Chapter 1295
Jiang Minyi squinted her eyes when she heard the words, as if she didn't believe it, but said in her mouth: "Then I will appreciate your methods carefully."

Her grasp of Gui Wugui's realm is also very precise - the avatar of Gui Wugui in front of him obviously has not reached the level of his main body, and is roughly equivalent to the usual realm of perfection.

In other words, it is similar to Jiang Minyi herself today.

It is indeed very difficult to fill the eight hundred and eighty-eight sons.

Gui Wugui naturally heard the meaning of comparison in Jiang Minyi's tone, smiled lightly, and waved his big sleeves.

A trace of pure white energy suddenly emerged from his body, the silk thread condensed, and then turned into sword energy and frost, which appeared in front of every word, forming a light ball about the size of a fist.

After waiting for a few breaths, the ball of light gradually spread out like dough, forming [-] "compass".

It can be clearly seen that on each compass, thirty-six characters emerge one after another, faster or slower.

Jiang Minyi knew it in her heart.

This is the possible "range" of each word.The number of thirty-six sons was roughly the same as what she estimated in her heart.

It seems that imputation is extremely confident, and even reproduces the deduction process that is usually only shown in the will of the gods.Eight hundred and eighty-eight places to choose one of thirty-six, if you want to complete it in one go, even if you are a Daoist, it is very difficult, right?
But Gui Wugui stood still.

However, Gui Wugui's "immobility" is not like a statue; but anyone who has reached a perfect level of Taoism can easily feel the erratic and unpredictable spirit of Gui Wugui at this time.

This kind of change is not so much a "deduction", but a "aftertaste", reminiscing about a strange fragment in memory.

It's like hearing fairy music, like drinking wine, it's nothing more than that.

After a full quarter of an hour, Gui Wugui moved.

As he pushed forward with all five fingers spread out, the [-] compass shrank suddenly!All the fine handwriting around the outermost circle disappeared.

The writing on the outer circle occupies exactly half of the entire compass, which is a number of [-] characters.

Jiang Minyi raised an eyebrow.

I didn't think of a way to blame it, it's not a deduction, but a constraint!

In terms of the speed of the deduction, Gui Wugui at this time was not much better than himself; but he used inexplicable means to greatly narrow the "value range" of each empty word.Jiang Minyi originally thought that restricting it to within three or fifty is the limit, but unexpectedly, Gui Wujiu restricted it to eighteen characters.

Is this by virtue of fate?
Although the basic state of this body is not as good as the other two righteous bodies, but only one item of knowledge and vision related to Taoism is implicitly connected with the right body.

But on closer inspection, it doesn't seem like much.

Gui Wugui knew what he was thinking, and explained: "I have a predestined relationship with this method. So... it is not a deduction."

Jiang Minyi said thoughtfully: "I see."

It is indeed "memory" just now.

What I recalled was the time when I fought against Mo Xin and others in Mana Island.After arousing the great power of heaven and earth, the method of recovery for the mood and others is the "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" of those two people.By recalling the beauty of the passage of time that he personally experienced, Gui Wujiu gained a deeper understanding of this exercise out of thin air.

Under normal circumstances, the combination of martial arts' method of ascension and universal illumination, and Buzhi's method of searching for mistakes and omissions is not enough to deduce the fundamental secret method taught by the great power of the upper realm; Going off in person, Ling Gui Wugui really touched that threshold.

Gui Wugui glanced at Jiang Minyi, and said slowly: "The next step is the benefit of Dao fate!"

As soon as the voice fell, Gui Wugui's aura changed again.

Different from the trance, dreamlike and drunk just now, this time it is blameless, standing still, silent and motionless, as if born before the ages.

This is the fusion of my deep heart and the Taoist heart of "arbitrary eternity" after opening up Kongyun Nianjian.

Although this avatar's foundation is not as good as the real body, it is also the near-dao realm of enlightenment above the consummation, and it is the same as Gui Wugui's all past memories. It is not difficult to step into this subtle secret realm.

The certainty at this time is not as long as before.

It was only thirty-six breaths before and after, and Gui Wujiu's eyes suddenly focused, and he made a sudden move!

This strike was extremely domineering, it seemed that hundreds of sword intents were generated out of thin air, and fell in the air, splitting the [-] "compass" in half, half of which were completely annihilated, leaving only [-] Eighteen semicircles.

In this way, for each "candidate" that is easier to write, there are only nine sons left.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "The next step is the deduction process."

"Since this method is used by you, since it is deduced by you yourself."

Jiang Minyi was full of energy, the sharpness in her eyes faded, and she said in a deep voice: "That's right."

Eight hundred and eighty-eight "one out of nine" are already within Jiang Minyi's ability.


An hour later, when the text of the entire "Only My Mahayana Sutra" was finally determined to be unique, the entire text suddenly shone with a soft brilliance.Immediately, each word floated up in the air, refined into a string, merged into Jiang Minyi's palm, and disappeared completely.

Jiang Minyi comprehended the Chinese sentences, and said thoughtfully: "If we take this method now, can we practice it without hindrance? Or do we have to go through some steps?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "The reason why this method can be obtained is actually because someone of the highest level in martial arts personally confirmed it for you."

Jiang Minyi nodded slightly, thought alone for a while, and suddenly smiled: "It seems that this destined opponent must be resolved by myself after all."

"In fact, fundamentally speaking, the improvement of one's own skills can be regarded as a chance; in the end, this "Only My Mahayana Sutra" is more of a means to serve the overall situation, rather than a chance. This thing... after all It’s not for me alone.”

Gui Wugui's eyes moved.

So far, this scripture was first obtained by Xi Lerong, and then the vassals who were not above the perfection and could not directly reach the Dao realm were ignored; Li Yunlong and Yugucheng practiced successively at the level above the perfection alone.Although it has been a special way to get it now, Jiang Minyi can only rank fourth at most.

Obviously, what Jiang Minyi said "can't be used by me alone" is not what she meant.

Gui Wugui pondered: "You mean..."

Jiang Minyi said: "Because I am a person who has obtained the Dharma, my thoughts are clearer. Perhaps for the practitioners of martial arts, it is the "Only My Mahayana Sutra" that is the most important. But the [-]-character exercises are easier to use, and they are based on the long-term benefit."

"Didn't you say that this epoch turns faster than usual?"

"Perhaps, this "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" is the reason for this fast."

Gui Wugui's divine thought moved, and a thought suddenly became clear.

Jiang Minyi's words are very reasonable.The people who laid out the "Only My Mahayana Sutra" were of course to prevent their own unification; but in this big chess game in the Ziwei Great World, as long as they enter the game, no one can get out of the way.You are not only the person who makes the layout, but also a part of the karma of the whole chess game.

In the not-too-distant future, the entire Ziwei Great World will be the first-class descendant, and everyone will learn this scripture?

As for not blaming myself, it seems that there is no need for him to be able to achieve the Dao state in a very short period of time.


Gui Wugui immediately thought of another thing.

Is this method of improving the speed of cultivation in the "Only My Mahayana Sutra"? Is it the original purpose of this sutra, or is it one of the uses of its "time"?

While he was thinking, a humming sound suddenly came from beside him.

It turned out that after a period of confusion, Bu Zhi suddenly woke up and said loudly: "The work is done."

These four short words suddenly returned to Buzhi's voice and attitude when he commented on many steles.

But Gui Wugui immediately felt something was wrong.

Because after these four words, Buzhi's weather seemed to change slightly; it seemed that some mysterious and unpredictable power suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Bu Zhi looked bright and charming, but his temperament was unprecedented. It seemed that he was neither a real person, nor a treasure spirit, nor an illusion. It was attributed to an indescribable and wonderful existence.

Gui Wugui tentatively asked, "Bu Zhi?"

Bu Zhi's expression showed joy, and he said, "Bu Zhi."

Gui Wugui said, "Where did you come from?"

Bu Zhi showed confusion on his face, and said, "Where did you come from?"

It's just a strange "empty shell".

Jiang Minyi said in surprise: "Buzhi... After completing the mission, the unique spirituality contained in it has dissipated."

Looking carefully at Buzhi's eyes, Jiang Minyi felt a strange thought suddenly appear in her heart.

This step-

One yin and one yang, opposite in nature. After the real person's affection is separated, it seems to be a strange existence of "anti-Baoling".

Jiang Minyi stretched out her hand to take a picture, and she had already brought the "White Tiger Seal" close to her. Its shape manifested, about ten feet high.

In Yinzhong's crystal-clear space, a phantom-like girl suddenly emerged, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and murmured: "It is agreed that after you get close to the Taoist realm, you will train in the outer air machine." Yes. Otherwise, it will be more or less uncomfortable."

The girl is none other than Su Caicai.

It's a pity that Wu Yu's reincarnation sky is still in the body, but he can't call out "Qin Qin" to meet her.

Jiang Minyi said indifferently: "Of course I won't call you out for no reason."

"Take a closer look, is this thing suitable for you?"

Su Caicai opened her eyes, and without any surprise, she passed Gui Wujiu and Jiang Minyi, and landed on "Bu Zhi" who looked like a shadow of a statue.Just staring at it for a while, without any hesitation, he immediately took the initiative to jump out of the "White Tiger Seal" and jumped!
The two bodies are completely fused.

"Buzhi" seems to have disappeared, and the rest of the people are completely described by Su Caicai.

But there is an obvious difference between this Su Caicai and the Su Caicai just now—it seems that there are two inexplicable forces blending positively and negatively, completely dissolving the aura of "like a treasure spirit" in her body, and becoming very similar to a living person.

But compared with the real "living people", there is a kind of extravagant and mysterious taste.

Su Caicai's eyes were bright, and she was looking at Gui Wujiu and Jiang Minyi, each cupping their hands, and said solemnly, "Guy Daoist, Jiang Daoyou. Su Jiu is being polite."

His demeanor is astonishingly a living person.

Gui Wujiu's heart moved silently, and he smiled and said, "Minyi, do you feel that the current Su Caicai is three points like a person?"

Jiang Minyi said thoughtfully: "You mean your former number one rival...there are three points similar."

(End of this chapter)

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