Chapter 1242
Hearing no blame, he was speechless.

This sword spirit boy really has a talent for telling cold jokes.

Seeing his solemn appearance, Gui Wugui thought he could give himself a clear and detailed answer.

Unexpectedly, it was "I don't know."

Seeing Gui Wugui's expression, Xiao Tong argued, "I mean the final outcome, I don't know."

"The fifth Taoist and the master fought three times, all of which were tied. In fact, I can vaguely feel that the fifth Taoist seems to be slightly above the master in terms of the brilliance of the inheritance. It is only with my help that the stalemate has been maintained. trend."

"The fourth competition took place thousands of years after the three battles. The fifth Daoist got a chance somewhere and forged or found a heavenly sacrificial utensil called 'Universal Sword'. The foundation seems to be deeper than mine. In that fight, I collided head-on with the 'Universal Sword', and they both died together, and the spirit body fell into the sleeping seal, and the other party was similar to me; the rest of the battle, naturally I don't know."

"So silent...until today."

Gui Wugui thought about it.

The original name of the Ziwei Sword was "Vacuum Sword", but the comparable sword made by the fifth Daoist priest was named "Wanyou Sword". The meaning of tit for tat is also clear.

Gui Wujiu smiled faintly at the boy, and said: "From now on, you will walk with me, just like when you were by Luan Yongren's side, how about it?"

"The next day I will get the Dao, and you will also get the right result."

It is very important whether the peak-level heavenly sacrificial vessel, or the true treasure of Hunyuan, which is purely a killing method, is in harmony with Baoling.

If it doesn't match, then this thing is just a very powerful foreign thing, and its power is the lower limit of Yu Wugui's expectation - when killing a monster, rely on the advantage of the treasure body, save three points of mana, Apply all the real power to the "strike the void" of the Kongyun Nianjian.

Blameless is naturally not satisfied with this.

If they can match each other, it will be a big leap forward.Because the judgment and lethality of this treasure spirit are no less than that of a Daoist power, when it faces an enemy, it can send out a blow by itself—although the fullest shot is only one blow, and then it gradually decays. Accumulation—but in the end it was a shot independent of the treasure master.

This means that at a certain moment, the effect of two against one can be achieved.

Especially after the combination of sacrifice and refining, it not only relies on the power of the magic weapon itself, but may even come with a magical power of the treasure master at a perfect level.Seriously speaking, it is almost equivalent to the power of two and a half people.

The little boy rested his chin on both hands, but seemed to be caught in a deep contradiction.

The sword that Gui Wujiu just painted with his fingertips is very similar to Luan Yongren's meaning in the past, how can this sword spirit not be moved?But as soon as this method is stopped, in terms of the normal situation, the person in front of him has only a thin resemblance to Luan Yongren.In contrast, the aura similar to that of the Fifth Dao Zun is even stronger.

After hesitating for a while, the little boy's eyes suddenly lit up, and said: "The 'Wanyou Sword' has not been destroyed, or left this big world. If you find it, he seems to be more compatible with you. Perhaps he is more suitable for you than me."

Being able to share this information, it can be seen that the child does not have much aversion to impunity.

Gui Wujiu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said slowly: "You mean the 'Wanyou Sword' created by the Fifth Daoist, which can draw a tie with you, is still in the Ziwei Great World at this time?"

Xiaotong nodded very seriously, and said: "The last fight between me and 'Everything' was a collision of karma and Dao foundation; under that blow, an extremely deep connection was immediately established. If he didn't If it exists in the world, I will be able to feel it."

"However, he is not very active, and he is probably hiding in a certain corner."

The thought of imputation turned.

When looking for the "Universal Sword", you should be a little careful.

It's just that the Wanyou Sword is of course to be taken; since you named it "Ziwei", he may not plan to let it go.

This boy's longevity is probably unmatched by anyone in the world; but he is sleeping except for fighting, in fact, his spiritual intelligence is not high.

Handling it is naturally effortless for imputation.

With a thought, Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Tell me, where is your old master, Luan Yongren, now?"

The little boy was stunned, then thought about it carefully, and said: "Master's Taoism has also reached the point where he is self-sufficient and has reached the pinnacle. Neither side uses the treasure. Although the fifth Daoist is slightly better, he wants my master to be injured or fall. , is not very likely."

"If he really wants to use force, he will also bear great risks."

"So... at this moment, my lord has probably ascended to the upper realm."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "That's it. With your own ability, it is possible to ascend to the upper realm?"

The little boy rolled his eyes a few times, then shook his head in disappointment and said, "I can't."

Gui Wugui said: "If you follow me temporarily and work together with each other. After ascending to the upper realm, I will give you a chance to choose——If you find the old master Luan Yongren again, you go to him, and I will never stop—— how?"

The boy's eyes lit up, obviously very excited.

Judging from his expression, he knows that it is likely to be done; he wanted to add a fire and make a ceremony like a contract.

Unexpectedly, the boy suddenly said loudly: "That's the deal."

Immediately, he clenched his right hand into a fist and only stretched out his little finger.

Gui Wujiu was taken aback, "What is this for?"

The little boy stretched his neck and said doubtfully: "Make a contract. If you don't make a contract, I will have nothing to do if you go back on your word in the future."

After taking a look at Gui Wujiu, he said very vigilantly: "I don't believe in any other oath contracts except pull hooks."

Gui Wugui's expression remained unchanged.

Stretch out your fingers to hook the little boy, shake it lightly, and let go immediately.

The little boy was immediately satisfied and rubbed his hands.

Gui Wujiu originally thought that Luan Yongren had integrated some kind of clever contract method into the "pull hook" ceremony; but after trying it at this time, there was no such thing, it was just the most common "pull hook".

He thought to himself, this "Luan Yongren" seems to be majestic and mighty, heroic, but unexpectedly he is a very interesting person.

After signing the contract, the boy's attitude immediately became much more casual, and seeing Gui Wugui's expression became a little more kind, he yawned, and said, "Call me when you want to fight someone, and talk to you It's been a long time, and I'm a little tired."

Then he put himself together, fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Gui Wujiu shook his head secretly, and his spirit slowly withdrew from the sword.

This is probably because the sword spirit is not fully compatible with the heaven and earth atmosphere of this era; in time, it will not be so lethargic.

Gui Wugui waved his hand.

The "True and Illusory Room" portal reappeared.

A sword energy avatar, carrying a talisman, went straight in.

If you don't pay much attention to speed, and use the Kongyun Nianjian at the level of Taoism to spread the induction, except for some strange and remote places, the rest of the world can transmit messages within ten days.But if you are in a hurry to get a reply, the Kongyun Nianjian Sword Heart Ring combined with the passage between reality and illusion is the quickest choice.

This message is going to the Peacock Clan.Tell him to temporarily stop refining the method of "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundaries" and wait until he arrives to make any calculations.

After thinking hard for several days, and meeting Jing Ke by chance, Gui Wujiu had a rough idea of ​​the road to enlightenment.

And after experiencing Long Jie and his party and Marna Benzhou's experiments, the concept of "Returning No Blame" became more clear and clear, and even during the three years of fighting with Xi Lerong, how to manage and arrange it has also been extremely sophisticated.Although it is urgent to try the first "Boundary Breaking Law", it is probably after three years.

About an hour later, the reply from the Peacock Clan was brought back by the Sword Qi avatar.

The request of no blame, the peacock clan will never refuse.

At the same time, it is stated in the reply that Gui Wugui sent the picture of Zhaoying in the Dragon Realm three months ago, and it was communicated between the enemy and friend forces in an extremely fast time.

Gui Wujiu's surprise attack made no one question whether he possessed Dao realm combat power; at the same time, everyone's attention was shifted from "Left One"'s many victories to Gui Wujiu.

At the same time, he also asked and reminded, did Gui Wujiu have any thoughts on the Feng Clan, the Holy Church and other forces?
Because at this time, both friends and foes, guessed that Gui Wugui would continue to challenge such behemoths as Feng Clan or Shengjiao after his trip to the Dragon Clan;Although it will not solve the problem once and for all, it can also profoundly change the current power structure and prepare for the battle with the "Left One".

In fact, the reply letter is a vague reminder that it is not to blame. If it is troublesome from the Phoenix Clan and other forces, they may be more prepared than imagined.

After reading it without blame, I smiled lightly.

Even the Peacock Clan and our Youmeng thought they were looking for trouble for these families.Who would have thought that his erratic gait would suddenly make a "frustration" and force him in an unexpected direction?

Seventeen days later.

No blame for the stature.

This piece of mountains is vast, although it is not high, it looks very beautiful.Although the vegetation is flourishing, it is the atmosphere of natural growth, and it is by no means artificially constructed.

Everything here is normal, except that there are no traces of cultivators.

Who would have thought that this is the gate of Baoshu Sect, one of the four great demon sects?

Gui Wugui secretly praised it.

The guard formations of the major forces in the world, in terms of scale or strong defense, may not be in the forefront of the magic way, but in terms of the mysterious and mysterious weather, the magic way is firmly in the first place.

When this formation is presented, monks of the devil actually enter and exit as usual, and do not feel the existence of enchantment at all; but if outsiders are here, if they do not know the reality in advance, even if they are in the perfect state, it is extremely difficult to detect the subtlety of this formation.

This is interesting.

Because at this moment, Gui Wujiu did not hide his aura.With the magic power and aura that he had never seen before in the near-dao realm, the people here did not respond at all, apparently pretending not to know.

Gui Wugui sword energy swayed.

Kong Yun reads the sword and the sword energy spreads out, and the inside and outside of the non-divided barrier are mutually connected.

A rumbling sound resounded repeatedly, reflected inside and outside, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, echoing thousands of miles away:

"It's time to blame."

"It's time to blame."

"It's time to blame."

"It's time to blame."


(End of this chapter)

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