Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1316 One sword intersects and advises on the road ahead

Chapter 1316 A Sword Intersection
When he came to the huge and pitch-black copper hall, Han Taikang said with a smile, "Fellow Taoist Mu Mu, please."

Mu Mu nodded, followed the opened door, and stepped in without hesitation.

Now that he has made a decision, he will not hesitate.

The weather in the Nine Turns Lingguang Temple is naturally vague and indistinct to those below the Nascent Soul Realm, but it has nothing special about the near-dao Shangzhen. As far as the eye can see, the four-dimensional grandeur is as bright as day.Immediately, on a high platform, a man in gray robe stood with his hands behind his back, as if he was waiting for him.

Mu Mu stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "This fellow Taoist is..."

The man in gray robe suddenly turned around.

He described it as middle-aged, with a square face and thick eyebrows, his facial features were extremely angular, but his pupils were light yellow.The appearance this time is different from anyone in the Ziwei Great World.

But Mu Mu has been dealing with Lin Shuangshuang, Xuanyuan Huai and others for a long time, and he can tell at a glance that this is a phenomenon above perfection.

The man in the gray robe said: "Please."

Mu Mu frowned, and didn't ask the person's name, just said: "Okay."

Put your palms together.Already made a move!
With the fastest speed, Mu Mu unleashed two swords in succession.It seems that there are countless smoke and dust, smashing the vacuum, turning into a touch of life.

Mu Mu's "two swordsmanship", the fellows of the Nine Schools, except Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huai, can be said to be indifferent, and the rest, even those who are above perfection, must take the move carefully.As for those at the same level, the pressure is even greater.

But looking at it the other way around, most of this method is only for deterrence, or it must be used against extremely high-level opponents.

If you don't send it out, it's the greatest pressure.

Because the side effects of this method on Mu Mu himself should not be underestimated.Previously, it was because the Chenyang camp thought that Mu Mu had embarked on a path with low potential, and he had no hope of consummation, and he owed something.Therefore, it cost a lot of money to make up for the future troubles of using this method.

But if it is easy to do it two or three times, it will not be so easy to solve - even though the side effects of Mu Mu's use of this method have been reduced by [-] to [-]% after breaking through the realm and approaching the Dao realm.

But at this moment, without any hesitation, Mu Mu followed the guidance of his heart; he immediately used the strongest ultimate move.

Since it is determined in my heart that this trip "must have results", then I need to use the strongest magical powers to verify it!

What's even more absurd is that Mu Mu had a vague idea in his mind——

This sword seems to be able to be dealt with by the opponent.

If one's own eyesight is not bad, even though the opposite party is above the Consummation Breakthrough, his performance may not be better than Lin Shuangshuang and Mu Yunli's.As soon as I use my unique move, it should cause great pressure on the opponent; what's more, after I broke through the realm and cut the path, I have a deeper understanding of "life" in swordsmanship.

How should the opponent respond?

Strong by force?

Wearing down evolution?

Or pure defense?

Once the sword was released, Mu Mu waited and waited.

From the use of supernatural powers to the hundred times of thoughts, it is actually a matter of an instant.

The gray-robed man moved.

He seemed to make a slight sideways movement; he also seemed to be standing differently, everything was just an illusion.

However, Mu Mu's two extremely powerful sword intents seemed to pass through the void and go beyond the boundless and vast galaxy.

The method of hiding the void and unloading the force.

Mu Mu frowned.

Mu Mu also thought of this kind of method; but the strange thing is that his two extremely powerful sword intents are not nine-refined Hunyuan True Treasures, and cannot be eliminated by this method.Even if it melts away, the feeling in my heart will not last forever, neither far nor near, it seems extremely contradictory to stay in place.

This is a method never seen before.

Mu Mu's heart suddenly moved, and he thought of a person; he just felt a little unbelievable.

After deliberating over and over again, he finally asked tentatively, "Is it all to blame?"

The gray-robed man smiled slightly, revealing his true face, and it was no fault of his own.

Mu Mu knew it in his heart, took a deep breath, and a breath of fresh air appeared on his face.I don't know whether I find it unbelievable, or I am secretly grateful for the accuracy of my induction.

He felt that wonderful taste, which seemed to be implicitly connected with the image of "independence and eternity" that Gui Wujiu once showed, so he thought it was Gui Wujiu.

But in fact, Mu Mu just got in and out by mistake.Gui Wugui's next move was certainly assisted by this method; but it was more of a temporary method that used the "power of multiplication" of mind, perception, and deep understanding of space.

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said, "Friend Mu Mu's sword intent has improved again. If I hadn't realized it a few years ago, although my avatar is above the realm of perfection, it is really difficult to resist your two attacks without damage. Swordsmanship."

Mu Mu's mind sank, he thought for a long time, and then said slowly: "Guy Daoist, aren't you trapped in the ancestral court of the Holy Church?"

Gui Wujiu smiled indifferently and said, "It's just the avatar that escaped."

Mu Mu didn't answer.

The answer he wanted was not this one.

Gui Wugui seemed to know his intentions, and said frankly: "Although this is a clone; but I want to come out right now, and I can do it at any time. It's just an arrangement, waiting for the follow-up."

Mu Mu was slightly distracted.

There seemed to be a trance in my heart.

Gui Wugui answered the question he was most looking forward to, and Mu Mu felt a little "uncomfortable".

In the gamble where there are more than ten dao realm powers on both sides, the length of time Gui Wugui persists is the biggest key.But now, Gui Wugui appeared in front of him, frankly revealing the mystery of reality.

After the thoughts turned rapidly, the first thing that came to Mu Mu's mind was that the person in front of him was actually another extremely brilliant person above perfection, such as Qin Menglin and Huang Xiyin, pretending to be?In fact, Gui Wugui couldn't hold on any longer, so he used an empty plan?

But after repeated scrutiny, Mu Mu dismissed this idea.

The person in front of him is indeed innocent.

Mu Mu said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist...why did you show me your true colors?"

Since Mu Mu entered Taoism, he thought to himself that he rarely encounters such a situation where he can't control his thoughts.

Deliberately showing people frankness to gain their favor?

This is too naive, and it is definitely not the style of acting without blame.

Or do you swear not to give up until you achieve your goal, since you appear here, you must be sure to keep yourself a secret?This is also absurd... Firstly, Mu Mu is confident enough in his own means of protecting himself; secondly, although cultivators act with deep scheming, they are different from ordinary people after all.

Wen Jinyuan's invitation to speak out, if the trap is arranged here, it will actually be a great challenge to the hearts and minds of the Taoists.

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "Of course it's for you, Fellow Daoist Mu Mu."

The corners of Mu Mu's mouth moved slightly, but he was not answering.

If someone else said that, Mu Mu would only think that the person who came was pretending to be a ghost; but the person who spoke was innocent, so he could only listen to what the person said.

Gui Wugui said leisurely: "There is a road ahead."

Mu Mu was shocked.

Gui Wugui continued: "The sun has cloudy and sunny days, and the moon has its profit and loss. This is the principle of nature-this is also a commonplace. For cultivators, one rises and one falls, the truth should be two. Minute."

"After the victory or defeat is settled, it is extremely difficult for the loser to catch up first. This is of course justified; but if the situation is compelling and the crime is not a war, and the beliefs and holdings in the heart have not wavered in the slightest, then after one bad luck, God may not be unstoppable." There will be an opportunity for compensation."

A strange look appeared on Mu Mu's face, and he laughed and said, "The truth that Gui Daoist said is really...easy to understand."

Gui Wujiu smiled lightly, and continued: "Actually, after seeing the methods of the first ancestor of Chenyang and Mr. Mood in the Liulitian meeting back then, fellow Taoist Mu Mu might not have been touched in his heart. On this basis, Mu Mu said It is very rare that the friendship heart is still condensed."

"All the causes and conditions gathered today are your insistence on the four words 'you must get something'. Gui Mou heard it from afar, and I was also moved in my heart."

Mu Mu's eyes seemed to be slightly closed, and he said, "Then where is the so-called 'Tao' by fellow Taoists?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "It's hard to say, but easy to say. The reason has already been planted—it's the battle between you and me just now."

"After achieving the Near Dao Realm, the negative impact of using the 'Double Swords' method, fellow Taoist Mu Mu, is no longer as obvious as it was in the Nascent Soul Realm; but it is not without it. If you don't meditate, you will rest for a hundred years. For the future Dao It is inevitable that there will be some impact."

Mu Mu said in a deep voice, "That's natural."

Gui Wugui said: "Your way is - to change the location, to change the mood."

"This practice, fellow Taoist Mu Mu, originally planned to do it in the original Luzong?"

Mu Mu said: "Not bad."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "You might as well move out of the original Luzong and find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers at random. While practicing alone, you can watch the changes in the world. If you are bored, you can also raise a few spirit birds and beasts."

Mu Mu raised his eyebrows and said, "That's it?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Enough."

Mu Mu pondered over and over again, only to feel that his thoughts were not clear.

When Gui Wugui mentioned Mr. Mood, Mu Mu immediately became wary.

Indeed, Mu Mu disapproved of Mr. Mood's move of using the Nine Schools of Taoism as pawns.But if he uses this to alienate his relationship with the sect, then he will definitely not agree.Mu Mu feared that Gui Wujiu's words would be very tempting, and used invisible methods to erode his Dao heart, so he had already cheered up and waited for Gui Wujiu's "high theory".

Unexpectedly, Gui Wugui just said such words.

After pondering alone for a full quarter of an hour, Mu Mu finally said, "Farewell."

With a flash of light, this body is already outside the Nine Turns Spiritual Light Hall.

Qin Menglin and Huang Xiyin immediately appeared like phantoms.

Huang Xiyin's eyes moved, and said: "Master... Are you taking too much of a risk? What if he really wants to tell Jiang Chenglu, or is deduced by those few existences in the Dao Realm? Do you want me to take the risk?" Quietly pursue the past and change his consciousness?"

Immediately added: "Everything else remains the same, only your appearance is hidden, and the characters are changed. There is no flaw."

Gui Wugui said leisurely, "No need."

"I have already grasped the trajectory of his mind. Since this mind is secret and unquestionable, how can I deduce it?"

"Aggregation of achievements, cause and effect continues to this day. Mixed achievements have solved another one."

(End of this chapter)

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