Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1240 Countermeasure 3 is Easier

Chapter 1240 The three countermeasures are easier
Immediately, Shu Shen Yun stretched out her hand, took out something from her sleeve, and handed it to Gui Wu Jiu.

This is a round bead, but it is obviously larger than the mirror beads, full beads, soul beads, etc. by more than one size. It presents a special ethereal silver color, and there is a very strong mana wave, surrounding and sealing.

Gui Wujiu's heart moved slightly. This should be what he mentioned to Shu Shenyun—following the story before the Battle of Chaos, and taking into account the means of the extraterrestrial power as much as possible.

He stretched out his hand to take it, and with a touch of divine intent, Gui Wugui couldn't help being surprised.

It turns out that the sealing power on this bead is really tyrannical, and it loops seamlessly, leaving no solution.

Gui Wugui originally thought it was a restraint method based on the law of the real land.Making a seal is just a precautionary measure.But unexpectedly, this is a "knot" that even he, and even Shu Shenyun himself, are extremely difficult to untie.

After a little thought, Gui Wugui said solemnly: "Is it because the challenge is so difficult and beyond imagination?"

Shu Shenyun said quietly: "Deduce carefully, the opponent you will face in the future will indeed have many methods that can be used. The methods of coping are all in it. It's just that if this method is revealed in advance, I'm afraid it won't work. When it arrives, the seal will be released naturally. At that time, I’m afraid I may not be by your side; everything depends on you.”

Gui Wugui raised his eyebrows.

Considering the time when Shu Shenyun became enlightened, this clearly means...

Shu Shenyun said: "That's right. Although there may have been several kinds of disturbances during the more than a hundred years of your attainment of the Taoist realm, with your means, you can probably deal with it without any hindrance. What really poses a challenge is after you have truly broken through the realm." .”

"The next thing I want to do is to accumulate merits and understand the mystery for the day when the name and reality of Mona Benzhou are all 'mixed'. The matter of the materialization of the five elements and feedback to the world of Ziwei still needs to be deduced by yourself. I guess it will be based on that method. , it is not difficult to find the answer."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

Don't miss the special charm, come to your own retreat and quiet room without blame.

It's just that his appearance is quite different from before. In order to avoid misunderstanding, all the attendants were emptied, and only he was left to practice alone.

Set up the forbidden array, and in the forbidden room, Gui Wujiu is properly arranged, and unfolds the method——

The secret method of delivering "Xuan Dao Fruit".

So far, the only way to establish a real connection between the real objects of Mana Island and the world of Ziwei is this array.

Together with the formula, the stars around the sky reflect the image of the distance, and then emerge.

At the same time, when Gui Wujiu stretched out his hand, the flame in the palm quickly condensed and swelled up, and then naturally looped back, shaping and mutating, and it took a while to become a "Xuan Dao Fruit".

But Gui Wugui didn't cast the spell immediately.

Because he had a premonition that the direct approach seemed impossible to succeed; such a gourd would be suspected of asking for a sword.

The essence of Xuan Dao Fruit is the power of luck, which is exactly what is necessary for all the top cultivators in the current world and even the world of Ziwei. It is compatible with people in principle; so it is sent to represent specific people. On the "star", that person has this aura.

This is not the case with the "extreme materialization of the five elements", which is clearly an entity.

It's nothing to blame because the Dragon Clan obtained many stored flames in the secret treasure of the copper pot. During the more than ten days of staying in the Dragon Realm, they naturally carefully identified and explored them.The appearance of that thing is amazing, but Potian is also a real thing, and it cannot be directly transformed into qi mechanism and mana into the body, let alone compared with the more mysterious and unpredictable qi luck.

But thinking about it, it's better to give it a try if there is no blame.

The target of the practice is his own star phantom.

At this time, after the "statue" experienced a test on Yu Jing, Gui Wugui did not discard it, but moved it to a very reliable and secret place.

Gui Wugui had already thought of it, and tried again with the help of this thing.

The flame-shaped "Xuan Dao Fruit" in his hand suddenly threw it out.

However, this fruit only flew into the air, and hadn't touched the deepest part of the vast starry sky on the picture scroll, but it stopped abruptly, and there was a tremor for no reason, which seemed to indicate that "the road ahead is blocked".After a few breaths, it collapsed.

On the Star Scroll, there seems to be a meteor shower scattered in all directions.

Gui Wugui felt it silently, in fact, the moment when the opportunity was triggered was the same as when the spell was cast in the past; at the moment when it was about to leave Mana Island and enter the "reflection" of the Ziwei world, it seemed that the chosen object was wrong, There was no connection between each star and the "Xuan Dao Fruit", which led to the failure.

Gui Wugui scrutinized this formula carefully.

This method is the work of Mr. Mood's painstaking efforts.

There is always a feeling in his heart that it seems that the "star map" itself has already opened up a very critical part; it only needs to be reconciled in a certain detail to find out the core problem, and this difficulty will be easily solved.




The thought of no blame moved.

If the stars are understood as the land and the earth, then this formation is to use the two images of the sky and the earth to reflect the human image;

What is passed on now is the real thing...

After a little scrutiny, Gui Wugui already had an idea, and immediately deduced the pattern carefully.

After sitting down, the mind reflected and matched the array.

After more than ten breaths, Gui Wujiu felt a slight pain in his heart.

It turns out that in order to adjust the formation principle of this formation diagram, it is not enough to have a macro strategy, but also to have realistic resources.At this moment, this so-called "resource" is a complete topographical outline map of the Ziwei Great World.

Fortunately, there is no embarrassment for this thing to be blameless. In his memory, he already has it ready-made.

After careful management for about half an hour, Gui Wugui suddenly felt that he was done.

Shenyi withdrew from the circle and looked up.

At this time, the light is shining brightly, and it is still a "Picture of Zhoutian", but it is not a "Picture of Zhoutian Stars"; it is a "Picture of Zhoutian Figures."

In the face of Zhou Tian, ​​there are a few figures standing.Still big and small, the number may be as many as hundreds or thousands, arranged in ranks.

Among the most prominent images, there are two people standing in the middle.

One is a middle-aged man in a yellow shirt, with a solemn demeanor and a slightly yellow complexion, but his eyes are rare blue; this person has his left hand on his back, but his right hand has pinched a very remote "seal", with an air of looking into the distance .

Because it is a phantom shrouded in the background of stars, the advantage lies in being realistic and realistic, but the disadvantage is that the details are too full and lack rhythmic changes.Therefore, Gui Wugui can only conclude that his atmosphere is above the Dao realm, but what level is it, and who is stronger and weaker than the Shezheng, the owner, and the mood of the lower realms in Mana Island? I can't tell.

The middle-aged man in the yellow shirt, who was evenly matched in size and size, was an old man in black.

His black robe was dragged a few feet, the ends were spread out, and there were many damages; as for the face, around his eyes, many veins and blood flow could be seen faintly, almost protruding slightly.This person is in a posture with his arms folded, and his body is slightly leaning forward, as if he is watching something.

In terms of body size, those who can rival these two are standing at the extreme edge of the "Zhou Tian", one south and one north, and it is not a human body, but an animal—a dragon and a phoenix, both of which are light golden , Fengshen Junyi, non-vulgar comparable.

In terms of individuals, there is no fourth person who can compare with these four images.

But there are several stretching black shadows, whose faces cannot be discerned, and which are vaguely connected together, like a small mountain.In terms of the entire scale, it seems to be higher than these four people.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

The original image is a star but not a star; what is shown here is "a person is not a person."

In the original "Picture of Zhoutian and Stars", stars were used to describe people; but this scroll now uses people to show the earth.It is also the coupling of the three talents, the second hides the one, but it is slightly reversed.

If it is as expected, at this moment, the "Xuan Dao Fruit" that has materialized and extremely changed can be sent out.

Taking the man in yellow robe as the target ultimately points to the secret place of the Yin-Yang Dao.

If the black-robed old man is the target, it will eventually point to the secret place of witchcraft.

The phoenix belongs to the phoenix family, and the dragon belongs to the dragon family—it’s just that the dragon family is a bit special. It’s two things to say whether it is the hometown of the dragon family in the Ziwei Great World, or the "Dragon Realm" after ascension.

There is an obvious feature-

Although most of the parts occupying the center of the picture scroll are in human form; however, despite its huge scale, except for the yellow robe and the black robe, the rest of the "human beings" are relatively large in terms of distinctive features and sizes. The demon clan around the picture scroll lacks more than one point.

This reason is also obvious. Most of the inheritance of humanity is born and dies within an era, just like the grass and trees on the plain; but at least a dozen of the top monster clans can reach the level of long-term survival after multiple eras.

Gui Wugui turned his eyes, trying to find a few clear "signs" from the "human form".

After more than ten breaths, I finally found one person.

This person's appearance is both familiar and unfamiliar, Gui Wujiu carefully identified it, and it is not difficult to find that this is the appearance of a mixture of the Taoist priest of the Holy Teaching and the Taoist priest of Yingyuan.Of course, this image refers not to the real Taoism and Yingyuan, but to the sacred ancestral home in the Ziwei Great World.

In terms of the number of territories it occupies, Shengjiao is almost the crown of the Ziwei Great World at this time; but the image embodied here is far inferior to Yinyang Dao and Wu Dao.

Obviously, the "landmark" as a metaphor of characters does not lie in the vastness of the territory, but in the depth of the traces left by the world of crape myrtle.

Although the Holy Cult is powerful, it has only risen for [-] years.

In addition, for some reason, the image of the Nine Sects, in this long group of portraits, did not find any similarities.

A quarter of an hour later, Gui Wujiu suddenly saw a phantom among the thousands of people.

Although the man's stature is not high, and his figure is not solid, but after careful observation, it is not difficult to appreciate a special implication; the interrelationship between life and life is connected with Gui Wugui's own luck, and there is a clear difference.

Without any further hesitation, Gui Wujiu immediately stretched out his hand and threw that other kind of "Xuan Dao Fruit" in his palm.

This thing is getting smaller and smaller, turning into a little bit of starlight, and finally invisible.

After about a hundred breaths, the figure on the starry sky map suddenly shone brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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