Chapter 1299
Taking advantage of this period of leisure, Gui Wujiu roughly understood the grievances.

"Elder Xiang" is named Xiangyunting, and he is the person with the highest merit in the secret realm of the first secret "Heaven".

And if that opportunity is for him, his hope of breaking through the realm can be increased from [-]% to [-]%.

If the opportunity was destined to be used by Qin Menglin, Elder Xiang naturally didn't have the slightest idea; but since more than two hundred years ago, he vaguely knew that Qin Menglin might not use the treasure to break through, Xiang Yunting naturally put his hopes here.

In all fairness, if Qin Menglin doesn't use this thing, then in the Yin Yang Dao, there is indeed no one who is more qualified to obtain this thing than Xiang Yunting.

Moreover, at the time when the two masters of the Yin-Yang Dao were handing over, and when the Ziwei Great World was in an emergency, there was another Taoist figure sitting in the town, and the benefits in all aspects were innumerable.

Not long after, a pale cyan light passed through the sky, and stood in front of him after a short while.

When this ray of light flashed across the air, it took a slight picture, and it seemed that the speed was not fast; but in fact, it crossed several extremely distant barriers and stood in front of it.

Moreover, the appearance that seems to be gone and still exists has clearly reached a very clever state.

Gui Wugui took a closer look.

The person in front of him was an old man of very tall stature, dressed in a gray robe, and his hair was bundled into three strands; in particular, the appearance of mana and energy overflowing was extremely strong. Witchcraft camp monk.

The old man's voice was also very penetrating, and the volume was also high: "It's Menglin."

Qin Menglin returned the salute with a smile.Said: "Elder Xiang."

Xiang Yunting took a look at Gui Wujiu, and said deeply: "Friend Gui Wujiu, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Gui Wujiu's eyes moved, and he also took a closer look at Xiang Yunting's appearance, and said: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

But he was secretly calculating in his heart.

There is nothing greater than enlightenment.

In Yin-Yang Dao's own sequence, Qin Menglin didn't need it, and Xiang Yunting inherited the treasure, which can increase the confidence of five percent to ten percent, so it is reasonable for him to take that thing.If you want to intercept it yourself, it is natural for the other party to have some thoughts in their minds.

They belong to the same inheritance, so naturally they will not overwhelm others with power.

It is not bad to agree with the karma of enlightenment, this is the minimum condition.

In the realm of no blame, after reaching the Dao realm in the future, it is not realistic to say that one person can ascend to heaven, and those whose merits are obviously far apart are promoted to the Dao realm; It seems that it is not difficult to help the foundation of the lower realm to be established.

It's just that if it's just an empty promise, it would be insincere.It is necessary to show some means to convince him.

However, before Gui Wujiu could say anything, Xiang Yunting met his eyes and said seriously:
"You don't need to say too much, fellow Daoist. Now you are a key figure in the world of Ziwei; maybe the rise and fall of Yin and Yang Dao also depends on you. How can Xiangmou affect the big chess game of at least one era with one person's gains and losses? ? The things hidden in the secret realm belong to you."

Qin Menglin's eyebrows twitched, and the corners of his mouth twitched; but he didn't answer.

Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin have the same mind, and they have the ability to judge others, so they immediately guessed Qin Menglin's mind——

It seems that this elder Xiang should not be such a talkative person.

And that's exactly what happened.Although Qin Menglin and Xiang Yunting had only met each other once, but before she broke through, the Yin-Yang Taoist master had already recorded all the close-knowledge figures in the Yin-Yang Tao into a roster and taught them all.This elder of the Xiangyun Court has a sharp heart and is brave and diligent; he is not the kind of person who is afraid of fame and compromises easily.

Especially when faced with the choice of success or failure on one's own path.

Sure enough, Xiang Yunting continued: "It's just... Xiangmou has a request."

"Since this item is for the use of Daoist Fellow, then it is up to Fellow Daoist to get it by himself; if it is successful, it is destined."

Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin met their eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, Gui Wugui said: "This is very reasonable."

Seeing that Gui Wugui responded so readily, Xiang Yunting was a little surprised.He stroked his long beard and said: "In this case, picking up the sun is worse than bumping into the sun. Xiangmou will accompany the two of you to go, and watch the Taoist friends pick the treasure, how about it?"

Gui Wugui said: "Very good."


Two hours later.

The place in front of me is surrounded by eight peaks, and there is a deep valley in the middle, which is very similar to the scene of Gui Wujiu's real body in the holy ancestral court.

It's just that there is no "big egg" between the eight peaks, but a very tiny thing, about the length of two fingers; looking at its shape, it is a three-sided diamond-shaped light blue cone.

And this light blue is very subtle.

It should be noted that the "sky" in this Yin-Yang Dao secret place presents a unique "green screen" hue, not blue; but the blue color of this cone is set against the green screen sky dome as the background, so there is no trace to be found.Tens of miles away, unless one has at least a close-to-dao cultivation base, it would be difficult to see the existence of this thing.

Xiang Yunting said: "Among them Youwei, I think Lai Menglin and Gui Daoyou have explained it clearly."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

The three-sided prismatic "rare treasure" is named after its cost, and it is known as "the three bodies are still fixed".In terms of its original purpose, it is just to create a separate body and counter-promote one's own body.

In terms of its magical effect, there is also a difference between up and down.

Its practical use is to break through the environment.

Because the most intuitive result of the saying of "creating a clone and counter-promoting one's own body" is to increase the speed of one's mana accumulation.For example, Xiang Yunting in front of him, at present, the evolution speed of his Yin-Yang Dao technique is about the same as the speed of his own mana accumulation. Whether he can reach it at the last moment is really an ambiguity; But it will definitely ensure that before the evolution of Yin-Yang Dao Kung Fu is complete, this body is ready to break through the Dao Realm.

But its metaphysical use is even better.If the person who uses this thing has no worries about breaking through the situation, instead of "accelerating", but using it on his own Taoism "reflection and return to purity", then the actual effect will be more significant.

From the point of view of the principle of property, Qin Menglin got it first; Qin Menglin didn't use it, and Xiang Yunting inherited it, which is exactly in line with the way of form and form.

And the acquisition of this thing also has a way.

Between the eight peaks are the eight gates.

Entering from this point, there will be eight narrow paths; walking step by step, you still have to go through nine passes, which are the necessary procedures to obtain the first-class true treasure of the Yin-Yang Dao.Even if it is for Qin Menglin's own use, it is hard to avoid it.

The so-called "Nine Passes" is not about fighting with the nine people who guard this object; it is about the natural appearance of the ancient formation foundation buried here, evolving into a mirror, and a Taoist technique appears in the mirror.

This Taoism is naturally the Taoism of Yin-Yang Dao; but it may not be any established method recorded in the secret books of Yin-Yang Dao, but a new Taoism temporarily produced by sensing Qi.

And this Taoism is not a complete form, but only occupies the "half of yin and yang".

After the image in the mirror appears, within seven breaths, it is necessary to deduce and display its "other half" - the divine power form that is symmetrical with yin and yang.If you pass the level nine times in a row, you're done.

Qin Menglin's so-called "embarrassment" beforehand was half caused by Xiang Yunting's cause and effect; the other half may not be the process of obtaining the treasure itself.

According to Qin Menglin's intention, he planned to take it out for Gui Wugui himself.

But since Xiang Yunting was determined and refused to give in, he had no choice but to break the situation head-on.

Gui Wugui had a straightforward temperament, waited and watched for a while, and did not make a serious choice, so he walked slowly between the two peaks standing under his feet.

Sure enough, after walking two or three hundred feet away, a bronze mirror appeared in front of him.

The so-called "mirror" here is not water vapor condensed, like a mirror surface; it is square, as tall as a person, with a real bronze mirror frame, and the pattern is very delicate.

The mirror rotated upside down for a circle, and then the mirror light suddenly shone, and a divine channel technique suddenly evolved in it.

This is a pure sword light.The outside is illusory, but itself is solid; the three colors alternate, refined as one.

Gui Wujiu's eyes moved, it was clearly his "Luchen Sword" sword intent.

Sure enough, the way to test the strength here is "different from person to person", not static.

Due to the time limit of seven breaths, Gui Wujiu unhesitatingly cast a divine channel technique, with a flick of his sleeve, and lightly pointed forward with two fingers of his right hand.

This is the most primitive "Luchen Sword" sword intent.

But the image of this supernatural power was reflected in the mirror light, but there was no reaction.

Gui Wujiu nodded slightly, the appearance of supernatural powers changed again.

A fine and pure sword aura emerged, which was originally a piece of whiteness, but immediately condensed into three sword auras and merged into one.The weather presented in it is obviously better than that presented in the mirror.And it reverses yin and yang, and it is symmetrical with it.

But when the mirror light appeared, there was still no response.

Gui Wugui's heart moved, it was clear.

With a touch of the fingertip, the appearance changes again—this time it is the most primitive and purest Yin-Yang Dao Qi mechanism, which manifests the essence like a dusty sword, and has a feminine appearance, which is different from that of the mirror light. In the display, the artistic conception is exactly the same, and constitutes a delicate balance.

As soon as this formula came out, the first bronze mirror suddenly shattered.

Seeing this situation, Xiang Yunting secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In this secret realm, there are also strange objects similar to the "Giant Wood Formation" that Qin Menglin used for cultivation.Therefore, although Xiang Yunting and others are practicing in the secret realm, it is not difficult to learn the important things in the Ziwei Great World.

He already knew that Gui Wujiu Kongyun's method of reciting swords had the ability to imitate cats and draw tigers, and outshine blue ones.

However, in this Yin-Yang Dao secret method, the test is not about who is more intelligent, but that they are similar to each other, and they are not bad at all.Therefore, it should be true that the supernatural powers of Yin and Yang are not available.

It's just that the realm of imputation is too high, whether it is really the case, he is not sure.

If it's really easy to pass the test with Kongyun Nianjian simulation, then this "difficulty" will lose its meaning.

But fortunately, the final result did not exceed the boundary - just like Gui Wujiu's second attempt, although its magnificence and subtlety surpassed the divine channel technique displayed in the bronze mirror, it failed to pass after all.

ps: Yesterday I just wanted to quickly return to the normal state of the third watch, but the exercise and habits were not in place, and I sat for too long all day.After dinner, I suddenly felt that my balance was a little off, just like I used to feel when I was lying on the bed and would shake slightly.Today I am more prepared and strive to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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