The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 687 Imprisoned into the city of advancement, all staff accepted baptism

Chapter 687 Imprisoned into the city of advancement, all staff accepted baptism
"Where is the red hair?" Eric raised his troops to attack Totland, and it was impossible for Charlotte Lingling not to panic.

The eldest son Perospero immediately replied: "He is coming towards us, it will take about two or three days, mother."

"Really." Charlotte Lingling raised her butt and dropped it back. There was a strong support from the outside, which made her feel at ease.

She asked again: "Has the giant drug been developed yet?"

"There are results, Mom." Perospero replied: "Except for the loss of a batch of experimental materials at the beginning, but recently, it has been guaranteed that the experimental materials are intact and have become huge."

"Can the development of the Giant Medicine be completed before the arrival of the Dawn Pirates?"

"This..." Perospero didn't dare to boast at all. If Caesar couldn't make it, he would also suffer along with it.

He bit the bullet and said: "Caesar Courant is working overtime 24 hours a day, trying his best to speed up the research progress."

"I see..." Charlotte Lingling sighed, waved her hand, and ordered: "Send more scouting ships to patrol the outer waters, increase the number of sea slugs, and expand the alert area! Discover the Sea of ​​Dawn as early as possible The attack route of the bandit group."

Smoothie, one of the four stars of dessert, took the order: "Yes, Mom!"

Perospero said hesitantly: "However, the Dawn Pirates have fluttering fruits... They may bypass the cordon we set up and parachute directly into Totland just like last time."

"Wendy, the ability user of Piao Piao Fruit, is currently in the Chambord Islands." The clerk in charge of intelligence analysis, Mundol, said: "It is impossible for her to suddenly appear in the Kingdom of China."

"However, we must guard against surprise attacks from above." Charlotte Lingling knocked on the handrail thoughtfully, and then said: "Notify all citizens that I will levy additional taxes, and collect more taxes from each citizen. A year's lifespan!"

"One year's lifespan!?" Charlotte Lingling's words surprised everyone.

"Why, do you have any opinions?" Charlotte Lingling rolled her eyes, and her cold eyes fell on these children.

"No, Mom..." Perospero had a hesitant expression, but under Charlotte Lingling's coercion, he finally chose to keep his mouth shut.

"Although this time the one-year life expectancy is more, but the protection fee for the next six years will be exempted, so let the people know."

Charlotte Lingling continued: "If the Big Mom pirates are defeated, they will become the targets of pirates' wanton plunder. Whether they choose to die or hand in a year of life, let them decide for themselves!"

"Yes." Perospero bowed his head and took orders.

"Perospero, you make bird-shaped candies and crackers, and you make more biscuit knights." Charlotte Lingling sneered: "Competing for strength, the Big Mom Pirates are not afraid of any opponent!"


After catching the Straw Hats, the Sonny fell into the hands of Kakuto. He boarded the ship, rummaged through the warehouse for a while, and found banknotes, gold, and jewelry worth about [-] million beli.Holding horns in his hands, playing with gold and jewelry, he suddenly received a call from Eric.

"You caught the Straw Hats?"

"Well, I don't even know why they have such a high bounty."

Jiaodu added: "On their boat, I also found money worth about [-] million pele."

"Oh..." Eric said leisurely, "That was the money that was handed over to me."

"..." Jiao Du was taken aback, and asked cautiously, "Are they Boss' acquaintances?"

"That's right." Eric smiled lightly and asked, "Are you going to hand them over to the Navy Headquarters?"

After hesitating for a while, Jiaodu gave a "hmm" and asked, "May I find a chance to let them go secretly?"

"No, it's a good thing to let these little devils go to the city and reflect on it. Remember, use sea stones to tie Luffy tightly, and don't let him move around."

"Yeah." Kakudo agreed, and reported at the right time: "By the way, the vacancy of Shichibukai will be replaced by a pirate named Marshall D. Teach. Also, because of the public execution of 'Fire Fist' Ace, Therefore, the World Government compelled to summon Qiwuhai to deal with the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Can you go to Navy Headquarters?"

"No, only Shichibukai himself was summoned."

"That's it..." Eric pondered for a moment, and said, "You arrived near the Navy headquarters on the day of Ace's execution on a terrifying three-masted sail."


Eric gave some precautions, and then hung up the phone.

"The World Government is taking the initiative to start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates?" Esdes frowned, and analyzed: "Once Whitebeard dies in battle and the Whitebeard Pirates lose their backbone, we will have one less powerful enemy in the New World. If we defeat Big Mom and Redhead, the whole new world will fall into our hands. What is the world government starting the war for?"

"I'm afraid it is to curb the surge in the number of pirates?" Kuang San chuckled: "Killing the world's strongest pirates in front of the whole world will boost the morale of the entire navy and combat the arrogance of pirates. "

"However, the world government can't extend its hands into the new world... Apart from increasing morale, the Navy Headquarters has no benefit at all."

"Who knows. But in this way, the navy won't be able to cause me any trouble. While the navy is at war with Whitebeard, we'll take the New World in one fell swoop."

"With the addition of Arturia and the others who are secretly operating in the West Sea, we will share the entire world equally with the World Government."

"Altoria, who is in the West Sea, will take advantage of the scarcity of troops in the West Sea and attack in an all-round way?"

"Of course!"


Joracle Mihawk, who took a small boat to the headquarters of the Navy, saw the news about the Shenzhou Kingdom declaring war on the Ten Thousand Kingdoms the next day.

After he lost to Scatha, he spent two days and two nights in the hospital of Shenzhou State.But in fact, Mihawk has been breathing strong anesthesia gas, was fed the fairy beans in a coma, and grew brand new arms.

During the coma, Mihawk was also drawn a large amount of blood by Leonardo da Vinci, which caused him to be in a weak state after waking up. After resting for several days, he got up and left the Shenzhou Kingdom, preparing to report to the Navy Headquarters.

The entire left arm that was broken off in the battle, as well as the blood drawn became the research object of Da Vinci's next blood factor.

"Red hair..." In Shenzhou Kingdom's declaration of war, he mentioned his opponent who was both an enemy and a friend. Obviously, the target of the Dawn Pirates was the two Four Emperors.

He watched the news quietly, then stood up immediately, using the black knife on his back as a paddle, and accelerated his forward speed.


Ben Beckman looked at the newspaper and said with a smile: "What a call for thieves."

Shanks twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to laugh but couldn't.

Ben Beckman comforted: "We understand what you are, Shanks."

Shanks calmed down, faced the members of the Red Hair Pirates, and asked loudly, "Everyone, are you ready to face the Dawn Pirates again?"

"Of course." Jesus grinned and said, "This time, we will absolutely avenge the last time!"

"Boss, brothers are ready!" La Kilo replied loudly.

"Okay!" Shanks raised his head and looked at the sea ahead. Who can tell what will happen in the future?



The iron gate was closed, and the Straw Hats were small in number, and they were all locked in a cage.

"Hey, did you hear that just now?" Nami, who was still awake, asked in a low voice.

"Ah..." Sauron responded weakly. Right now, he is covered in cuts and bruises. Maybe he was worried that he would not survive the Navy Headquarters. Kakuzu's subordinates gave him a simple hemostatic treatment, and the others also received more or less treatment. , not life-threatening for the time being.

Usopp whispered: "Luffy's brother actually wants to execute publicly..."

"What's the matter?" Sauron said in a flat tone, "Maybe we will also be taken to the execution platform."

Usopp hugged his head and shouted in despair, "No—!"

"Woo..." Luffy, who was in a coma, mumbled something in his sleep, tilted his head, and fell into a deep sleep again.

"Shhh—" Nami hurriedly shushed Usopp in a low voice.

Seeing that Luffy didn't wake up, Nami breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We must never let Luffy know about this."

"Well, with Luffy's personality, he will definitely..." Usopp nodded, and then his shoulders collapsed: "It is very difficult for us to escape here, let alone save people..."

"We have to find a way to save ourselves. Once we are imprisoned in the city..." Nami gritted her teeth, wondering if Eric would attack Cocoyasi Village if she couldn't pay the money on time.

By the way, money...

"My money!" Nami hugged her head and howled in pain.

"What, what's wrong?" Usopp was taken aback.

"Miss Nami?" Sanji woke up when he heard Nami's scream.

"All my gone..." Nami lost her mind, and her whole body turned gray like a pile of burnt ashes.

"It's good if you can save your life." Sauron said flatly, "Fortunately, this guy is greedy for money and wants to capture us alive. Otherwise, we would have died long ago."

Nami accused angrily: "Damn it, don't talk about your own business! I..."

"Will someone come to save us if we complain!?" Zoro shouted loudly, cutting off Nami's words.

"...No." Nami lowered her head.

"Miss Nami, finding a way to escape from here is the most important thing at the moment." Sanji moved his body and found that he was tightly bound by chains. He turned his neck limitedly and found that everyone was bound by chains. Do not give them any room to move.

"Damn...the chain is so tight..." Sanji moved his body, and the chain made a sound, which alarmed the guards outside.

"Hey, be honest!" The guard beat the iron fence with a stick unceremoniously, threatening: "Be careful, I will break your dog's leg!"

Sanji explained: "The chain is too tight, can you loosen it?"

"Stop joking." The guard sneered, "This is an order from Boss Jiaodu himself. I don't want my heart to be dug out by his own hands."

"Don't worry, you will only suffer for two days."

"What will happen in two days?" Usopp hurriedly asked, "Are we going to be released?"

"What good things are you thinking about?" The guard sneered, "I will arrive at the Navy headquarters in two days and hand you over to the Navy."

"At that time, the one who cares about your food and drink will become a navy! Hahaha..." The guard laughed and left.

When the few sober people heard the news, they were immediately heartbroken.


"What did you say!?" Garp at the Navy headquarters got the news of his grandson's arrest, and immediately stood up: "Luffy was caught by Ulquiorra!?"

"Yes." Garp's adjutant, Bogart, replied respectfully: "To be precise, he was captured by Kadotsu and has been escorted to the Navy headquarters."

"Damn—!" Garp rushed out of the office anxiously, and hurried to the place where the navy headquarters received the pirates.

"Luffy—!" From a long distance, Garp saw Luffy, who was weak and dragged by two marines, and his seven companions.

"Huh?" Luffy raised his head when he heard a familiar voice, and said in surprise, "Grandpa!?"

"Grandpa?" Zoro and the others heard this address, followed Luffy's gaze, and found a vice admiral rushing over aggressively.

"Luffy's grandfather is actually a navy!? And he's a lieutenant general?" Everyone's brains were down and they couldn't understand.

The navy who was in charge of escorting the Straw Hats immediately stopped and saluted, "Vice Admiral Garp!"

"What's going on?" Usopp asked in a low voice, "Luffy's grandpa seems to be very famous here?"

"Don't you know?" Nami replied in surprise: "Speaking of Garp, that's the name of a naval hero..."

"Eh?" At this time, Nami finally realized: "Luffy's grandpa is a naval hero!?"

Sanji quickly asked: "Luffy, is he really your grandfather?"

"That's right..." Luffy replied mournfully.

"What a mess, Luffy—!" Garp punched Luffy's forehead, knocking out a big bag.

"It hurts..." Luffy wanted to reach out to cover his forehead, but the navy controlling his hands restricted his movement.

"Hmm~" Garp observed Luffy's injuries carefully: "Luffy, you have been repaired badly."

"Luffy, since your grandfather is a vice admiral, can you let us go..." Usopp urged Luffy to use the privilege in a low voice.

"Stop delusional!" Garp interrupted loudly.

"The old man threw you into the abyss, threw you in the jungle at night, tied you to a balloon and flew you into the air, all to train you into a strong man!"

"..." Everyone at the scene was silent for a while, even Hai Bing couldn't bear to look directly at Lu Fei's past.

"Although in the end I asked my friend to let you practice with Ace, but if you don't pay attention, it will become like this... This old man wants to train you into a powerful sailor, so he trained you!"

Luffy replied loudly in disbelief: "Didn't I always say that I want to be a pirate!?"

"In the end, both of you brothers..." Garp covered his face with his hands in pain.

"Ace?" Lu Fei was stunned, and quickly asked: "What's wrong with Ace? Grandpa, tell me quickly! How is Ace!?"

Garp didn't tell Luffy the truth, but instead looked at Luffy with pain.


The veteran who has always been strong, burst into tears: "Lu Fei, Ace, you two brothers, why don't you live according to the way the old man said!?"

"Grandpa..." Seeing his grandpa crying, Luffy whispered.

"As long as you become sailors, this old man will be able to protect you two brothers without any scruples...!"

Feeling the love from Garp, the heartless Luffy also had tears in his eyes.

"Lieutenant General Garp, Lu Fei-san..." Kebi and Bellumebo also got the news, rushed here, and looked at them with sad faces.

"Are you... Kebi..." Luffy recognized Kebi who had changed greatly.

"Well, Lu Fei-san..." Unexpectedly, the two met again, and Lu Fei had already become a prisoner.

Lu Fei grinned wide, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth: "I'm sorry, Kebi, I let you see this..."

"Vice Admiral Garp..." Hai Bing looked confused, wondering if he should continue escorting Luffy.

"Karp." At this moment, Sengoku also got the news and rushed over: "You won't do anything that doesn't fit your status as a sailor, will you?"

"..." Garp remained silent, still turning his back to his old friend.

Warring States rushed to the sea and said: "Escort them to advance to the city."

The sea soldier saluted and said, "Yes."

"I'll go." Carp's deep voice came.

"...can you complete your mission?"

"Hmph!" Garp hummed heavily.

The two had known each other for more than 40 years, and Sengoku also believed that Karp would not do anything that would damage the reputation of the Navy.

"This task will be entrusted to you." Warring States turned and left after finishing speaking, and the elite sailors selected from all over the world were arriving at the Navy headquarters one after another.What's more, the Dawn Pirates are about to start a big battle with the Big Mom Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates. Right now, Sengoku has no free time to take care of these trivial matters.

"Let's go." Garp said to the sailors, leading the way at the front, followed closely by the sailors with the straw hats, and boarded the prison ship heading for the city of advancement.

When the Straw Hats were put in the cage, Garp sat cross-legged in front of them.

"Lieutenant General Karp..."

"Let's go, the old man sits here for a while." Karp waved his hand and added: "Remember to close the door."

Several sea soldiers looked at each other and agreed: "...Yes."

"Boom" as the cabin door closed, the whole cabin became much quieter. Garp and the Straw Hats looked at each other through the iron cage.

"By the way, Grandpa." Luffy wanted to restart the previous topic: "You mentioned Ace just now, how is Ace doing?"

"Luffy, you have become a prisoner, and you still care about Ace?" Garp asked back: "Even if you know Ace's whereabouts, how can you help him?"

"..." Luffy was tongue-tied and couldn't say anything. Finally, he grabbed the iron railing with both hands and asked, "Grandpa, tell me what you know."

Garp knows Luffy's character well, and will never tell Luffy about Ace's current situation.

"It only takes three hours to go from the Navy Headquarters to Advance City." Garp raised his head, looked up at the empty ceiling, and murmured, "And you will stay in Advance City for the rest of your life."

"Advance City is a prison for pirates, right?" Nami moved her wrists. Except for Luffy who was still handcuffed by Hai Loushi, the others had already released the restrictions. Of course, they had nothing on their hands. The weapons have been confiscated.

Nami wanted to extract enough information from this veteran. Whether it was a prison escape or a better life, it would not hurt to know more.

"That's right." Garp glanced at Nami, and said to everyone: "Propulsion City is the world's largest prison. It is located in the windless belt. Except for naval warships, there will be no other ships approaching there."

"..." Nami's brain seemed to be frozen: "No wind belt!?"

In order to let his grandson understand more, Karp continued: "Imperton Prison is divided into six floors... no, five floors."

"Huh?" Zoro narrowed his eyes when he noticed that Garp had changed his words.

"Depending on your strength and rewards, you may be detained on floors 1 to 5 respectively."

"Aren't they locked together?"

"How is it possible... the allocation of floors where prisoners are held is usually determined according to the amount of their bounty. In addition to the various cells where prisoners are held, each floor has a unique form of torture, so each level is given the title of hell , with every step down, the prisoner’s torture intensifies.”

Hearing such terrible news, Usopp trembled all over, hugging his shoulders tightly: "I have a disease that cannot go to jail..."

Garp said indifferently: "This is the path you have taken on your own."

"..." Usopp stopped shaking.

"The first floor is called Red Lotus Hell, where pirates with a bounty of less than 2000 million are usually held. There is a large forest-like place outside the cell. The trees are 'sword trees' whose leaves are as sharp as blades, and the grass can be pierced like needles. The 'needle grass' of the human body, the prisoner will run back and forth because of the jailer's pursuit, and in the end, the blood cut by these leaves and grass will flow, and the torture will continue."

Nami trembled all over. Among the Straw Hat Pirates, she was the only one who would be imprisoned on this floor.

"The second floor is called Beast Hell, where 2000 million to 3000 million bounty prisoners are held. Various beasts are placed on this floor, including cockatrices, man-faced lions, poisonous scorpions, etc. The prisoners on this floor will sooner or later become beasts. food."

Usopp hugged his head tremblingly, shouting loudly: "There is no human rights!"

"Pirates don't need human rights."

"The third floor is called the Hunger Hell, where 3000 million to 6000 million Baileys are held for bounty prisoners. This floor becomes extremely hot due to the heat from the scorching hell. Coupled with the lack of water and hunger strikes, the prisoners are usually half dead."

"The fourth floor is the scorching hell, where bounties of 6000 million to [-] million Baileys are held."

"The fifth floor is the extremely cold hell, and the prisoners on this floor are all pirates with a reward of over [-] million."

After finishing speaking in one breath, Karp glanced at the ugly-looking members of the Straw Hats and said, "You better be mentally prepared."

Garp lowered his head, thought for a moment, and said, "Luffy, you seem to have seen your father?"

"Father? What father? Do I have a father?"

"Didn't that guy reveal his identity to you..." Garp sighed, "He said he saw you off in Rogue Town."

"Your father's name is Monkey D. Dorag."

"At least you must know your father's name..." Garp didn't know what to say, stood up slowly, walked to the door of the cabin, and pushed the door open as if exhausting all his strength.

Nami and Sanji were not surprised, they have reached this point, even if Luffy's father is a Celestial Dragon, it has nothing to do with them.

Nami's head turned sharply, trying to figure out a way to escape from prison, but...

The last chance of escape slipped away as the sailor opened the door to pick up the man.

Nami stood up in disappointment, but she was stung by something in her trouser pocket. She reached into her trouser pocket and touched a wire.

"When is this..." Nami was stunned, she couldn't remember when the wire fell into her trouser pocket. (by Xiong Fang)
She quickly rolled the wire into a ball with her hands, and stuffed it into her mouth when the sea soldier didn't notice.

After registering the eight members of the Straw Hat Pirates, they will be baptized immediately before going to prison.

Usopp was stripped naked and hung above the boiling water. He knew what he was about to face, and he howled in horror: "Stop!"

The well-informed jailer ignored Usopp's shouts and threw him into the boiling water.

"It's so hot!" Usopp screamed, and after enough disinfection time, the jailer pulled the rope and pulled Usopp out of the water.

Usopp's whole body was hot and red, and large and small blisters appeared everywhere on his skin. His mouth was wide open, saliva flowed down unconsciously, his eyes turned white, and his limbs twitched.

"It's so hot!" Luffy was the second to be thrown into the boiling water. He struggled desperately on the surface of the water, trying to escape from the iron pot, but was beaten back by the jailer with a long stick.Luffy took advantage of the chaos and grabbed the long stick, and pulled the jailer holding the long stick into the boiling water, and the jailer who fell into the water immediately screamed loudly.

Because of resisting and hurting the jailer, Luffy, who was baptized, was hung up by the jailer in exchange for a severe beating.

Followed by Zoro and Sanji, the two of them survived the first difficulty after being imprisoned without saying a word.

The Straw Hats went through the baptism in turn, and Nami was the last.In the [-]-degree boiling water, Nami gritted her teeth desperately and persisted. She even performed better than Usopp and Luffy.

She must guard, the escape hope of the whole regiment...

 Thank you readers for your recommendation tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets for the puppet master in black; one monthly ticket for book friend 20190305235644387; A monthly ticket for You 140726203140011; a monthly ticket for what is the first hour I read; a monthly ticket for someone in Jie; thank you for the 100 reward from Mo⊥Weiyang_eA; the 2000 reward for the leaves who are bored reading books;

(End of this chapter)

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