Chapter 1093
Wei Qingqi took a light step forward.

The temperament is deep and steady, neither slow nor fast, and the location of this body has quietly stood on the "arc" of an invisible circle.

Gao Ming such as Yu Gucheng, Li Yunlong, etc., have been able to see his three hundred and sixty hands, ready to go.

However, Qin Menglin and Yu Ion took a more profound view.

Without the need for special symbolic images and coordination like Mu Yunli and Du Niansha, Wei Qingqi can naturally achieve "one strike is all", and collect the three hundred and sixty branches into one.

Xun Shen was startled suddenly.

It turned out that at an unknown moment, Wei Qingqi had already made a move.

After she established the image of the central circle, it was clear that she was ready to go and braked quietly, but looking at it in a daze, the fine and clear air around it was already flowing quickly, as if walking among the stars.

When is the "start"?
Can't recall it.

Even opponents who are in the perfect state will be defeated immediately when encountering this move.

What's even more rare is that this is not a method of disillusionment, deceit, or confusion, but a natural expression of supernatural powers and temperament.

In other words, it is the effect of "planting flowers unintentionally".

If you can't pass this level, it means that your opponent is not qualified to be Wei Qingqi's opponent.

Since the opening of the [-]-year meeting, it has been beautiful and graceful, and this is the most.

Xuanyuan Huai felt like a god, and shot at the same time.

One circle is looming, the foot steps on the edge, and the two fingers make a sword.

Just like the battle with Lin Shuangshuang, Xuanyuanhuai chose a complete "re-engraving".

The sword energy is clear and condensed, with an endless aftertaste, it should be able to keep pace with Wei Qingqi.

It is worth mentioning that the supernatural powers displayed by the two are considered to be wonderful in terms of "imagery".

If we talk about supernatural powers, this battle is actually the most simple since the start of the war. In the eyes of those with insufficient cultivation, it is actually just like two breezes blowing against each other, and there is no trace at all.

An elephant has no form, and a great sound has no sound, which is enough to be called.

Qin Menglin, Yu Ion, Yu Gucheng, Huang Xiyin, Li Yunlong, Shentu Longshu, these five or six people suddenly exchanged glances in pairs, hiding their surprise.

As for the rest of the people, they didn't notice anything abnormal.

Because these few Taoists are higher than the "normal combat power" of Mu Yunli and Lin Shuangshuang, that is, the so-called combat power of Xuanyuan Huai's incarnation.So they coincidentally confirmed one thing very clearly - the "Xuanyuan Huai" at this time has become stronger.

The two qi machines competed in the void, and it was hard to distinguish between them.

This is really unexpected.

I thought it was a new method to make up for the gap between the two people's skills, but I didn't expect it to be as simple as "directly becoming stronger".

Could it be that Qin Menglin misunderstood Xuanyuan Huai's avatar's limit of combat power and failed to detect Xuanyuan Huai's true strength?
Yu Ion suddenly said: "No. Otherwise, if he fights with Lin Shuangshuang, he doesn't need to do that."

Yu Gucheng, Li Yunlong, and Shentu Longshu paused, and nodded in agreement one after another.

Walking in Lin Shuangshuang's "long river of time" to avoid his peak combat power is clearly an extremely superb method.It will not be used unless necessary.

If Xuanyuan Huai's true strength was much higher than expected, then he could increase his mana at will until he was on par with Lin Shuangshuang, and then he would be able to balance and neutralize; there was no need to dazzle with magical skills.

Thinking about it left and right, it's hard to understand.

Gui Wujiu watched coldly from the sidelines, but his heart was full of insight.

The reason why Xuanyuanhuai's last incarnation is stronger, without it, is because of the four characters "ordered and orderly"; in fact, a conversation between Xuanyuanhuai and Yun Qianjue after the fight has already revealed the mystery.

Every fight of Xuanyuan Huai's avatar actually has both internal and external meanings.

The external meaning, as everyone can see, is to neutralize the variables, and the sword is better than others.

But the external meaning is only steps and means, not the ultimate goal of Xuanyuan Huai.His inner goal is actually to purify and screen his own mana.

Its original qi mechanism, the eight methods were mixed together at the beginning, and they could not distinguish each other; but the moment the complete engraving of a certain school of Taoism took shape and was shot, it was all in one vein.It is equivalent to using the other eight sects as imaginary enemies to complete the one-to-one correspondence with the eight Chenyang veins.

The Taoists who reproduce the Yingfa sect belong to the lineage of Killing Sword;
The Taoists who reproduce the four imperial gates are from the lineage of Miaojian;
The person who reproduced the Taoism of Zhentan Sect is from the lineage of Phantom Sword;
The Taoist who reproduced the Youhuan Sect is from the Kongjian lineage;
The person who reproduced the Taoism of the Yueheng sect is the Huajian lineage;
The person who reproduces the Taoism of the Zangxiang sect belongs to the lineage of Tianjian;
The Taoist who reproduced the original Lu Zong is the heart sword;
In the end, only the Absolute Sword lineage was left among the Taoists who reproduced the Misty Sect.

When engraving the other seven Taoist arts, "Xuanyuan Huai" actually had two purposes at once, not only to complete the "neutralization" method, but also to screen and integrate the nature of its own magical powers.

But when it came to the battle with Wei Qingqi, the situation changed suddenly.Because the only one left is Juejian, so if half of the steps are omitted, all the energy can be devoted to fighting skills, and the state of skill will naturally increase by another level.


If Wei Qingqi made an early move, Xuanyuan Huai's strengthening method would not be established.It seems that the hope of winning seems to be even greater.

But this is not because Wei Qingqi missed the opportunity, but because she vaguely sensed that leaving this battle until the end, and the two sides' fighting strength will be closer, is the result that Gui Wugui and she herself want to see more.

Yu Gucheng recalled the battle with Wei Qingqi a hundred years ago. At this moment, there was almost no difference between the two sides, and he felt a little emotional for a while.

He wanted to praise him aloud, but suddenly his eyes froze.

He watched carefully again, and confirmed that he was not mistaken——

Both of them stepped slowly on the imaginary "circle", hiding the most exquisite magical powers in the invisible breeze.But it is not difficult to distinguish, since more than ten breaths ago, Wei Qingqi's sleeves stretched out, and a strand of black hair brushed against her face; while Xuanyuan Huai's hair was close to her shoulders, and the cuffs drooped, revealing half of her arm.

The east wind overwhelms the west wind!
After Xuanyuan Huai inexplicably increased her mana, she was still slightly inferior to Wei Qingqi!
Yu ion, Qin Menglin and others also discovered the abnormality at the same time.

Even Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuan Huaizheng were surprised.

Xuanyuan Huai closed his eyes and praised: "Very good. Fellow Daoist Wei gave me a big surprise."

After saying that, a wisp of energy was cut out of his body, and he threw it into the clone!
The battle of clones was immediately tied.

But after doing this, Xuanyuan Huai's body seems to be incomplete, changing repeatedly between the outline of the lines and the concrete reality, blurred and uncertain.

Among the Yueheng camp, Ning Zhongliu, Xue Jianchi and others suddenly became energetic.

Strictly speaking, this time belongs to the part of fighting skills between Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuan Huai, but the process is a bit special.

If Gui Wujiu was very confident, it would not be wrong to be confident that he would act after Xuanyuan conceived the method.But at this moment, there is an excellent opportunity in front of him.If you don't act now, you will miss your chance.

Even Mu Yunli's eyes seemed to have a three-point movement.

There is no absolute boundary between Taoism above and below.

Perhaps Gui Wugui was originally pursuing a higher level of Dao Sheng, but at this time there is an almost absolute opportunity in front of him, and it seems that he should act decisively.

Before Xuanyuan Huai's own energy returned, his incomplete body could not be Gui Wugui's opponent.

Mu Yunli looked around.

Gui Wujiu seemed indifferent, but casually looked up, as if observing the changes in Liulitian.

All this happens in an instant.

Xuanyuan Huai clone's magic power has been raised to the same level as Wei Qingqi, so there is no suspense in this battle.

In the next moment, Xuanyuan Huai's victory in all eight battles seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

At this moment, Liulitian as a whole suddenly emitted a dazzling brilliance, as if it was very close to the sun and the moon.

The glass sky is broken;

Recovered again.

Under the glazed sky, at some point, there have been two more stone pillars surrounded by three feet, and the height is white. The tops are connected by cloud patterns, forming the shape of a door.

It seems to be an illusion, visible, intangible, and seemingly real.

The two camps, the True Monarchs, each have at least thousands of years of lifespan, and have experienced many storms. Facing this unimaginable change at this moment, they can only look at each other in blank dismay.

Since he has become a true monarch, it means that he has retreated in Liulitian for five hundred years.

This "Xuanhun Liulitian" is clearly just a gathering of the aura of great quality, where is such a portal hidden in it?
Who established it?
Why is there no record of Zongmen's affiliation?

Ji Cangsheng, Zhu Yongchen, Dongfang Wanqing, Jiang Chenglu, the four Heavenly Venerables were also shocked.

Immediately, the four of them realized that the omen of "the glass sky is broken" that had appeared repeatedly just now was not a wishful thinking, but a prophecy of reality.

Xuanyuan Huai raised his head and glanced twice, his expression was rather subtle, as if surprised; but not so surprised.

I know something about it, but I don't know it completely.

As for the spectators, they knew very little about the Nine Secrets, but their attitude was relatively calm at this time.

At this time of chaos, Gui Wugui made a move.

But it was not as everyone expected, attacking Xuanyuan Huai's incomplete entity at this time.

Gui Wujiu's fingertips popped out a black and almost black small dark sword, and quickly stabbed Wei Qingqi's back heart.

Wei Qingqi seemed to sense it, but she didn't move.

After a moment, the small black sword had already entered Wei Qingqi's body.

The battle situation that was about to fall into failure has been reversed.

The power of the two most brilliant swordsmanships offset each other and returned to the balance of power.

At the same time, a jade-colored ray of light from the "portal" of Liulitian, which had already enveloped Xuanyuan Huai, disappeared again with the reversal of the battle situation.

Most people are at a loss for everything that happened in this flash.

The four Tianzun, Qin Menglin, Yu Ion and others only had a vague feeling in their hearts.

Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huai looked at each other.

Only the two of them are clear-eyed——

If Xuanyuan Huai had successfully defeated Wei Qingqi just now, a ray of light from the portal would fall on him and lead him into that portal.

What this portal means, Gui Wugui doesn't know at this time.

But he was very clear in his heart that it should be a special opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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