Chapter 1369

Xi Lerong carefully observes the weather in this world, but his mind is also calm.

Today's cultivation base, although this battle is of great importance, but the artistic conception of the duel with the pure and turbid Xuanxiang in the past is like flying by light boat, which is not the same as before.

After waiting for more than ten breaths, the person who escaped into this world was clearly a red phantom, and it really was Dongfang Wanqing.

After the Eastern Sunshine settled down, the two were close to each other, which was obviously better than the scene in the previous four wars.

Looking at each other, Xi Lerong said with emotion: "Only after the Second and Third World Wars did Xi gradually realize the intention of the head of Dongfang. Although the times have changed, and now there are many heroes, the former sages should also bear karma. For this way, the door is determined to achieve it."

Dongfang Wanqing happily nodded and said, "Exactly."

Xi Lerong lowered his head, as if overlooking the boundless land, and said slowly: "But this battle, for Your Excellency, does not seem to be easy."

Dongfang Wanqing shook her head and said, "That may not be the case."

Xi Lerong raised her eyebrows.

He originally thought that the other party's answer should be something like "Do your best"; but the four words in Dongfang Wanqing's mouth were so confident that they were almost domineering.It is indeed beyond common sense to have such a mind as an enemy of oneself.

After Xi Lerong attained the Dao Realm, regardless of the judgment of both the enemy and us, as well as his own, there might be risks and the possibility of being defeated by the previous sages in the Dao Realm, there was only a short time gap when his Dao Realm was just completed and the mana realm was not fully matured. .The former "first from the left".The establishment of a three-year period may not be without the intention of using this as a temptation.

When Xi Lerong sleeps for three turns and attains his mana, then his opponents should only be those who are also above perfection but have achieved Taoism.

The rest, regardless of the humane monster race, the ancestors of the Taoist realm, are no longer his opponents!
However, today I met Dongfang Wanqing.

And to be fair, in his heart, Dao Nian wandered leisurely, and he really didn't have the belief of "certain victory".

For Dongfang Wanqing's answer, it's useless to argue with words, the best way to fight back is to speak with facts.

So, Xi Lerong made a move——

His body was slow, and he punched out.The fist shadow swells; it seems to be similar to the previous Xiandao Yingyuan and others, but it is not the case-because the scale of this swell looks much smaller, but it is only more than a hundred times itself; and a jade-colored toad is empty. A shadow, about the size of a body, emerged inexplicably from behind.

The fist shadow is in front, and the toad shadow is behind.

The power of a blow, fast and heavy.It seems that it is obscured from the outside and does not show brilliance; but there is a locked meaning in it, which is even more difficult to resist.

Over the past two or three hundred years, until he finally attained the Dao state, Xi Lerong's progress was also extraordinary.

The shadow of the toad appeared on his back, obviously he used the fundamental method in martial arts, which was vaguely related to the "Tian Yue" and the method of "Break Limit Strike"; Its value is equal to itself, but there is no sense of putting all one's eggs in one basket at all.

But its power is extremely close to the old "Breaking Limits".

Under the same magic power, if the opponent is in the realm of perfection, or if he has just reached perfection and has not mastered the means of this realm, then he will definitely not be able to withstand this blow!
However, no matter how fast the shot down was, Dongfang Wanqing's reaction was also quick.

The phantom of the formation, one inside and one outside, moved in the middle, and it didn't dodge or dodge, completely dispelling Xi Lerong's fist power!
Xi Lerong's move failed, his expression remained unchanged.

With both arms together, the second blow was immediately launched.

This is the movement of two palms together, at least three or four out of ten people in the Dao realm use this movement as the basis for using supernatural powers, which shows the hidden reason.

In the palm, a sword immediately appeared; small and light, like green and ink, distinct and solid, like a painting in the sky.

One hit shot!
This "sword" is almost similar to the Kongyun Nian sword in a tangible form, except that its physical meaning is clearer.As for its power, it is not completely restrained, but it seems to be surging, it seems to be overflowing, and it can be roughly perceived even outside the boundary.

At the same time, the light and shade of the toad shadow behind Xi Lerong changed, but the image of severity was still the same as itself.

The power of this blow is no less than that of Xi Lerong's inherent ultimate move - Tianyue; but while its power is astonishing, the meaning of balance is not scattered, it can be seen that it has completely broken the boundary of the limit-breaking method and degenerated into a skill that does not require any price. "Ordinary" supernatural powers that can be cast.

This can also be called a remarkable progress.

Breaking through the "limit-breaking method" means abandoning the consummation and above the realm of "first reaching this realm". Maybe it takes a chance to see the true flow, but it is enough to be called profound skill.

Where Dongfang Wanqing resides, the brilliance immediately brightens.

At the same time, Dongfang Wanqing's location has also changed—it is no longer a fixed circle, but wanders between the middle and the ring, walking erratically; there are even signs of going beyond it.

People are in the ring, people are on the side of the ring, and people are outside the ring.

A sword stabbed fiercely.

If Dongfang Wanqing was forced to completely escape from the ring, it would mean that her defensive skill of "making nothing out of something" would be defeated by this tyrannical sword!
A burst of pure white brilliance surged very close, covering everything and blocking all sight.

This is also the mystery of the subtlety of the two sides' combat power. Although the power of this blow is incredible, it still does not damage any part of this world; even if it is broken, it can be filled at any time, and no extra mana is needed. The formula used by Long Yun is the same.

After more than twenty breaths——

The halo dissipated.

Dongfang Wanqing stood there.

However, the "ring" outside her body was no longer visible, it seemed to have been defeated, and it seemed to have been collected voluntarily.But Xi Lerong's "Sword of Reality" was also invisible.Perhaps it can be understood as Dongfang Wanqing's successful defense?
No matter whether it is Longyun Fengqing, Xiandao Yingyuan, or the Taoist priests, patriarchs, and demon kings of the hidden sect, they all look left and right, unable to decide what to do.

At this moment, there was a sudden light in the small world.

A circle emerged.

Then the ring expanded at an extremely fast speed, and a huge force repelled it outward, showing two wonderful appearances at the same time——

One of them, although the ring is a balanced and expanding phase, everything is omnipresent, but everyone has an inexplicable idea in their hearts, it seems that Xi Lerong can do what they can.

Second, the shape of this ring is very different from Xi Lerong's sword shape, regardless of its color, weather, or physical aura; contact.

Xi Lerong's complexion changed slightly.

Long Yun, Feng Qing and others who were second only to him in merit also frowned after a moment.

This is clearly the "creating something out of nothing" counterattack method of Misty Sect Taoism!
Xi Lerong seemed to be in a daze.

The power of this blow, Dongfang Wanqing was not injured, he could have expected it; but if it was just blocking, he still had the upper hand, and the next steps should be carried out in an orderly manner.However, if the opponent fully uses the two stages of "creating something out of nothing, creating something out of nothing", and the power of this counterattack is no less than one's own attack method, it means that the opponent has accepted this move with a completely equal attitude. .

An attack at the level of "limit-breaking strike" above the level of perfection.

This also means that after Dongfang Wanqing found the cause and effect in one fell swoop, although she did not have the name of perfection, she really had the truth, without a trace of moisture.

Feng Qing frowned, and suddenly said: "Why is Xi Lerong..."

"I also said that he won this round with the force of thunder and fundamental means."

Long Yun shook his head, and finally said: "Who knows?"

After more than ten years of communication, Long Yun, Feng Qing and Xi Lerong have a deep understanding of each other's Taoism.

Xi Lerong——

He didn't use his strongest means!
good.Xi Lerong has completed the breakthrough and sublation of the "Break Limit Method", reaching a brand-new realm; but this does not mean throwing away all the essence and painstaking research of his previous Taoism; sublation is not abandonment, and it has its own inheritance place.

From the perspective of "whole body", today's Xi Lerong has already achieved the magical effect of the previous "Tianyue" method without any damage to himself; The realm of "mountain is still a mountain" can still be used in the new way of the old method, and the vital part of the method of breaking the limit can be regained, so as to achieve a kind of wonderland.

In other words, "Pay a certain price to further enhance my combat power", this path is still feasible, and it is more powerful and less troublesome.

At this moment, Xi Lerong can still make the toad shadow on his back surpass himself, and emit a supernatural power that is more powerful and almost irresistible in the non-true state; and the price is not irreversible damage, but just using it again "Resurrection dormancy method" only.

In the fourth battle, Dongfang Wanqing defeated Ying Yuan with lightning speed and turned the situation around; and she won three battles in a row by herself, while Xi Lerong was a fresh force.Even if the fight is evenly matched or even narrowly won in the end, Xi Lerong will not be glorious, but instead will increase the opponent's momentum.

Because the loss of these five games is inherently unfair to both the offensive and defensive sides.

Therefore, Long Yun, Feng Qing and others speculated in their hearts whether Xi Lerong would fight a tooth for a tooth, launch the "resurrection dormancy method" to trigger the strongest blow, and copy the scene of the fourth battle; not only to win, but also to win quickly!

But the facts were not as expected by the two, Xi Lerong actually chose to move slowly and fight for a long time.

Inside and outside the nine formations, the state of mind is very different.

Blaming the Allies and allies, everyone is delighted to see Dongfang Wanqing displaying a strength far stronger than expected.Even if we are not so enthusiastic about winning, even if we lose the enemy and retreat, as long as we are not hindered, we will take the initiative if we use another method.

As for the truths of the holy religion, even Zhan Hengzi, who was about to form a large formation, and Ming Jun, who was on top of the other seven peaks, were not worried, but after all, there was a dissonance of "unexpected success".

Daoist Xian Dao's frown suddenly relaxed, he let out a long sigh, and said, "I understand."

Daoist Ying Yuan immediately said: "What kind of reason?"

Long Yun and Feng Qing also listened attentively.

What they care about is not victory or defeat, but what Long Yunfengqing didn't understand just now - why Xi Lerong didn't use thunder to meet the enemy.

Daoist Xiandao stretched out his hand and said quietly: "Although it has been in business for more than ten years, it seems that the achievements have been made so far; but from the bottom of my heart, Fellow Daoist Xi does not have full confidence in this thing."

The location where he pointed his finger was exactly this "giant egg" enchantment.

(End of this chapter)

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