Chapter 1327

As far as Gui Wugui is concerned, it is not difficult to reproduce the image of Mu Xiang and Mu Xin's "blood returning to the meridians" by using the method of embedding flowers and grafting trees, so as to do the work for him.

At the level of Taoism of Gui Wugui, the so-called "Blood Meridian Guiding" is nothing more than a mark that can be reproduced with magical powers.

The reason for doing this is not only related to Gui Wujiu's overall plan to obtain the Yin-Yang Cave, but also for the consideration of the future of Mu Xiang and Mu Xin in Taoism—because Gui Wujiu has already seen it implicitly, retaining the imprint of the wood spirit clan And memory, which is of great benefit to the practice of these two people.

As for the action in front of him, it is even more interesting.

With Gui Wugui's intention of "eternal heart channel state" and his own precise calculations, he has reached a brand new level with his subtlety and unpredictability, which cannot be compensated by the second-class people through experience and wisdom.

Watching and discerning the popularity of qi movement and the flow of people's hearts, all kinds of wonderful methods born are completely beyond ordinary people's knowledge.

As far as the scene in front of us is concerned, in fact the wood spirit clan's method of "Fa Yi Hui Tian" is also very clever; as the name suggests, what is absorbed is nothing but "Dharma Yi".Even if Gui Wujiu used the traditional killing method of Kongyun's recitation of the sword curse, and he remained motionless, it would not hinder the absorption of the essence of it.

However, Gui Wugui showed his boxing skills!
This boxing technique is not so much a display of the subtlety of the divine channel technique of the "Kongyun Nianjian" itself, but rather an interpretation of the whole "Cultivation of Dao".

The joys and sorrows in cultivating the Tao, the experience of the central state of Taoism; the hardships and confusion when facing obstacles; the joy when you knock on the closed door; even the joy after a certain stage of cultivation is successful; or the pride after defeating an evenly matched opponent... …

One trick after another, one style after another, the show is unreserved and vivid!
It is not difficult to make a judgment based on the Taoism of Guiding No Blame and the high state of mind - the strange situation of the wood spirit clan and the difference in merit and deeds are taken for granted.

"Cultivation" has gone through hundreds of calamities and thousands of times. After hardships, there will naturally be wonderful things that cannot be touched through natural acquisition.

This is not just a superficial "stronger combat power"; it is about embarking on the path of Taoism, with endless excitement, endless joys and sorrows, and endless aftertaste.I don't know how much better than the current situation of the Wood Spirit Clan.

Perhaps there are people who have experienced hardships and hardships and envy the wood spirit clan's current pure state; but there is a difference between the pure image after hundreds of refinements, and the natural carefreeness.

This fist is not only a fist of display, but also a fist of persuasion; a fist of attraction.

Each punch of Gui Wujiu's condensed boxing technique coincides with a sword intent, and there are forty-nine moves in total.Only halfway through the exercise, there was a subtle sound of water flowing above the lake; at the end of the forty-nine rounds of boxing, Gui Wugui seemed to be in the middle of an invisible waterfall, and there were loud rumbles everywhere!

Infinite drops of water turned into streams of clear air surging into the air, unstoppable.

According to common sense, the force of the water can only be seen when it is under the water; no matter how grand and magnificent the image of the water is rising up, it will not have the sense of smoothness when going down.

But it is not the case at this moment. Although the water vapor is rushing into the sky against the trend, the speed is obviously getting faster and faster, which is better than going with the trend.It suddenly seemed that the force seemed to have a spirit, and he couldn't wait to absorb the method shown by Gui Wugui.

Then, there is a dazzling light!

Nine colors suddenly appeared in the sky, smashed together like a paste, diverse and difficult to determine, extremely magnificent.

However, such a significant change in the celestial phenomena did not take away the brilliance of Gui Wugui.

Gui Wugui's forty-nine-style boxing technique is finished, and there is a slow "closing posture" immediately.Although it is just two very concise movements, it is mixed with the meaning of vicissitudes and the pride of success.

This is the final "finishing touch" touch.

Because Gui Wujiu has already seen that although the so-called "Tao Realms" of the ancient creatures are numerous in number, they really have the ingenuity of being constant and not bad. It's just that there is no such relief and transparency that a lonely road is finally cleared, and "cutting apart heaven and man" is finally completed.

Gui Wugui's closing momentum at this time fully presents this spirit.

Huang Baili and the others closed their eyes slightly, and their bodies swayed slowly.Although it is in human form, it seems to have returned to the tree itself.

Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin looked at each other and smiled.

With the Taoist realm of no blame, the weather displayed is naturally a seamless one.With the eyesight of the lineage of ancient creatures in front of me, the magnificent scene evolved by Gui Wujiu is a natural presentation of the "ancestral domain" magical method, and it is never expected that this is the additional meaning of Gui Wujiu.

Even one day, when he comes to the world of Ziwei and sees Gui Wujiu's original form of using the "Kongyun Nianjian", he will only think that today is Gui Wujiu's pinnacle work that surpasses the past. It would never have occurred to him that the display of boxing techniques in this "practice" method is actually completely superfluous.

Another half hour passed.

The middle-aged man surnamed Chi was the first to open his eyes.

A few breaths later, Huang Baili, Qingquyu, Lan Mengji and others "woke up" one by one.

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "How?"

The middle-aged man surnamed Chi was about to answer, but suddenly his eyes narrowed, revealing a very puzzled expression.

Huang Baili and the others behind him seemed equally confused.

Huang Baili murmured: "This timeless wonderland will linger for a long time, at least for a quarter of an hour... Could it be some kind of wonderful illusion, before and after is just a moment?"

Lan Mengji and a group of people immediately expressed the meaning of "deeply agree".

The middle-aged man surnamed Chi suddenly glanced at Gui Wujiu, as if he had thought of something, but he clearly couldn't believe it; he took a step forward, and said seriously: "Dare to ask Gui Wujiu. Since you used this boxing technique, to me How long has it been since you woke up in the middle of the day?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "Not long. It's only half an hour."

Once these words are spoken, the expressions of the thirteen people in front of them will be a hundred times more exciting than before; two or three people will immediately jump around in circles; another three or five people will almost cry with joy, all of them are like children.

The twenty-nine "saplings" also formed a circle and danced lightly.

It turns out that the wood spirit clan senses the passage of time, which is different from the method of "sensing the rotation of the sky and time" by the monks. They do not rely on the outside, but instead seek inside.

The creatures of the wood spirit clan have a peculiar rhythm in their hearts. Every certain time, they always have to manifest the local accumulation, so that their bodies will feel more comfortable.The higher the "Tao Xing" of the age, the more sufficient this restriction will be.

Just now Gui Wujiu said that he was not a "collector", but he was able to try the technique of "returning the meaning of the law to the sky", which is actually very inconsistent with the previous knowledge of the wood spirit clan.

But their group, under the leadership of the middle-aged man surnamed Chi, still agreed to the suggestion of "let's give it a try".This is of course because the "Fa Yi Hui Tian" technique is used once, and there may not be much loss in the first place; but the more important reason is that the thirteen people have deliberately adjusted the "time" and all appeared in human form during the appointment.If you missed it, it would be a pity. If you make such a flexible adjustment next time, you will need to raise it for a while.

In the minds of the thirteen people, the "method" to calculate time is actually to sense the time it takes for them to maintain their human form.

The moment Gui Wugui started to demonstrate the ancestral Taoism, the "countdown" was about six hours.

But the method of imputing blame is so magical that each of them was intoxicated by it and lingered for a long time.When it was time to wake up, I vaguely felt that at least a quarter of an hour had passed; but after waking up, the "countdown" in my heart was still around six hours.

It seems that the infinitely wonderful and unreal just now is just a short moment!

It was not until it was confirmed that there was no difference in the induction that the truth finally emerged——

This is the effect of "Fa Yi Hui Tian".

When the air mechanism in the wood spirit realm matches the top Taoism in the current "ancestral realm", the clansmen will benefit from this "correction".Among them, the most intuitive form is the unity of spiritual intelligence and realm, and the time to maintain the human form in the same realm can be longer.

However, according to past experience, this benefit is slowly released within hundreds of years after using the "Fa Yi Hui Tian", and its final effect is at most only half a quarter of an hour; today's immediate effect , It is simply unheard of, incredible!

Combined with the "demo" that was just blameless.

The splendor in the "ancestral domain" is already conceivable.

It is not difficult to guess that in today's ancestral domain, it is already the highest peak that has never been seen since the beginning of the world.It is also due to the disease of evolution, so the time interval between "collectors" is shorter.

Among the thirteen people here, although there were only three of the old-fashioned faction represented by Qingquyu, they were determined, and they fought with Huang Baili and the others, and they never gave in.At least from the perspective of momentum, it is not at all inferior.

But at this moment, Qingquyu and the two people behind him felt lost after being happy, as if they were caught in an inexplicable self-doubt.

On the contrary, Huang Baili and the others had sparkles in their eyes; it seemed that their intention of getting closer to "practice" was as firm as iron and would never waver!

After hesitating for a while, Qingquyu murmured: "There are advantages and disadvantages in the development of 'cultivating one way' in the ancestral domain to such a high level. It is expected that the various forces in it are mixed with fish and dragons, and their combat power is far beyond our imagination; Participate in it rashly, and forge karma, which will become more and more unpredictable."

Although he didn't have the momentum and determination to speak out at this time, it can't be said that there is no reason at all.

Opportunities and risks coexist, and the crisis after the glory cannot be ignored.

No blame, the time has come.Taking a step forward, he said, "You can rest assured, Fellow Daoist Qing. Because in today's Ziwei Great World, the so-called 'mixed fish and dragons' won't last long; a world of chaos will soon be opened, and if the nobles enter it, they only need to follow the agreement , everyone guards the boundaries, and naturally they can be safe."

The middle-aged Chi, Huang Baili and others were shocked when they heard the words.

Qingquyu was even more disbelieving, and said: "Guy Daoist... You mean that the ancestors will soon be unified and no longer chaotic? Which hero, who has never been born for thousands of years, can do such a thing?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "I don't dare to be a hero who won't come out for thousands of years."

(End of this chapter)

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