Chapter 1061
Above the extreme sky, a thing is green and light, and if you can see it, it will be misplaced and changeable. It seems that although its nature is ethereal, it cannot be penetrated by eyesight.

This thing is obviously not in line with the atmosphere and rhythm of this vast world, but it is full of anger, and it is a package, seamless.

There is nothing more magical than this.

In addition to the Cangyu, there is another bright yellow ring, which is divided into nine sections, which seems to be the jewel on the crown, the embellishment of the most precious treasure.

Feeling its virtual weather from a distance of [-] miles may make people feel amazed and appreciative; but when you really come close and see its vastness, you will inevitably feel awe from the bottom of your heart.

As the fundamental thing of the Nine Sects' preaching, the mystery of Xuanhun Liulitian naturally deserves its reputation.

Not only the Yueheng side, but also the Chenyang Sword Mountain camp has arrived.

At this time, with the Xuanhun Liulitian as the center, the orientation of the four directions is being determined.Dongfang Wanqing, Jiang Chenglu, Zhu Yongchen, and Ji Cangsheng each occupy one of the four elephants.

The rest of the nine true kings and those who are about to end all stand in the sky.

Just like the Yueheng party, the participants have old stories and new ones.

The ones produced by the original Lu Zong are all well-known figures who established their successors hundreds of years ago.

Led by Zhenjun Xin Ya'an, who is both young and experienced, Lin Shuangshuang, Mu Mu, and Zhao Heng will be the ones who will compete next.

The leader of the Zhentan Sect is Mei Xueting, the head of the Zhentan sect, and the real emperor Fu Xiaoshan.The final contestants were Fu Ningjin, Wu Xinling, and Ji Zhongxing, three familiar faces, and another person, with a short figure, a wide heart and a fat body, almost middle-aged and fat, but his facial features were very young and delicate.

This person's name is Yuan Suifeng, and the elegance of his name does not match his image.As the younger generation who "focuses on participation", the achievement of Nascent Soul is thirty or forty years earlier than Bai Shiyou of Youhuan Sect.

The four imperial sects are headed by sect master Shen Siping and Zhenjun Luqiuyan, and the regulations for the disciples entering the formation are the same as those of the Zhentan sect.

Yin Jiuchou, Meng Xia, and Li Si are three people who have made great achievements and have been in the lineage for a long time; plus a thin blue shirt boy.

It has been eighty-eight years since Zhang Chengjun, a boy in blue shirt, became a Nascent Soul, and the middle age of those present is only older than Lu Xuan of Misty Sect.

The Zangxiang sect is headed by Du Minglun and He Shouzhen, and Shu Yubai, Bai Xinchan, and Yu Dezhen are the final contenders, and no new faces appear.

The most appalling thing is Chenyang Sword Mountain.

Under Xuanyuan's arms, after Jiang Hai, there seemed to be more than ten people.

Whether it is Shen Wenhong, Bai Shiyou, Lu Xuan, Yuan Suifeng, Zhang Chengjun, although they missed the big battle of the [-]-year meeting, as the aftermath of the climax of the "big change", they are equally qualified.The so-called "even if you can't come, but you yearn for it", attending the meeting today should be an opportunity to benefit you for a lifetime.

But if the foundation is worse, it may not be a good thing.Seeing a realm that is hard to reach in one's life is also a kind of erosion and consumption of one's Taoism.

However, since there is no limit to the number of people, Chenyang Jianshan is so happy that others can't control it.

The atmosphere at this time is very delicate.

Although the nine sects have gathered, they are hanging in the sky, relatively silent, as if they are quietly waiting for something.

Not only did they not ask each other a question, they even looked at each other and tried to test the truth.Up to the four Heavenly Venerables, all the True Monarchs, Gui Wujiu, Xuanyuan Huai, down to several younger generations, they all had their eyes downcast and waited quietly.

Under the brilliance and grand reflection of the mysterious glazed sky, I suddenly found——

This is a grand event that determines the direction of the Nine Schools and even the entire Ziwei world, and there are only fifty or sixty people in attendance.

The slight figure and the majestic image in the sky form a stark contrast, forming a unique cool and chilling flavor.

No matter in the nine sects, the sect competitions of each sect are crowded with crowds of people.

But their respective characters are not the same.

The gathering of heroes in the battle between the turbid and pure elephants may be comparable to it; but there are at least thousands of people from the two camps watching and holding the battle.Coupled with the various methods set up by the camp, it can be said to be thick and well-proportioned, well-proportioned.

Until this moment, everyone suddenly realized in their hearts that such a few dozens of people determine the weight of the world's general situation, as if carrying mountains and seas on their shoulders, and moving forward with a heavy load.

Finally, Liulitian was facing west, and Zhu Yongchen's voice broke the strange atmosphere like ice: "The time has come."

As soon as his voice fell.

The mysterious and glazed sky changed accordingly!

It was originally a complete body, like a disc of jade, the most central part of which was suddenly sunken.Its front is from top to bottom, and its shade is from bottom to top. The thinner and thinner it is, it will soon become a pair of pierced jade discs with a hole in the middle, or a thicker ring.

The diameter of the hollow in the ring is about one-tenth of the entire "Jade Bi".

Then, an extremely subtle chirping sound emerged from the center of the jade disc.

A figure gradually turned from imaginary to real, and slowly walked out.

Judging from his description, he is a middle-aged man with a firm figure, a nose job, thick cheeks, and slightly darkened skin.

The subject and the object are reversed in his body, pros and cons are compatible, Ling Ran regards me as the master, which is the distinctive feature of the near-dao state; while the seven kinds of qi in his body are erratic, and the five colors are like lights flickering, revealing a kind of aura like a sword out of its sheath. Unique brilliance.

Obviously, this is a person who has just achieved the Dao Realm.

The winner of the last five-hundred-year meeting, Zang Xiangzong lives in the fourth dimension.

As a matter of fact, the sharpness of inverting the subject and the object of the recently accomplished True Monarch of the Short Path is at least several times stronger than that of the long-established True Monarch.However, under the reflection of the mysterious glazed sky, it greatly obscured the existence of the ascetics.One positive and one negative cancel each other out, and it looks like an ordinary close-path true monarch.

Among the four-dimensional eyes, the thick and sharp colors are just right.But when he completely walked out of the center of Liulitian, he looked around and couldn't help being stunned; he felt that everything was...

too strange.

The four figures of the mysterious glazed sky are erected and formed into four images.The one in the north is the sword master Ji Cangsheng; the one in the south is the wooden sword fairy Jiang Chenglu.

These are also the two Dao Realm existences of the Nine Sects five hundred years ago.

Dongfang Wanqing and Zhu Yongchen.

Although these two people were famous in the Nine Schools back then, and their Taoism was far above the rest of the true monarchs, their achievements in five hundred years were still beyond Ju Siwei's expectations.

The structure of the sect also exceeded his expectations.

If the bright yellow nine-point jade belt encircling the mysterious glazed sky is a "big circle", then the participants of the nine sects stand on the reduced-sized "small circle" under the glazed sky. The nine sects form a ring, each occupied.

And today...

The nine sects were roughly divided into two pieces.Although nothing can be seen on the surface, the atmosphere of incompatibility and tit-for-tat is obvious.

The Zangxiang Sect was on one side, while the Yueheng and Misty Sects, who were close friends with the Zangxiang Sect, were on the other side.What's even more strange is that on the side of the Yueheng Sect, one of them, regardless of the skills he carried or the outline he vaguely described back then, was clearly Du Niansha, the granddaughter of Senior Brother Du.The subtlety of Taoism is outstanding, and it is the crown of all disciples of Zang Xiangzong.

Looking at its description, it seems like a stranger.

Those who are surprised are more than that.

When I lived in Siwei back then, I knew that the next [-] years would be when the Nine Sects' [-]-year appointment expired.At that time, there will be earth-shaking changes, and the heroes who are not born in the world are bound to gather together and emerge.

But in the four-dimensional imagination, the so-called "heroes emerge in large numbers", such as the original Lu Zong Mu Mu, Yue Heng Ning Suchen, and this Zong Du Niansha, there are four, five, five or six people; If you get one or two, or two or three, it can be called a peak.

Looking around at this moment, one can tell at a glance that there are as many as seven or eight people who have the background of the Dao realm; among the people present, Mu Mu can only barely rank in the top ten; Chenyang Jianshan Xuanyuan Huai, one from the Yueheng Sect, whose name is unknown, has both reached the realm that the "Ben Yunxiang" of the heavenly gods of the past dynasties seems to be far behind.

Ju Siwei sighed softly.

Five hundred years.

Five hundred years.

On the way to the Dao Realm, five hundred years may be a flick of a finger, and the world is no different from being static; but when it comes to the extreme, the rapid changes that erupt are beyond anyone's imagination.

This is no longer the "Nine Sect Patterns" and "Ziwei Great World" that Ju Siwei knew.

Seeing that Ju Siwei was in a daze, Du Minglun said repeatedly: "Nephew Ju, come quickly."

Zhu Yongchen said: "The frontier is over, and the new way is beginning. You have been waiting for a long time."

Looking far away at Jiang Chenglu from the south, he said, "Master Dongfang. The guests you have invited can be allowed to enter."

Dongfang Wanqing nodded slightly.

This is not for the sake of keeping any secrets, but it is actually a good intention.

Because of watching the scene of the nine sects of the true monarchs becoming enlightened, it will more or less affect the future breakthrough of those who have practiced the local Taoism.Although Qin Menglin and others are extremely talented, they cannot be regarded as ordinary local cultivators, so it may not cause interference.But after the first and last, it can save trouble.

As Dongfang Wanqing stretched out her hand a little, everyone suddenly realized that above the seemingly clear and moist glazed sky, there was actually an enchanted portal thousands of miles away.

At this time, the portal suddenly opened, about Zhang Xu's size.

A group of people waited and filed in.

Qin Menglin; Yu Ion; Huang Xiyin; Yu Gucheng; Shentu Longshu; Li Yunlong; Jiang Minyi; Xi Lerong; Yu Jiaolong; Mo Tianqing; Wen; Master Li; Yuan Fang, etc.

The strength and completeness of the lineup is no less than that of the upcoming Nine Sects, and even surpasses in thickness.

Before today, the world's first-class figures gathered, and the most complete was the three battles of the clear and turbid mysterious image.But that time everyone had arrived, but the most important two people, Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuanhuai, were missed.

But this time, it was a real gathering of heroes, with thirty-six people inside and outside the list, all in one place.

The four great powers in the Dao realm all had a thought in their hearts.This powerful force outside of the Nine Sects, and the Nine Sects' contemporary direct lineages may be able to produce strange flowers and fruits.

The Nine Schools have experienced a change in the past [-] years, so talents have been exhausted; and the entire world of crape myrtle is obviously not a peaceful and peaceful world.

(End of this chapter)

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