Chapter 1016
The three battles of the clear and turbid mysterious image.

Lin Yi stepped into a point in the giant "beehive" and made a choice at will, without the slightest thought of choosing in his heart.

The starlight flickers on and off several times, but the scale of light and dark changes is not constant.Regardless of light or darkness, at any moment before reaching the extreme, it may be upside down, just like the ups and downs of the tide, sometimes billowing, sometimes whispering, there is no definite rule at all.

After about twenty breaths, the small world gradually solidified.

However, the scene in the middle does not seem to be very good-looking, there are many yellows, but it is not even yellow sand; it seems that the whole world is made of yellow stones the size of a finger, which is very rough and very strange.

Fortunately, this situation did not last too long.

Lin Yi's eyes were sharp, and when he saw a very distant place, a black spot suddenly appeared, like a dazzling star.

The black spot grew rapidly, and after a few breaths, it was as big as the outline of the sun and the moon.

But this is not the end.

After more than ten breaths, it seems that a huge meteorite suddenly appeared, trying to smash this small world into ashes.If a mortal person with naked eyes is in this small world, he will be frightened out of his wits.

Lin Yi was refreshed.

Although I have never seen such a situation, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion based on experience and Dao Xin -

This is a sign of the union of the two worlds.

Sure enough, after the huge black ball "landed", it didn't make the slightest collision sound, as if it was just a phantom of disillusionment.But after this change, it is not difficult to find.The basic composition of this realm - the finger-sized boulder has disappeared completely, and it seems to have turned into yellow rice grains.

At first glance, this "world" is also much more refined in terms of perception.

But Lin Yi had no time to pay attention to the changes in Xiaojie.

What he paid attention to was a figure slowly approaching from the opposite side.

Wei Qingqi...Mu Yunli...Yu Jiaolong...Du Niansha...

Although the rankings of the four people in front of him are all higher than him, but his methods of the monster clan's original strength are very good, and it can't be said that he has gained nothing by practicing both the magic way and the monster clan in the past few decades.Even if the opponent is estimated as high as possible, except for Yujiaolong, the difference between the two sides, one of the human race and the other of the monster race, cannot be easily eliminated.

I don't know which one of these four?
But Lin Yi immediately knew something was wrong.

Because these four people are all women, they can be recognized at a glance.Leaving aside the more delicate Mu Yunli and Du Niansha, even Wei Qingqi and Yu Jiaolong are obviously not the size that this vague outline should be?

Fortunately, this mystery did not hang in the air for too long.After the two realms were truly matched, the air was swayed, and the figure was unreservedly presented.

The green robe has double animal patterns, and a yellow tie is tied on the head. The figure is generous and calm.

Lin Yi asked in surprise, "It's you?"

Ma Yuan took a step forward, smiled and said, "Let me guess what brother Lin thinks."

"Since the thirty-six sub-pictures have shown signs of fluctuations, although Li Yunlong and Yu Jiaolong have been involved, and several other people's rankings have risen steadily, the rankings of fellow daoist Lin Yi have been declining. But so far, Lin Yidao You are still ranked [-]th; and the next one is only [-]rd in the last volume. Could it be that the three battles between the clear and turbid mystic images, which are called predestined relationship, are not so effective?"

Lin Yi snorted coldly when he was said to be the center of the matter.

Ma Yuan sighed softly, and said: "A certain person thought that this clear and turbid mysterious elephant is a spiritual experience. To be honest, although you and I are both from the demon clan, we have never had any contact with each other before. Although we are in different camps, we can't let it go. That's right. But before leaving the customs, Ma's mind moved, and in his spiritual consciousness was the image of fellow Taoist Lin Yi."

"I don't know if fellow Taoist Lin Yi is right, or if someone is right with this turbid mysterious image?"

Although Lin Yi didn't say a word on the surface, his thoughts changed rapidly.

He really didn't think that Ma Yuan was his opponent; but there are countless direct descendants in the world, and Lin Yi carefully read all the information that can be collected.

All the details are well understood.

Among the Yinzong camp, Gui Wugui needless to say, the rest of the people also have their own specialties.

Xun Shen's deduction of reality and deduction is the most impressive; but the innocence of Kongxuan of the peacock family seems to have a kind of aristocratic spirit, which seems to have nowhere to go; even Lu Chengwen seems slow, but once After making up his mind, there is also an unusual impact.Although he is no longer on the list at this time, Lin Yi still has a place for him in his heart.

Only Ma Yuan of the Tianma clan seemed not surprising from any point of view.

There is only one small thing that can arouse people's attention.

Twenty years ago, Gui Wujiu held the "Uncovered Conference", and the descendants of the Yinzong camp naturally valued this opportunity very much.But Ma Yuan was the only one who had nothing to say after meeting him earlier, and it seemed that he quietly left the customs until three years ago.

Ma Yuan said, "Please."

As soon as the "please" was said, his right arm was charged with power, and there was a rumbling sound in a radius of more than ten miles, and then followed by a blow from the magic power or the monster clan's melee method.

Lin Yi felt indescribably weird.

Because of his intuition, he subconsciously determined that the part of Ma Yuan's "verbal temptation", or "pressure" was not over yet.But his unreasonable "please" word suddenly made a move, which was completely unexpected.

But at his stage of meritorious deeds, even if it was a real sneak attack, it is not easy to make meritorious deeds; what's more, although Ma Yuan's attack was weird, it was not a sneak attack.

Lin Yi was refreshed, and fought back with the "four hues" kung fu.

A meandering hue and an invisible breath suddenly collide in one place!
The subtle four colors just swayed; but the fresh air faded back like the tide.

In this blow, Lin Yi had the upper hand.

But Lin Yi was stunned, as if very surprised!

His "Four Hues" kung fu is a means to fully display the original strength of the monster clan. There are short and long points here, even the Phoenix clan may not be able to beat him.

Others only know that this method is very powerful against human cultivators. Even if it is a direct descendant of the perfect realm of humanity, in front of Lin Yi, it can easily use the method of separating the monster clan's own realm from the advantages of its own strength, so as to win the victory by inserting stitches. .

But most people don't notice it.In fact, this move has a greater advantage against the monster monks who are slightly weaker than themselves.

All it takes is a head-to-head fight.The enemy's basic power and mana are scattered in two, and it will be a victory or defeat in an instant.

Although Ma Yuan was a little behind in the attack just now, the momentum was not chaotic.

Lin Yi stared intently, his eyes wide open, and suddenly shouted: "You are also on this road..."

"It's a pity that such a chance, but because of your eagerness for quick success and quick gain, you waste everything..."

Ma Yuan shook his head and said, "After this battle, it will be clear who is right and who is wrong."

Except for Gui Wujiu, Xuanyuan Huai, and Qin Menglin, this generation's top heroes, in terms of their keen sense of aura and situation, I am afraid that there is no fourth person in the world who can surpass Lin Yi.

He took a closer look, and suddenly discovered that what Ma Yuan was relying on seemed to be an extremely vast, lofty and indescribable "luck".

The subtlety and refinement of this qi mechanism is indeed above the auspicious qi of the qilin family.

Ma Yuan also relied on this trace of "luck" to completely replicate the methods of the Qilin clan, "fusing" his mana with the original power of the monster clan, regardless of each other!

But Lin Yi thought that this move was unwise.

Because the auspicious aura of the Qilin family is the most physical and the closest to the entity among all the ways of luck in the world.It is most appropriate to fuse the gaps between exercises.Ma Yuan's "air luck", although of a higher level, is more like a retreat.

From Lin Yi's point of view, it might be a better way to use it to comprehend the Dao and learn the mysteries, and improve one's own potential.It is a bit eager for quick success and instant benefit if it is used like this, and if it is used as firewood, it will be burned with good treasures.

In terms of utility, I'm afraid it's not as good as the auspiciousness of the Qilin family.

Lin Yi shot.

For the Qilin family, obsessed with magical changes, secretive and full of tricks, it is redundant; the method of fighting like this is the most suitable.

The two just bombarded each other with one punch and one punch.

The battle lasted for an unknown amount of time, and more than three thousand punches had passed.

Lin Yi was startled.

After the first ten punches, he already had the upper hand, and Ma Yuan gradually lost ground.But until this moment, Lin Yi suddenly realized that although Ma Yuan wanted to retreat further and further away, his posture seemed to be getting lighter and lighter. On the contrary, after countless repetitions, his movements seemed to be a little rigid.

In Lin Yi's mind, Ma Yuan was far behind him; there was no suspense about the outcome of this battle, it was just to see the "content" displayed by the other party.

What's even more absurd is that, as a state of consummation, the grasp of one's own state has already reached the point where one's mind is fully reflected and every detail is meticulous.But at this moment, Lin Yi suddenly had a strange feeling that he was "out of state".


Time flies.

Gui Wugui rests temporarily on a lonely peak.

Kong Ling randomly picked up some firewood and cooked a pot of tea.

At this time, two years have passed since the opportunity of Liupanzong.

The return speed of my avatar is far higher than the three snakes, only in the space channel.At this time, Gui Wugui's avatar has already returned to him, and the message is clear, the boy Shi Mo and several strange objects have been handed over to the head of Dongfang face to face.

The head of Dongfang was very satisfied with this "deal", and asked his avatar to reply:

Can be one, can be two, naturally can be three.

Since the little baby has joined Mota and Gui Wujiu's sect, it doesn't matter if there is another family.Furthermore, there are advantages and no disadvantages for him to learn one more of the Nine Schools.The head of the Dongfang Sect prefers to teach his little boy Momo, and joining the Misty Sect's sect wall will not be in vain for her eighty years of nurturing.

This statement was unexpected.

Right now there are still ten sects left, but there are two best routes that can be planned, and the time spent in the end is about the same.

It stands to reason that there is absolutely no reason to worry about such a small matter; just choose one at will, that's it.

But Gui Wujiu felt that he should stop and wait for a while because of his kinship connection.

After about half an hour.

There seemed to be a little brilliance flickering between Gui Wujiu's eyebrows, and at the same time his body trembled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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