Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1320 The Northern Territory 2 Boundaries 1 Line

Chapter 1320

Ups and downs, ice wasteland.

Although the scene in front of me is icebergs and curves, but compared with the peaks and dangerous peaks that are commonly seen in the monastic world, it is not an exaggeration to say that this place is a plain.

The scene here cannot be called strange.If there must be something special somewhere, it does not lie in the glacier in front of it, but in the "sky" above the head.

There is not a cloud or fog in the sky, and the mirror is like washing.

It stands to reason that such a cloudless sky, whether in various secret places, resorts, or among the sect monsters, usually appears blue or dark blue; less commonly, it may appear blue or black.But at this time, the sky is extremely white, no cloud is better than cloud.

Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin were looking up at the sky.

It took eleven days for Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin to arrive here.

This place is far away from any Yinzong landline teleportation array and the secret place of Yin-Yang Dao. The reason why it can be reached so conveniently is that it happened to borrow the power of the Red Meizu's square formation - the boundary here is exactly north of the Red Meizu. .

In the records of the Chimei people, this place also has a unique name, known as "Tender Township."

The origin of this name is precisely related to this "white sky".

Those who practice Taoism have reached a very high level of practice, and naturally have the pleasure of soaring into the blue sky; but only at the level of Taoism, when the time comes, can they truly break through the boundary.

If you fly to the deep sky before reaching this state, the power of the strong wind and fierce sun in the extreme sky will become stronger and stronger, and you will eventually be unable to bear it.

Even if it is a real monarch or demon king who is close to the way, if he goes to Tianjiuchong, he will go back to his home after all.

This is the beauty of "Tender Township".

No matter what state you are in, if you fly towards the "white sky" here, you will never feel the scorching wind and blazing sun.On the contrary, Xun Xun felt like a dream, as if he was really going into the boundless universe, getting farther and farther away.

When you suddenly wake up and look around, you have already returned to the old way of "down-to-earth".

No matter what level of cultivation you are, you can have this experience.It's just that if your cultivation is very high, reaching the level of the Demon King and Tianxuan Shangzhen, you can fly away for a month or two; but if you are in the Yuanying realm, you will fall in three to five days.If the cultivation base is lower, it may only be one or two hours.

For tens of thousands of years, many people of the Red Meizu who have reached the realm of the demon ancestors have been interested in this place; but after all, they have not been able to find anything.

There was a demon ancestor of the Chimei clan who didn't believe in evil, or believed that his meritorious deeds were profound, so he chose this place for his ascension.

He didn't return for several months after his ascension, and all the demon kings of the Scarlet Meizu thought that he had successfully ascended and left; unexpectedly, it took three full years for this demon ancestor to return angrily.

Fortunately, this time, there was no loss of merit caused by "ascension failure" in the usual sense.

After three months of cultivation, the demon ancestor wisely changed a place, and finally successfully ascended away.

Since then, the Red Mei Clan has respectfully kept this place at a respectful distance.

Gui Wugui, Qin Menglin looked at the "blank sky" in the sky for a long time, and smiled at the same time.

Because of a small defect in my heart, it was made up at the same time!

Since Gui Wujiu returned from Mana Island for the first time, a picture scroll of the big world of crape myrtle appeared in his mind; Qin Menglin and Gui Wujiu Youxuan have a relationship with each other, so naturally they also grasped this knowledge .

However, although this picture scroll describes the races in the Ziwei Great World in great detail, it also fully possesses the shape and outline of the Ziwei Great World.However, Gui and Qin's understanding of Ziwei's big world is "knowing its generality" rather than "a clear mind".

It's like playing with a stone in your hands. Although the size, shape, and weight are all indistinguishable, there are many cracks and scars on the stone.

Until this moment, as if the last piece of the puzzle had been completed, this feeling finally melted away.

Gui Wugui said, "Let's go!"

Qin Menglin nodded slightly.

The two stood up at the same time, their bodies were extremely light, without arousing a trace of light.It was just a trance, which had already dissipated in the "white sky".

Above the "daytime", there are no clear coordinates, neither the scene on the ground nor the stars in the sky.

It is really difficult to walk here without getting lost.

But Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin waited and watched for a long time, and they naturally felt completely confident in their hearts.The body shape twists and turns from time to time, and he can always find the best route in the dark, and rush to his destination.

This secret has been maintained to this day because there are two layers of natural barriers hidden in it-one is that it really exists "outside the orthodoxy", and it is difficult for others to have sufficient reasons and motivations to come here to dig deeper; "Daytime" itself is really good at dealing with mysteries.

If you don't get the guidance, even if it is the cultivation base of the Dao Realm and the mind and destiny method above the consummation, under the infinite mystery here, you must get lost here.

As for Gui Wugui, firstly, it is the wonderful state of mind that bears perfection and is independent and eternal, and secondly, it is the principle of space tortuousness and the root of multiplication of power that can only be understood after mastering the ascension—whether it is possible to see through the mystery and get out of the cage Waiting skills are very important.

Seriously, in the Ziwei Great World so far, the only people who have been able to detect this "secret" are Red Charm Sacred Ancestor and Long Yun.

But because of "no involvement in Taoism", after they descended to the realm, they had no motivation to explore this place.

Fei fled for about seven days and seven nights.

Qin Menglin suddenly smiled and said: "You are confident. Why don't you take out that thing and compare it from time to time? You won't be afraid if you go wrong?"

Gui Wugui smiled indifferently: "No."

But even though he said so in his mouth, he still raised his palm.Above the palm, the "copper needle" suddenly emerged.The direction pointed is exactly the same as the direction of the two flying escape.

Up to this moment, Gui Wugui's journey and exploration have all been guided by his own mind, and he has not used the "guiding object" that the "unintentional baby" eventually transformed into, that is, the copper needle.

So they flew away for three days and three nights, Gui Wujiu and the two suddenly stopped.

The "day" in front of me was no different from the scene observed on land, as if the two of them had been walking in place for ten days and ten nights.But on the faces of Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin, there was a hint of happiness and joy.

People in the world, when they step through the mountains and rivers, and see the extremely majestic mountains and rivers, it is just such a scene.

Gui Wugui praised: "Good! Good! Good!"

He said three "good" words in succession.

Qin Menglin also nodded very solemnly, and said: "Even if it is managed by a few powerful Taoists, or the method of breaking the nine palaces of the dragon clan, it is rare to have such a mystery."

There is only one step away from the real destination.

Up to the present step, there are many twists and turns in the ten-day walking route; but even at the critical moment of the final step, as long as this step is wrong, it will still be insulated from the destination.And at this moment, the guiding "copper needle" is completely useless.

In other words, if the people who come here are guided by the "copper needle", they will eventually have to rely on their own ability to pass the test.

The real location of this destination is the edge of the Ziwei Great World.

If the Ziwei Great World is compared to a disc, then the place where there will be no blame is a floating island leaning on the disc.

But the sky seems to be flat, and the route to the floating island is extremely narrow, just an infinitely thin "membrane".

This layer of film is like turning the vast void in front of him into two halves.

If you go along the upper half, you will be farther and farther away from the Ziwei world in the end, and you will feel the strong wind and yang energy in a short time.If it is a Dao realm cultivation base, this move is like trying to ascend to break through the realm; if there is no Dao realm cultivation base, it will soon return to the original place.

But if you go along the lower half, you will eventually go to the "ring heart", which is where the Dragon Realm and Mana Island are located.But the fleeing person does not directly fall into these two realms, but wanders in the dark void for a while; it may happen to find the Dragon Realm and Mana Island; it may also jump out of the circle and return to the outside of the circle, etc. If you go around a circle, you will return to the first road.

Only by following this layer of "membrane" impartially, and walking for a day without any mistakes, will we arrive at the destination.

If Long Yun really came here to try a few times, he would immediately have a more real understanding of the inner and outer spaces of the Ziwei Great World and the orientation of the Dragon Realm.

Gui and Qin fled along the "film".


A day later, the scene in front of me suddenly opened up, and I entered a secret place full of mountains and rivers and lush greenery.

The trees are extremely dense and ancient; however, there are many densely packed paths and paths extending in all directions.

Qin Menglin's eyes lit up.

The scene in front of him is "similar but very different" from Yin Yang Dao.

The so-called "Great Harmony" means that this place has many characteristics similar to those in the Yin-Yang Dao. For example, the sky, earth, rivers, and vegetation are all very bright green;

The so-called "big difference" is the most obvious difference between subject and object.In the Yin-Yang Dao, no matter how miraculous this kind of scene is, it is only an embellishment of foreign objects after all.But this is not the case here, every plant and tree here seems to give people an impression somewhere—they are the masters of this world.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin felt their hearts move at the same time.

With their superb mind, they didn't realize that there was a living person here; but Dao Yuan's mind told them to hide immediately, otherwise they would be discovered by outsiders.

Gui and Qin naturally did as they wished.

Just at the moment when the aura between the two of them was hidden, a wonderful thing happened——

On the edge of a square underground pond, a two-foot-tall green grass rolled into a ring suddenly shook slightly in the wind, and immediately transformed into the image of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, dressed in light green long hair. She held a bamboo basket in her hand, looked up to the sky with doubts in her bright eyes, and then bounced away.

ps: Everything has a cause and effect.

In addition to the main reason for the interruption of the update some time ago, there is actually a secondary reason.It is for the pursuit of improving typing speed, changing from Quanpin to Shuangpin.In the first period of hard training, the times went well and the times didn’t go well, and when things went wrong, I wanted to smash things, and my mentality was very bad.But now that I have really practiced it, it is indeed very useful.

Efficiency improvement is the main reason for being able to try 4 updates.


The main contradiction has become two: one is Calvin, thinking about the uncertainty of time, which has become an important factor affecting the update.The second is that it is easy to type typos, such as "number, tree", which is hard to guard against, and it is difficult to avoid at high speeds, and can only be changed periodically.

I hope you will leave more messages and chat more in the group.It's not that I deliberately conceived the plot or something; maybe everyone just talked about it, and the captain thought it made sense and got inspiration.

(End of this chapter)

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