Chapter 1087
Inside and outside Liulitian, whether it was the participants or the guests, there was a commotion.

The ranking of the nine sons did not start from the ninth and eighth places, but the winners and losers were determined after three to four battles. The rapid progress has far exceeded expectations.Now the violence has gone a step further.

It seems that Lin Shuangshuang has firmly secured the third place, and the battle between him and Xuanyuan Huai will determine the outcome.

The final decisive battle is imminent.

Mu Yunli frowned, but did not back down, and said slowly: "The defensive power formed by the complementarity of my three-in-one six-element and human-self is also very commendable to you, senior brother. Before leaving, senior brother said in person , this method makes great use of the difference of one true treasure, even if it is an enemy of Zhenliu swordsmanship, it can still persist beyond a thousand moves."

"Could it be that returning to senior brother is a vain reputation, and the words are insincere?"

Gui Wugui lightly smiled and said, "Of course not."

Mu Yunli said earnestly: "If I take over this round, Senior Sister Wei will also have her own unique means in the next round. The time changes and the situation is different, there should be roughly a [-]% to [-]% chance of winning."

The so-called "time shift and potential difference" naturally means that as time goes by, Lin Shuangshuang will also slowly fall from the extreme.Although it is limited to a thousand years, this decline is extremely small.But as long as a certain key threshold falls, the situation of victory and defeat will be very different.

Moreover, Wei Qingqi has secret skills and has experience in fighting Yugucheng, so she can narrow the gap between the two sides to a negligible level.

Although [-]% to [-]% certainty is not high, but in Liulitian's [-] year critical moment, even if it is a [-]% chance, how can it be easily let go?
Although Wei Qingqi didn't say anything, it could be seen from her expression that she seemed to agree with Mu Yunli's opinion and was willing to fight with all her strength.

Gui Wujiu shook his head and said: "The two junior sisters only know one, but don't know the other."

"Actually, a [-]% to [-]% chance of winning is not much to say; with the potential of Junior Sister Qingqi, she is often good at seizing first-line opportunities in chaotic situations. If you fight with all your strength, you may even have a [-]% chance."

Wei and Mu were surprised when they heard this.

But when the topic changed, Gui Wugui said: "But this battle should not go on."

Wei Qingqi pondered for a while, and said: "Dare to ask the truth."

Inside and outside Liulitian, everyone showed a look of attentive listening.But in the glazed sky, the three Taoist priests on Chenyang's side moved their eyes slightly.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "The Daoism held by Fellow Daoist Lin is a great skill that was ambushed by the ancestors of the original Lu Zong. It has been hidden in a hidden place until the time is right, and it is revealed in one fell swoop. The subtlety and subtlety in it are not trivial."

Glancing at Mu Minli, Gui Wugui said: "For example, there is a distance of three zhang between me and Junior Sister Mu. If you want to get closer to each other, I will not move, and Junior Sister Mu will walk towards me; or Junior Sister Mu will not move. , I am going to you. Both can be used, but both have the same effect.”

Qin Menglin, Yu Ion and the others seemed to realize something when they heard the words.

But more people are still at a loss.

Gui Wugui said leisurely: "The long distance between heaven and earth, and the rhythm of each other's affection, are relative to each other. The Taoism held by Lin Daoyou, indeed, from her standpoint, there is only one chance to 'correct' it. Once the opportunity is exhausted, it will be a thousand years in the future, and you can go up and down at any time, and you can no longer do whatever you want."

Wei Qingqi pondered and said: "I think this is the 'first'; I don't know what the reason for the 'second' is."

Gui Wugui said slowly: "It's just like the analogy just now. Although you can't go, I can come. If someone fights with Lin Daoyou, tries his best to focus on everything, and finally reaches the situation where he can give everything he has. Then both sides will be happy. If you have a sense of camera, you will 'remember' this vivid emotion."

"In the future, no matter if it is the first time in a hundred years, two hundred years, or five hundred years, we will fight again. Perhaps in the eyes of others, Lin Daoyou has changed in strength and weakness, coming and going differently; but in the eyes of those who have experienced this, he is always Maintain the 'state of the day'."

Wei Qingqi and Mu Yunli were startled when they heard this.

Mu Yunli said: "Since that's the case... Junior Sister Du came out just now, why didn't Senior Brother Gui stop it first?"

When Du Niansha heard this, she secretly activated the air machine's lifting and lowering sensor.At this time, she has a very subtle perception of the ups and downs of luck, the pros and cons of life and death, but she has not noticed that there will be disharmony after the battle with Lin Shuangshuang.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "The induction memory and emotional fit also depend on the character. For example, Junior Sister Du or Jiang Minyi, who are brave and decisive, have the strength of gold and stone. They have fought against Junior Sister Lin for several days, but they are actually fine."

"Ru Qingqi's mood is jumping, and she can clearly judge Tianxin, but it is not suitable to fight with her for a long time."

"Junior Sister Mu was originally between rigidity and softness, but after getting that opportunity, she was also imbued with the delicate and tortuous temperament of that school. Therefore, it is also not suitable to fight with Fellow Daoist Lin."

After a pause, Gui Wugui said meaningfully: "The future will be long."

Lin Shuangshuang frowned slightly.This is the highest depth of her practice, and even the Heavenly Venerable Wood Sword Immortal of her own sect did not fully understand the aftertaste of it when she practiced it.But Gui Wugui is just watching, but he already knows it well, and it is astonishing to think about it.

The original attempt to challenge seems unnecessary.

Thirty feet away.After Mu Yunli was startled for a moment, she immediately realized.

She and Lin Shuangshuang were originally brothers.According to common sense, when Lin Shuangshuang was ahead of her in the first five hundred years, she came from behind in the next five hundred years, and so on.But if she fights hard, she waits for Lin Shuangshuang to beat her no matter when and where.

The same is true for Wei Qingqi.

Looking at the ups and downs of Lin Shuangshuang's curve, with a period of one thousand years, Lin Shuangshuang was only slightly above Wei Qingqi in about sixty-four years; the rest of the nine hundred and thirty-six years were all inferior.In the long run, although the peak limit is higher and there is a three-day true flow, it is generally not enough to shake Wei Qingqi's position as the third person in the Nine Sects.

If after a fight, everyone who meets Wei Qingqi today will have the fighting power of today, then it is really hard to say who belongs to the third place in the Nine Sects.

There is ample time……

Mu Yunli was thoughtful.

For a long time in the future near the Dao realm and in the Dao realm, a person who was originally equal to me and with a similar foundation will always be a head above me, and it is indeed a big haze.

After a long time, Mu Yunli nodded, and said solemnly: "I will follow what Senior Brother said."

Gui Wujiu looked up into the distance, and calmly said, "Fellow Taoist Xuanyuan, please."

As soon as the voice fell, the remaining seven sons, each of them tacitly dispersed to the edge of the battle.

The Chenyang Jianshan camp, Pu Fangyu, Du Minglun, etc., although they were shocked by the insight that there is no blame, and their insight was like a torch, they were more relieved.

Lin Shuangshuang's method is of course a very confident hole card, but when the real enemy is at hand and the victory is not yet in sight, facing Xuanyuan Huai's pressure that even if he goes out, it will be useless. It is a lie to say that there is no tension deep in his heart.

After all, Du Niansha, Mu Yunli, and Wei Qingqi are not ordinary players. If the three of them also use one or two unfathomable methods, even if they are [-] to [-] percent sure of breaking the game, they are like a huge stone.

But unexpectedly, Gui Wujiu took the initiative to give up this opportunity.

In the eyes of Du Minglun and others, since entering the Dao realm is safe, what regrets do they have?Only Xuanyuan Huai and Gui Wujiu can compete for the number one in ancient and modern times.As long as it's not the first place, it doesn't seem to matter whether one person or two beat him.

In the midst of the battle, Xuanyuan Huai's sense of emptiness dissipated, and he completely transformed into the image of a village boy, and said with a smile: "There is no rush."

"Watch a good show first, and then fight, how about?"

Gui Wujiu calmly said: "Then we have to see whether the good performance of Taoist Xuanyuan is really exciting or not."

With a sigh, Xuanyuan Huai said: "You Daoist Gui have reached this unimaginable step, and you can be my strong enemy. In this case, in order to create an extreme state and achieve an unprecedented swan song, it is not a teacher who has no name."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan Huai clapped his hands.

The "eight people" in the Chenyang Sword Mountain camp who hadn't yet appeared in the formation appeared in the formation after a wave of erratic figures.

Originally, the faces of these eight people were blurred, but after careful identification, they were unfamiliar.At this moment, everyone was surprised to find that the faces of these eight people seemed somewhat similar to Xuanyuan Huaidu's.

To be precise, half are similar and half are different.

Mo Tianqing, Lin Yi and the others looked at each other in surprise. Could it be that the victory depends on the many.

This is obviously not a rule; then there is only one explanation, that is, these eight people are not living people, but puppet magical powers or clone magical powers refined by Xuanyuan Huai.

It is well known that Xuanyuan Huai is good at a kind of avatar between the lofty and the real, one real and one illusion.However, if it is said that there is no blame for using such a cumbersome avatar method to face the battle, I always feel that there is something wrong.

Xuanyuan Huai still clapped his palms lightly, and said in turn:

"Junior Sister Lin."

Lin Shuangshuang raised her head and seemed a little surprised; but looking at one of the eight people, she seemed to realize something.

"Friend Wei Daoist."

"Friend Wood."

"Friend Du Dao."

"Friend Shen."

"Friend Daoist Cloud."

"Junior Brother Fu."

"Junior Brother Yin."

All the people who were targeted by Xuanyuan Huai felt an inexplicable throbbing in their hearts.

After looking at each other, among the group, Lin Shuangshuang, Fu Ningjin, and Yin Jiuchou all stepped into the circle without hesitation.

On the side of the Yueheng camp, the rest of them saw Wei Qingqi enter the center of the formation, and they all followed closely behind.

Forget it, Lin, Mu, Wei, Du and Yun Qianjue, Shen Xiangqin, Fu Ningjin, and Yin Jiuchou were clearly not among the final nine sons, but they were still selected; The line is higher and ranks among the nine sons, but it was not selected.

Du Minglun's complexion changed slightly.

The selection is not the eight people with the highest merit; it is to select a representative from each sect other than Chenyang Sword Mountain.As for the Tibetan Elephant School... Xuanyuan Huai chose Du Niansha instead of Shu Yubai.If it is spread out, it will deal another blow to the rectification of the name of the Tibetan Elephant Sect.

Sure enough, Xuanyuan Huai continued: "Although Gui Daoyou is the number one in Yueheng, but in terms of Dharma Gate, Mu Yunli is based on the "Psychic Manifestation True Form Diagram" as the foundation."

Gui Wugui pondered for a while, and said: "This statement is not bad."

Xuanyuan Huai waved his sleeves, and the eight people with different appearances and general similarities with Xuanyuan Huai himself found one of them and corresponded one by one.

And the true monarchs of the sects, and even the people in the Chenyang camp, seem to be clueless.

(End of this chapter)

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