Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1329 Sudden Confidence 2 Battle Is Coming

Chapter 1329 Sudden Confidence
Lagerstroemia big world.

The Holy Family.

Inside the "Dome".

Gui Wugui's ability to defend against the various magical aura machines is naturally very familiar and more than enough; at this time, at most [-]% of the [-]% energy is used to maintain the internal and external balance of the formation, and another [-]% is used to refine treasures; the remaining [-]% But they are all watching with cold eyes.

Because outside of the big formation, there was an unexpected guest——Mo Tianqing.

At this moment, he is beside Xi Lerong, talking about something.

Under normal circumstances, even if Gui Wugui is refining an ordinary Nascent Soul clone, he only needs to entrust the Kongyun Nianjian, and he can naturally achieve two intuitions without sending messages; "The tight seal of the enchantment cannot be completely connected with the experience of the avatar at the moment.

However, following the induction of one's own Dao fate, one can still catch a trace of vague thoughts, which is enough for scrutiny.

In particular, Gui Wujiu and Huang Xiyin's causal relationship is so deep that no other person in the world can match it—and Gui Wujiu himself is a master of the four classics of magic, and he uses his "magic dye" method and Huang Xiyin's magic heart sword to confirm each other .

Not to mention the wonderful induction blessing of his independent Dao realm, and the combination of various factors, he is the only one in the world who can detect the abnormality of "Mo Tianqing" in front of him.

Coupled with the conversations between Mo Tianqing, Xi Lerong, Long Yun, Feng Qing, Xiandao, Ying Yuan and others, after careful deduction in my mind, half a quarter of an hour later, the spiritual sense finally suddenly became clear - what happened to the avatar some time ago , the heart suddenly brightened.

Half surprised, half excited.

Unexpectedly, Huang Xiyin took down Mo Tianqing with great calculations, and he learned what he learned and put it into practice, which immediately came in handy.In particular, the theory of refining treasures for twelve years is extremely vicious, just scratching the itches of Long Yun, Xiandao and others.

It seems that arrangements such as "eleven and a half years" can inspire confidence in Long Yun and others, but only those who have a deep grasp of people's hearts can understand this coincidental number of "twelve years" and make Xiandao and others feel more confident. The magic that never returns after hesitating.

In terms of cultivation, Huang Xiyin may not necessarily be better than Yu ion and Qin Menglin, but as a person who paves the way for the next chapter, Huang Xiyin obviously has more stages to display his skills.

Following Mo Tianqing's words, the expressions of Long Yun and the others were tense or tense.

Looking at the changes in his demeanor, it is completely as expected.

Even after waiting for a few breaths, the change in his expression and mind, his determination, and no blame can be vaguely felt.

This is no longer what can be summed up in the words "know yourself and the enemy".

At this point, Gui Wujiu planned to withdraw his divine will and concentrate on refining the "Big Egg".But at the last moment, Gui Wujiu suddenly became engrossed——

There was a change in his mental outlook, which was different from what he had imagined.

Xi Lerong.

Long Yun, Fengqing, Xiandao, and Ying Yuan grasped every moment from hesitation to decisiveness; but Xi Lerong seemed calm and gloomy, and seemed to be thinking seriously about making a decision, but he didn't feel the guilt of blame. A twist of mind.

Did he notice the abnormality of Mo Tianqing's identity?

Absolutely not.

After careful scrutiny, Xi Lerong really attaches great importance to the information provided by Mo Tianqing; but this emphasis has a bottom line, and it is not like Xiandao Yingyuan and others, who have a decision after asking their true heart heroic.

It seems that the two armies are fighting. The commander said that our army still has food and grass for three days to boost morale; but in fact, there is a lot of food and grass hidden in the grain depot.

This is strange.

Everyone in the world, when the situation is uncertain, will judge whether the two sides are superior or not, and I am afraid that they will pay attention to the opinion of blameless; but at this moment, blameless should also "respect" Xi Lerong.

He has already seen the means of his double paddle wheel, and he is also in the state of mind above perfection. With this certainty at this time, his means cannot be underestimated.

Backtracking carefully, the stalemate between myself and Xi Lerong and others did not last for a day or two.Going back to the time when he was persuading Yu Ion to practice "Only My Mahayana Sutra", Xi Lerong's appearance was clearly similar to that of Long Yun and others.After this period of time, he didn't leave, but he seemed to have inexplicable confidence.

Originally, Gui Wugui's position at this time seems to be that before Mr. Mood came into the world, no one in the world of Ziwei was his opponent;At this moment, there seemed to be a small noise.

Although Gui Wugui is confident, he is not arrogant.

He made a decisive decision, and with a move of air, he had already cut off a clone.This avatar is also at the shortcut level, but it is an ordinary avatar, and after it is used to deliver messages, it will disperse in a short time.

Such a method is actually a little waste of mana.

Immediately, with the palm of his hand, the passage of "the image of himself in the real illusion" suddenly emerged, and the avatar strode into it.


The next day, in the Yinyang Bronze Hall of Yinyang Road.

At this time, in the Yin-Yang Copper Hall, besides eight or nine people including the Taoist Lord of Yin-Yang, Dongfang Wanqing, Huang Xiyin, Kong Wu, and Ma Yao, there was an extra face.This man's face was like a jade crown, and he was extremely handsome, but on the blue robe on his body, there was a very ferocious lion's head painted on it, which gave him a strange sense of contrast.

At the same time, on the palm of the right hand of this person is dragging a nine-story pagoda more than two feet high.

This pagoda does not seem to have a very prominent precious light flowing, but if you look at it for a while, you will feel that everything around you will be swallowed by it.This is not a real engulfment, but the completely opposite meaning of the "self-centered" aura in the near-dao state.

But in terms of strength, it is much higher than the shortcut level.

In the Copper Hall, except for the Yin-Yang Cave Master and Dongfang Wanqing, there seemed to be no one who could resist the treasure's "swallowing" skill.

Lord Shengliang of the Red Charm Clan glanced at this "pagoda", with surprise, surprise, and emotion in his eyes, and sighed: "Although we didn't know each other deeply before, I just rushed to this thing, thank you for your courage, I admire it of."

The young man holding the pagoda laughed loudly, but his voice was unusually heroic, and said: "This clan is not in the entrance of the Yinzong Earth Vessel Transmission Formation connecting the clans, but it is a late gathering. For example, if you are doing business in a partnership, you should form a gang first. The first-timers naturally account for more; if the latecomers want to be on top, it will naturally take a lot of effort. Speaking of which, I am also grateful to Fellow Daoist Gongsheng for giving this opportunity to my family."

Gong Shengliang, Ma Yao and the others couldn't help but laugh when they heard his analogy, and they were also impressed by the openness of this man's words.

In addition, there is absolute confidence that this camp will be able to win.

This one is Xie Qinghe, the demon king of the Xiezhi clan, who is one of the best in cultivation among the demon kings of the Xiezhi clan.

But his own cultivation is still second, and what is more important is the treasure in his palm.

Among the Xiezhi clan, this pagoda can be regarded as the most important treasure besides the treasure of the Zhen clan's "possession method".

Ordinary "tower"-shaped treasures are mostly used for trapping formations; but this is not the case with the pagoda in front of us; no one would have guessed that this is actually a one-time "consumable" treasure.The power is extremely strong, and it is good at breaking the forbidden formation.

In terms of the power of a single cast, this pagoda is not as good as the star fall technique used by the Red Charm Clan before; but the method of the Red Charm Clan is only one time, but the nine-story pagoda in front of you is a tower that has been cut down layer by layer. Out, the force of breaking the ban was violent, nine times in a row.

Of course, the higher the upper limit, the more rare it will be, so it cannot be said that the value of the tower in front of you is four times that of the treasure of the Red Meizu.

In a rough comparison, the value of the two treasures is equally good.

It's just fair to say that the strength of the Red Mei Clan is slightly stronger than that of the Xiezhi Clan; in other words, the relative weight of this "pagoda" among the Xiezhi Clan is higher than the treasures used by the Red Mei Clan.

However, the Xiezhi clan took this object out without hesitation when they first attended the meeting.

That giant egg is almost an unprecedented opportunity for Gui Wujiu; in order to complete the show, its allies will naturally have to pay a huge price.

Dongfang Wanqing took a step forward, looked around everyone, and said, "With the treasure of the Xiezhi clan as the foundation, if we try to 'rescue' Gui Wugui for the second time, we will have something to stand on. Apart from this thing as the core In addition, the first-class secret treasures refined by the Yinzong and the Peacock Clan and my ethereal patriarchal array will also be put into it."

"Ten days later, it will be the opportunity to launch the second wave of offensive."

At this moment, "Huang Xiyin" suddenly changed his expression, and after paying tribute to Taoist Yin-Yang and Dongfang Wanqing with his eyes, Qingying flashed and quietly exited the room.

In fact, the current "Huang Xiyin" has not yet had time to return to Shi Shi, and this is just a newly condensed incarnation; it's just that this incarnation is made by relying on the magic pearl of magic way and phase magic, and it may not be inferior to Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin's Quanzhu, The number of soul orbs "three treasures in one" can be seen as a body.

After Huang Xiyin left the boundary, he only felt a sword intent floating, and a sword flower suddenly scattered, and suddenly he had many complicated thoughts.

Gui Wujiu's avatar went out of the world, and was covered by Wuyu Yuanzun's bone-phase secret treasure and Qin Menglin's secret method of yin and yang, so he was very careful; at this time, Gui Wujiu's ordinary avatar naturally couldn't directly communicate with Huang Xiyin.

It is the only feasible and safe way to use Kongyun to recite the sword at a safe distance.

Huang Xiyin thought to herself.

The message of no blame is that Xi Lerong seems to have more cards, and his mind has changed from the depression before March to calm and confident. It must be investigated clearly...

After thinking about it, it seems that only Mo Tianqing is the most effective.

Huang Xiyin didn't use it too much, it was the safest thing to use it once at a critical moment, and immediately silence it as usual.But Huang Xiyin thought over and over again, although Xi Lerong himself joined hands with Long Yun and others in the Holy Sect Ancestral Court and never left; but if he has a secret hand, he is probably still in his lair in the barren sea Yinyang Cave.

Even if the methods of the magic way are mysterious and unpredictable, it is really inconvenient to use external force to go in and investigate.Doing it by Mo Tianqing is the least revealing.

(End of this chapter)

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