Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1000 The Great Trend Pushes People 3 Acting

Chapter 1000
Gui Wugui opened the name of "Uncovered Conference" and spread it as quickly as possible.

Those forces that are not within the scope of the Yinzong alliance naturally disagree.Although the background of Gui Wugui is rich, it is a little too much to use the Dao realm to teach the Dharma in accordance with the name.

But the people of insight in the alliance forces don't see it that way.

If Gui Wujiu is a self-conceited, lofty and far-sighted person who has never pointed out his comrades to advance in the same way, then today he suddenly showed kindness and set up a shocking name to emphasize the momentum, which is reasonable.

However, it is not uncommon for Gui Wujiu to guide the top-ranked descendants of each family.

If there is no special reason, if it is just the usual guidance, it will not change the scary name.

It wasn't until Shen Tuhong of the Scarlet Meizu showed the Photo Stone that he had obtained from the place of no blame in public, which caused an uproar.

After Gui Wugui fights with people, he can paint a wonderful "virtual image" after a little thought.This virtual image is not someone else, but the supernatural realm that you may reach in the future.Waiting for everyone to adjust measures to local conditions, and observe the most reasonable path of growth and improvement for him.

This is much better than pointing and teaching in the common sense!

Shen Tuhong originally named this object "Virtual Image Method", but as it spread more and more widely, it became more and more evil.

In the end, it turned out that Gui Wugui opened the eyes of wisdom, had the ability to see the future, helped people to avoid bad luck, and made life easier.

Due to the increasing number of people, the teaching place is no longer located in Xiaojie, but in the back mountain of Banshizong.

After Gui Wugui's careful consideration, this lecture meeting was divided into two parts.

On odd-numbered days, there is as little as one person, and as many as two or three people. It is really not a "big" word.Those who participated were all hopefuls.

Every even-numbered day, the conditions are suddenly relaxed a lot.Any one of the hidden sects, as long as they rank among the top [-] in their respective small realms, can have a chance to listen to the lecture.As for the few large-scale monster clans, there are more places left.

This is also considering that if only a few people in the alliance benefit, it is difficult to call it good.

As a result, Banshizong was bustling with people and immediately became very lively.

However, a month later, many people who had been waiting for Ban Shizong for a long time suddenly became slanderous.

It turned out that Gan Tang Zong Xun Shen suddenly left the customs, wanting to learn a round of Taoism with no blame.It lasted for about a month, regardless of whether it was an odd or even a day, and was occupied by Xun Shen.

The place of acting.

This is different from fighting skills and exchanging ideas in the usual sense.

There is no trace of fireworks around, and there is a short-legged jade case on the bank of the stream.There are still dewdrops rolling on the surface of fresh melons and fruits.One jade pot of three colors and two wooden cups.

From time to time, after Xun Shen performed a certain magical power, he would immediately come to the case and have a drink.

As for imputation, he just watched quietly from the sidelines.

A moment later, Xun Shen struck again.

As his spirit rose, there seemed to be light rain falling behind him.

A little bit of raindrops kept colliding with the ground, but new raindrops appeared out of thin air, as if hanging down into a scene.

There is no need to count, Gui Wugui knows it in his heart, the number of raindrops is always three thousand.

With the palm of Xun Shen swaying at will, it seems that he is constantly picking up a few points, dozens, or even more raindrops from the water curtain behind him, and condenses them into a method; with the changes in their combinations and interactions with their properties, it can be described as changing and mysterious. endless.

Gui Wugui secretly praised it in his heart.

A person's final achievement depends not only on the foundation of one's aptitude, but also on the turn of the times and chance.

As far as not blaming yourself.

Even if he didn't have the disadvantage of Jade Cauldron's failure, he got the predestined relationship with the three beads of Mirror Bead, Quan Bead and Soul Bead.If it is not in the wonderful environment where the [-]-year period is approaching and the world is oscillating, but blindly cultivates in the sect, it will definitely not be able to reach the current state.

The same is true of Xun Shen.

After meeting himself, Xun Shen was inspired, and of course his Taoism advanced again.

But Gui Wujiu originally thought that the "Nine Links of Viewing Mountains" in a battle between pure and turbid mystic images was already the pinnacle of Xun Shen's "Art of War" that penetrated from top to bottom and was inclusive.Subsequent advances and gains are nothing more than changes in profit and loss within this range, and after all, they cannot exceed too much.

Later, in the second battle between the turbid and pure image, although Xun Shen won Master Li, it was a return to his old business, using the most back-to-basics method to display the transformation of falsehood and deceit, and it was not a complete victory over Master Li in terms of Taoism.

But seeing him today, Xun Shen obviously broke through this barrier.


Because after the initial goal of opening the mountain gate, regaining access to the world, and expanding the power, the higher goal of opening up the era of immortality is imminent.

In particular, I got this great opportunity to communicate with Jiu Zong in depth.

Yinzong listed the first-rate figures emerging from this chaotic world, only Xun Shen and Lu Chengwen.

However, the method of "Yunding Golden Realm" held by Lu Chengwen is originally a relatively closed and partial system, and its future opportunities are closely related to the method of double cultivation of the Peacock Clan.Coupled with the fact that Lu Chengwen followed Pu Zhong's unusual approach, in terms of deduction and change, this is obviously not his forte.

If the Taoism of the founding era of Yinzong is compared to a lower level of "Wonderful Taoism", then this historical mission undoubtedly falls on Xun Shen.

This is the impetus of the "general trend", which makes you want to stay where you are but fail.

After a while, Xun Shen said: "Xun Xun has used sixty years of work to pass on the Taoism of a hundred schools of hidden sects. Among them, the essence is gathered, and those who survive but not discarded, first fuse them, and then decompose them into three thousand Daoxuan. method. Just as demonstrated."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

This is obviously a reference to Yue Hengzong's "Three Thousand Wonderful Methods".It's just that Yue Heng's "Zhen Xing Tu" understands the purpose of Taoism, and Xun Shen's method only seeks to keep the ages intact, so the standard can naturally be relaxed a lot.

As for the separation and combination, how much is picked, it can even be used as a whole to refine it into a technique.There are also references to the Taoism of the Misty Sect and the "Image of Qingyun" in Tianxuan Shangzhen.

Xun Shen said again: "This step is also easy. But the subtle changes between the spells, combined with the configuration, can be said to affect the whole body, not a day's work."

This return is innocent but silent, and does not agree, it seems to be thoughtful.

With Xun Shen's intelligence, it is not difficult to trace the source.

However, they cooperate with each other to evolve endlessly, and the number of subtle changes among them is probably better than the number of stars in the sky and sand on the seabed.It is absolutely impossible to exhaustively list them one by one.

However, how to cooperate to form the most powerful and powerful channel art of the great gods is indeed the profound Taoism of those who study and legislate abnormally.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Xun Shen's next step, regardless of the level of the level.It is similar to Yue Hengzong's road to Taoism, using the correct method to splice the three thousand profound methods into eighteen magical powers.It's just that the total number is not necessarily limited to eighteen, and the use of a single mysterious method may not be impossible to repeat.

Gui Wugui was originally a person who had perfected the three thousand wonderful methods, and his knowledge was far beyond his peers.Afterwards, he went through Chenyang Jianshan, especially the final battle with Shu Yubai as the pivot, and Xuanyuan Huai's demonstration of the magic circle. The understanding of this series of Taoism, which has evolved infinitely, has advanced to another level.

Therefore, in Gui Wu Yu, it is actually not difficult to complete this "great cause" that is difficult and unbelievable in the eyes of others; it is just a little cumbersome.

If you can invest decades of time, even if you can't extract all the subtle changes of the three thousand micro-mysteries, but the outline is strict, and you can condense it into one or two divine channel techniques that can be regarded as "teachers", and first clear the way , but it is not difficult.

But the problem is that there is no real benefit to doing so without blame.

The essence of the hidden sect's Taoism is all absorbed by Yu Wugui.Although Xun Shen's reconstruction of the divine channel method is wonderful, it is not as good as the part of "Nianjian Evolution Diagram" that has been transformed into Kongyun Nianjian.

In other words, it is only hard work, which is of no benefit to oneself.

If it is replaced by a character who has the same profound comprehension, but does not have the predestined relationship of the whole pearl, and his own Taoism is below the consummation, this is a great thing that is "convenient to others".

At this moment, the portal of the world trembled slightly.

Gui Wugui was taken aback.

This is a sign of someone coming in from the small world.

The discussion with Xun Shen was not placed in the back mountain of Banshizong, but in the small world.At this time, Qin Menglin and the others practiced their own practice, and they also knew that Gui Wujiu and Xun Shen's theory was a big one, so they naturally wouldn't come to disturb them.

What's more, those who are granted the method of entering and exiting this world are limited to a few people who are very close to Gui Wujiu.

After sensing the air, Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and said in a distant voice, "Junior Sister Du, here."

After more than ten breaths, Du Niansha fled to the front in a graceful figure.

Du Niansha was smiling, obviously in a good mood, and said: "I have recovered my vitality in the Yueheng Sect, and I have had more than two months of cultivation. I just heard that Senior Brother Gui returned from the mystery. After the young girl regained her spirit, she rushed over immediately. The younger sister can't thank you for the opportunity given by the senior brother."

Gui Wugui took a closer look and nodded secretly.

Du Niansha's previous hesitation and embarrassment were swept away, so there is no need to say more; what's even more strange is that the image of luck and oppression in her imagination did not exist.Obviously, Du Niansha has completely refined the high and low luck opportunities she has obtained, regardless of each other.

Xun Shen looked solemn, and said: "The first person on the picture scroll to change his name. Xun is very admired for such a feat."

Du Niansha thanked calmly.

Gui Wujiu's heart suddenly moved, and he said slowly: "Brother's expectation is not bad. The bunch of jade white is originally good, but it can only reach the threshold of consummation. Compared with Wei Shimei and others, I'm afraid it's not as good as Wei Shimei and others; but after decades Before, he also got a lot of opportunities, if he studied hard, he might gain something."

"Based on this, it is indeed impossible for Junior Sister Du to defeat him."

Du Niansha thought for a while, and said: "Although this battle is won, it is actually a tricky use of danger. Brother Shu's understanding of the corresponding changes and the method of building cooperation is really unique. The younger sister thinks that if I study it in depth, it will be beneficial to me. The next step of practice will be of great benefit, but there is still no way to get started."

Gui Wugui let out a long laugh.

Looking at Xun Shen and Du Niansha, he said, "The opportunity has come for you two."

(End of this chapter)

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