Chapter 1096
Both of them have left, leaving nothing but a sense of loss.

At this time, all the real monarchs and disciples of the Yueheng camp were rejoicing, needless to say; even the original Luzong, Zangxiangzong, Zhentanzong, and Siyumen's feelings were very complicated and difficult to describe.

Invisibly, Gui Wujiu and Bazong formed a lot of karma.

Wei Qingqi, Lin Shuangshuang, Mu Yunli, and Du Niansha felt slightly less of the "sword grid" shackles, while Yun Qianjue, Shen Xiangqin, Fu Ningjin, and Yin Jiuchou suffered more significant side effects.

But this is not just a matter of the eight people, but a matter of the entire eight sects.

Those disciples of the eight sects who were far away from the Consummation Realm naturally felt a heavy shackle in their hearts when they faced the Chenyang Sword Dao.Originally, the mystery of "Sword Frame" was mixed with the world and elusive, but in fact it was nothing; but now that Xuanyuan Huai has broken it, the influence has become real, and it will last forever with the belief in your heart.

In fact, in terms of its great influence, it is said that Xuanyuan Huai's move just now is the ultimate plan of Chenyang Jianshan to subdue the Eight Sects in one fell swoop, and everyone believes it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the situation was not restrictive, and the strength of Chenyang Sword Mountain was really strong, the Yuanlu and Zangxiang sects might not have accepted it with patience.

Although, Xuanyuan Huai said four words when fighting Lin Shuangshuang: "The way is endless."

The intention is to show the lofty aspirations of his mind, and he has no intention or disdain to only think of the Nine Schools as hegemony.Since the Eight Swords came out, it was just a natural result, not deliberate.It can be regarded as Xuanyuan Huai's exceptional explanation.

It's just that Xuanyuan Huai didn't say——

Although he was unintentional, he reined in the horse on the way of chasing the avenue, and trampled on some places, as if he had trampled to death a few ants; he would not deliberately bow his head to show pity.

If the other eight sects can't break the shackles of "Sword Style", in Xuanyuan Huai's view, it means you are incompetent, and he will not kindly help you solve the problem.Therefore, from the perspective of objective results, it is also completely in line with Chenyang Jianshan's thoughts of dominating the Nine Sects and being the only one who respects himself.

Between the subject and the object, a unity is formed.

But unexpectedly, this shackle was broken by Gui Wugui.

In this way, the major sects were not only free from restraint and shackles, but also took a huge step forward in the evolution of Taoism.Especially for the four sects of Youhuan, Siyu, Zhentan, and Yingfa that have not yet completed their Taoism, all the preparations for incubation and accumulation were completed in the two battles with Xuanyuanhuai and Gui Wujiu, and the rest is only for the "pass" breakthrough.

In the glazed sky, Jiang Chenglu suddenly said: "Until this moment, a certain person's mind can be freely expressed. I owe you a favor."

Dongfang Wanqing said: "It's absolutely unnecessary. Apart from victory and defeat, the world is turned upside down, and there is no gap. Even if there is a favor, there is nowhere to use it."

Zhu Yongchen was silent when he heard the words.

Jiang Chenglu's words clearly expressed his dissatisfaction in a very subtle way.

In fact, he was too worried, Jiang Chenglu is also the only one who pays attention to Jianxin.Xuanyuan Huai was able to extract the subtle existence after the Taoist realm in advance, and show its effectiveness in the competition of the Nascent Soul realm, which is his own superb ability.

Jiang Chenglu's dissatisfaction is due to the loss suffered by the original Lu Zong, not to trace the source and blame others.

At this time, the guests who came to watch the battle, nine times out of ten, were all staring at the jade pillar in the sky, Tianmen, in a daze.


After Gui Wugui crossed the boundary, he looked up.

In fact, the surrounding area has not changed at all, the blue sky and white clouds, the breath flowing, the inside and outside of the door are the same, without passing through the door, it is like entering an inexplicable small world.Even leaning over to look at it, the dozens of people and guests who participated in the five-hundred-year meeting were all clearly distinguishable.

Just from their blank eyes, it can be judged that Gui Wugui can see them, but they can't see Gui Wugui.

Even if you release the divine sense, you can't feel the boundary of the space enchantment at all.

Such a level of space magic is really unprecedented in Gui Wujiu's previous knowledge.

Scanning his eyes, he immediately found Xuanyuan Huai.

With Gui Wujiu's infinitely precise sense of spirit, Xuanyuan Huai was only about two or three miles away from him; but from the visual effect, Xuanyuan Huai was just a sesame-sized dot in Gui Wujiu's eyes at this time, as if they were separated by hundreds of miles. "dimensions" after that.

The difference in this feeling also has to be recollected.

Gui Wugui didn't hesitate any longer, he got up and leaned towards him.

As he got closer, the sight surprised him even more.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, deep and distant, and the collision is extremely fierce.Drums and swings, breaths and breaths, ups and downs, are clearly signs of fighting with others.Let's look at the fierceness of the battle, Xuanyuan Huai's opponent seems to have fought evenly with him.

Gui Wugui frowned.

He wasn't surprised that there were still people here - but that the person who had fought against Xuanyuan Huai was very familiar with the supernatural powers displayed by Gui Wujiu.

Sensing all things, the mind ripples; the vibration is repeated, and the emotion is hidden.

This is clearly the Kongyun Nianjian.

Immediately approaching, everything had disappeared, Xuanyuan Huai turned around and looked slightly surprised that Gui Wugui came so quickly.

The words in his mouth did not conceal his true intentions: "The speed of returning home is fast. However, the so-called 'opportunity' here is completely different from what was expected in advance; even if you come a day or two late, it is completely in time."

Gui Wujiu nodded slightly, and said slowly: "It seems that Taoist Xuanyuan has found an opportunity, but he cannot take it for the time being."

While watching.

Not far from Xuanyuan Huai, there was a four-leaf clover the size of a bowl floating in the air, which was extremely prominent.

The tip of the leaf is bright yellow, and the color becomes darker toward the center, and the most central mass is a dazzling blood red.The leaf body is long and narrow, and the leaves in the center are very thin, but for no reason, it gives people a feeling of "like the meridian bones of a monk", and it seems to contain the power that will not be worn or broken.

Except for this strange feeling, the rest of the sex, temperament, are all ordinary, as if it is really just a mortal leaf.

If Kongyun Nianjian was Gui Wugui before the great achievement of the sword, or even if the four Heavenly Venerates were here, they might not be able to detect the extraordinaryness of this thing.But when Gui Wujiu's mind climbed to the super-wonderful state at the moment when he realized Kongyun's sword, he immediately had [-]% confidence in his heart——

This thing is the "treasure" arranged by the sages.

The person who ambush this thing has a simple and concise style of doing things, directly placing it in the most conspicuous place, instead of hiding it in a corner, which is embarrassing for others.

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and tried to reach out to grab it.

But this fishing was empty.

His four fingers "passed" through the four-leaf clover, as if the object did not exist, but just a phantom projected here.

But Gui Wugui knew in his heart that this was indeed a real thing.

After Gui Wugui's palm passed completely, another wonderful change occurred.

This "four-leaf clover" was immediately wrapped by a ball of light about the size of a foot, and then projected thousands of times, turning into almost completely real human figures, like ripples in the water, changing repeatedly.

The characters shown are all old acquaintances who are blameless——

Jade ion.

Qin Menglin.

Huang Xiyin.

Yu Gu Cheng.


These four people just disappeared in a flash.

The next one is like an afterimage, and the existence time is shorter than these four people.If it weren't for Gui Wujiu's astonishing eyesight, it would be difficult to tell who they should be Wei Qingqi, Li Yunlong, Shentu Longshu, Lin Shuangshuang and others.

But the combined existence time of all the portraits is only two or three breaths.

As the picture suddenly stopped, there was a person standing in front of Gui Wugui, warm and profound, with a smile on his face.

At first glance, it seems a bit unfamiliar.

But looking at its charm, it's not Xuanyuan Huai, who else is it!
It's just that "Xuanyuan Huai" seems to combine his two images - the image of abstract lines and the image of a simple and honest boy.

Gui Wugui looked around.

Even if Xuanyuan Huai's real body is here, with his most brilliant eyesight in the world, he can't detect that the two are one real and one illusion.

The newly-appeared "Xuanyuan Huai" didn't say much, with one right arm, a mysterious and extremely long-length giant sword appeared.

The tip of the sword hangs down and stabs quickly.

The depth, purity, vastness and subtlety of his sword intent are no different from those of Xuanyuan Huai's real body.

The thought of imputation moved slightly.

If he takes this move and the real "Xuanyuan Huai" also makes a move at the same time, then if he fights with the two Xuanyuan Huai, it will definitely fail.But if you turn a blind eye, that sword is real, not an illusion, and you will be deceiving yourself and others in vain.

Gui Wugui recalled what he saw after entering the country, and immediately realized the way to crack it.

With a "combination" of his mind, he brushed away all thoughts about this "four-leaf clover".

Sure enough, "Xuanyuan Huai"'s supernatural powers of swordsmanship, as well as his "self", completely eliminated his form.

At this moment, of course Gui Wugui understood.When I first entered this realm, I felt what it meant for Xuanyuan Huai to be fighting an opponent who was equal to him but who used the "Kongyun Nianjian". , Xuanyuan Huai's opponent should be another "Return to No Blame".

Xuanyuan Huai suddenly said: "Seeing the whole story clearly, it's not too late to fight again. How?"

Gui Wugui pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's right."

Both of them could see it.

In fact, this four-leaf clover can be seen but cannot be touched, not because it is an illusion.There is no doubt about the authenticity of this thing, and the reason why it is out of reach is that the former sages have imposed extremely clever methods.

It is somewhat similar to Lin Shuangshuang's Taoism, in that he is on a unique time line, straddling the past and the future.If it is not at the right time, what you see will be an empty shadow.This is a higher level method than the power of Qi machine.

And with Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huai's Taoist realm, you can anchor this thing with your mind and look back, just like the tactics Xuanyuan Huai used when he defeated Lin Shuangshuang, and finally see the originality of this thing.

In fact, when Gui Wujiu first came in, Xuanyuan Huai was planning to do this, but was interrupted by Gui Wujiu's appearance.

Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuan Huai stood together and turned into two portraits.

Time seemed to stop passing.

During this process, Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuan Huai have a clear grasp of the flow of time, and a moment in this world can be traced back for a year.

At the point of about "[-] years", both of them cheered up at the same time.

The root of this thing, which one of the Nine Schools is the handicraft, will soon be revealed.

But unexpectedly, the place is still extremely quiet; the retrospective process has not stopped, and the spirit of Gui and Xuan stepped forward, leaving the time point of "[-] years ago" far behind .


(End of this chapter)

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