Chapter 1264
Misty Sect.

Surrounded by dozens of peach trees, there is an open space about twenty or thirty feet in length and width.

In the center is a pool in the center of the pool; and the center of the pool, occupying about one-third of the space, is a dark green stone platform floating above the water, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, covered with moss.

At this time, on the stone platform, there was a young man in a green robe with cloud patterns and a jade-leaf crown on his head, who was practicing with his eyes closed.

Judging from his cultivation base, it is about the golden core realm.

After more than a hundred breaths, an inexplicable sword intent pierced people's hearts from the sky.

Empty, omnipresent, subtle human heart, subtle Taoism, under the bright light of this sword intent, everything is clear and distinct.

It is not difficult to sense that this sword intent is closely related to this young man; but it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that this sword intent does not directly emanate from this young man, but comes from an inexplicable place.This feeling is both contradictory and harmonious, meaningful and unusual.

The young man opened his eyes, showing joy.

This person is none other than Gui Wugui's second disciple, Shi Mo.After more than a hundred years of practice, his cultivation has now reached the golden elixir perfection state.

The empty sword just now was the fundamental sword intent of the fourth sword of Kongyun Nianjian that Gui Wujiu had left for him, and it was completely dissipated at this time.

This breakthrough, after three years of retreat, finally blossomed and borne fruit.

The four swords of Jindan and the four swords of Yuanying, the first half of today's achievements have been collected.

At the same time, this is also the most accurate way to measure the accumulation of meritorious deeds between the heavens and the earth-one of the four swords can be compared to the peak of the spirit form of the Yueheng sect's psychic manifestation of the true form chart of [-] methods. It means that Shi Shi has indeed reached the state where there is no increase in the Golden Core Realm, and he can already start the matter of breaking the Nascent Soul.

"I don't know what's going on with Master." Shi Mo thought to himself.

Although he has been in seclusion for three years, he is not indifferent to worldly affairs.The major and important events in the world can be manifested by the head of the East at any time through a "picture book" into the heart of the sword, and passed on here.Therefore, Shi Mo knows the important matters in Ziwei Great World like the palm of his hand.

This is also because of his special cultivation method, and he can practice in closed doors without being distracted from what he cares about.

As he was thinking about it, Shi Shi suddenly saw a greenish-yellow shadow approaching suddenly.

Shi Mo's complexion changed slightly, and immediately Dan Li joined forces, wanting to retreat.

But he immediately discovered that the body's true strength was frozen, and he couldn't move at all.

At the same time, a clear and clear voice came from afar: "Why does my junior brother dodge in a hurry every time he sees me? Could it be that I am a monster when I am a senior sister?"

Huang Ying flashed and stood there, it was Huang Xiyin.

Shi Mo's face turned bitter, and he said: "Don't dare. It's just that the younger brother's meritorious deeds have not been completed. At this time, I just let go of my mind, and I will immediately devote myself to the next round of cultivation."

Huang Xiyin chuckled, and said: "Brother, what you said can only deceive ghosts. I didn't dare to disturb you when you were cultivating. Just now, the sword in the sky is bright, and the Chinese and foreign are showing each other. It is clearly the foundation of the fourth sword. Stand up."

Shi Mo was helpless, with his eyes lowered, as if he was very afraid of meeting Huang Xiyin's eyes, so he just bit the bullet and said, "What can I teach you, Senior Sister?"

He was very afraid of Huang Xiyin.Because Huang Xiyin just thought of it, or the two of them met their eyes, it would cause inexplicable interference to Shi Mo—an extremely tenacious, deeply hidden power to change people's hearts and minds, and it is extremely difficult to get out.

Encountering such a situation, Shi Mo can only recover by stepping into the Xinyi Sword Formation and repeatedly deducing it for more than a hundred days.

Going back and forth again will greatly delay the meritorious deeds.

He didn't know that in Huang Xiyin's heart, he already had a high opinion of his talent.In the world, there are very few people who can take the initiative to realize that they have been hit by Huang Xiyin's "magic sword", especially a person whose cultivation level is lower than Huang Xiyin's.

Therefore, the several trials are not all teasing, but to try Shi Shi's sword heart method.

Huang Xiyin took a careful look at Shi Mo, and said, "Junior Brother Shi is now about to achieve his career."

Shi Mo was stunned, the serious appearance of Senior Sister Xiyin didn't seem to come here for trouble, she said in amazement, "Successful career? What kind of career?"

Huang Xiyin shook her head slightly, and said, "Could it be that you have cultivated from the spirit form to the Golden Core, from the Golden Core to the Nascent Soul, and continued to practice hard all the way? If you don't experience the turmoil in the big world, how can you grow to the real world? limit?"

Shi Mo's eyes widened, he seemed to think for a while, and said, "Junior Brother, even if I want to go, it seems that I can't do it."

Huang Xiyin smiled and said: "You have been practicing Taoism for one hundred and twenty or thirty years now. When your master was the same age as you, it happened to be the time when you went deep into the local world and made some achievements independently. After only one or two hundred years, you It has profoundly affected the situation in the Ziwei Great World."

Shi Shi was silent for a long time, before saying: "Junior Brother, I dare not compare with Master."

Huang Xiyin tapped Shi Mo's forehead lightly, and said, "Junior brother, what you said is insincere."

Shi Mo blinked, and said helplessly: "Then I'm going to live. Whether it's Master, Senior Sister, or your generation in the "Thirty-Six Sons", the reason why you can stir up the situation in advance is of course It's because of the fundamental aptitude of this generation, and the emergence of the Era; but it may not be because it coincides with the dispute between the pure and the turbid, and therefore there are restrictions on the cultivation of things, which makes you wait for the stage ahead of time, affecting the situation in the Ziwei world. "

"However, in today's current situation, whether it is Xi Lerong standing in the barren sea, or the master sweeping the Yuan crocodile clan and stirring up the situation in the dragon world, it is a stage for the great supernatural powers of the Dao realm to compete. Forgive me, a little Golden Core cultivator, and how can I have a chance?" What do you do?"

There seemed to be a hint of strangeness in Huang Xiyin's eyes, and she said: "No way. Now you and I, senior sister and brother, are at the right time to make a big difference."

Shi Mo asked in surprise, "Really?"

Huang Xiyin nodded and said, "Junior Brother, get ready and look for me in the Yin Yang Cave in three days' time."


Above the blue sky, two people meet each other for a while; the two figures are stirred up for a while, and then separate immediately.

This is the third time that Lord Yin Yang and Xi Lerong have fought.

Since Xi Lerong fled back, surrounding the "big egg" at this time is the Dragon Clan Great Formation, Feng Qing, the Phoenix Clan demon kings and a large formation; Long Yun, Xiandao, Ying Yuan and others, but Get a chance to rest.

But taking advantage of this opportunity, the three of them automatically used the "blood calculation book" and one or two other clever divination methods.

Looking at the weather at this time, it seems that the results were obtained at the same time.

Long Yun glanced at Xiandao and Ying Yuan, and said, "How?"

Daoist Ying Yuan moved his eyes, and said: "There is roughly a result. It is indeed a secret method of accumulating cause and effect and waiting in order. He has fought with fellow Taoist Xi Lerong many times, but each time it is not very deep, and he can advance or retreat. But every time As long as there is a battle, it is a cause and effect. After accumulating thirty-six ways of cause and effect, it seems that the person who goes out to the battle can be obviously strengthened, or use an ordinary and difficult-to-use supernatural power."

Long Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's the same with certain divination."

After Xi Lerong returned to the battle, he just listened quietly, and immediately looked at the sky without saying a word.

Daoist Xian Dao said: "The method of accumulating the thirty-six ways of cause and effect is quite particular about the order of urgency, and you can't just pursue it quickly. Roughly, it will take at least thirty-six days to complete all the thirty-six attacks and defenses. , an average of one battle per day."

"That is to say, they are at least confident that they can persist for [-] to [-] days without blame."

Long Yun said slowly: "Since it has been deduced, it will be difficult to decipher. He can come when he wants, leave when he wants, and fight for thirty-six rounds like a routine. After all, it is a fool's dream. After about twenty or thirty rounds, left A friend of Daoist Daoist can use Fengqing Daoist friend's background of a secret technique to catch the opponent's opponent by surprise."

"In this way, this law will be broken."

Xi Lerong's eyes moved, and he said slowly: "Even if the so-called achievement of the Dharma Gate is achieved, why should I be afraid of it? It's just..."

Long Yun said: "What?"

Xi Lerong hesitated for a moment and said, "It's nothing."

In Yinzong's formation.

The so-called "big formation" here, within the two formations, actually moved the "Yin and Yang House" of the bronze palace here.

Most of you Daoist priests, as well as the heads of several major monster clans and demon kings gathered here.

After a few breaths, two figures floated up, they were Yinzong Wuhu Daoist and Xuxian Daoist.

Just listen to Wuhu Daoist's words: "All preparations are ready. After three days, we can set off. Our troops will be divided into multiple routes, and each of us will reach the designated boundary. It will take more than a month at most."

Dongfang Wanqing said: "It's very good."

Daoist Xuxian hesitated for a moment, and said, "Is it really impossible for the Holy Cult to react?"

The Yin-Yang Taoist said indifferently: "Last time, I was calculated by Long Yun's method of 'using leaks as seals', and today I naturally want to find the place. A certain method is called 'False Causes and Distortions', as long as they are in their hearts. Or secretly hold a thought—preconceived thinking that we are here for rescue without blame. Then even if you use the clever deduction secret method to calculate, you can only get a wrong result."

"The result of other divination calculations must be the accumulated karma method based on thirty-six fights. Once the answer emerges, it can no longer be turned back and corrected—until the answer is revealed, we will completely break through the boundary and space barriers. A moment."

When all the truths heard the words, they all secretly admired.

Kong Wu hesitated for a while, and said: "My family has cultivated a technique of divine manipulation, and the distance after leaving the Yinzong's earth vein teleportation array can be increased by three times. With the help of this method, each of us can be in place in ten days."

Dongfang Wanqing shook her head and said, "No need."

Kong Wu was slightly taken aback.

Dongfang Wanqing said: "We must teach him the dilemma."

When Kong Wu heard the words, he immediately nodded slightly.

Under the premise of not knowing the secret of the "Minglun", the Holy Cult's expectation for the time to be innocent is actually only a few dozen days.If the launch time is chosen after January, then even if the news turns around, they will only know that Yinzong implemented the method of deceiving the world and exerting pressure to relieve the siege.

At that time they had no choice but to bet against each other.

At this moment, the door moved slightly.

The Yin-Yang Taoist stretched out his hand and caught a small golden arrow.After taking a look at the divine intention, his eyes moved.

Daoist Xu Xian asked: "What news?"

The Yin-Yang Daoist said indifferently: "It's Huang Xiyin. She said that the monarchs will divide their troops into multiple ways, and they only need to smash the big space formation that can be broken as long as the Taoist realm can be broken. She will do the rest. "

Zhuzhen each looked at each other, only to feel unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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