Chapter 1366
At this time, in the center of the seven large formations, the patriarchs of the various clans and the Taoists of the Yinzong all gathered to watch the battle.

Regarding Dongfang Wanqing and Yin-Yang Daoist who are still lurking here, the final secret method to achieve the five-realm decisive victory, everyone was surprised at first, and then relieved.

Because the people who entered the battle were actually the top Daoists, it would be useless to tell them; on the contrary, it would be suspected of revealing the secret in advance.Fundamentally speaking, if it is possible to turn a battle involving hundreds of thousands of demon kings and clan backgrounds into a decisive victory with a few people, that would be fine.

In the previous two battles, they ended up with one win and one loss.

The third player on our side is the leader of the Ming clan of the Red Mei clan.

Yuan Ming stepped into the third secret world, and only a moment later, he saw the person appearing on the opposite side, who was indeed the Daoist priest of the holy religion, and was inexplicably happy; he immediately restrained his mind.

Because, Yuanming has full confidence in the treasure of the world of the Red Meizu.

The level of the ordinary "possession method" secret treasure can be achieved theoretically, but it is more or less higher than the real combat power-in other words, it is probably a little watery.Claiming to be able to fight against the top Dao Realm, in fact, in the speculation of others, it is just barely contending.Gein's eyesight and mind in the near-dao realm are slightly inferior to those in the real dao realm.

But the method of the Red Mei Clan is not the case. The state they have achieved is real, and the name matches the reality.

In fact, based on the reference standard of the body possession method, after the "Liuhe Guiyi", the level of the secret treasure of the Red Meizu has not reached the first-class level like the Quanzhu mana of the blameless mana; it is not even the second or third- - Seriously speaking, it is still the fifth level, not far from the secret treasures of Peacock and Pegasus.

The real mystery lies in that the magic weapon possessed, known as "Spirit of Heaven and Earth", no longer just provides a vast body of mana for people to drive; instead, it has an extremely precise and perfect "mind current", which is in harmony with one's mind and mind, making it always Make the right decision right now.Seriously speaking, in addition to mana, it also has a function equivalent to one-third of a living person.This is why this method is so effective.

According to common sense, this kind of method often does a lot of damage to the sanity of the person who uses it; even if it is a time when it has to be used, unless there is no one, it will not be used by the head of the clan.

However, he happened to experience the lower realm of the ancestors of the Red Meizu, and quietly erased the hidden dangers of this thing.In today's season, using this Red Charm Clan Liuhe Secret Treasure, in addition to consuming the treasure itself, is not only harmless to the person who uses it, but beneficial.

Daoist Xiandao in that room saw that his opponent was Yuan Ming, and he also relaxed.

The two just met each other's eyes, so they were considered to have seen each other.

Gong Yuanming shot without hesitation!

His palms seemed to be closing together; but before they were completely closed, it seemed that there was an inexplicable repulsive force between the two palms, and an extremely vigorous energy bloomed accordingly.In just a split second, Gong Yuanming's whole body lit up, revealing a crystal-clear image, showing an extremely pure image of "hanging paintings in the void".

Its artistic conception is good and its imposing manner is as strong as that of the demon clan ascending ancestors Longyun and Fengqing who ended up in the previous two rounds.

And because the Chimei tribe has a unique bone appearance, Gong Ming's rich and handsome demeanor at this time is still above Long Yun and Feng Qing!
In terms of supernatural powers, this hand is completely natural, without warning; in the first moment, it seems that Yuanming's magic power is surging, spreading all over the body and presenting a wonderful appearance; The body becomes a wheel, spouting and overturning at an incredible and irresistible speed.

Among the seven formations, Mi Daozun, Yi Daozun, Xuxian Daozun and the patriarchs of the various clans applauded secretly in their hearts.

When this "no-gap" appearance appeared, he immediately felt that the chances of winning were great.

The treasure of the Liuhe of the Chimei Clan is said in Mingkou of the Yuan Dynasty to be able to compete with the top Daoist powers, such as the two Feisheng Yaozu, Dongfang Wanqing, Yinyang Daoist and others; Agree half.In terms of the scale of mana, Yuan Ming would not be able to boast about Haikou; but it is not known how much discounted the subtlety of the envoy.

Now that Yuan Ming makes a move, he can see the depth——

This is not the demon king who used the body possession method for the first time; he is clearly a famous Taoist who has been tempered for tens of thousands of years!
Only Dongfang Wanqing and Huang Xiyin looked calm.

Dongfang Wanqing knows the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and us very well.In her opinion, Feng Qing and Long Yun, the two holy patriarchs of the monster clan, although their strength is not as good as her own, and they also used a considerable amount of mana to fight with the "multiplied power"; The combat power embodied may not be lower than Xiandao and Yingyuan.

However, he still did not choose to appear again, but left this opportunity to Xiandao and Yingyuan. Naturally, he also had mature considerations or inexplicable means.

Between lightning and flint.

Daoist Xian Dao's countermeasures were also immediately revealed.

But seeing his big sleeve waved, the light and shadow on the palm burst, and the palm seemed to be a thousand times bigger, in the middle of the sky and the center of the small world in front of him, it turned into a huge palm thousands of miles in front of him, and he pushed straight!
Both Gong Ming and the people watching the battle were stunned.

This method seems to be common, but it is extremely rare; because the mana at the level of the Dao realm is originally back to the basics and omnipresent, and it is rare to see such a specific method similar to that of the Jindan realm and the Nascent Soul realm.Roughly speaking, it really feels like the emperor went to the ground with a golden hoe.

Although the "giant hand" is complete and complete, it has lost the essence of the four words "everything".

Yuan Ming's mana shook, and a majestic attack like fog and frost rushed over.

One is true, the other is imaginary, and the result is naturally as expected——

Most of the power of the Ming Dynasty's style was blocked by the giant palm; however, the remaining [-]% overflowed from the fingertips of the giant palm, and immediately eroded the body of Taoist Xiandao at an extremely fast speed.

Yuan Ming's spirit was lifted.Although there is not much remaining mana, if you use a straight body to block it, it can still cause a lot of burden.Immediately do it again and again, and do the same thing.

If low-level monks fight, such supernatural powers seem to be concrete and hidden; it seems to be leaky, but it is actually very densely guarded, which is also possible.However, when fighting in the Dao realm, each type of supernatural power has its own perfect nature; once the spirit of manifesting concrete images and distinguishing the inside and outside is fully manifested, whether it is Yuan Ming or the onlookers on both sides, it can be concluded that it is in the "Yuxu" There are deficiencies.

In this way, more than ten punches are exchanged.

Suddenly, Gong Yuanming's heart moved and he looked closely.

Although he is confident, he is not a schemer; since the opponent has used such a method with obvious weaknesses and is extremely remote in the Dao realm, naturally it is not a free game, but an exchange.After fighting more than ten moves, the opponent's scheme seemed to surface.

Because the huge palm of Daoist Xiandao appears in the very center of this "small world" all the time, and there seems to be a faint feeling of "I am the only one who dominates others, and the master and slave are different"; Every time he swung it, this inexplicable thought would be strengthened; once the time was delayed for a long time, he would be turned into the master, and he would be a head shorter than the opponent for some unknown reason.

Gong Yuanming knew clearly that this was a dispute between reality and fiction.

When one's mana rushes forward, the opponent treats it as big and accepts it as small; when the opponent's palm is empty, it accepts its disadvantages and takes up its emptiness.

But after careful comparison, I used [-]% to [-]% of the mana to attack the opponent's body; while the opponent only obtained some illusory situational advantages.The superiority of this situation is like the accumulation of "luck", and it will take a long time to turn it into a victory.And by then, he had already won!

Yuanming's calculations have been made, so he doesn't care about it and just hits hard.

An outstanding person among demon cultivators, although his scheming seems to be no less than that of human cultivators; but he does not have a kind of decisiveness and directness.He is naturally sure that he must have the upper hand in such a battle, so he will not have any doubts and put all his chips in, instead of hesitating and hesitating.

After fighting for more than a hundred blows like this, the battle situation was as expected by Yuan Ming.

On the body of the Taoist priest, there is a faint trace of astringency; and looking at his skin and face, there seems to be a strange sallowness.Obviously, there is only one step away from being unable to support; and that huge palm, although occupying Huanghuang's momentum, if it is said that Gong Yuanming is cornered, or if he is eager to win, he will not be able to.

Gong Yuanming was in high spirits, thinking to himself that within three moves, the winner would be decided.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed!

Daozun Xiandao's body seemed to shake slightly.

In a flash, he seemed to disappear from this world; after three breaths, he reappeared.But after reappearing, the Daoist Xiandao is full of energy, just like when he first left the stage.

As a result, the balance of this "exchange" was suddenly broken.

Originally, because of the great benefits he had gained, although the giant palm was in the air and the aura was overwhelming, Yuan Ming didn't feel much about it; The general trend of management", Yuan Ming suddenly realized that the giant palm was like a pillar of the universe, suppressing his action space and momentum to an extremely narrow point; in a real fight, it was like being choked by someone, and after three or five breaths, To lose, there is almost no power to fight back.

Take a sharp turn and never return!
Yuan Ming's heart suddenly changed.

As for methods such as quick recovery of combat power, at the level of the Dao realm, it is far less easy than at the lower realm because every move is sensitive to the world; Practical.

Even so, Yuan Ming was also truly grasping the changes in the opponent's state, without any slack.

He is fully sure that the loss of the manifesto is clearly true and innocent.

It was really hard for Yuan Ming to accept the defeat in such a "vulgar hand" method similar to that of Dan Yingjing.

Just as he was thinking about whether to fight hard, Dongfang Wanqing's voice suddenly came from Gongyuan Ming's ear: "Patriarch Gongyuan doesn't need to worry too much, the best thing to do is to retreat."

Gong Yuanming heard the words, no longer hesitated, and immediately jumped out of the world!

(End of this chapter)

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