Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1208 The gift of the heart lamp wisdom before leaving

Chapter 1208 The gift of the heart lamp wisdom before leaving
Feng Yuan, Meiji, Mo Tianqing, and Lin Yi observed the battle between Huang Xiyin and Shentu Longshu through the treasure held by Mo Tianqing.

Seeing Shentu Longshu accepting Huang Xiyin's "Vientiane Heart Sword", the four of them were greatly moved.

In all fairness, although the three of Mo Tianqing had been dissatisfied with Shentu Longshu for a long time, and they were defeated by Shentu Longshu together more than a hundred years ago. If they choose one person to be the master of the Demon Sect, all three will choose Shentu Longshu instead of Huang Xiyin.

Most of the reasons can be attributed to the fear of Huang Xiyin's magical powers of the heart sword - to become the opponent's puppet without being aware of it is tantamount to a nightmare.Seeing Shentu Longshu take over this pose at this time, the three of them felt a sense of relief inexplicably.

Feng Yuan let out a soft "Hey".

It turned out that Huang Xiyin and Shen Tu Longshu started with some discussion, and all three of them had already guessed that this competition would be loud with thunder and rain with little rain, and it would end in the form of "click and stop".

Shentu Longshu took over the "Vientiane Heart Sword", and he was proud enough.

But the scene in the bronze mirror is not like this——

The two suddenly started a fierce fight again, and the light and shadow changed, making it dizzying!

After looking at it for tens of breaths, Meiji couldn't help being a little confused, looking at Mo Tianqing and saying: "What kind of magical power is Shentu Longshu?"

It can be clearly seen through the bronze mirror that Shentu Longshu's body is standing still, but within a radius of thirty miles around, there are clones constantly appearing, from one to two, from two to three, and after a while they become Six ways.

The six "Shentu Dragon Trees" have different supernatural powers.Some are good at spirit, some are good at evolution, some are good at coagulating water phenomena, and some are good at magical powers such as cloud erosion.At a glance, one can roughly tell that the coordination formed between the six is ​​extremely delicate.

Those many supernatural powers of the "Shentu Dragon Tree" were used together, making use of their strengths and avoiding their weaknesses, every time there was a whimsy.

Even if the opponent is Huang Xiyin, she has to be careful.

But this clone of "Shen Tu Longshu" has a huge problem - because each clone uses a single divine power, so in fact, everyone has a flaw.As long as Huang Xiyin freed up his hand, it would not be difficult to kill him.

At the beginning, Feng Yuan and Meiji also said that their morality was inferior to Shentu Longshu after all, so the flaws they saw may not be true, or even the traps deliberately set by the other party.But after watching it carefully for a while, Huang Xiyin's attack method was actually quite different from his own judgment.

In a blink of an eye, one "Shentu Dragon Tree" was killed.

But once this "phantom body" was destroyed, Shentu Longshu created another clone to make up for it.

What is amazing is that this newly created avatar uses divine channeling techniques that are quite different from the previous six.

Fight for another ten breaths.

Shentu Longshu had three hundred clones killed by Huang Xiyin; but the new clones he formed in the ten breaths were three hundred and one.Therefore, there are as many as seven "Shentu Dragon Trees" on the battlefield.

After another ten breaths, "Shentu Dragon Tree" added another one, making eight people.

But in the eyes of Fengyuan and Meiji, this is just a waste of mana.

Because Huang Xiyin broke a clone according to the principle of Taoism, attacking its flaws does not need to consume much mana; while Shentu Longshu condenses and molds a complete clone, which must consume a lot.

Unbelievably, Shentu Longshu didn't seem to be at a disadvantage.

Feng Yuan looked and looked, but finally found it difficult to understand.

He said: "Brother Mo, you have the deepest relationship with Shentu Longshu, do you understand what kind of method this is?"

As soon as this question was asked, Mo Tianqing did not wait for an answer.

With a thought, he remembered that Meiji had asked a question just now, but he seemed to ignore it.

Looking up, he met Mo Tianqing's eyes, only to realize that Mo Tianqing's complexion is slightly blue at this moment, his brows seem to be frowning, and his expression is strange.

Mo Tianqing breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice, "I really taught him to practice this formula. I really didn't expect it."

"The two of you may not know. Senior brother Shentu at this moment is actually an advantage."

Feng Yuan, Meiji, and Lin Yi were all very moved when they heard the words.

Mo Tianqing said quietly: "Since one world is divided into two, the thirty-six sons are divided into two and collided head-on. The characters on the side of blame are all soaring into the sky and gaining power again and again; while the side that bet on the opponent is just It's not satisfactory. Only this Senior Brother Shentu has bucked the trend and advanced by leaps and bounds."

"Earlier, he said that breaking through from the realm of consummation in one fell swoop, and catching up with Xi Lerong, Li Yunlong and others is his limit. Unexpectedly, he will continue to work hard and establish another great master of Taoism."

Feng Yuan frowned and said: "Dare to ask what is the method?"

Mo Tianqing said: "Heart lamp wisdom."

This method is one of the three supernatural powers that the Great Demon Venerable passed down to the lower realms to worship and seal, but the monks of the Demon Sect have never been refined.Only by personally comprehending it, otherwise, the vast majority of Demon Sect monks will not know its name, just like a forgotten thing; even Fengyuan and Meiji are no exception.

Mo Tianqing had intended to comprehend this method, but after looking at the situation, he finally gave up.

When Shentu Longshu mentioned to Mo Tianqing that he wanted to comprehend this method, although Mo Tianqing agreed in his mouth, he actually didn't think so in his heart.

In Mo Tianqing's view, this method of "Heart Lamp Wisdom" can be described as the most thankless magical method in the world.

All other divine channeling techniques are extremely rigorous, without leaking any flaws.And the avatar condensed by the method of "Heart Lamp Wisdom", even someone whose skill is obviously inferior to you, can see the flaws in this method, and use the most effective and correct method to transform your body. Separated to break.

Paying such a huge price, the gains are extremely small.

The number of clones condensed by the method of "Heart Lamp Wisdom" is six.

But as you can see, each avatar is good at different methods; the total number of possible categories is [-].

Furthermore, the location where this avatar appears is not intentionally locked on the side of Shentu Longshu's body, but one of the [-] possible locations around it.

Third, each avatar has subtle differences in its strength, with a total of three thousand levels.

The above three items coincide with the metaphor of "three thousand great thousand worlds" in Momen classics.

The most amazing thing is that which one of the three thousand clones, which one of the three thousand directions, and which one of the three thousand ranks is not controlled by the caster, but completely random.When the avatars of the six realms appear, the coordination that these six people can form is far more than tens of thousands.

Not only oneself, but also depending on the opponent's position and proficiency in supernatural powers, are also factors that need to be considered.

Among the hundreds of millions of paths, if you use the most correct method, then this method is the method of joy, with prajna wisdom, and thus has a ray of blessing in the dark, and it will reach your full strength compared with your normal state. A stronger effect with one blow——

Only the "only correct solution" will have such an effect;

All other styles of play are slightly inferior to his own "full power strike".

The problem is that the flaws of the six clones are very intuitive. For an opponent of the same level, why does it take an instant to kill a clone?

Therefore, it is completely useless for a person who uses the method of "heart lamp wisdom" to deduce the Dao even if he also has the "realism and reason" in the Dao of Zhenliu—because you have no time to deduce it at all.

Everything must rely on "intuition!"

The so-called "the lamp of the heart is not extinguished, and the wisdom and knowledge can be seen around." It all lies in the original mind of one thought.

Therefore, in Mo Tianqing's view, this method of "Heart Lamp Wisdom" can be called the most illusory and self-abuse method in the world's divine channel art.

Of course, if you can really get the correct answers in a row, it means that you can accumulate advantages faster than your opponent can attack weak points faster.Every ten to tens of breaths, there will be one more "clone" created.

When the number of clones reaches [-], it will turn into an unprecedented momentum, even if the opponent's combat power is higher than yours, it will be difficult to escape defeat.

Feng Yuan and Meiji couldn't help being dumbfounded when Mo Tianqing conveyed the truth of this method with divine intent.

But what is even more surprising is the situation in front of us.

The clone of Shentu Dragon Tree——




Just when the four of them were doubting whether Shentu Longshu was about to win, Huang Xiyin's body lit up and seemed to sway slightly, and he didn't know what method he had used.

Then the number of clones of Shentu Longshu decreased rapidly.

five four three two one……

Within ten breaths, the battle situation took a turn for the worse.

The brilliance in Mo Tian's blue eyes moved.

Obviously, Shentu Longshu's "intuitive choice" did not go against it.

This is the difficulty of this method - even if you make thousands of choices right, the winning power must be accumulated slowly; and a wrong choice may mean that the power of your cooperation is more powerful than your own perfect one. There were so many shots missed, a big hole was dug in an instant, and the defeat was hard to recover.

within the battlefield.

Shentu Longshu said quietly: "I would also like to thank you Huang Daoyou for not using the true flow of swordsmanship to compete with me this time."

It's just that he frowned slightly, obviously he didn't seem to understand why he missed one move.

Huang Xiyin said: "Today's heroes who are good at planning wars and using wisdom, such as my teacher Gui Wujiu and Xun Shen, are all far-reaching schools of calculation; and Daoist Shentu's 'Prajna Wisdom' emphasizes temporary wisdom and decision-making, it is indeed unique."

"It's also breaking through the limit, and the method of fellow Taoists should be more obsessed with the self-inflicted 'limit-breaking strike' method, which is too clever."

"Fellow Daoist Shentu, with your current status in the four major demon sects, no one can stop you from reading the four classics of the demon sect. If my prediction is correct, if you don't have the foundation to participate in the four classics, you will definitely Can't make it."

Shen Tu Longshu nodded slowly.

Huang Xiyin said: "I don't need the Dao of Zhenliu. In fact, it is not easy for me to win. The reason why I was lucky to succeed is not that you, Daoist Shentu, missed the opportunity, but that you and I have a slight gap in our foundation."

Shen Tu Longshu's eyes flashed.

Huang Xiyin continued: "The Dharma door of the Nianhua School evolved and grew due to the fierce struggle between Fengyuan, Meiji and my teacher Gui Wujiu. But there is a difference in the amount of gain. At this time, the one recorded in the magic door , although the law is complete, the meaning is not complete, and it is not as good as what I have obtained."

After speaking, Huang Xiyin turned around and walked away leisurely.

It's just a jade slip in the sleeve, floating round and round to Shentu Longshu's palm.

A list of Shentu Dragon Tree's divine will.

"The Mysterious Method of the Golden Flower and Jade Base Xuanzhu".

(End of this chapter)

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