Chapter 685
Visible wind clusters gushed out from the mouth of the mask, forming a whirlpool of storms to attack everyone.

"How is it possible!?" Nami was extremely astonished. As a navigator, she has a keen judgment on the wind. Nami immediately reminded everyone:

"Be careful! This is no ordinary storm!"

"..." The Straw Hats charged from multiple directions and hurriedly took shelter nearby.

The howling storm lifted the ground, countless weeds and dust were swept up by the strong wind, shaking branches were broken, trees were uprooted, and the walls were as fragile as a bean curd building made of sand, which was stripped and weathered into pieces inch by inch .

When the storm subsided, the trees and walls on the battlefield were swept away by the strong wind.

Bartolomeo deployed the barrier in time to protect Sauron and Sanji who were closest to him. He asked loudly, "Are you all alright?"

The ground was loose and uplifted, and a pair of huge antlers drilled out from the ground. Chopper dug a hole with the strengthened antlers to avoid the wind escape from the horns.

"I am fine."

"We're fine." Through careful observation, Nami accurately found the weakest point in the storm, leading Usopp and Franky to escape the storm.

"Where's Luffy!?" Sanji turned his neck, looking for Luffy who disappeared.

"Rubber rubber..." Luffy's voice came from above everyone's head: "Jet machine gun!"

Luffy's arms swung wildly, making a dense fist shadow, blasting towards Kakuzu from top to bottom.

"Soil Spear." Kadotsu launched ninjutsu first, and the skin of his whole body turned black and entered a hardened state. At the same time, he covered the outside of his body with a layer of armed domineering.

"Bang bang bang——" the fist hit Kakuzu's body. Since the force is mutual, according to Newton's third law, Luffy's fist bears the same reaction force as his own punching force.

"It hurts!" Luffy's hands became red and swollen, and he puffed up his cheeks and blew air repeatedly, trying to relieve the pain.

Sanji warned loudly: "Luffy, be careful!"

One of Kakuzu's arms was separated from the body, and several black tentacles were connected to it, grabbing Luffy's neck suddenly, and dragging towards the main body.

"Damn it..." His throat was pinched, and Luffy couldn't speak easily. He clamped Kakuzu's thumb and index finger with both hands, trying to separate his palms to save himself.

"Luffy!" Zoro rushed forward, and the masked monster made of black tentacles blocked the way.

"Don't get in the way—baiba trouble wind!" The three sword qi condensed into a more powerful slashing wave, Sauron wanted to use this to force the enemy back.

"Bang" the wind escape monster suddenly opened its mouth, and an air cannon collided with Sauron's slashing wave, disappearing invisible.

"Damn it!" Sanji cut in from the side, kicking the monster with his iron-like right foot, the monster's back spread its wings and flew away to avoid the attack.

"Go and save Luffy!" Sanji shouted without turning his head, avoiding the air cannons fired continuously from above.

Sauron bent his right arm to store power, and the triceps exerted force, and the chopping wave was derived from the direction of the blade's swing: "36 Annoying Wind!"

The sword energy cut off the tentacles connecting the arms, Kakuzu's palm lost its strength support, and Luffy quickly opened his fingers to get rid of the control.

"Cough cough cough!" Lu Fei coughed again and again, taking a big breath of fresh air.

The tentacles that had been severed just now grew alive, extended, and connected to the arm, and the arm retracted to Kakuzu's body under the surprised eyes of everyone.

"What kind of ability is this guy?" Sanji looked serious, with a lot of sweat secreting from his face.

"I don't know, but I can be sure that this guy is very strong." Franky came to the front, ready to face the powerful enemy with them.

"Frankie, are you okay?" Sauron asked without looking back as their gazes fell on Kakuzu.

"Of course, I'm Super Man!" Franky puffed up his biceps, posing like a bodybuilder in a competition.

"You'd better hide behind..."

"Quiet and listen to me." Franky lowered his voice and said, "A few years ago, the benefactor who transformed me once embedded a sea tower stone in my right fist."

"..." Several people gestured to each other with their eyes.

"As long as I hit the opponent with my right fist, you guys can understand what I mean?"

"Understood." Sanji dropped the cigarette butt casually, and stamped it out with his left foot.

"Don't stay too far away, or my barrier won't be able to protect you." Bartolomeo had lingering fears about the storm just now.

Luffy's body surface turned red again, and steam was rising, and several people rushed towards Kakuto together in tacit understanding.

Bartolomeo opened the barrier above the crowd to block the top-down air cannon, and the air cannon bombarded the barrier, bursting out white circles of air.

Jiao Du said to himself: "Using Fire Dun and Thunder Dun may kill you, so use the relatively less powerful Wind Dun."

"Let's have another water escape..."

The clothes on Kakuzu's back bulged again, and a masked tentacle monster emerged from behind him.

"Another one!?"

"Water Escape Water Curtain!"

Before everyone could react, the iron cannon-like water polo blasted towards the Straw Hats. Frankie couldn't dodge in time and was blown away by the water cannon.


"Pay attention to the front!"

"Jet pistol!" A jet-like fist flew towards Kakuzu, and Kakuzu swung out after accumulating strength in his arm, and his black fist collided with Luffy's fist.

As if hitting an extremely hard steel plate, there was a severe pain, which even made Luffy think that his fist bone was broken.

"Three-sword style, bull ghost, and brave claw!"

Zoro put the three knives together, and the tips of the knives overlapped to form claws. They rushed from Luffy's right side and stabbed directly at Kakuzu's chest.

"Devil's feet · finishing touch SHOT!"

From above Luffy, Sanji, who flipped in the air, stretched out his right leg, kicked with high heat and his own weight, and kicked Kakuzu's head violently.

"Strengthen the legs!" Chopper gave full play to the strength of the animal, and his limbs became agile and fast, after increasing the charge speed.

"Strengthen the antlers!" His antlers thickened and grew, becoming terrifying. Chopper lowered his head, crossed from Luffy's left side, and slammed into Kakudo with the strengthened antlers.

"Protective barrier!" Bartolomeo blocked the attacks from the wind and water monsters for everyone.

"Clang—" The tip of the knife pierced Kakutsu, making a sound like metal colliding.

"Bang!" The fire exploded, and Sanji's side kick only made Kakuzu slightly sideways.

"Boom" Chopper's impact couldn't even shake the corner.

Responding to the attack of the Straw Hat Pirates, Koto didn't even frown. From the junction of the two arms, dense black tentacles suddenly emerged, and these tentacles entangled everyone's limbs in an instant.

"What!?" The four people who were close at hand tried their best, but they couldn't break free from the control of the tentacles.

"Million Shuriken Meteors!" Usopp, who was in the rear, let go of the rubber band, and the ammunition full of shurikens disintegrated in the air, and dozens of sharp shurikens flew towards the crowd.

"clap clap"

The tentacles entwining the four of them snapped off, and they immediately distanced themselves after being rescued.

"It's so dangerous..." Everyone raised their hands to wipe the cold sweat oozing from their foreheads. Frankie covered his abdomen and walked over with a painful expression on his face. The part hit by the water cannon even showed a metallic luster.

"Although everyone's strength is very weak, the overall teamwork is good." Jiaodu said in a flat tone: "It seems that a few people need to lose the strength to resist first."

At this moment, Jiaodu raised his head as if aware of it, and looked directly above him, where a dark cloud was discharging "beep beep" outwards.

"Thunder and Lightning Weather!" Nami waved the weather stick in her hand when she was ready for too long.

The yellow lightning struck straight at Kakuzu, and the powerful current made Kakuzu, who was not damaged before, kneel on one knee.

"..." Jiaodu raised his head, his green eyes glared at Nami viciously.

"Hey!" Feeling the malice in Kakutsu's eyes, Nami's heart trembled.

"Hey, did you find out?" Sanji said suddenly.

"Ah." Sauron nodded.

"What did you find?" Luffy didn't know why.

"Our attacks have no effect on him at all, but Nami's attacks... seem to be very effective."

Everyone looked around and saw that the dark clouds after the discharge had dissipated, some scorched marks appeared on the surface of Jiaodu's body, and his body trembling slightly with the slight current, even his movements slowed down a lot.

"Miss Nami is our trump card." Sanji said happily.

Luffy turned around and yelled, "Nami, attack like that a few more times!"

"Shut up!" Nami's teeth became sharp and she looked like a ghost. She cursed, "Didn't you see that the other side is staring at me hard!?"

Zoro lowered his volume: "We must protect Nami."

Jiao Du tore off the windbreaker, revealing his upper body, and the sutures all over his body made everyone's eyelids jump.

"Beat you half to death first."

"Hey——" the two masks on Kakudo's back kept rising and falling, scrambling to get out of his back, the sutures on his back were wide open, as if tearing his own skin, making Nami sick to his stomach.

"Are there four masked monsters in total..." Zoro looked at the four monsters standing behind Kakuzu.

"One uses wind, one uses water... what ability will the other two use?"

After finishing the seal, Jiaodu revealed the answer: "Fire Escape·Hard work on the head!"

Terrifying flames rushed towards the Straw Hats like waves like the sea.

"Flame!?" Everyone was shocked, and Bartolomeo quickly opened the barrier to wrap everyone inside.

In the next moment, the flames formed waves and devoured everyone. Through the barrier, everyone's field of vision was filled with crimson flames, and everyone's faces were reddened by the flames.

"It's so hot—" Through the barrier, everyone enjoyed the treatment of roast suckling pig.

Soon, the fire weakened and extinguished, and the Straw Hats gasped for fresh air to lower their body temperature.

"Luffy, if this continues..."

If the opponent keeps using flame attacks, they won't last long at all!
"I'll get his attention." Luffy rushed out first.

"I'll help him." Zoro and Sanji were obliged to follow immediately.

Nami gritted her teeth and turned the air-conditioning wand quickly, creating a large number of cold air bubbles: "The high temperature just now just helped me reduce my workload!"

"Lei Dun · Pseudo Darkness!"

The Thunder Dungeon monster released the thunder gun, and in an instant, the dazzling thunder light occupied everyone's field of vision, hitting Luffy who couldn't dodge it in time.

"..." When everyone opened their eyes, they found that Luffy was standing there safe and sound.

"?" Luffy didn't know why, because the thunder fruit was cut off by Eric, so Luffy didn't meet Enilo on Sky Island, and he didn't know that his rubber was immune to lightning strikes.

"..." Seeing that his moves didn't work against Luffy, Jiao didn't just use Thunder Dun blindly, and immediately replaced him with other grudges to besiege Luffy.

"One hundred and eighty troublesome winds!" Sauron swung a slashing wave, colliding with the air cannon invisible.

"Mutton SHOT!" Sanji kicked the water polo, and the splashing water soaked his whole body, making him look extremely embarrassed.

Zoro and Sanji entangled Feng Dun and Water Dun's Earth Resentment, but missed Huo Dun's attack.


The red fireball hit Luffy.

"Flowing barrier racket!" Driven by Bartolomeo, the barrier changed into the shape of a racket, intercepting the fireball in the air in time. The fireball burst when it hit the barrier, and the tiny flames extinguished in midair.

"here you go!"

"..." Jiao Du was about to respond, but was hit by a shell fired from a distance and three gunpowder stars, and the flames and thick smoke engulfed him.

"Jet Tomahawk!" Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luffy's legs stretched upwards, and using the rebound force and gravity, they smashed towards Kakuzu in one breath.


The ground cracked, and the dust raised by the shock wave covered Jiaodu's original position.

"Rubber Jet machine gun!" The scarlet fist dragged dense phantoms in the air, and waved towards the area where Kakuzu was located like raindrops.

"bang bang bang"

A series of roars, dust flying.Luffy, who was launching a crazy offensive, suddenly stopped, and the shadows of fists all over the sky dissipated. Two extended arms connected to the inside of the dust. As the dust dispersed, Kakuzu's hands grabbed Luffy's two wrists respectively.

"What!?" Chopper opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief, "The enemy has no injuries!"

Kakudo's face was expressionless, and his arms were vigorously exerted. With a crisp "click", Luffy's wrist bent at a strange angle.


The pain of the broken arm made Luffy couldn't hold back for a while, and screamed on the spot.

Hearing Luffy's screams, several members who were wrestling with Earth Resentment quickly turned their heads to look:
"Can the rubber break too!?"

"Idiots! Pay attention to your front!" Sauron, who had learned to be domineering in advance, reminded loudly that everyone realized that the enemy's attack had come before their eyes!
Sanji and Franky were knocked down by Earth Resentment because of distraction.

"Damn—!" Luffy held back the severe pain, but the pain aroused his fierceness, his eyes widened: "Rubber Jet siege cannon!"

Both arms rebounded quickly, using the elastic force and gravity to accelerate, coupled with the weight of the whole body, Luffy slammed into Kakuzu with his body.

"Boom!" Under the force of the impact, the ground under Jiaodu's feet cracked, sank, and a circular pothole with a diameter of more than ten meters was formed.

Before Luffy could stand up, Kakuto waved his arms continuously, and a series of strikes landed on Luffy's face and body.

In the end, Jiaodu bent his arms and hit Luffy with an elbow. Luffy fell to the ground after smashing a few trees.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for the three monthly tickets for the big monster war; two monthly tickets for Tiandi Wuwu Zun; ;Two monthly tickets for Xiao Pan and Butterfly Tianxia No. 20210619230611609; Thanks for the 2000 reward for the leaves who are bored to read books;

(End of this chapter)

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