Chapter 1371
Facing up and down and extremely difficult choices, Xi Lerong is worthy of being a perfect and long-time practitioner. He made a decision in a short time and did not fall into indecision.

Of course, his decision must also be the result of profound calculations, and he will never make a decision with the courage of blood and blood like an ordinary person.

There are two bases for Xi Lerong's decision.

One of them is the comparison between the general trend and innate endowment luck.Carefully weighing and asking about his original intentions, Xi Lerong thought that even if he had only won the luck of the previous generation, he took a big step forward and reached the wonderful state of "no name but reality", but he and himself reached perfection a long time ago. , and compared with the current generation of heroes participating in Taoism and gaining benefits through exhaustion, it is hard to shake after all.

In other words, even if you don't use the final secret method, you are still in an "invincible" situation.

From another point of view, the state of "Above Consummation without a name and reality" that Dongfang Wanqing has reached, except for some mental planning through the Limit Breaking Method, the rest is indeed nothing compared to the real state of Consummation. difference.

It seems that it is really difficult to win without using the last resort.

The balance of the two phases is an invincible and undefeated pattern.

That being the case, maintain the status quo, and wait until the [-]-year period arrives, and see if there is nothing wrong with going out of bounds, the battle will naturally end.

With a clear mind, Xi Lerong is determined by God's will.

It is still the principle of boxing and sword, the momentum of offense and defense, but the rhythm of the shots is slower and more peaceful, not eager to win the momentary victory.

This "slowness" is not only a delay, but also an adjustment of his own rhythm, so that there is no trace of cramping between his every move and the force of responding to Dongfang Wanqing's "out of nothing", making the opponent's "attack and defense integrated" If the advantages are not enough to play out, this battle will be a long-term stalemate.

The first four battles ended extremely quickly; however, the rhythm of this battle has slowed down significantly.

In the fight between Xi Lerong and Dongfang Wanqing, half an hour passed in an instant.


After tens of thousands of fights, Xi Lerong suddenly looked up!
The scene in front of him was far beyond Xi Lerong's expectation.

For several fights, such as Long Yun, Feng Qing, Xiandao Yingyuan, or Xi Lerong himself, the supernatural powers and appearances are all changing and changing.Among them, the method of Long Yunfengqing, although it has a subtle and solid meaning, is the foundation of the virtual image after all; while the method of revealing the shadow of Dao Yingyuan's fist, which is most of the enemy, is similar to the entity between Danying and outstanding. An ingenuity.

As for Xi Lerong's own means, the punching intent hides the false in the reality; the sword intent is the reality in the actual.constitute subtle changes.

But Dongfang Wanqing shot three times, but her method never changed——

That ring, the rhyme of Chinese and foreign, hides the truth of returning to nothing and creating something out of nothing, but it is the "most emptiness" among the means of Taoism.It is said to be a divine channel technique, but in fact it is the flow of ethereal dao rhyme and the manifestation of the void. Except for the colorful flow that seems to be a halo, the body of the "ring" is not a substance.

But at this moment, a circle really appeared.

And the role of this thing is not concealed.

This is the purpose of stabilizing the world and infecting the energy mechanism.

The previous four small realms all had general rules.When the outcome is undecided, it is full of blue waves, clear and formless; when the outcome is decided, the Dao realm power that exists alone in it will be infected with energy, and it will immediately be transformed into the color of reality, or communicate with the outside world. The seven formations of the Red Mei clan, or the large formation of the dragon and phoenix clans in the Neijian, are integrated into one, and they convert to each other.

However, after all, that was after the outcome had been decided; however, at this moment, the outcome was still unclear, and Dongfang Wanqing was trying to seize the right to belong to a world!
Xi Lerong's eyes met Dongfang Wanqing's, his mind immediately settled down, and he said coldly: "It's useless."

One point with two palms.

The Qi machine mana that was originally almost condensed, immediately turned into seven strands before forming a sword shape, like a ribbon, with infinite wonderful hidden meanings, spreading to all directions.

This strange and wonderful idea is not the subtlety of supernatural powers or the power of fighting and fighting; it is a unique vitality of the Dao. It seems that this small world is used as a baby, and the seven colored ribbons are used as umbilical cords to instill energy and change its temperament.

The Taoism has reached the level of Xi Lerong. Apart from the Taoism involving the true level, there are only magical powers used to deal with opponents who are also in the realm of perfection, and he needs to carefully study it.

In addition, no matter how remote and subtle the supernatural powers that manifested in front of him and were originally displayed, he can always disassemble them in an instant.

Therefore, even though Dongfang Wanqing's method of enlightening a world when the outcome is uncertain is unique to Dongfang Wanqing; Xi Lerong still reproduced it with extremely fast speed and a very domineering attitude.

Just over ten breaths later, the cyan aura transformed by Xi Lerong's seven branches, and the light red color transformed by Dongfang Wanqing's force, one on the left and one on the right, one in front and one in the back, each occupying half of this small world. It looks good!
The scene in front of me seems to have changed the way of fighting between Xi Lerong and Dongfang Wanqing - from a head-to-head confrontation, it seems to have turned into a method similar to the "Seizing Qi and Dividing the Frontier" of the local Tianxuan, directly exerting force on this little girl The struggle for world dominance.

After more than ten breaths, Xi Lerong frowned imperceptibly.

Just now, his attack was extremely swift, fierce and domineering, it can be said that if he didn't make a move, it would be nothing, but once he made a move, it was astonishing.Not only did it immediately copy Dongfang Wanqing's method, but it also surpassed it in terms of scale.

Xi Lerong originally thought that his actions would be very effective; obviously, the blue energy he emitted diffused faster than Dongfang Wanqing's dyeing energy, which meant that he was coming from behind.

But the strange thing is that this rapid speed did not last; when it reached nearly half of the world, he felt an inexplicable resistance in his heart, and it seemed that it was very difficult to go further.

Later, this feeling became more and more obvious.

Until he and Dongfang Wanqing's qi respectively accounted for half, this small world seemed to be condensed, and it seemed impossible to go one step further.

At first, I thought that this competition was like a "tug of war" for the entire small world, and I wanted to win it all; but now it seems that it is different from what I imagined!
His thoughts turned sharply, as if Xi Lerong realized something——

If it is the same as the previous four battles, after the victory or defeat is settled and one side is repelled, then the winner will get a complete share by infusing the Qi Machine into a world; but if two people compete in this world Then use similar methods, then each person can only get half of it, and it is impossible to get more.

Even if your strength is slightly stronger than your opponent, but the closer you get to the half limit, the greater the inexplicable resistance, no matter how great your advantage is, you will be taught to ignore it.

That being the case...

What is Dongfang Wanqing's intention behind this move?

At this moment, Dongfang Wanqing was embracing her palms, and she even took away the "Rhyme of Ring Heart", she just said indifferently: "You can deduce a thing or two, Fellow Daoist Xi."

He took the initiative to leave time for Xi Lerong.

With a thought, Xi Lerong stretched out his fingers, and hastily deduced.

In fact, he already has a vague guess in his heart, and the deduction at this time is just to make this guess come true.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xi Lerong seemed to be in a daze, and said: "Unexpectedly, the gap between us and the enemy is already so big?"

Dongfang Wanqing calmly said, "You didn't realize until today, are you a bit late?"

Xi Lerong didn't answer.

The results of the deduction were as expected.

If the result is that the enemy and the enemy occupy half of the world and maintain the result for seven days, and there is no winner, then the two divisions will be fully implemented, and Xi Lerong and Dongfang Wanqing will also be kicked out of the boundary.

In this way, it is tantamount to a real tie between the two sides.Each gets two and a half small circles.

This is not the result of Xi Lerong's deduction, but the premise of the deduction that can be easily detected.

Based on this, the result of the deduction is——

It seems that the status quo should be maintained; in fact, it is the seven formations of the enemy and the second formation of ours. The comparison of strength is further clarified, and it is finalized as a "master-slave situation".In fact, if these five formations were not set up, the result would be the same through natural evolution; but after subdividing it, the ending will come even faster!

This is tantamount to completely overturning Xi Lerong's expected measures——

Procrastinating for time, regardless of the outcome, waiting for the end of the twelve-year period.

If you don't want the big formation to be broken in advance, then you can only win, not draw.

Such a conclusion actually made Xi Lerong feel a little frustrated!
Throughout the ages, the advantages of the so-called "situation" and "luck" cannot be ignored, but they are "retreats" after all, and it is difficult to manifest them into specific effects in the fighting method.

But today, because the general trend of Gui Wu Jiu has been achieved, the whole world is attracting attention; and Xi Lerong firmly believes that Gui Wu Jiu will be able to go out of the world. Using the strongest hand, this is already a very specific containment.

But this is not the end; now it is suddenly discovered that it is impossible to even maintain a tie.

How big is this "big trend"?
Could it be that it is the general trend and unshakable for the Wugui camp to win this unprecedented victory?Even the advent of "Only My Mahayana Sutra" failed to bring the situation back a bit?
Dongfang Wanqing spoke at the right time, her voice was different from the usual erratic, but it seemed to have an inexplicable flavor:

"Fellow Daoist Xi Lerong, why are you so ambitious? Seizing the present is the right way. As long as you use the strongest blow, I'm afraid I can't resist it. As long as you pass the current hurdle, perhaps the troubled formation will really be for nothing Killing is not impossible."

Xi Lerong suddenly felt a ripple in the sea of ​​consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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