Chapter 1024
Wei Qingqi's eyes were drooping, and she calmed down quietly.

After Shentu Longshu left, the image of "joining the realm" in the next realm seemed to come much slower.

But this is exactly what Wei Qingqi wanted.

At this time, Wei Qingqi's body had a trace of heat slowly transpiring from top to bottom, which was the reason why she felt a mirror of water and moon shining on her body in an inexplicable and invisible place.Under the shroud of this light, all the subtle changes in his own energy and the past Taoism of the Misty Sect gradually became active.

With such a flow of energy and mind, this vast blue sky is suddenly influenced by many figures, gradually floating in, and then gradually going away...

Wei Qingqi suddenly had a thought, as if she had plunged into the long river of time and completed a new "understanding" of the heroic characters she had seen through experience.

So, she was stunned.

The battle between her and Shentu Longshu was inevitable and irreplaceable.

It turns out that although Wei Qingqi and Shentu Longshu are both good at wisdom and Taoism, their clear minds are not trivial.But the realm of perfection and above perfection is a natural moat that has never been seen in ancient and modern times.If you haven't reached this step, you can't have the deepest and most accurate understanding of the high and low in this step.

Only when you are on the scene and empathize with yourself can you really "know".

It was only at this moment that Wei Qingqi realized that if there was a foreshadowing for this battle first, even if she and Shentu Longshu both had the cards to protect themselves, no matter if they were against any of Yugucheng, Li Yunlong, and Xi Lerong adversary.

The level above perfection, the words and sentences mentioned in the previous conversations with Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin, etc., seemed to be clear at the time, but it was only at this moment that the three flavors were truly clear.In addition, the photostones left by many top figures in their battles are also reflowing in my heart, which is enough to judge the essence of reality.

Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huaixin surpassed all others in their realm, and each comprehended the mystery of the upper realm in advance with special methods.

This is no longer a difference in realm, it can only be said to be a special opportunity, and it is also the ultimate trump card to make him one step ahead of others.

Moreover, these two people have independently comprehended the true flow of swordsmanship through Chenyang Sword Mountain Eight Swords Unity and Kongyun Nianjian, which is the deepest way.

Inspired by Huang Xiyin's "returning from three corners to one, using the way to testify", Qin Menglin and Yu Gucheng were inspired by the battle with Xuanyuanhuai, and they respectively mastered the real and rational way of deduction and the true flow of swordsmanship of "Xunxin Sword". .

Yugucheng has obtained the Taoist method, and he is connected with Yuion two by two.It is rumored that Yu Ion condensed Xu Jian's experience and Feng Wu Jiutian's ready-made strike into one. In terms of the power of one style alone, it is unparalleled in the world.

If a latecomer does not have a corresponding method in his own Dharma, it is extremely difficult to overtake it.

This also explains a little doubt.

In the second battle between the turbid and pure elephants, Li Yunlong, Yu Gucheng, and Xi Lerong seemed to be evenly matched in strength.

In the end of the three battles, Xi Lerong and Jiang Minyi were tied; Yu Gucheng was defeated by Qin Menglin; but Li Yunlong relied on the only secret method passed down from ancient to modern times by the Dragon Clan, and his arrogance was greatly enhanced.In terms of solid foundation, it is almost comparable to jade ions.

It can be seen that the subsequent trend should be that Li Yunlong jumped up in one fell swoop. Even though he is still slightly behind Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huai, he should be able to compete with Qin Menglin and Yu Ion.Unexpectedly, after the two major heirs of the Dragon Clan were merged into the "Thirty-Six Sub-Pictures", Li Yunlong was actually ranked seventh, and he was still ranked under Yugucheng, which made Wei Qingqi a little puzzled.

Now the answer is clear.

Because of Zigui, Xuanyuan, and those who are predestined and coincident with the door, all enter the true stream.And Li Yunlong's own mana, although it has been enhanced to an indescribable and unimaginable tyrannical level, is not true after all, so he is inferior to the six.

In fact, Li Yunlong's ever-changing number-extreme method, as can be seen from the battle with Xuanyuan Huai, can almost be said to be a reduced version of the Dao.It's a pity that the follow-up enhancement of the Dragon Clan did not fall on the right path, but should be on the seemingly beneficial place.

It is worth noting that it cannot be easily asserted that Li Yunlong has gone the wrong way.

Because it is unknown whether the method he holds can penetrate into the realm of true flow; and his actual combat ability is indeed extraordinary, and it must not be considered that it is obviously inferior to Yu Gucheng and others.

On the contrary, in the face of Li Yunlong's massive scale, apart from Gui Wujiu, Xuanyuan Huai, and Yu Ion, the others, even Qin Menglin, had to temporarily avoid the edge and stretch the front line. The mystery of the "Xuanxin Sword" peeped through the flaws and reversed the situation.

All in all, among the six people, although Li Yunlong hadn't seen through the way of true style, his combat power was on par with the previous few.

Such a realm is almost beyond the reach of Wei Qingqi, who has just broken through.

Only Xi Lerong watched the video of him and Jiang Minyi in the last round of the battle between the clear and turbid mysterious image. Improve.Introducing the method of balancing the degree of full control is also inspired by the battle with Xuanyuan Huai.

But such a method has absolutely nothing to do with the true flow of swordsmanship; it seems to have a thread connection with the method of deduction based on reality and reason, but it is only a thread connection.

In this way, the truth about his next opponent will be revealed.

Just when this thought was born, Wei Qingqi's complexion suddenly changed, revealing a trace of astonishment.

With Wei Qingqi's wisdom, she rarely encounters something that surprises her——

It turned out that at this moment, the process of "joining the world" suddenly accelerated, and it was almost completed without any risk in the blink of an eye.

My opponent also arrived at the same time between the front and rear feet, calm and majestic at the same time, with long sleeves dancing lightly, and both eyes facing the front, giving people a great oppressive force!
Li Yunlong!
Wei Qingqi frowned slightly.

Just when I was feeling the depth of the "old friend" and judged that I was not Li Yunlong's opponent, this person appeared.

Such a state of mind is very unfavorable to her.

Wei Qingqi and Qin Menglin have a close relationship, and there are many demonstrations and discussions of Taoism.At this time, she could sense very clearly that Li Yunlong in front of her was still above Qin Menglin in terms of weather scale alone.

Although in the real fight, Wei Qingqi believed that Qin Menglin would definitely win.But this is also enough to prove Li Yunlong's strong strength.

To be able to forge such an obvious size advantage on top of perfection, relying on the strength of the monster race is indispensable.Obviously, Li Yunlong's integration at this time is superior to the Qilin family who established their foundation with a similar method.

In a tenth of an instant, Wei Qingqi calmed herself down quickly.

In the previous battle, Wei Qingqi and Shen Tu Longshu were full of confidence, thinking that they would face the people above perfection and break through.But the facts are clear - the clear and turbid mysterious image seems to have a spirit, and his "arrangement" is more accurate. Wei Qingqi and Shentu Longshu didn't know the depth of the upper realm, so they misjudged.

in this case……

I overestimated my own strength before, but now I underestimated myself; in fact, if I unleash my full potential, I should be able to fight Li Yunlong?
A hint of surprise appeared on Li Yunlong's face, and he said, "Wei Qingqi, I didn't expect that."

This trace of surprise was only fleeting.

The three words "unexpectedly" have two meanings: one is that Wei Qingqi will appear as his opponent; the other is that Wei Qingqi has broken through to the realm of perfection.

Wei Qingqi was about to think about countermeasures, but Li Yunlong didn't give her this chance.

Open your arms and push forward, it seems to be as light as catkins, but also seems to be extremely heavy.

Li Yunlong's previous personality traits are actually a bit like a prince's grandson, gentle and calm, neither slow nor ill, neither anxious nor impatient.

Although the two were not familiar with each other, Wei Qingqi thought that there should be such a few words to chat.Unexpectedly, Li Yunlong said the six words without waiting for Wei Qingqi's reply, so he shot directly!
In the dry and clear sky, snowflakes were suddenly falling, falling slowly at an extremely uniform speed.

Wherever snowflakes fall, it creates a taste of "world".

For the image of the environment, the creation of the domain, and the control of the space, this is what the dragon clan's supernatural powers are very good at.Compared with the colorful hype in the past, this time the imagery has a lot more obvious elements.

However, the snowflakes did not fall on Wei Qingqi's body; when it was still a hundred feet above her head, it disappeared automatically; the surroundings were also separated by about the same distance, like a huge empty cover.

But after just a few breaths, the hemisphere, which was more than a hundred feet high, shrank to ninety feet.

The supernatural power held by Li Yunlong has evolved into six kinds of changes, which are manifested in six forms of wind, rain, and snow.The one used at this time is one of them.

Because Li Yunlong already knew it well, Wei Qingqi is good at the method, which is one defense, one attack, two concise styles, laying the foundation.Because of its simplicity, there are naturally reasons why it can stand up.This defense is so high that if he chooses to attack by force, although he will surely gain the upper hand, he may not be able to break through it with one blow.

Due to the strength gap between the two sides, there is no suspense about the outcome.But if the number of hands used in the strong attack exceeds one's psychological expectations, then even if the battle is won, it is not considered a success;

Therefore, Li Yunlong did not hesitate to choose the method of controlling and restraining the door, intending to avoid the unique counterattack method of the Misty Sect.

If the opponent doesn't react, this pose can solidify a world after thirty-six breaths and capture the opponent completely.If it tries to escape and fight back, it will be against the order of the "world". If it wins, it will be able to jump out of the three realms and five elements.

The depth of this type of supernatural power, Li Yunlong asked himself to be like a person who knows how warm and cold drinking water is, and there is no possibility of blind self-confidence and misjudgment. It is not like the battle between Xi Lerong and Jiang Minyi back then. Deadline.

Because this is Li Yunlong's attempt to improve the way of deduction to the level of Xuanyuan Huai but failed, and finally seeks for practical effects. Therefore, he has a deep comprehension of the true flow inside and outside.If it is said that this method is destined to have flaws, then this flaw can only be grasped by seeing the true flow of Taoism.

Gui Wugui's and Xuanyuan Huai's two kinds of swordsmanship are really unimaginable, and they should be able to break this style.

If Qin Menglin's Deduction Dao and Yugucheng's Hunxin Sword are carefully disassembled as a puzzle, they will definitely be able to crack; but if Li Yunlong can make full use of his advantages in scale to exert pressure and interference, then the outcome is uncertain.

As for those who have not entered this realm, it is impossible to decipher this formula.

Li Yunlong took a deep breath, and suddenly raised his head to look at the dome, as if he no longer paid attention to Wei Qingqi.

This scene is the fifth small realm that has finally been formed; in other words, the matter of this realm is the procedure of the clear and turbid mysterious image, and there is no next time to join the realm.

The previous four battles were all borrowed from unknown people.

Li Yunlong just regretted secretly, saying that it was a fateful duel entangled by luck, but he did not meet the opponent he wanted to meet.

(End of this chapter)

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