Chapter 1076
In the battle between Shen Xiangqin and Jiang Hai, the two of them didn't even seem to have a word of greeting to each other.As soon as Shen Xiangqinfu fell out of the battle, his supernatural powers followed the trend.

It's not that the two have any enmity, but it's the best strategy to judge the situation.

It should be noted that if people like Jiang Hai, Ning Suchen, and Mu Mu were born tens of thousands of years earlier, they would be a little short of reaching the perfection of the Dao Realm in all likelihood.Now, two of the three have reached this state. This is the driving force of the general trend, and the right time, place and people are both in harmony.

The level of these three people is very small compared with Bai Xinchan, Yun Qianjue, Shen Xiangqin and others who are half a line behind, and the subtleties are far from comparable to those who challenged Wu Xinling, You Caixin, Han Taikang and others.

The reason why time has changed is that there seems to be a big gap now. First, Chenyang Sword Mountain is prosperous and Daohong; Near the water tower.

Finally, Jiang Hai's age sequence is also much longer than Shen Xiangqin's, and his path is naturally deeper.

Combining all kinds of factors, he has achieved a remarkable level of cultivation today, even in the realm of consummation, he is also in the forefront; it seems that he is not the same as Shen Xiangqin.


This is when both parties are at their best.

If the spirit and magic power are slightly damaged, and a glimpse of the real weakness is seen, then the real feeling of "hoping and reaching" will be given to people again between the two.

This is the reason why Shen Xiangqin made a decisive move.After the battle between Jiang Hai and Han Taikang, although he avoided the biggest trap of Dao Xin Collapse, he still had to bear the minor trouble of mana damage.Taking advantage of the fact that his magic power has not yet recovered, and he exerts himself to the extreme, the ebb and flow is an opportunity.

Looking at Shen Xiangqin's technique, the back of the head is full of light, there is no difference between reality and reality, but a very bright and harmonious atmosphere.It is quite similar to the real Qingyun image on the local Tianxuan, but the scale is slightly smaller.This kind of imagery, which seems to be still but not moving, is the result of tending to "extreme change".

Reflected in the middle, the glow flows.

As for Jiang Haijian's divergence, although the damage was small, it did not hinder its purity.It is clearly discernible that the battle between the two is a battle between "sharpness" and "infiltration".

In the end, it wasn't Shen Xiangqin's bathing light that swallowed Jiang Hai's sword energy, or the sharp sword light that looked like silk strings shredded the sun.

But for a while, the two forces were in a stalemate, and it was hard to distinguish between them.


The battle between Du Niansha and Yin Jiuchou was different.

But seeing Yin Jiuchou jumping into the formation, he hastily cast a shadowy mask like a clay pot to protect himself, obviously to prevent Du Niansha from relying on his higher cultivation level to forcefully fight faster, and to curb her use of methods.

This also shows from the negative side that Yin Jiuchou has extraordinary means to display.

Du Niansha looked intently, the flat photomask had a radius of three feet and six feet when it hit the ground, but within a few breaths it shrank by half a foot.It can be seen that it belongs to the supernatural power of "self-destructive form".If you forcibly kill this mask before it shatters, the price you will pay will be extremely high.

That being the case, there is no harm in letting him use his methods.

Seeing that Du Niansha really didn't intend to attack by force, Yin Jiuchou was refreshed.Immediately cast the real means.

But he saw that the fingers of his left hand were slightly bent, as if he couldn't stop calculating.The right hand is wrapped around the body, but it is holding a large urn that is more than two feet high and about one foot three to four inches wide in the middle. It is long and big at the bottom, like a papaya.

The urn was originally open, so it is said that the truth and falsehood in it can be discerned at a glance.But looking around, I feel that it is like a cold pool of thousands of feet, indistinguishable from reality, and extremely deep.I could only vaguely see a dark iron rod standing from the bottom of the urn to the mouth of the urn.

What's even better is that after observing for a few breaths in a row, even the big urn disappeared, as if it disappeared out of thin air, and seemed to become a part of Yin Jiuchou's body again.

This is obviously the absolute decree of the four imperial gates "with or without four refinements".

This strange copper urn should also be Yin Jiuchou's final treasure.

However, although the appearance of this item is strange, its actual combat use has yet to be revealed.

At this moment, the brilliance in Yin Jiuchou's eyes sharpened.

Immediately, his right hand slammed heavily on the urn.

The big urn, which was already uncertain, suddenly solidified!Then it was seen very clearly that the vertical "iron rod" in the big urn suddenly trembled violently and buzzed.

Du Niansha was originally watching calmly, but suddenly she stepped on her slender foot, shifting her escape speed to the extreme, like a blue rainbow, escaping from within a few miles.

Where she was originally standing, it seemed that the space collapsed, or it seemed that a formation force was launched, or some powerful thunder talisman magic power was triggered, it burst and rolled suddenly, and a red cloud rose, accompanied by a suffocating and heavy sound.

The power of this blow is so great that it can pose a threat to the realm of perfection.

Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing's eyes moved slightly.Although many techniques of the Four Imperial Gates are rooted in the Qi Dao, they are the closest to the Magic Dao among the Nine Schools of Taoism.As the first descendant of the contemporary Four Imperial Clans, although they have not reached perfection, the two of them did not underestimate Yin Jiuchou, and they paid special attention to this battle.

However, although Yin Jiuchou's method of extinction of the void with the help of the big urn is very powerful, it is still not as sudden and requires a long preparation time, which is obviously not enough to pose a threat to Du Niansha.

Just as Zuo was thinking this way, Yin Jiuchou struck again.

He still slapped Wun's body, but this palm was very negligent, almost only using a third of his strength.

However, the power of vibration produced by Du Niansha's feet did not decrease.

After another fifteen breaths, strike the third time.Yin Jiuchou just stretched out his thumb and pressed lightly on the body of the urn.

Fourth hit...

The fifth hit...

Yin Jiuchou's movements became more and more sluggish, almost to the point where there was nothing there.

On the seventh strike, Yin Jiuchou finally couldn't see the slightest movement, and the technique of thunder from the void can be activated freely!
At this moment, the light shield that guarded against Du Niansha's heavy-handed surprise attack also completely shrunk, and finally turned into a speck of light.

Everyone who watched the battle was stunned.

It's no wonder that this method is difficult to activate. It turns out that after it is activated, if there is an extra helper, it seems that Yin Jiuchou's own magic power will not be abolished.In this way, Yin Jiuchou can free up his hands to fight with all his strength, which is almost equivalent to having half a man's combat power more.

not only that.

It is not difficult for those with sharp eyesight to see that the "supernatural power" displayed by the copper urn is not activated, but once it is activated, it is like a spark splashing on the strong oil, and it is definitely not something that can be stopped for a while.In other words, even if Yin Jiuchou was defeated in the battle, the image of "Thunder from the Void" could still be maintained, laying the foundation for the last one to come out.

Such a method, which shows the gain in the bright place, is much more domineering than the method of "half-foot Tianzhu".

Mo Tianqing was quick-witted, looked around, but after seeing this move, Gui Wujiu raised his head inadvertently; Qin Menglin frowned slightly.She wondered in her heart whether Yin Jiuchou's work was more powerful than expected, and Du Niansha was in a dilemma.

In the midst of the battle, Du Niansha saw that Yin Jiuchou's protective mask had been removed, and when she got excited, she wanted to make a move!

But at this moment, the voiceless voice floated in the sky, and it appeared in everyone's mind: "Hold on."

It is the head of the East.

Not only the descendants who participated in the battle and watched the battle, but also Pu Fangyu, Du Minglun, Xue Jianchi, Yuan Ying, Mei Xueting and other true emperors of the sects were all stunned.

The Liuli Tian competition was stopped halfway, but this was the first time in history.

Zhu Yongchen said in a slow voice: "Backgrounding the front and back, gaining momentum, is the inevitable strategy of Lien Zhan's method. Just now, the Zhentan Sect's half-foot sky-cutter method, the Youhuan Sect's rugged and unified method, and even the Dongfang Taoist borrowed it personally. The Yueheng sect's method of choosing between the three sects covered by the general situation all falls into this category. Although Yin Jiuchou's method is more pragmatic, it is not too restrictive."

Dongfang Wanqing shook her head and said, "Fellow Daoist knows what I mean, it's not here."

Jiang Chenglu said: "If there is no evidence, let him use his means to his heart's content."

Dongfang Wanqing said: "This is not a secular law, which emphasizes never suspecting crimes. This battle must be absolutely fair, and if there are loopholes, they should be plugged in advance."

Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

Only Gui Wujiu, Xuanyuan Huai, Qin Menglin and a few others seemed to have a change in expression, as if they knew the reason for the dispute between the heavenly lords.

Yin Jiuchou's "iron urn" method can be activated freely once it is ignited, randomly detonating powerful thunder images, even after he is off the field, this level of mystery can be recognized by anyone watching the battle.

Even the people with such superb skills as Shen Tu Longshu can vaguely calculate the continuous mobilization time of the iron urn, which is about twelve hours.

But this is only the first level of profound meaning of Yin Jiuchou's method.

What ordinary people can't imagine is that the "cracking thunder" cast by this urn can not only be spontaneously spontaneous within twelve hours, but can also be controlled by Yin Jiuchou himself to gain additional power.

The former can be interpreted as a coordination method similar to the "half-foot Tianchui"; but if Yin Jiuchou uses the method of active manipulation after he is off the court, it is obviously equal to two against one, which is not in compliance with the regulations.

What's more, with the profound meaning of "the presence or absence of the four refinements" of the four imperial gates, it is completely impossible to tell whether the supernatural power was activated randomly, or whether it was manipulated by Yin Jiuchou afterwards.At that time, even if its power suddenly increases several times at a certain moment, it is actually not impossible.He only reasoned that it was the surplus power activated by the urn itself, but it was difficult for others to argue.

Sword master Ji Cangsheng said: "How are you doing?"

Dongfang Wanqing said: "Among them Youxuan, you can hide it from the real monarchs, but you can't hide it from us. To be fair, the four of us each picked up a little bit of divine power and went deep into the urn to see the reality."

Ji Cangsheng remained silent, but Zhu Yongchen shook his head and said: "It's not appropriate. This battle should be completely handed over to the person who fights. No external force can be added."

Jiang Chenglu smiled slightly, and said: "There is nothing wrong with the discussion of the head of the East. It's just that the inner shell of the copper urn was clearly wrapped into a circle by Yin Jiuchou with a trace of magical power, and it was carefully protected. Obviously this is the most subtle part of his supernatural powers." .If you want to peep, you must pierce this circle and interfere with it."

Dongfang Wanqing suddenly fell silent.

Naturally, she also saw a precision formation formed in the copper urn.But based on her understanding of the four imperial gates, the true essence of the copper urn is "the image of chaos, to get through the existence and non-existence".With Yin Jiuchou's level of Taoism, there is no need for a shell of essence to cover him.

But if he asks at this moment, he will naturally have all kinds of excuses, saying Taoism is necessary for Taoism, and others have no way to verify or falsify it.

Just when there was a slight stalemate, Du Nian Sharon said: "Thank you, Dongfang Sect Leader, Guan Ai. However, I have no objection to continuing the competition according to the old law."

(End of this chapter)

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