Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1226 3 Blessings and Interventions in the Elong Realm

Chapter 1226
Suspicion appeared on Yu Jing's face, and his expression fluctuated.

In fact, with Yu Jing's realm, although it will not be included in the list of thirty-six sub-pictures, it is actually an extremely high level in the world of Ziwei.

In the same realm, even if those few people with higher cultivation than him hide their merits and appear in front of him, he can still detect a trace of abnormality from a special angle.If it is an existence with a higher realm, it will naturally be able to hide its cultivation to the point where Yu Jing can't distinguish it, but even so, there should be a kind of "empty" connotation in his mind-this is because he can't grasp the roots of the person in front of him. unique tips.

But the stranger in front of him now gave Yu Jing the feeling that he was neither empty nor non-empty, completely lifeless, almost like a stone.

Careful measurement, it seems that only the existence of the top few in the Taoist realm, or Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huai, can do it.

But these characters, it seems, are not so boring, come to play such games with themselves.

After a thousand thoughts, Yu Jing finally asked: "If you have any advice, let me tell you."

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said: "From now on, [-] miles to the southwest, in the vast wilderness, there is a statue of a god. If you worship three times, you will be able to relieve your distress. With your way, you will be hundreds of miles away from the statue of the god. Within the range of miles, it can be sensed naturally."

Yu Jing's complexion changed.

Could it be that the person in front of him is a second- or third-rate cultivator who is used to bluffing and deceiving, but he just hides secret treasures and hidden aura so that he can't see the truth?
But his eyes are paired with Gui Wu Jiu's, but he only feels that this person's eyes are extremely deep.

At first glance, it seems to be just a shallow clear spring, but when you want to explore the root, it sinks in silently, as if falling into a secluded well, which will never end.

Yu Jing was slightly dizzy for a while.

When the mind is clear, a thought arises in my mind for no reason - anyway, I am fine at this time, and the so-called "fleeing years are unfavorable" is not wrong.If you rush over to have a look, you won't waste much effort.

Looking closely again, the middle-aged scholar in front of him has disappeared without a trace.

The calculation was settled, Yu Jing no longer hesitated, stood up and headed towards the southwest.

Sure enough, when he escaped to a distance of more than [-] miles, he had a clear feeling in his mind, it seemed that there was indeed an extraordinary thing standing in the wilderness.

Looked at the direction and leaned over, it was indeed a statue, about one person ascended the height, standing there unusually lonely, like a lonely traveler, similar to his own situation.

Yu Jing didn't blink, staring at the reality of this "statue".

In fact, under this look, he was a little bit moved.

What you can see with your eyesight is second to none—even if you close your eyes and only use your Qi to sense them.The lively charm of the statue in front of me is exactly what I lack at this moment.

It's just that the origin of this statue is unknown, it is neither an ancestor of the same clan, nor a teacher of his own, so he hastily worshiped each other, Yu Jing was somewhat reluctant in his heart.

But to give up this thing and leave, he faintly refused in his heart.

After a stalemate like this for about half an hour, Yu Jing suddenly thought: In this world of great strife, the clan is not reliable, and the teacher may not be reliable.Under the ups and downs of the big waves, even if his aptitude and morality are as good as his, he is just a solitary boat on the sea.As long as it's a chance to make yourself stronger, what's the point of paying homage to him?

Even if it ends up being useless, it should only be regarded as paying homage to heaven and earth.

Having figured it out, Yu Jing stopped hesitating and went forward to bow three times.

All these scenes, no blame, naturally wait and see not far away.

When Yu Jing bowed down to the statue, Gui Wu Jiu straightened his body and did not move.The emptiness contained in the statue contains the meaning of sword and sword, and it is natural to feel it, as if a treasure mirror has lifted its cover, and it is reflected on Yu Jing's body.

On Yu Jing's blue skin, a trace of red light flashed away.

Immediately, it was clearly visible that his vitality was lifted, and he walked out of the inexplicable depression.

Yu Jing raised his head to look up at the sky, a glint of sharpness flashed in his eyes, and said lightly: "Success or failure, right or wrong, turn your head to nothing. Especially with this body, it is not the end."

Then it can be seen that he waved his big sleeve and wanted to leave.

But when he took a step forward, he hesitated for a moment, turned around, bowed to the statue again, and then he drove the escape light.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

Mo Na Benzhou Zhongshu's method of charm, the image of the stars in the sky, one star corresponds to one person.If the real person accepts it, the luck will be obtained immediately, and it cannot be transferred to others.An object must be set up as a container, which can not only simulate the vitality of life and sense it in the celestial map of the sky, but also temporarily store it and transfer it to others.In today's big world of Ziwei, the Kongyun Nianjian at the non-dao level cannot do it.

In fact, among the world's top direct descendants, the fighting method proves that it has great benefits.

The so-called "fighting method" is also different.Such as the ultimate battle between Gui Wujiu and "Ruan Wenqin", Yugucheng, and finally Xuanyuanhuai, such a real fight is more beneficial than the non-firework competition.

But with benefits comes risks.Except for a few people who have absorbed such a great opportunity as a profound way fruit, they are qualified to suffer failure, and the rest of them, once they fail, will hurt their strength.In the end, it's clear that they are superior or inferior, and the grievances are hard to resolve.

Apart from winning back, such losses cannot be solved by any panacea or secrets of exercises, which coincides with the fundamental truth of Ziwei Great World.

But using this method as a medium, it can be solved without blame.

Gui Wugui came close and sensed the aura of the statue.About one-seventh of the power of one of the Profound Dao Fruits was consumed.

This result was roughly the same as Gui Wugui's prediction, and he immediately nodded secretly.

There are also certain rules for how much the "statue" conveys the power of crossing, and it is the intention of reconciliation and blamelessness.

At least for the statue in front of him, Gui Wugui's method is to comprehend the popularity of crape myrtle's great world luck with Kong Yun's sword spirit, and form a neutral relationship with the person in front of him.

In layman's terms, if you come to pray when you encounter bad luck, this method can restore you to "normality"; as for the extra gains and enhancements like Du Niansha and Wen Jinyuan, it can't.

The rest of the precise arrangements around this method are still under design and are not in a hurry.

As for today, it is enough to confirm that this method can really succeed.

Gui Wugui waved his sleeves and put the statue into his sleeves.

Immediately, his figure faded away and disappeared again.


Traveling through the stream of stars for a while, Gui Wujiu looked for the right direction, met the prominent land boundary that passed by twice, and "reflected" it fitly.

What happened next, Gui Wugui deduced it several times, and consulted Shu Shenyun, as expected, there were no accidents.

The scene in front of me, when the sky and the earth turn, is like a mirror in front of me suddenly changing from "convex" to "concave", and the color changes accordingly-you know that you have come to the predetermined boundary without blame.

Looking around, Gui Wugui was quite surprised by what he felt and saw.

Looking at it from the ground at a glance, coupled with the perception of divine will, it is a pattern of "half and half of water and land".All fragmented continents, continents and islands are no more than a few thousand miles in size and hundreds of miles in size, and they must be separated by deep pools, streams, and lakes of corresponding sizes.

And Gui Wujiu had a vague premonition in his heart, not only the hundreds of thousands of miles that he had sensed were so beautiful, but also the entire vast world.

In fact, the first intuitive feeling of Gui Wugui is "big".

With his current cultivation base of the strongest near-dao realm, and with the movement of all the pearls, he can enter the dao realm at any time.But I didn't feel that there was a slight difference between this world and the world of Ziwei.This point is beyond the reach of even the self-contained shamanism and the secret land of yin and yang.

The most eye-catching thing is the auspicious air floating in this world.

Effortless and omniscient, almost reaching the level of one-tenth of the Qilin clan.

One tenth doesn't seem like much.But don't forget that only the core area of ​​the Qilin clan is like this, and the entire dragon world is thousands of times bigger than it.To have such an accumulation of good luck is indeed frightening.

As for the occasional sporadic strange flowers and plants floating in the air and shining brightly, it is not worth mentioning.

While watching, a gold and jade chariot, more than a hundred li in front of Zigui Wujiu, passed sideways.

Gui Wugui was surprised.

He listened with divine intent, and what he saw was extremely clear—there were two people sitting on the chariot, both of whom were close-knit practitioners.

Two dragon demon kings.

No matter how powerful the dragon clan is, people in the realm of the demon king will not be everywhere.What's more, due to Wugui's mental induction, there are many dragons who have not yet transformed in the deep pool on the ground that is half water and half land.Compared with human cultivation, it is still in the realm of Qi training based on instinct.

The two demon kings are both middle-aged, and they are in the capital of Washington, and they are relatively drinking and having fun.Gui Wujiu's words fell into Gui Wujiu's ears verbatim, and he translated them using secret techniques.

But generally speaking, what the two of them said were innocuous words.

Gui Wujiu was about to withdraw the divine will, but someone said: "Unfortunately, Brother Bingkui. Something happened to me."

The other person paused for a moment before saying, "Brother Yetian, I don't know what's going on?"

The person named "Bingkui" said angrily: "What's the matter! My sect has sent a decree to summon the people of my generation to inspect the triple nine palaces and break the boundary."

Don't wait for "Yetian" to answer.Bingkui said again: "Since more than two hundred years ago, our sect has been urging us from time to time, and there have been [-] times before and after. It is suspected that there is something wrong with the method of breaking the boundary of the triple nine palaces of our family. Qian Hua mobilized the demon king who practiced the way of space. A total of more than one hundred and forty people, almost the number of the elite of the clan, carefully scrutinized. But every time there is no problem."

"Actually, the facts are all there. It must be that some guy from the divination school has made a problem and refused to correct it, so he has caused me to wait."

The demon king named "Ye Tian" just chimed in.

Bingkui suddenly said: "Why don't you go with me, Fellow Daoist Yetian?"

Ye Tian shook his head repeatedly, and said: "I don't know much about the way of space, so what's the use of going? Besides, the method of breaking the boundary of the triple nine palaces was originally the top secret of the clan. To avoid suspicion, there is no need for me to join in the fun. "

As soon as the words fell, this person seemed to get up from the chariot, and immediately turned into a purple light, and Bingkui broke up.

And the chariot, as expected, adjusted its position in due course.

Gui Wugui wondered.

It's really a coincidence that I didn't need any groping, so I went straight to the topic so smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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