The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 670 Establishment of the Straw Hat Team

Chapter 670 Establishment of the Straw Hat Team

This year, Sauron found Koshiro who was meditating, and Koshiro asked without looking back, "Soro, are you ready?"

"Yes!" Sauron clasped his hands together and saluted, "Master."

"Since Kuina left Frost Moon Village..."

"Seven years have passed." Zoro said before Koshiro finished.

"Haha..." Koshiro laughed, "You can't wait to meet Kuina."

"Well." Sauron raised the wanted warrant in his hand and put it in front of his eyes: "It's better than anything else to see Kuina so energetic."

"Sigh." Koshiro was quite distressed when his daughter became a wanted criminal by the world government, but his daughter should be doing well.

"7000 million Baileys..." Zoro carefully folded up the wanted warrant and put it in his trouser pocket.

"Guina, I'll catch up to you soon."

"Zoro." Koshiro called to stop Sauron who was about to leave, Sauron stopped and turned around.

"Take care."


"..." But within a few days, Sauron couldn't find his way back to the village because of a very serious road disorder.

"Damn it!" Sauron wiped the sweat off his face, and stopped at a fork in the road: "Is it this way..."

Sauron kept getting lost, and soon spent all his money and became penniless.

"It's not good." Sauron took out the cloth bag and found that the cloth bag was cleaner than his own face.

"Gulu~Gulu~" The belly wrapped in the green belly roll made an untimely cry, and Sauron was thirsty and hungry now.

Finally, after walking for about half an hour, I finally saw the village.

With a bang, Sauron pushed open the door of the restaurant, went to the bar and sat down: "Boss, I want a plate of fried rice."

"Okay!" the restaurant owner and chef agreed, and immediately started making fried rice.

"Okay!" The chef put a plate of fried rice in front of Sauron.

Sauron picked up a spoon and began to eat, and soon, a plate of fried rice bottomed out.

The boss behind the bar wiped his hands with a towel and said, "Chenghui, five hundred Baileys."

"Sorry, I don't have any money." Sauron apologized.

"No money?" The boss looked Sauron up and down, kept wiping the wine glass with his hand, closed his eyes and said, "Then use your knife to pay off the debt."

"Use knives to repay the debt? No way!" Sauron looked at the three knives in his hand: "This is an agreement."

"Huh?" The restaurant owner said impatiently, "I don't accept credit here!"

"..." Sauron lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Tell me, where is the nearest bounty hunter?"

"As long as I kill the bounty hunter, I'll have money to pay the bill."

"Let's forget it." The boss waved his hand: "You can only die if you go."

"Tsk, I treat you to this meal, don't come here again!"

"Bang" the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and a group of bandits walked in.

"My luck is really good..." Sauron grinned.

"Hey, don't look for death..." The owner of the restaurant turned pale with fright, and wanted to stop Sauron, but watched Sauron go up to the bandits.

"Huh?" The thieves looked at Sauron who was coming up: "What do you want to do, kid?"

"Just ask, bandit, do you have a bounty for your head?"

"Don't be scared when you hear this, I'm worth 700 million Baileys!"

"Is that so..." Zoro slowly drew out the words of He Dao: "It's enough."

"It's better to strike first, and then to suffer disaster!" The bandit leader slashed down, but was killed by Sauron.

"He...he killed the boss!" The remaining bandits looked at each other and scattered like birds and beasts.

"You actually defeated the bandit Hanni." The boss walked to the corpse with a look of surprise.

Sauron asked: "Is this guy's bounty enough for this meal?"

"Enough, enough..."

"Then, goodbye." Zoro carried three knives and left without looking back.

The restaurant owner silently glanced at the corpse on the ground and shouted, "What's your name?"

"...Roronoa Zoro."

It didn't take long for the name of "Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zoro to spread in the East China Sea.

Sauron hunted and killed bounty criminals in order to fill his stomach, while looking for a way to go to the new world (get lost). He wasted a year in the East China Sea, but still failed to leave the East China Sea. Instead, he went to different islands and villages every time.

During the period, two younger brothers, Johnny and Joseph, were also accepted.

In Shields Town, Belumebo, the son of Captain Monka, led the raised wolves to run rampant. Sauron couldn't see it, and took action to teach Bellumebo a lesson.

Belmeber threatened Sauron that if the mother and daughter were not punished instead, they would be executed. Sauron dropped the knife in his hand and accepted Belmeber's deal.

"It's you again, what a laid-back guy." Zoro raised his head and looked at Luffy in front of him.

"I'll untie the rope for you, so be my companion."

"What did you say?"

"I'm looking for a partner to be a pirate together."

"I refuse, do you want me to take the initiative to be a villain? Don't waste your time."

"What's wrong with being a pirate?"

"..." Sauron curled his lips, turned his head, and squinted at Luffy: "If I want to be a pirate, I must find a more famous pirate group."

"Huh?" Luffy asked in surprise, "Do you know anyone who is a pirate?"

"...Hmph." Sauron closed his eyes, too lazy to answer.

"Just be my partner, and let's become famous in the sea together!" Luffy continued to persuade.

Sauron said disdainfully: "Huh? I'm already famous."

Luffy tapped his hand: "...Oh, that's right."

"However, I have made up my mind to have you as my partner."

"Don't decide on your own!"

"You know how to use a sword?"

"But it was taken by the colonel's stupid son."

"I'll help you get it back."


"So, if you want to return the sword, you have to be my companion."

"You bastard!"

"I'm leaving!" Luffy started sprinting.

"This guy, are you going to break into the naval base alone?"

"Idiot, the base is in the opposite direction!" The road idiot Zoro can only educate the idiot Luffy.

"Rubber Rocket!" The outstretched arms flew in front of Sauron, and Sauron opened his eyes wide: "This guy, is he a devil fruit user..."

Just when the naval base was in chaos, an orange-haired Nami slipped into the naval base, ready to steal.

Kirby, who was rescued by Luffy from the Alrita Pirates, untied the rope that bound Sauron.

"Run away, Mr. Sauron."

"If you do this, you will be killed."

"I can't stand the behavior of these navies anymore." Keby said seriously: "I want to be a just navies."

"Stop it, I can't escape! There are only ten days left..."

Kirby interrupted: "You're going to be executed tomorrow."


"Belumebo didn't intend to abide by your agreement from the very beginning, so Mr. Luffy hit Berumebo in a fit of anger."

"That rascal……"

"Mr. Luffy is being hunted by the navy, I won't ask you to be a pirate, but please, please help Mr. Luffy."

"That's it!" A loud shout interrupted the conversation between the two, and dozens of marines aimed their guns at the two.

Mengka carried the giant ax on his right arm and walked step by step.

"Because of your treason, I will execute you on the spot."

"How dare you act wildly on my territory, with that kid in a straw hat, do the three of you want to stage a coup?"

"I've always fought alone, unlike you, a guy who bullies people too much by relying on the army."

"Roronoa Sauron, don't underestimate me, with your strength, you are no different from my power!"

"Ready!" With an order, all the navy's fingers squeezed the trigger, which was enough to point the fire wall of the hornet's nest at Sauron.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a burst of gunfire, and Luffy stood in front of the two of them. Dozens of bullets landed on Luffy and bounced back.

"You are a devil fruit capable user." Sauron said lightly.

"Yeah!" Lu Fei bulged his biceps, "I'm a rubber man who ate rubber fruits."

"No wonder, so you are not afraid of bullets."

"Here, this is your treasure." Luffy took out three and said, "Which one is it? I'm not sure, so I brought all three knives."

"The three knives are all mine, because I am a three-knife style."

"You will accept it? Because if you fight with me here, you will become a villain against the government."

"Or just be killed by the navy, which do you think is better?"

"Hmph, it doesn't matter, anyway, Kuina has also embarked on this path."

"Great!" Luffy danced happily.

"If you understand, untie the rope quickly!"

"What's the matter with that guy."

"It actually bounced the bullet back." The navy was dumbfounded when it saw the unimaginable phenomenon.

Mengka said: "That straw hat kid is not an ordinary person, he must have eaten some kind of devil fruit."

"Devil Fruit?"

"The secret treasure of the sea?"

"No matter who the opponent is, as long as you fight against me, you will surely die! If the gun doesn't work, hack him to death!"

A group of sailors swarmed up with blades in hand.

Lu Fei scratched the back of his head and said puzzledly, "It's so strange, why is the rope getting tighter and tighter?"

Sauron roared, "Give me the knife!"

At the critical moment, Zoro used the three-sword style to catch the slashing blows of several marines.Immediately afterwards, like chopping melons and vegetables, the two easily solved the navy at a base, as well as Captain Monka.

In the window, Nami saw the two people showing their skills: "These two people are so amazing..."

She looked down at the blueprint in her hand, which showed the logo of the Bucky Pirates. She wanted to steal the great route chart, but Bucky took the lead.

"If you want to pass the great route, you need a sea chart..." Nami had a plan: "Maybe these two idiots can make good use of it..."

Luffy, Sauron, and Kobi who defeated Colonel Monka were received by the people in the town and had a big meal.

"I'm so full. After all, I haven't eaten for three weeks. It's the limit." Zoro rubbed his belly.

The mother and daughter who opened the shop looked at the two with relief.

"Are you full now?" Luffy was still eating.

Sauron's eyes widened, and he asked, "Why do you eat more than me?"

"Because it's delicious, right, Coby."

"I'm sorry, I even entertained you." Kebi said shyly.

"It's okay because you guys saved this town."

"Big brother, you are indeed very powerful."

"I can be even better, because I want to be the Pirate King. Moreover, I have found a new companion."

"So, besides me, how many people have you found?"

"I remember you said that you are calling for companions, right? Since you declared that you want to be the One Piece, you must have already gathered a lot of people."

"No, only you."

"Eh? In other words..." Zoro pointed at himself and Luffy.

"Yes, just the two of us."

"Just two people, dare to call themselves Pirates?"

"What does it matter, we are so strong."

"Heh..." Sauron said with a smile, "I think of a three-person pirate group."

Luffy's mouth was stuffed with food, and he asked inarticulately, "Hey, what kind of pirates are they?"

"Well, forget it." Sauron shook his head, not wanting to reveal it: "They have already become a world-famous big pirate group."

"Our pirate group will also be famous in the sea from now on!"

"I dare to say it, but this kind of momentum is needed!" Zoro admired Luffy's ambition.

The two were finally kicked out of town by the navy, and at the time of parting, Luffy beat him up in order to get Koby to join the navy.

"Bang" not long after the two set sail, the wooden barrel on the boat was pushed open from the inside, and the girl with short orange hair stood up.

"Who!" Sauron immediately put his hand on the handle of the knife.

"I listened to your chat, do you want to go to the great route?"

"Yeah." Luffy replied bluntly.

"Hey, don't tell the truth when you meet strangers!" Sauron angrily scolded.

"What's the matter?" Luffy said nonchalantly.

Sauron raised his forehead: "...Do I really want to make this guy the captain?"

"If you want to pass the great route, you must have the chart of the great route." Nami said confidently: "I know a person who has the chart of the great route."

"Really!?" Luffy poked his head excitedly.

"Well, as long as I can get the chart, I can pass the great route."

"You want to go to the great route?" Zoro narrowed his eyes, staring at Nami's face: "This is not a dream that a little girl should have."

Nami curled her lips and said, "What do you know? I'm going to fulfill my agreement."

Luffy and Zoro asked in unison: "Promise?"

"It's none of your business! All in all! I'm going to the Great Route to complete this agreement. Otherwise..."

Nami lowered her head: "My village may be..."

Luffy and Zoro looked at each other, and Luffy nodded: "Okay, you are my second companion!"

"Hey, I didn't say to be your companion!"

"I'm so happy..." Luffy said to himself, "Zoro, two companions came in one day."

Nami grabbed Luffy's collar and shook it back and forth several times: "Listen to me!"

"Huh?" Zoro glanced at the tattoo on Nami's shoulder, and quickly asked, "The tattoo on your shoulder is the tattoo of the Dawn Pirates? What is your relationship with the Dawn Pirates?"

"Dawn Pirates? Such a familiar name..." Lu Fei tilted his head and recalled carefully.

"...!" Nami immediately put down her sleeves to cover her, and said coldly, "Don't worry about it."

"With your strength, it's impossible for them to take a fancy to you, right?"

"What?" Nami sneered, "Aren't you afraid of the Dawn Pirates?"

Sauron said flatly: "They are not cruel, otherwise you would not be alive."

"..." Nami was at a loss for words. She had been in the East China Sea for several years and met countless pirate groups. So far, she has not encountered a pirate group similar to the Dawn Pirates.

At least, they saved themselves from Aaron and Bermel.

Nami slowly told her story, and took out the phone bug, saying that it was a proof that needed [-] million Baileys.

Sauron didn't believe that Eric would be so greedy for money, and looked up at the blue sky with his arms on his pillow.

Luffy angrily snatched the phone bug from Nami.

Nami was shocked: "What are you doing? Give it back to me!"

Luffy picked up the microphone and said loudly, "I'm going to fly you and save Nami and Cocoyashi Village!"

Eric who received the call didn't say anything, sneered, and hung up the phone.

Nami hugged her head with tears streaming down her face, and broke down, "It's over..."

Luffy pointed at himself with his thumb: "Don't worry, I will definitely hit him flying!"

The corners of Sauron's eyes twitched: "...Luffy, do you know who you provoked just now?"

Luffy put his hands on his hips: "I don't know!"

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from the big brother book friend 20201107174516486; Four monthly tickets for Lonely Nianhu; two monthly tickets for Xiaopan and Butterfly Tianxiayi; 20220918093152643 tips for the third sage; 100 tips for the Queen of Shadows;

(End of this chapter)

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