Chapter 1297
Gui Wugui flew away.

At this time, apart from the Banshi Sect's small realm, two "terrestrial vein teleportation arrays" have been cut off, from west to east, I don't know how many thousands of miles it has crossed.

Having a meeting with Jiang Minyi, repairing skills and obtaining the double benefits of "Only My Mahayana Sutra" are all within Gui Wugui's expectation; only the final "Buzhi"'s sex change and the combination of "Su Cai" Mixed, but beyond the expected.

Jiang Minyi observes the changes in Su Caicai's demeanor, and asserts that if she retreats for ten years and carefully considers the management, there may be unexpected gains.And this matter must be done immediately, there is no room for delay.

It was immediately clear that nothing was to blame.

There is no difference in the sense of blame and Taoism——his short-hand avatar can do something, and it will be of great benefit to others and his own deeds.While helping to promote, it can raise the realm of one's own avatar to a higher level.

It's not here, it's there.

Inexplicably, Gui Wugui came to a deep wilderness.

Gui Wugui's escaping speed is not considered fast, it was just under the scorching sun, but when he moved, as if knocking on a certain entrance, the sunlight suddenly dimmed.Although it is still high in the air, its color has turned into a strange lavender.

In terms of brightness, it is only slightly better than that of the full moon; the shadow layer is similar to a solar eclipse.

Gui Wugui stretched out his hand and pressed it.

In front of the empty land in front of him, countless drops of water suddenly condensed and turned into a tall, vertical mirror or pool with a shallow vortex in it.

Gui Wugui smiled lightly and jumped into it.

In a trance, the body is already in a real secret place.

No matter the sky, the ground, trees and grass, rivers and lakes, all present a light green color, and trees over a hundred feet high abound.

One of the four secret places of yin and yang.

Wei Yi stood on the body to sense, Gui Wujiu had already found the subtlety of the change of Qi, and traced the past.

About a quarter of an hour later, a giant tree with a height of [-] feet appeared in front of him.The thickness of its black skin alone is no less than any armor in the world, and it is difficult to pierce it easily even if it is a monk with all his strength.

In fact, this tree is so wide that it might not be less than [-] zhang in height; it's just cut off in the middle, so that it can be seen at a glance, and turned into a dojo.

On the dojo, dark or light colors flowed slowly, spreading for tens of miles, as if a peacock opened its tail, the light and shade changed, and the light and shadow were blurred.

This is not the reflection of any illuminated object, but an extremely pure natural body, floating ink in the void.Reflecting in the mind, the perception of light and shade of color naturally emerges.Naturally independent, deep and close.

In the center of the giant tree, there is a person sitting upright, with his eyes closed and meditating in meditation.

Dressed in a red robe, dancing like a wheel, perfectly combining density and depth with intense intuition, it is Qin Menglin.

Apparently, she has reached a very critical moment for retreating and breaking through the realm at this time.

Gui Wugui also knows a thing or two about the Yin-Yang Dao’s method of breaking the boundary. It is divided into four steps, which are called "fixation, secret, return, and truth."

Among them, the first step is the "fixation" method, which lasts from one hundred to two hundred years, and the length is variable.Even if one is as virtuous as Qin Menglin, it is still difficult to say where one will succeed.

But the second step of "secret" method is a turning point, it will take three days if it is slow, and half a year if it is fast, it will naturally succeed.

The third step is called the "return" tactic. At this step, the appearance of the future Taoist realm will rush towards the face like a phantom, reflecting itself from time to time.This step of achievement can be regarded as completely establishing the foundation leading to the Dao realm, and his realm can also be firmly established in the near Dao realm.

For this step, it takes about [-] years for ordinary Yin-Yang Dao to pass on, but Qin Menglin only needs at most [-] years.

And Qin Menglin once said to Gui Wugui that in fact, she originally had a way to break through the third realm in one step, and it might be accomplished in a few days.It's just that whether it will be successful or not, whether it will be used or not, is still unknown for the time being. It depends on the state of mind and mana at the time of breaking the boundary, and it can be decided on the fly.

The last step is called the "true" method, which is to have true intentions and never return.

There is another difference in this-

The first three steps are closed-door practice; only the last step of the "true" formula can be regarded as a temporary success, and you can walk around with the real body close to the Tao.After that, after [-] to [-] years of training, it gradually moved closer to the Dao realm.

Gui Wugui's heart moved.

He came just by chance—

At this time, Qin Menglin was clearly at the critical moment of the "return" tactic in the third stage of breaking the realm.

And Gui Wugui vaguely felt that Qin Menglin seemed to have chosen the so-called "one-step breakthrough" method, whether he succeeded or not, it would not take long to see the outcome.

Sure enough, after only three breaths, the image of "spotting ink in the void" suddenly strengthened.

Originally, there was only a faint resemblance to the atmosphere of Dao Realm Almighty, but after this turn, the similarity suddenly increased from two points to eight points, as if it was really Dao Realm Almighty sitting on it, presenting a precise image .

It is especially worth noting that this is not just an image of "hanging paintings in the void". In the solid ink form, there seems to be immeasurable and profound magic power, which is vaguely borrowed from the past and future.

This qi mechanism, hidden in its heyday, suddenly gathers and gathers together!
At the same time, within Qin Menglin's dantian, there was a vaguely dark black bead that slowly rotated as it changed in light and dark.Gather and integrate the virtual and real images of far and near.

In fact, the scene is vaguely similar to Gui Wujiu absorbing the remaining mana with the "full pearl" in the place where the third and fifth Daoist became enlightened.

Gui Wugui suddenly fixed his eyes.

It can be clearly seen that the moment the light and dark air mechanism and the floating image of the void are absorbed into the whole bead, it immediately presents an extremely unstable form, moving east or west, erratic; even Qin Menglin's "soul bead" began to shake violently .

Immediately, the brilliance was released, and the absorbing force was strengthened to the maximum, so as to ensure that the foreign force can be completely absorbed, without a trace.

Gui Wugui frowned.

He absorbs the mana of the third and fifth Daoist, which is not his own at all, but the Dao is the same; and it is very smooth and hearty.And the image of the Taoist realm in front of him is clearly the coordinates of enlightenment set up by Qin Menglin himself, and the future will be reflected.It should be easier to become a law.

How could it be so reluctant?
Fortunately, Qin Menglin raised the absorption power of the soul orb to the extreme, and finally did not make any mistakes, and gathered all the images of the Dao realm into his body.

Finally, his aura was determined, and an anti-customer-oriented image appeared on the surface.

The third step is successful.

Qin Menglin opened his eyes and saw Gui Wujiu with a slight surprise on his face.

Today's Qin Menglin already has a similar image to when Gui Wujiu left the world from Liulitian.

The two looked at each other, felt each other's aura, and smiled knowingly.

Because the weather of the two is so similar.

It stands to reason that temporarily stopping in the near-dao state, but there is no stable state presented, but going from the near-dao state to the Dao state, and going there without stopping, is a unique image of the Yin-Yang Dao.But Gui Wugui showed a similar temperament because the speed of achieving the Dao Realm was too fast.

Qin Menglin sat down on the huge tree root, and suddenly a blue formation flashed away.

Gui Wujiu immediately understood that he didn't need to share news with Qin Menglin, that force emerged and reflected all the important things in Ziwei's big world in Qin Menglin's heart.

Qin Menglin said: "The completion of the third step means that you can go out and move freely with a short-cut body. I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Gui Wugui said in a deep voice: "I saw it. It's just watching your breakthrough, it seems a little bit reluctant."

Qin Menglin stretched out his hand and flicked it, the image of the soul orb flashed from his palm, and said with a smile, "Actually, the reason lies with you."

Gui Wugui said, "Where do we start?"

Qin Menglin said slowly: "Actually, the old method of Yin and Yang also needs to refine a special kind of treasure. It is a system of essence, which is compatible with my alchemy. Seriously speaking, it seems to be similar to the 'True Treasure Golden Pill' It’s just that you can’t do this when you break through the Jindan realm; but when you finally break through, you can ‘return to the void pill’ and integrate into the position of the alchemy baby.”

"Three thousand years ago, my master had already found a rare treasure with a quality that is unprecedented in the Yin-Yang Dao."

"But I have my own soul orb attached to it, and the compatibility is even higher. With this, I can achieve the unity of the three treasures in the Golden Core Realm, waiting to replace the rare treasure."

Gui Wugui pondered: "How far can this thing go?"

Qin Menglin smiled and said, "Compared to Soul Orbs, it's naturally not as good."

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and said: "Although it is generally not as good as it is, it is also that the ruler is shorter and the inch is longer, isn't it?"

Qin Menglin said: "I can't hide it from you."

"Generally speaking, achieving the unity of the three treasures at the golden core state is a great achievement that has never been seen in ancient and modern times. Naturally, it should be on top of my savings in the Yin and Yang Dao; , but my story is more appropriate."

"If I use this thing, I have full confidence that I can pass the third level in one step; but with the soul orb as the foundation, it will be more difficult."

"After simply examining my Dao Xin, I finally firmly believed that I could pass the test without any danger, so I resolutely gave it a try. Fortunately, I didn't make a mistake and saved two hundred years of time."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

Qin Menglin blinked his eyes suddenly, gave Gui Wujiu a strange look, and said, "I understand."

Gui Wujiu tilted his head slightly, thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Understand what?"

Qin Menglin pursed his lips and smiled, "I understand why your avatar appeared here."

"There are comings and goings, borrowings and repayments. I got your soul orb, and today is the time to repay the gift."

Gui Wujiu said in surprise: "You mean...the treasure of the Yin-Yang Dao that was supposed to be used by you?"

Qin Menglin nodded and said, "Exactly."

Gui Wugui pondered and said: "You were the same as me when you achieved the Nascent Soul Realm, and you should have an extra 'right body' with the help of the soul orb; now you also bear the fruit of the three bodies. Since my clone can be used together, your own I'm afraid the avatar will be more useful."

Qin Menglin's figure flickered.

The soul orb avatar and the shortcut avatar appeared at the same time like phantoms.

It can be clearly seen that there is also a phantom similar to the "soul orb" in his dantian; this is the function of the innocent Quanzhu.

It's just that Qin Menglin's "soul orb" avatar is still only in the Nascent Soul realm because of the lack of double cultivation.

Gui Wugui realized immediately.

Qin Menglin used soul orbs to build his foundation. Since there are not all deficiencies that may fit, he naturally has unique strengths.

Naturally, there was no need for any evasion and evasion with Qin Menglin, Gui Wujiu smiled happily: "Then I would like to thank Bumin."

ps: I just adjusted my body and spirit in the past two days, and it is impossible to return to the previous mode.Don't panic, everyone, this afternoon and evening will be normal.

(End of this chapter)

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