Chapter 1262
The way of yin and yang, the house of yin and yang.

This copper hall was once used as a meeting place during the dispute between the pure and the dark and the mysterious elephants, and when the red charm ancestor descended to the realm.

Afterwards, the Master of the Yin-Yang Dao said, if the key is to comprehend, all parties can use this as a basis.

Between the heaven and the earth, in terms of mastering the mystery and the deep separation, I am afraid that there is no second place comparable to this place.

However, since then, the hubs for the gathering of various forces have generally chosen Yuehengzong or Banshizong.It seems that it is inconvenient to borrow the place where the master of Yin and Yang practiced before the critical season.

Until today, the densely populated and prosperous place has not been reproduced here.

The yin and yang Taoist himself is the host.

The head of Misty Sect, Dongfang Wanqing, sat on a stone platform opposite.

Daozun Mi, Daozun Yi, Daozun Zunlu, Daozun Wuhu, and Daozun Xuxian lined up in a row; besides this, there was a thin old man who looked very old, and his breath was not among the five. Down.This person is the demon ancestor of the Tengshe clan who has been busy recovering his skills, but now he is among them.

There are as many as eight Taoist characters.

The remaining six people, although they have not reached the Dao realm, are all famous and have inexplicable means.

Kong Wu, the patriarch of the peacock clan; Kong Xiu, the "King of Prestige" with the greatest combat power.

Ma Yao, the great elder of the Tianma clan, and Ma Tongzhou, the demon king.

Gong Ming, the patriarch of the Chimei clan, and Sheng Liang, the demon king.

The urgent gathering here is naturally to blame for being trapped in the Holy Family.With the huge news that Daoist Yingyuan has absorbed all the Yin and Yang Caves, even if there is no deduction method as brilliant as the Yin and Yang Dao, it is absolutely impossible to keep the news of this matter hidden for too long.

At this moment, everything that happened two days ago in the ancestral court of the Holy Cult, including all the details of the battle, was deduced to perfection.

Gui Wugui is the most critical person in this camp, so naturally there is no room for mistakes.Now that the situation is gloomy and unclear, it is the right thing to concentrate on going to the rescue.

Just listen to Kong Wu's words: "Junior Kong Fu is on his way back to his family. Now the root of our family is completely connected with this place. Once he returns to his family, he will be able to meet here within an hour. Our family's three Yuyi' will come out as soon as he thinks, and at that time it can also be counted as the combat power of the three realms."

"Just in terms of combat strength, it is difficult to compare with the top figures in the Taoist realm."

Ma Yao stroked his head and said, "My Tianma clan's yin-yang spirit is also ready. I and Ma Tongzhou will use it myself."

Beside him was a tall and powerful man, Ma Tongzhou, the demon king of the Tianma clan, his pupils flickered, obviously eager to try.

Gong Yuan laughed loudly and said: "My Chimei clan is the head of the five wonders. In terms of background, compared with the dragon clan who is the leader of the eight righteous, most fields are far behind. It is only two of the background, but his dragon clan is also Not as good as me."

"The first is to occupy a large area and manpower; the second is the method of 'possession' in the clan."

All of you, Daoist Jie Jie, were secretly surprised when you heard the words.

When Gui Wujiu fought against the Dragon Clan before, the "Six Treasures Jade Tree" of the Dragon Clan was really no small matter.If it weren't for the fact that several demon kings with great potential from the Dragon Clan were greedy for merit and had their own ideas, it would not have been easy to capture him without blame.

After Gong Yuanming saw the thing, he believed that the secret treasure of the Chimei clan was above it.

The Lord of Yin-Yang's eyes moved slightly, and said, "Liuhe returns to one?"

Gong Yuanming nodded and said, "That's right. The Lord of Yin and Yang is easy to calculate."

Yuan Ming continued: "The treasures of the dragon clan are divided into six parts. Coincidentally, the treasures of my Chimei clan are also divided into six parts. It's just that the treasures of this family have more changes in terms of their effectiveness and ingenuity. Above the Dragon Clan."

The supreme treasure of the Red Charm family, divided into six examples.

It's just that it doesn't have to be handed over to six people, and each person distributes one piece-of course, it is not impossible to use it in this way, and its effect is similar to that of the Dragon Clan Six Treasures Jade Tree.

But in addition, this treasure can be handed over to three people, each of whom will receive double benefits; it can also be handed over to two people, each of whom will receive triple benefits; even all six secret treasures can be given to one person, and the benefits obtained will also be great. To incredible.

Mi Daozun focused his eyes and said softly: "If the six treasures belong to one person, what effect will it be?"

Gong Yuanming smiled slightly, and said: "Probably can temporarily become a figure like Yin Yang Dao Master and Dongfang Sect Master."

When Zhu Zhen heard the words, his heart was shocked.

Daoist Xu Xian admired: "If so, this method can be called the number one 'possession method' among the monster clan."

In fact, five hundred years ago, the value of these six treasures hidden deep in the void of Liuhe by the Chimei clan was only roughly the same as the six treasures of the dragon clan's jade tree.It is good that the six treasures of the Red Mei clan are more flexible; but the secret treasure of the dragon clan will never be taken away by others, and both have their own merits.

The key point is that the most valuable usage of this treasure - the six treasures belong to one person, in fact, cannot be used easily.If it is used, the person who accepts this method will burst to death with blood essence and blood at most twenty or thirty breaths.

The loss of a demon king may not be critical; but the activation of this treasure must be carefully completed in a very quiet secret room in advance.After one person dies, the second person cannot immediately continue in the actual combat environment.This alone will greatly reduce the effectiveness of this treasure, and it may even be taken away by someone.

However, the three victories of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang, the Chimei clan benefited the most.

The clan collected several rare treasures and refined them into a brilliant treasure.After the demon king of this clan is activated, the side effects of the "Six Paths Void Orb" can be reduced to an extremely small level.

The combined use of the two suddenly greatly enhanced the effectiveness of the township secret treasure of the Red Meizu.

Taoist Wuhu said slowly: "In addition to everyone here, forces such as the Xiezhi clan, the Lingming ape clan, and the Nine-tailed Fox clan have also sent secret messages, expressing their willingness to protect the treasures of the clan. Come to help. It’s just that they are not permanently stationed in the place where the teleportation array of the earth’s veins is connected, so it will take some time.”

Zunlu Daozun said: "With the current combat power, it is already extremely impressive."

There are fourteen Daoists, and three of them are the top fighters.In addition, Gui Wujiu cooperated inside and outside in that big formation.Our combat power seems to have gained the upper hand.

Yuan Ming Patriarch also said: "Not bad."

"This is just the power that can be gathered at the first time. Later, when the foundation of the Lingming ape and Xiezhi clans is obtained, together with the intensive research of the Yinzong Zhuzhen circle, peacock, Tianma, and red charm Magic circle, the combat power has almost doubled."

The Three Monster Clans used the method of battle, and the Red Mei Clan was the main force.

Considering the background of each clan, the Chimei clan is inferior to the dragon, phoenix, and even the peacock clan in many subtle and profound fields; but when it comes to manpower, they are not inferior to the dragon and phoenix clan.To form a large formation and reach the mighty combat power of several Dao Realms, the Dragon Clan can do this, and the Red Mei Clan can also do it today.

The head of Dongfang has been listening quietly, and at this moment he said: "Although we are strong in battle, we don't need to be greedy for a momentary victory. The first goal is to get rid of the trouble without blame."

After hearing the words, all the Taoists and demon kings agreed again and again.

Just when everyone's calculations were settled, each of them tested their means and was ready to go, there was a slight sway of brilliance inside the copper hall.

Someone knocked on the door.

At this moment, those who can appear outside the "Yin Yang House" are naturally not ordinary people.

The Yin-Yang Taoist gaze moved, stretched out his hand a little forward, and opened the door.

Suddenly saw a person walking briskly, like a yellow phantom, came to the hall in two or three steps, and looked around at the people here.

Huang Xiyin is here.

Mi Daozun took a look at Huang Xiyin and said, "Don't worry, I'll make a move on this trip, and there will be no reason why it won't happen."

Huang Xiyin's eyes seemed to have a strange luster flowing, but there was no trace of worry. I don't know if he was talking to everyone in the hall, or talking to himself: "Go to the ancestral court of the Holy Church?"

Then he said: "That's right, let's go to the ancestral court of the Holy Church first."

Daoist priests, your expressions changed.

Just listen to Huang Xiyin continuing: "But follow-up preparations must be completed in advance. After going to the ancestral court of the holy religion, all the Taoist priests will go to the four directions, and you must prepare in advance the secret method of communication, the magic weapon of flying away, the treasure of breaking the formation, etc. things, and more importantly, bring enough manpower to clean up the remnants.”

Kong Wu, Ma Yao, Yuan Ming and others became more and more amazed the more they heard.

Gong Shengliang couldn't help being surprised and said: "Friend Huang Daoist. What do you mean by 'going to the four directions', such as the magic weapon of flying away?"

Huang Xiyin smiled and said: "The truth of the traps held by the holy religion, all the Taoist priests know it, and I know it too."

"This formation must maintain the strength of 'outside is better than inside', and three top Dao realm powers are required; but if it is to be rotated continuously and maintained forever, at least five people are required. The holy religion' ten The Ershengxiao Formation' counts as two people; Long Yun and Feng Qing count as two people; the left one counts as one person. Apart from this, how many people can be equaled by the addition of the other means?"

"A conservative estimate, as long as the trapped formation is maintained, it will absorb more than [-] to [-]% of the combat power."

"Taking this opportunity, why don't you clear up Yuyu, clarify the thirty-seven worlds of the holy religion, and the eight Dao sects in one fell swoop, so that the inheritance of humanity in the world can be unified?"

"The Holy Cult occupies such a vast area and a large population that even the first-class demon clans may not be able to match it. Although so far, these backgrounds have not been transformed into actual combat power, but as long as the established Dao It’s only a matter of time before the industry is tenable.”

"Especially when the Yin-Yang Cave Heaven has collected everything, the communication advantage in the Ziwei Great World has become the only one of the Yinzong family. If we don't make efforts at this time, when will we wait?"

At Huang Xiyin's words, at least half of the people in the hall were extremely surprised.

The purpose of this urgent discussion was to rescue the innocent and get out of trouble.But Huang Xiyin's intention is to take advantage of the opportunity of those few people besieging and occupying manpower to destroy the holy religion and unify the forces of humanity?
If this happens, it will indeed be a huge benefit.

It is indeed feasible to measure the outcome.

But in an extraordinary world, extraordinary people must suppress it.If there is any negligence, all partial gains and losses are completely insignificant.With Huang Xiyin's intelligence, it is impossible not to realize this.

Unless, she is confident enough that she will be blameless and safe!

Yi Daozun pondered for a while, and asked the crux of the question: "You know that Gui Wujiu's Dao technique is false... May I ask how long the Dao realm combat power created by Gui Wujiu's 'possession method' can last? "

Huang Xiyin looked around at Zhu Jun, and said two words softly: "Forever."

(End of this chapter)

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