Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1039: From the Sacrifice to the Path of Pursuit

Chapter 1039: From the Sacrifice to the Path of Pursuit
About half an hour later, hundreds of people gathered on the valley, headed by a middle-aged man in a dark linen robe, kneeling and paying respects: "Welcome Aunt Yuanji——"

The leader of this person is Mu Chong, the master of the North and South Two Villages of this generation. It has been inherited from the lineage of Mu Yunli's uncle and Mu Jian's younger brother. Now there are seventeen generations.

In addition to this valley, there are also extremely large numbers of people worshiping in every lane and street in the village at the foot of the mountain.

Mu Yunli sensed it quietly, and after a while, she had a complete overview of her mind, and it was clear——

Today, among the people within a hundred miles away, the oldest person is about [-] years old. He is an old man who enjoys a long life in the village.The rest are all under a hundred years old.

In other words, the "destined people" of Mu Yunli's generation are still indistinct after all.The imagined possibility of a certain childhood memory taking elixir and spirit herbs and living in this world until now does not exist.

Since seeing is believing, Mu Yunli planned to take a look around the Juyu Department before leaving.

But when he was about to take a step forward, he saw the two simple halls in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel moved.

After taking a few steps forward, he fell silent.

Mu Chong was in charge of tens of thousands of people in the two villages, so it was needless to say that he was well-versed in human feelings. Seeing Mu Yunli's expression, he hurriedly said, "Grandun Yuanji thinks this 'Lan Ling Hall' is a bit crude? It's not because people in the clan don't care Sincerity, but the establishment of the camp here was established [-] years ago, and the regulations were determined through divination."

"Now the two clans are rich in products, far better than they were back then. If we want to expand the scale, we can do it within three months."

Mu Yunli was startled.

Unexpectedly, these two houses are equivalent to a small temple, which is his place of worship.

Mu Yunli said calmly, "It's okay."

Then he opened the wooden door and stepped into it slowly.

After entering the door, you can immediately see a talisman standing in the middle, and the words "worship by the giant emperor, inspiration from Yuanji ancestors" and other words can be vividly remembered.

According to the customs of the Juyu clan and the method of divination, the image of Mu Yunli must sense the essence of heaven and earth, and the sun and the moon rotate, so after creating a large scale, it must be placed in the open air; Worship is in the hall and house.

Mu Yunli turned her head to look, suddenly a little surprised.

It turned out that Mu Yunli was the only one on the chief priest's seat; but in the position of the subordinate priest, there was an extra amulet that was three inches shorter.

Looking closely, there are nine big characters inscribed on it: "Juyu Enshrine, Tourist Huang Daosheng".

Mu Yunli murmured, "Who is this?"

Mu Chong quickly interjected, "About thirty or forty years after my grandparents made great mana and made our Juyu Department a foundation, another person came to our clan and gave him twelve prescriptions. It was quite troublesome in the past. Six or seven common chronic illnesses can be solved from this. Although this is not easier than my grandfather's great supernatural powers of astronomy and hydrology, it is still a great achievement. People in the clan at that time also wanted to build temples for him; but this Huang Daosheng Self-proclaimed that the way is not true, dare not be in the same rank as those who uphold the way, and it is enough for me to be a sacrifice."

Mu Yunli groaned and remained silent, secretly feeling that she was somehow related to this "Zhuang Daosheng".

At this time, following Mu Chong, a rather agile and bold young man suddenly stepped forward and said, "Report to my aunt. Although this Huang Daosheng did not mention his name, according to the inference of the tribe at that time, , this person is very likely to be an old friend of the same generation as my grandaunt... and an old acquaintance of my grandaunt."

Mu Chong was startled, and was about to accuse him of breaking the rules.

But Mu Yunli said calmly: "Tell me about it. When this person taught me, it has been [-] or [-] years since I stepped into the fairy gate? How do people in the family know?"

The young man hesitated for a while, and said: "Because that person has lived in our clan for more than a month, and his speech and behavior are very familiar with our clan. Obviously, he is not a visitor from a foreign clan, or a wandering immortal, but a person from our clan. Then In addition, his words accidentally mentioned things that happened more than a hundred years ago, so there is this speculation."

"Five years after my aunt got the fairy fate, Tie Ke, who was the next patriarch's successor at that time, resolutely left a letter and left, saying that she would go to seek the immortal way of immortality. This is the only attempt of this family in hundreds of years. People, so...although we have never met, but this 'Huang Daosheng' is very likely to be him."

Mu Yunli was silent when he heard the words.

Tie Ke...


It should be him.

Although the baby kiss back then was just a joke, but for cultivators, it was actually very causal.

But if Tie Ke can achieve something in seeking immortality and Taoism, that is really unbelievable.

Because this place is in the middle of the four continents and six seas, the Yue Hengzong is under the couch.If he wanted to achieve success, he could only be accepted by the Yue Heng Sect.Even if you only enter the outer door, it is absolutely impossible to meet each other without knowing each other.So Tie Suo'er decided not to be in the Yueheng sect.

It would be even more unbelievable to say that it was included by other sects.

With the strength of a mortal's feet, one has to walk through the Xilan Grassland and at least several times the area of ​​the Jin Dynasty in order to reach the category of "Fifth Grade Sect".This is far beyond the limit of a mortal's lifespan.

The strange thing about this matter is that if it is said that in a barren land, there are infinite possibilities, maybe there is a hidden sect in a certain mountain; or if a certain teleportation array is accidentally discovered, no one dares to say it to death .

But this place is in the center of Yueheng, and it has been visited by countless True Kings of the Near Dao and even the Fifth Patriarch of Yueheng in the past [-] years. Naturally, there is no such possibility.

After thinking about it for a while, Mu Yunli suddenly said, "Where are the twelve prescriptions passed down by Huang Daosheng? Bring them here for me to see."

Mu Chong took the order, and not long after, he fetched a yellow scroll.

Mu Yunli opened her eyes, then raised her eyebrows.

Although the intention of improving harmony is clearly visible, the materials used are all raw materials that can be easily obtained from the mountains and seas of the Juyubu; but the method... is clearly the method of this family.


There are two columns vertically and horizontally, each with fourteen copper urns, and the fire is burning in the center, making the sound of beeping, beeping and crackling.

Under a majestic tall elephant, about thirty-six people put their hands together and worshiped devoutly.

This is also a place of worship, but it is much more magnificent than the small temple on the mountain where Mu Yunli is at this time.There is not a single column in the hall, but a peculiar arch is formed, which looks more profound and solemn.

The big figure in front of the main hall is a woman in a black robe, with infinite wisdom in her eyes, holding a jade bottle on her left arm, and holding a willow branch in her right palm.

The thirty-six worshipers are divided into three rows of twelve people in each row.

But at this moment, the third person in the second row seemed to be a little absent-minded.

This person has a square face and thick eyebrows, showing a kind of masculinity, which seems to be out of harmony with the surrounding atmosphere.

His eyes moved slightly, as if he had reached the point where he was thinking far away.

When he was a teenager, in fact, all he had in mind was eating, drinking and having fun, and he didn't have much special feelings for the bullying girl in the next door village.

Only when she suddenly left one day and stepped into the legendary "fairy gate", did he suddenly have a thought in his heart, whether it was to be competitive or something else, in short, he didn't want to fall behind her, let alone her youth When he stayed for a long time, he had turned into a handful of loess.

So he resolutely gave up the position of patriarch, and traveled outside, weathering the wind and rain.

Thirty-six years, nothing.

Accidentally, I learned from some qi training classics that have been circulated in the market that even the most superficial and generous cultivation method has passed the time limit at this time.

When he was desperate and was about to find a town to dig land and build a house to live in seclusion, he suddenly dug out a method of cultivation from the ground.It is said that after getting started with this method, you will naturally be led to the real door of cultivation.

So he revived his spirit, practiced hard for eighty-one years, and finally felt a glimpse of the door.

After returning to the Juyu Department and clearing the karma, he continued to practice for more than [-] years in the hidden mountains, and finally he was greeted by a subtle energy enveloping him, and then he fell into a dream; after waking up, he was here.

After practicing for a long time, he realized that the "Yuanfeng Altar" he was in belonged to the magic way, and it was one of the [-] main channel branch altars of the Luoquan sect among the four major demon sects.

After another two hundred years, he worked hard and continued to practice, and gradually found the opportunity to break through the Nascent Soul.

But at this time, through an accidental opportunity, he found out that Mu Yunli belonged to the "Yueheng Sect" of the immortal sect.

Let's not mention the irreconcilable positions between immortals and demons; as far as the status of the sect is concerned, the Yueheng sect is similar to the original Luoquan sect.

As for Mu Yunli, he is the arrogance of the Yueheng Sect. It is said that his meritorious deeds are still higher than that of Mo Tianqing, the holy son of the Luoquan Sect, who is admired by everyone and whose Taoism is unfathomable.

After searching hard for hundreds of years, the sky is suspended, but in fact... it hasn't changed?
At this moment, a young monk with a blue complexion and a slightly pointed chin beside him looked sideways and said with a low laugh: "Why is Brother Tie distracted? During the worship, the mind is wandering. If the altar master finds out, go If you say you are disrespectful to the Demon Lord, the punishment is not light."

Tie Ke's expression changed.But before he had time to reply, a loud and clear bell rang, resounding up and down the Yuanfeng Altar, thousands of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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