Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1051 Changes in the Weather of the Guting Narrative

Chapter 1051
When everyone was so startled that they couldn't sit still, Tie Ke spoke up and said: "This is a neighbor of a certain young man. He entered the Tao early, and now the depth of the Tao is higher than that of Tie."

The sheriff was surprised when he heard that human beings were on top of Master Tie, and immediately expressed admiration on his face, and said half tentatively: "Xiangu, please take a seat."

Mu Yunli thought for a while, but did not refuse, and took the seat casually.

However, she didn't have much interest in the so-called delicacies in the world. She only ate a few grass fruits and a few sips of sake.

After the first few attempts to come to see Mu Yunli, a group of people from the county guard, seeing that Mu Yunli didn't seem to have Tie Ke's taste of "going in line with the world", all winked a little bit, and didn't dare to go forward to disturb .

After several main procedures such as congratulatory speeches, singing and dancing, and sacrificial offerings were completed, Mu Yunli said to the sheriff: "Temporarily borrow a secluded place."

The county guard hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes. To the east of the main hall is the garden, and the scenery is very beautiful."

Mu Yunli smiled and said, "I have a few words with Master Tie, so don't delay?"

The county guard said: "No delay, no delay, the banquet is over, and the next "Blessing of All Peoples" welcoming ceremony will be in an hour."

Mu Yunli nodded slowly and left the table immediately.

Tie Ke followed closely behind.

The county guard suspects that the layout of the county government is repeated, and the courtyards are connected, and he is still thinking about whether to find someone to lead the way; the two Mu Yunli have long since disappeared.

Mu Yunli fell from the sky, so naturally the pattern of this place was clearly discerned from afar.

in the garden.

The two sat down in a thin pavilion.

Mu Yunli stared at him.

Because today's Tie Ke is very different from the image of childhood in memory.

The former teenager, although his mind was pure and sincere, was biased, so he sometimes had the idea of ​​being competitive.

But the person in front of him is full-bodied and deep, without a trace of sharpness, but with a detached detachment that has gone through all kinds of troubles and washed away all the lead.In terms of the appearance of the characters alone, they are not inferior to the first-rate figures in the world.Among Mu Yunli's acquaintances, Wei Qingqi is the only one who has such a thoroughness, sophistication, calmness and elegance after the prosperity has come to an end.

But maybe because of being a man, compared with Wei Qingqi, he lacks that kind of softness, and has three points more fortitude.

It seems to be a combination of Wei Qingqi and Wen Jinyuan.

Tie Ke smiled faintly, and said, "I know what you're thinking, Yun Li."

Tie Ke narrated indifferently, with a calm and distant tone: "I'm not going to hide anything from you. I was inspired by you when I entered the Tao and practiced hard and secretly. .Although the spirit of striving is not gone, but the state of mind is gradually released. The two phases blend together, and the temperament naturally changes accordingly."

Mu Yunli was surprised.

Tie Ke's explanation is good, but her main point of concern is not here.

Because Mu Yunli's practice of "Past Heart Seal" is the most critical link in her path, she didn't express what she was thinking just now.Tie Kefang knew what she was thinking when he said it, Mu Yunli still didn't take it seriously; he didn't expect that it really caught his mind.

Tie Ke continued: "This is not enough. It was not until more than a hundred years ago that I learned about you, Yunli. Only then did I realize that since then, the old place has been soaring, and it is one of the nine sects, the Yueheng sect. At that time, we You know, even though I am tired of thinking that I have a good relationship, I am still far away from you. It took a long time to break through this thought, and my state of mind was improved."

Mu Yunli pondered for a while, and said, "Where are you practicing today?"

Tie Ke hesitated for a while, and said: "I have received a powerful inheritance from an ancient predecessor, and now I live in the magic way to practice; it's just that ordinary disciples of the magic way don't treat it like this."

Mu Yunli pushed her palm, clasped her two fingers together, and straightened her two fingers.

A trace of extremely vivid fire, as if there was a living body, suddenly overflowed and rushed towards Tie Ke.

This flame seems ordinary, but in fact, it has hidden the secret of her strongest attack and kill supernatural power, the method of manifesting in time.From the eyes, this fire jump is not fast; but when you resist it according to the normal steps, you will immediately find that it is a beat slower.

Tie Ke quickly stretched out his palm and slapped it, and four orange light balls of different sizes appeared in his palm, and there were faint lightning connections between the four phases.

This phase lasts a lifetime, does not move outwards, but immediately collapses and converges into a force from the inside out, and then moves outwards.

Strange to say, this method of receiving first and then releasing is actually faster than directly releasing.

After the flames rolled around, it was clear that Tie Ke's skin on the edge of his five fingers was scorched black by Mu Yunli's fire-shaped magic power, which seemed to be a little disadvantage; but the skin and flesh were completely intact after all.

Tie Ke smiled and said: "In terms of morality and deeds, I will lose half the chip to you in the end."

Mu Yunli pondered for a while, before saying: "You and I have different approaches and different resources, so it doesn't matter whether you are superior or inferior. With your cultivation today, you can be said to be astonishing."

She has already tested that Tie Ke is indeed not a descendant of the Demon Sect, but has practiced a different way of Taoism inheritance, which is roughly equivalent to the top Taoism inheritance of the Yinzong before meeting with Gui Wujiu.

A choice was placed in front of Mu Yunli.

Mu Yunli had made in-depth preparations for the kung fu steps of "tracing the past".

When she learned that Tie Suo'er was the only survivor of her old friend, she had time to prepare her homework in advance.There is an extremely subtle and accurate simulation of the image of "Tiesuoer" after meeting.If the person he saw today is exactly the same as the person Mu Yunli imagined, then Mu Yunli has the confidence to avoid the risks on this road and achieve success smoothly.

But what she saw now, Tiesuoer was completely different from what she had imagined.

Higher, deeper, more perfect and full of potential.

This was unexpected by Mu Yanli.

If this image is engraved in the heart, there will undoubtedly be many more variables.

Of course, with risks also come opportunities.Because this means that Mu Yunli's exploration of the "Looking Back Method" has not exhausted all the mysteries; new changes and possibilities will also further enrich his own foundation of Taoism.

After thinking for a while, Mu Yunli made a decision.

There is a bright light in the bamboo basket behind her, and a small six-clawed snake is swimming fast; between the snake's head and eyebrows, there are endless light and shadow phantoms, like thousands of picture scrolls gathering rapidly, and finally condensed into a non-moving, non-moving, An image of a character who seems to be quiet but not quiet.

The bamboo basket containing treasures carried on Mu Yunli's back is actually a bit strange.

This thing is not sealed at first glance, even ordinary people can see its colorful flow; but at this moment, although the brilliance in it is a thousand times stronger, it is still as usual from the outside - although the brilliance is overflowing, it is not as good as before Stronger by half.

Although Tie Ke couldn't see the changes in the bamboo basket, but with a jump in his heart, he still instinctively felt that something crucial had happened.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a trace of bewilderment.

From awakening by chance to today, his mind can be described as "like a fish in water", and any decision he makes is meticulous and smooth without hesitation.It seems that the goal of praying in my heart is getting closer and closer.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a little suffocated.It seems that adding to itself is the endless deep sea, completely obscuring the light.

This feeling is...

It's like the pink lady who has been with you for several days suddenly turned into a skeleton; it's also like riding the wind to take advantage of the general trend and suddenly turn into a heavy shackle.

The idea and will to resist have never been so strong!
After half an hour.

Mu Yunli's expression was slightly strange.

She clearly saw that although Tie Ke's demeanor was as calm as before, her right index finger seemed to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

Although the profundity of Tie Ke's martial arts is not as good as that of the first-rate figures in the Nine Schools, it is still rare in the world.It's really rare that you can't control yourself like this.Mu Yunli immediately said: "Is there something wrong with the exercise? Do you want me to help you check one or two?"

Before the words fell, Tie Ke stood up abruptly.

Mu Yunli was startled.

A red light flashed on Tie Ke's face, his eyes were full of energy, he took a deep breath, and said loudly: "Mu girl. You and I hated each other when we were young, and it seemed that we were not compatible with each other. But the farther the distance, the more we wanted to see the outline. It is indistinguishable from the heart of being true to the Tao. Is this the return from the extreme, the return from the extreme?”

"We met today, although it was a chance meeting, but to tell you the truth, I actually had a premonition in my heart. I thought that there was a relationship between you and me. What do you think?"

Mu Yunli was a little surprised, laughed uncontrollably, and said, "You..."

With Mu Yunli's Dao heart, she can respond freely to whatever Tie Ke says.What surprised her was Tie Ke's contradictory appearance.

On the one hand, Tie Ke's words were calm and frank, straight to the point, without any circles.

But on the other hand, at this moment, his eyes are wide open, without blinking, and his right hand is clenched indistinctly, as if mustering up a lot of courage to do a very difficult thing, but Mu Yunli can't help but feel a little funny .

Because no matter the way of sentience or ruthlessness, or the technique of nourishing yin and yang, it is a major part of Taoism, and Taoists talk about it like eating and drinking, and there is not much taboo.Now Tie Suo'er's attitude is more like a secular boy who has not entered the Tao, when he was just in love.

Thinking of this, Mu Yunli's heart suddenly moved.

This is indeed more like Tiesuoer back then.

If the Tie Suoer in Mu Yunli's imagination is "positive";
So when I saw Tie Suo'er today, Tie Suo'er, who has an outstanding demeanor and a weather that can almost be called the best, is "reverse";
So at this moment, the image of the characters at this moment, returning to the past, seems to be "combined".

At this moment.

The treasure hidden in the bamboo basket on Mu Yunli's back had already been completely rubbed and was about to be completed; but at this time, he responded again and gathered a ray of characters into it.

(End of this chapter)

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