Chapter 1058
Returning to Yueheng was only three days away from the departure date.

When Gui Wujiu returned from the barren sea, he raised his eyes to the west, and saw a trace of the mystery of the change of order and the looming Dao in the sky.And this image seems to be closely related to himself.

After a little deduction, Gui Wujiu had guessed that the place between the barriers was the place where the little blacksmith forges the Taoist treasures.

When the golden silk glove was born, the signs of shrinking and shrinking disappeared immediately, as if it was a fetish that obscured itself without leaving any traces.Even the three True Monarchs of Yueheng Sect could not detect any abnormality.But using Gui Wugui to deduce the state experience of Kongyun Nianjian, we can see a clue.

Being in the Yueheng Sect, Gui Wujiu originally planned to go to the Nine Turns Lingguang Palace; but with a slight movement of his mind, he felt as if someone was waiting for him in his old residence, Danxia Xuanzhu.

Feeling mysterious, increasingly unfathomable.

When driving the escape light, I saw a person standing calmly in plain clothes and hair.

Both of them were slightly taken aback.

Wei Qingqi was able to break through the boundary of the Consummation Realm, and she knew it before the third clear and turbid profound phenomenon.But I didn't expect her to be able to achieve such a state of complete maturity, which is almost as good as Yugucheng before comprehending the true flow of swordsmanship.

Without three or four hundred years of accumulation, it is really impossible.

In fact, in today's world, it can be said that there are very few people who can leap beyond the speed of Gui Wu Jiu's sword mental calculation.This is also because Misty Sect has never mentioned Gui Wugui's foundation for Wei Qingqi's breakthrough in Taoism.If Gui Wujiu had this thought in his mind, it would not be difficult to trace the outline of Wei Qingqi's growth.

Wei Qingqi was even more surprised.

Because in an instant, like Kong Ling on the top of the mountain a few days ago, she formed the illusion that she had reached the Dao realm without blame.

In fact, the subtle mysteries that have been blamed for breaking through the eternal independence have dissipated nine out of ten at this time; but Wei Qingqi's sensitivity is much better than Kong Ling's, and she still caught it.

Naturally, there is no need to say more if we meet each other with emotion.

Wei Qingqi smiled slightly, and said: "My Misty Sect has a method, which is very useful for those who have not broken through for a long time. It's just not too early, not too late. It must be thoroughly managed three days before leaving. Both Junior Sister Mu and Junior Sister Ning have not made a breakthrough for a long time. In front of my teacher, listen to the lecture."

"As for Junior Brother Han, Junior Sister You, and the two descendants of Yingfa and Youhuan, at this time, there is a true monarch of this sect, who will guide us in secret discussions before we go."

"Two days later, the descendants of the various sects, the head of the sect, and the true emperor gathered in front of the Nine Turns Spiritual Light Hall."

Gui Wujiu nodded and said, "I see."

"Although I know that Yunli will succeed in the end, but whether he can break through before the [-]-year meeting is actually a matter of [-]-[-], which is quite difficult. In the end, luck is on my side, and Junior Sister Mu has also succeeded in reaching this step."

Wei Qingqi has reached the extreme level, and she is proficient in Taoism. She has been established for nearly a hundred years, so she naturally does not need such means to assist her.

It's just that Du Niansha doesn't seem to be able to go any further.

But her path is from the bottom up, from the real to the empty, or she should realize the profound entrance in the real experience, and it is not known whether she breaks through the dry and quiet retreat.

Wei Qingqi said with a smile: "Chasing the road in the realm of Taoism, one day is never idle."

"Even if it's only two days before the grand meeting, you seem to have an unfinished business to finish, Senior Brother Gui."

Gui Wugui raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Oh?"

These two days are supposed to be a trial of Taoism with Wei Qingqi, to recharge their batteries.Unexpectedly, she also arranged a show for herself.

With a thought, the past and the past are clear, Gui Wugui realized: "I know."

Wei Qingqi suddenly turned sideways and pointed.

Gui Wugui nodded slightly, and walked towards the backyard.

After two twists and turns, at the backyard portal, two clear lights are like rolling curtains, naturally opening a portal.

This place was originally a bamboo grove and a mess of rocks, not a place of secrets, but unexpectedly, a forbidden formation was also set up.

But Gui Wugui immediately understood clearly, this seems to be the most brilliant forbidden formation to isolate the qi, and it is not any magical method to guard against, but "the fate of the law falls outside the rings", which becomes the calculation of others food.

It's not hard to tell that this must have been set up by people in the Dao Realm, and now there is no one else in this camp who can do it except the head of Dongfang.It's no wonder that when Gui Wujiu was in the front hall, he didn't sense that there was an ambush in the backyard.

After entering the forbidden formation, Gui Wugui took a closer look.

A small pond that was not very big back then has been buried into a piece of sand at this time.

But I saw a ten-year-old boy with a double bun, round face and round eyes, a tiger head and a tiger brain, and thick eyebrows. He looked energetic and intimidating. It was suspected that the blood of a demon cultivator manifested in a human form; but a small cherry mouth added three points delicate.

Using hands and feet together, the little boy moved extremely fast. After a short while, he piled the sand in the bunker like a snowman into a "sand man", and did not miss the details of his eyebrows, facial features, and clothing buttons.

The appearance is very good, if the porcelain is solid, it is not a bad idea to sell it as a statue.

The little boy looked at it twice, and seemed very satisfied.

Taking two steps back, he suddenly kicked up and kicked the statue's head to pieces.

I can't help but smile.

What he was laughing at was not the boy's actions, but that the little guy clearly felt his presence and recognized who he was.But he pretended not to see it, and still went his own way.And his movements are coherent, without the slightest suffocation.

Cunning and cunning, just like back then.

The child in front of him is naturally Shi Mo.

Maybe Yun just saw him briefly back then, but now nearly a hundred years have passed, I'm afraid he has already forgotten about human affairs.actually not.Because the little boy Shi Mo came to the world too early, he had to have Yin and Yang alternately, and someone with great supernatural powers in the Dao realm to accumulate his spirit.At the moment of this hundred-year achievement, for the unimportant things, in the child's mind, they will go eastward like a wave, and they will never return; but some very important fragments will always be condensed in the mind, even dozens of times. A hundred years seems like yesterday.

As a major turning point in fate, being led to the head of Dongfang after meeting Gui Wugui back then was obviously a crucial part.

Gui Wugui neither interrupted nor spoke, but just watched quietly.

After playing for about half an hour, Shi Mo finally lost his composure.Throwing two balls of sand in his hand, he ran over and said loudly, "I don't want to take you as my teacher!"

Yan Bi's eyes were wide open, staring at Gui Wugui without blinking.

Gui Wugui neither happy nor angry, just said plainly: "Okay."

Seeing Gui Wugui, Shi Shi reacted so calmly, as if he had punched an empty space, and suddenly felt a little frustrated.She tilted her head and said, "The patriarch and mother-in-law have already told me about your name. It is indeed a great help for me to also practice the Taoism of the Misty Sect. But your way is not suitable for me!"

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "You haven't practiced Taoism yet, so you dare to speak out loudly. Is it appropriate to say 'Tao'?"

Shi Mo seemed a little proud, raised his head and said, "Of course I know."

Gui Wugui was noncommittal, found a round stone and sat down casually, said: "Tell me about it."

Shi Mo was full of energy, and said very seriously: "Your way is too vast!"

"The way of the Misty Sect is refined and unique, one attack and one defense, one opening and one closing, meaningful and clear, it suits my heart best."

Having said that, Shi Mo shook his head slightly, as if he was very pleased with himself.

Immediately afterwards, he said: "The Taoism of the Yueheng sect that you have learned gradually requires three thousand small techniques to be perfected. Therefore, the two realms of spirit form and golden core should be cautious every step of the way. In the end, you will practice eighteen supernatural powers. Qian, the sex is different. I don't like it."

Gui Wugui said: "Although I come from Yueheng, the foundation of my Taoism does not lie in Yuehengzong's "Psychic Manifestation True Form Diagram"."

It seemed that he was really discussing Taoism with Tong Momo.

Shi Mo became more energetic, his voice was slightly higher, and he continued: "The Taoism of the Yueheng sect is not bad! Your swordsmanship avenue of 'heaven and man stand on the ground', picks up thousands of schools, eliminates disadvantages and utilizes advantages, and merges all methods into one. It's cumbersome Vastness is more than a hundred times better than Yueheng's Taoism. I don't like it! I don't like it!"

Speaking of this, Shi Mo's voice was excited, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his small mouth was pursed, as if he had really encountered something very disgusting, and he was extremely disgusted.

However, his exposition was also logical.

Little do they know that although Shi Mo has not entered Taoism yet, during the nearly a hundred years of nurturing by the head of the East, he often used the method of dream extradition to make Shi Mo initially come into contact with the true meaning of Taoism in the world.This is not just because of Gui Wugui and his special origin.

Among the thirty-six sons, the first-rate figures have their own Taoist styles and methods of becoming famous, and Shi Mo can't see them.

Although it does not really involve the subtlety and profoundness of Taoism, it is also a great opportunity to see the outline reflect the original heart. It is similar in essence to the empowerment method such as the law of fate and reincarnation, but the form of expression is more gentle. Be regarded as a peculiar "prenatal education" method.

I am afraid that no one in the world can surpass Shi Mo in terms of the views of people who have not yet entered the Tao.

Gui Wugui thought for a while and guessed the reason.

Shi Mo's reaction was very flat when he saw Guigui Wugui. Although it was quite different from what he expected, he felt relieved.Immediately he said sincerely: "Although the inheritance of Taoist Mo Pagoda can help me achieve the Dao realm, but if I follow this way, I will not be able to reach the pinnacle after all. You led me into the authentic Taoism, so the cause and effect must be repaid."

"That's it. After I achieve something in the future, I will do three things for you as a reward. How about it?"

After thinking for a while, he added very seriously: "I definitely don't have any prejudice against you. I know that you are the top figure in the independent trend in this life; it's really because of the incompatibility of Taoism. Just like some people like to eat Meat, some people like to eat vegetarian food, but they can’t do it by nature.”

Gui Wujiu looked indifferent, but there was a strange light in his eyes, which disappeared in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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