Chapter 1033
The two sat cross-legged on the ground.

One has a black face in a blue shirt, and the other has a jade face in a white dress, with a slightly pointed chin and long hair draped around her body.It can be seen that the elegant demeanor is very good, but at this time the energy is weak, and it is obvious that he has suffered a lot.

But the surrounding world was completely silent, and there was no sign of supernatural power left.

Obviously, quite a long time has passed since the fight between the two ended.

At this moment, Mu Mu suddenly got up.

But his body was swaying and his movements were slow, obviously he was just able to "move"; the damage to his flesh and blood and mana was almost shocking.

Yun Qianjue's mind flowed, he did quick mental calculations, and soon a trace of surprise appeared unconsciously on his face.

He naturally knew that Mu Mu had embarked on the road of "breaking limits and hurting people".

In the battle seven and a half hours ago, Mu Mu used his own basic means to counter Yun Qianjueying Fazong's all-out blow from the Day and Night Classics.

It is not difficult to deduce that——

It took Mu Mu seven and a half hours to recover his initial mobility, so it would take at least two and a half years for his body to recover to a flawless state. Go ahead and try to overestimate the result.

This ending is unexpectedly optimistic.

Although Mu Mu's state is cut off before the perfection state, since it is regarded as a sharp blade, it must be very sharp.Yun Qianjue originally thought that the time for him to recover his initial mobility would be within six hours, and the time for him to fully recover his true energy would be within a year.

Could it be... really overestimated the opponent in the past?

It can be converted to know that at this time, the power of my Yingfa strike at this time, if the target of the fight is a perfect state, it will definitely cause urgent and irreparable damage to it within the time limit of the competition; it may even be enough to cause damage to Xuanyuan Huai. threaten.

It seems that under perfection, in the realm of perfection, and in one step above perfection, one step at a time has not achieved one-hit kills for those who have not reached the perfection state. For those who are in a higher state, there should be no threat.

actually not.

Because the limit of the realm of consummation and the limit beyond consummation are all meticulous and orderly.Half a step away is like climbing to the sky.But the breakthrough of the two classics of day and night is like the beginning of chaos, with turbulent waves, in a state of frenzy and disorder.

When you are within the reach of the tide, you will certainly be hit and slapped; but there is no clear limit to what is meant by a "safe distance".Even if you think you are safe enough, you will inevitably get wet shoes under your feet.

After Mu Mu got up, Yun Qianjue thought he was going to say something.

But Mu Mu stared at Yun Qianjue for a long time, and only said two words: "Don't pass."

From a strategic point of view, the Taoism of the Yingfa sect is enough for someone who is much better than himself to fight against the top; but from the most pragmatic point of view, it is still Mu Mu who wins.Because he recovered his mobility first, but Yun Qianjue had to wait twelve hours.

Mu Mu tried his best to reach out and took out a four-cornered flying boat. This is a treasure of flying away that does not rely on its own mana.

This boat is patrolling in the small world, obviously looking for the essence of the mysterious elephant.

Yun Qianjue was dumbfounded.

According to the deduction of Zu Gaocen and others, this time the Chenyang Sword Mountain camp is very likely to "regardless of previous suspicions", so that the final winner of this camp will throw the essence of Xuanxiang into the Feng Clan.This is not because of the easing of its relationship with the Yaozu; it is because it does not want the forces affiliated with Yueheng Misty to win.

But in the final analysis, this is just a favor.

Yun Qianjue thought to himself that if he moved to another place, when he was seriously injured, he should turn around and leave early, so he could cultivate early, so why would he care about the essence of Laoshizi Xuanxiang?
Is Mu Mu's nature paranoid, pedantic, or resolute?
After half an hour.

Standing on the edge of the out-of-bounds position, Mu Muyao let out a light breath.

The expression in his eyes was unusually clear, as if he was completely relieved.

Yun Qianjue didn't expect that, in fact, his original estimation was correct——

Following the full-strength attack of Yingfazong's Day and Night Classics, it took Mu Mu five and a half hours to initially recover his mobility; it took about eleven months to fully recover from treatment.

There is no twists and turns in the whole story.

After Yun Qianjue, the first direct successor of Yingfa Sect, has never fought against anyone from the Chenyang camp; after all, those with other fighting styles can "compete", but members of the Yingfa Sect can't "compete" easily.

During these three battles of clarity and turbidity, Mu Mu faintly felt that, as the two closest to the perfection state among the nine sects, there was a great possibility that they would experience a confrontation.

This is an opportunity to measure Yun Qianjue's depth, to see if the one-strike-a-day method can be used on him beyond the necessary strength, and how much threat it poses to the Consummation Realm and even Xuanyuan Huai.

But to deal with ordinary opponents, personal experience, photos, and after-the-fact analysis are enough to give the answer.However, the Day and Night Classics of Yingfazong are somewhat special, and their chaotic and disorderly images will converge into a specific form, which may not truly reflect the limit of Yingfazong's Taoism.

And the so-called personal experience, when facing the overturning blow of the world, the pressure is so incredible that it is impossible to pay attention to perception.

So Mu Mu had no choice but to make a bad move——

Use one's mana in advance to contemplate and record it, and then connect with one's mind afterwards.Through this method, the complete "material" was finally obtained. It is expected that Yun Qianjue's upper limit of a limit-breaking attack will be accurately estimated shortly after returning to the sect.

But doing so meant that he did not use the most perfect state to meet Yingfa's blow.

The consequence is the trauma, which is more serious than imagined.

In a sense, this is also a sacrifice for the sect.

On the stage of the big world, there are red flowers and green leaves. It is impossible for everyone to be the protagonist.

Ever since he gave up that chance, Mu Mu knew that he was a green leaf after all.

But even if it is Luye, he will play his role well.


Flying sand and rocks cover the sky and block out the sun.

This is the most frenzied match among the thirty-two final battles, Lang Lian vs Shang Wen Jin Yuan.

Lang Lian's eyes spewed fire, and he was a little manic.

He did not underestimate his opponent.

From the perspective of fundamental strength, the person in front of him has clearly surpassed Mo Yonggong, the third heir of the Holy Cult, and is moving closer to the truly first-rate sequence.

From the perspective of chance and fortune, in the past at the peak, demon cultivators almost had a big advantage over human cultivators.But that is also due to the fact that the two families are far apart and have little contact with each other.Over the past few hundred years, the major monster clans have fought against the top human lineages, and they have clearly felt that the humane sects have tried their best to evade and resolve the advantages of the monster clan's original strength with various ingenious methods.

The original power of the monster clan is separated from the magic power and supernatural power in two layers, so there is quite room for exploiting loopholes.

Except for the Phoenix Clan who firmly holds this advantage unshakably, the other descendants of the clans have already made the expectation to compete with the descendants of humanity first.

Lang Lian was already mentally prepared, and his superiority in the monster clan's strength had been resolved to a considerable extent.

But what he didn't expect was that it would be resolved in such a way!

The two fought each other for seven or eight hours, but the power of the Nine Ancestor named Wen Jinyuan on the opposite side was not inferior to him in the slightest; Channel technique; Lang Lian wants to use his strength advantage to fight in close quarters, and he will not refuse any comers.

Lang Lian didn't believe in evil, he punched close to the body, and made short moves, but he couldn't gain an advantage at all.

I have seen Wen Jinyuan's battle Zhaoying Langlian during the second time of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang, and it is clearly not today's style.

Lang Lian couldn't help but said: "Could it be that your Excellency is showing off your ability and deliberately confronting each other? I'm afraid it's not wise to fight like this. What about the divine channel technique you are good at?"

Wen Jinyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said lightly: "I haven't decided whether to use it yet."

Lang Lian was suffocated when he heard the words.

This answer, although very loud, did not seem to be a deliberate retaliation, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

After speaking and answering, Wen Jinyuan stopped unexpectedly.

The income gained by adding luck to the body is originally a retreat.But Wen Jinyuan also had an extraordinary chance. After contemplating it with great concentration, he discovered that this mysterious luck and one of his eighteen supernatural powers, "a close pass", are mutually connected in terms of spirituality and truth, which is very inspiring. .

It is famous for its strength when it is a close pass; after a breakthrough, it is especially superior to the strength of the original strength of the monster race, and the smooth use of it.

After seven or eight hours of long fighting, Wen Jinyuan has figured out the details of Lang Lian.

At this moment, I was actually slightly better than him.

But there is a problem in front of Wen Jinyuan.

Everyone in the world knows that Yu Jing and Lang Lian, two members of the monster race, stand on the threshold of the Thirty-Six Zitu.If he completely beats one of these two, it will be irrefutable that Wen Jinyuan has already become a first-line figure in the lineage at that time, and he is no less than Han Taikang, You Caixin, Yin Jiuchou, Kong Xuan, Lu Chengwen, The sequence of Wu Xuanxi and Yu Dezhen.

If he officially challenges one of them and succeeds, he can even officially enter the list.

Then there is a problem -

Such a character, why not participate in the battle of Xuanhun Liulitian?

In the [-]-year meeting, if there is a huge gap between the superiors and the inferiors of each sect, there is often only one person from each sect; even in the New Year, there are only three people in each sect.But the next General Assembly will be a big deal, unprecedented in [-] years.The heads of the sects have long reached a consensus that they should break the rules, and if the meritorious deeds have reached that point, all sects can participate regardless of the number of people.

Wen Jinyuan shoulders the hard work of the "Zhenqi Xuanjing" to become Taoist, and will not participate in the five-hundred-year meeting.

What's more, the timeline of his initial start is slightly before the five hundred year meeting.

It is very suspicious that such a bright pearl is outside.

At this time, if you deliberately lose your strength, it is against your heart.

If he wins with all his strength, he has revealed his true strength, and it seems that he is acting out of will and not taking the overall situation into consideration.

Although Wen Jinyuan was very resolute, but after all, the cause and effect of the sect he belonged to was very deep, and he couldn't make a decision for a while.

At this time, Lang Lian saw that Wen Jinyuan gave up, and wanted to find out Wen Jinyuan's magical powers, so he said: "It is rumored that Wen Jinyuan and Gui Wujiu have a very close relationship. Your talent in Taoism just now has something to do with him, presumably. stop?"

Wen Jinyuan was startled——

Immediately, a thought popped up in his mind: "If you blame yourself and change places with yourself, how will he choose?"

Seeing Wen Jinyuan startled, Lang Lian secretly thought that he must have hit the mark.

But when he looked up, Wen Jinyuan's aura immediately showed infinite sharpness, like a sword out of its sheath.

(End of this chapter)

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