watching.

"Huh? That's weird." Sabo said puzzledly, "People here don't gossip."

"Be careful of His Majesty Eric's lightning strike..." Another sheriff was also dispersing the crowd.


The sky suddenly brightened, making the surrounding crowd unable to open their eyes, and a thick pillar of thunder fell down.

 Thank you for the recommendation tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets of the big brother Wuxingzheng; two monthly tickets for ttsn; one monthly ticket for 100% pudding; four monthly tickets for Kaikaikaikai; two monthly tickets for Mengji; Hundred rewards;
(End of this chapter)

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