Chapter 1349
Among the Wood Spirit Clan, in the old place, the grand meeting will be held again.

The return of the "Collector" ten years ago was purely unexpected.Therefore, it is still the old system that the thirteen court scholars represent the forty-two domains; the "elders" above five realms in the remaining twenty-nine domains, even if they want to participate together, they are already in dormancy.

Not so today.

Because Gui Wujiu tried to deduce the old law and knew that it could not be done for the time being, he made a ten-year agreement according to the order of his own meritorious deeds.You especially stated that eight to ten years later, it will be the day of success.

In this way, those courtiers from all regions will have ample opportunity to mobilize and adjust their practice methods, so that they can be in a state that can be "awakened" at any time in the interval of eight to ten years.

Therefore, the conference where the great completion of the blameless cultivation method was announced to the public was an unprecedented gathering of representatives from the forty-two domains.

In the former land of Muting, a high platform suddenly rose from the hilly and green grass-shaded boundary at the beginning, stretching for several miles.It seems to be a clean piece without too much decoration; but the unusually soft and moist vitality overflows from it, with the intoxication of flowers and the freshness of grass, which is very refreshing.

Around the high platform, there is a shallow guardrail made of fine wicker.

No blame in the world of Ziwei, I haven't seen any scenes. Although the weather in front of me is beautiful, it is nothing; but what is especially commendable is that the "foundation" of this high platform is clearly made of twelve plants and six turns. The giant wood itself.

From this, it can be seen that the wood spirit clan's courtesy and sincerity are very important.

On the high platform, Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin, and Bai Ling'er were in the center of everyone's attention, but the elders of the forty-two domains were surrounded by a group of ten people, forming a semicircle, divided into four parts.There are four leaders, two of whom are old acquaintances——

Chi Xiang, and that shrewd Huang Baili.

The other two are new faces.A black-faced monk with a short and wide stature, whose surname is also "black", which is a metaphor for black;

The skill of these two people is not inferior to that of Chi Xiang, and it was just the first time they met Gui Wugui, but after half an hour, they were already talking and laughing, and they looked very acquainted.

The original affiliations of the two Kao are the same as those of Chixiang and Huang Baili respectively. One belongs to the "reformist" and the other belongs to the "reformist".

In fact, with Qingquyu's qualifications and meritorious deeds, among the elders of the various domains, he can actually occupy one of the four chiefs; but now that the general situation is clear, Qingquyu, who originally belonged to the "conservative force", although he has nothing to blame for trying After repairing the relationship, it is inevitable to be marginalized.

When the hour comes.

Gui Wugui looked around and said with a smile: "Are you going to try it yourself, or send someone else to play?"

As soon as his words fell, Bai Ling'er immediately stepped forward happily, as if she couldn't wait any longer, her eyes flicked around.

Bai Ling'er has a unique mind, and she is very resistant to the narrower and narrower freedom after breaking through the realm, so she is reluctant to break through the realm; before seeing the elders above five realms in her clan, it was like a mouse seeing a cat ;Now not only do you not need to be afraid, but even your realm cultivation is above it, which is very comfortable.

Chi Xiang smiled slightly and said, "Our plan has been decided."

Immediately waved his hand.

Among the four figures, there were three people from each; unexpectedly, twelve elders of the five realms and representatives of the forty-two realms came to try it in person, and they did not pretend to be others.This is a matter of great importance to the future and destiny of the Wood Spirit Clan, so it is only natural to treat it with solemnity.

Gui Wujiu nodded and said: "Please".

Bai Linger jumped up and down, standing in the middle of the high platform.

The twelve people didn't come forward together; after they made eye contact with each other, four people walked into the arena slowly, more than ten feet away from Bai Ling'er.

One of them suddenly folded his palms together and saluted Bai Ling'er.

This is the etiquette when the middle and lower realms of the wood spirit clan try their best against high realms.

The other three were startled, obviously not used to it; but after a little hesitation, they still entered the stage one by one.

Four people start at the same time.

I saw his palms move and attack at the same time.

Bai Ling'er didn't show any fear at all, she also split her palms and used a punch.

In fact, the arrangement of Chi Xiang and others is also just right - because the previous six-turn state, the movement is greatly restricted; but if it is assumed that it can move freely, relying on the obvious and profound Taoist foundation, between the five-turn state and the fifth-turn state, it is about With the relationship of one against four.This is the conclusion drawn by the Wood Spirit Clan's own deduction.

Because rank seven is the real qualitative change equivalent to "Tao Realm", the gap between five and six is ​​not unattainable.Only after rank seven, his own actions have been completely restricted.

In the midst of the battle, the fierce fighting was in full swing, and it was ingenious.

In terms of the strength of the energy that emerges, it is indeed on a scale higher than that of Nascent Soul; but in terms of the form of fighting, there are fights similar to those of secular martial arts, occasionally mixed with relatively superficial "Taoism" applications .

After a "fierce battle", after dozens of moves, it was Bai Ling'er who had the upper hand, and the four of them were in danger immediately.

Leaving aside the difference in fighting methods between the two sides, just the "one stagnation" of the four people who appeared faintly and appeared at any time, against the swift and incomparable Bai Ling'er who didn't have the slightest pressure, was enough to break the balance.

The faces of Chi Xiang, Huang Baili and the others changed slightly, as if hesitating.

Gui Wugui sees it in his eyes.If the fighting has become like this, then today's "verification of achievements" will be meaningless.

Immediately said loudly: "Use that set of punches."

When Bai Ling'er heard this, she seemed a little reluctant; but she immediately changed her style of play.

This set of boxing moves very slowly. Although it is neat, it obviously lacks the sense of oppression.The four people who fought against him immediately got a chance to breathe.The battle line suddenly stretched.

Chi Xiang, Huang Baili, Hei Yiyu, and Zhu Liegang all looked slightly relaxed when they saw this.

In today's conference, the match between Bai Ling'er and the rank-five ranks was used as a matchmaker to verify the achievements. There is a profound reason for this.

One, of course, is to verify whether Linger's skills have really reached the sixth rank; this is an easier thing to do.

Second, it is related to the "characteristics" of the wood spirit clan.

As we all know, the higher the realm of the wood spirit clan, the lower their own activity; but before the real ultimate realm-the seventh realm, there are also many more partial methods of pretending to be fake.For example, someone seems to be able to move freely, but in fact his movements are not violent, and his body can enter a special "false sleep" state, which is still equivalent to entering samadhi.Or sacrifice one's lifespan, qi and blood, etc. to make temporary changes and adjustments.

These methods are all showy, but in fact they are of no great use; such as the generation of elders in front of me, there are very few people who practice this method.

It is also very easy to puncture this kind of formula, that is, in a really high-intensity battle, it will inevitably reveal its secrets.

This consideration is not that nothing can be blamed, but that it is of great importance and has to be done.

So if Bai Ling'er shows off her might and knocks everyone down in one breath, this can only further prove one goal; but it will deviate from the main point.

Guiding no blame is also clear about the truth.Therefore, Bai Linger's boxing technique taught in advance was deduced from Yue Hengzong's "Nine Yuan Book", but the rhythm became extremely slow, and later on, he only defended but did not attack; I will accompany you until the end of time.

However, when this boxing method is used to counterattack, the castration is very slow, but I am always out of concentration, quick and flexible posture, and I am always in the middle of adjusting the position, without a trace of stagnation.

After about half an hour, the four finally couldn't hold on anymore, and they all backed away at the same time.

The four of them retreated to the edge of the high platform and stood still. Although they were still in human form, they stood still, and their charm was very similar to a tree.

It is clear that it is only the last point, and it is the real form.

For the conference eight to twelve years later, all those who are qualified to participate in the conference have carefully adjusted for a long time, and they are sure to achieve a certain deadline and maintain their human form for at least half a month.At this time, even if it is counted from receiving the news, it is only five days ago.It can be seen that the maintenance under normal conditions is completely different from the violent fighting state.

The four retreated, and immediately four more followed.

Bai Ling'er is also a person with a quick mind.After experiencing the initial comfort, she also learned to look at the problem from the standpoint of innocence, knowing very well what needs to be proved for innocence.She knew that the first four people were discouraged by her being the first to win; they struggled for half an hour later, but they were not in the best condition.On this point, Chi Xiang and others may have doubts.

So after these four people connected, she simply didn't attack at all, and continued to grind hard according to that ancient clumsy boxing method.

This battle lasted for almost an hour.

In the end, the four of them sweated on their foreheads and retreated out of breath.Three of them stood still; the other one couldn't hold on in the end, and his body quietly disappeared, turning into a tall and straight pine tree, standing on the high platform!
The last four of the three shifts entered the battle, and they persisted for more than half an hour before retreating.

After this group of people retreated, the first group of four people who had already rested would come back into battle.

Chi Xiang, Huang Baili and the other four looked at each other.

Huang Baili stretched out his hand to stop it.

Chi Xiang took a step forward and said loudly: "It's enough, there's no need to try again."

The four can clearly see——

Bai Ling'er's ancient clumsy boxing skills mixed with clever body skills, faced the siege of four people for nearly two hours.Even if there are no three shifts, the real action distance is more than twice that of besieging any one of the four.

During the two-hour competition, each of the other four "stopped" no less than [-] or [-] times; but Bai Ling'er was always swimming like a fish, without any suffocation!
Huang Baili said to Gui Wujiu: "You Daoist Gui did not break the promise. The merit of this legislation is the great cause and effect that has not been worn down through the ages. As agreed ten years ago, our family will open the world in a short time. The door, send interested people to follow and return to Taoist friends to see the scenery of the 'ancestral domain'. Do you have any objections?"

The other forty or so people on the stage all said in unison: "That's right."

After finishing speaking, led by Chi Xiang, Huang Baili and others, all forty-two people bowed to Gui Wugui!
(End of this chapter)

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