Chapter 1377
After all, the weather in Mana Island is different from that of the mortal beings in the Ziwei Great World.

In the world of mortals in the Ziwei Great World, they often worship and reverence gods for cultivators and immortals; even monks with low merits, such as building foundations and golden core monks, can call the wind and rain in a country and a region, and stand above the world above.

This is not the case in Mana Benzhou. The way of practice here is originally for the creatures here to see, hear, and personally study; such as the five major shrines, rather than being a sect of cultivation, it is more like undertaking the responsibility of secular imperial power at the same time.Therefore, in the minds of all living beings, the people with profound meritorious deeds in the shrine are not similar to immortals or gods, but are truly similar to "practitioners" with extremely high Taoism and martial arts.

But this must be broken at this moment.

On the top of the tower, there is a special charm. The weather at this time is clearly like the first god who created the world. The description of his appearance seems to create a very high-level "idea" in the minds of the living beings here.

In a corner of the eastern wilderness, in the place of quicksand, a stone cave was built between two small soil pockets.

At this moment, there was a person standing at the entrance of the stone cave, looking up with a sad look.

This person is about thirty years old, wearing a large bamboo hat, his appearance is faintly black, but his facial features are sharp and angular; but the area occupied by a pair of black pupils is almost full, which is obviously larger than that of ordinary people.

Looking at his muscles and bones, it is obvious that he is not an ordinary person, but he has a good cultivation, and he is probably at the level of a guard leader.

At this moment, the man looked at the special charm in the tower, and his black eyes suddenly dimmed a little, as if absent-minded; after a long time, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

This person's name is Wei Guan, and he is one of the three powerful town guards next to the owner of Caoye Shrine, Wei Qing. His status is roughly similar to that of Tong Jia, Xuan Lingying, etc. who are beside Shu Shenyun.

The Grass Leaf Shrine and Beisha Shrine were originally an alliance, but in the end they did not escape the catastrophe of destruction.Although this is because the position of the Grass Leaf Shrine was shaken at the last moment; but the guards can understand that even if the Grass Leaf Shrine has been firmly on the side of the Beisha Shrine, the final result is the same-it is nothing more than adopting a more moderate strategy. Just a few.

Because the merits of the special charm are high and have reached a level that surpasses the ancient and the modern, but its ambition of mixing is unshakable.

This is what Wei Guan deeply hates.

With his own strength, let alone the leader of the town guard, even if he is promoted to the rank of Shezheng, it is difficult for him to have any impact on the overall situation.But he is determined, and has already made up his mind to lurk down. On the one hand, he waits for the news and inquires about the changes of the "Ten Yuan Profound Tree"; Make some noise.

But at this moment, seeing the special charm image in the tower, Wei Guan's thought that he thought was as firm as iron suddenly wavered a little.

A thought in his heart told him——

The integration of the five parties and the confusion of shrines are the general trend.Although it may be difficult to accept emotionally in this generation;After all, no one can stop it.

This thought was clear, Wei Guan unexpectedly did not have any anger or questioning thoughts, I don't know if it was perplexity or disappointment...

On the edge of the swamp in the extreme south, on a lone boat, stood a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

In the middle of the cliff, on a protruding mountain wall, a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties wrapped his arms tightly and whispered softly.

On the top of a giant tree more than a hundred feet high, countless branches form a strange building like a "bird's nest".I saw a person with his hands on his hips and his head raised to the sky.


These are all adherents of the former dynasty who have a similar standpoint to that "Wei Guan" and have different aspirations.

At this moment, the hearts of this generation seem to have undergone an inexplicable baptism, and the embers of the fire finally cooled down completely.

On the high tower, after reciting the special charm three times, he turned around and said to Gui Wujiu: "There are pros and cons in the Tao, and not one person can do it all; cause and effect in a lifetime will eventually take two points. The remaining half will be given to you. is you."

After speaking, Shu Shenyun glanced at everyone in the hall.

Although he didn't say it clearly, this look clearly meant farewell.

Then, without the slightest hesitation, Shu Shenyun jumped up, as if she was flying through the clouds, her figure was flying, and she gradually flew away.This body and this image seem to have an extraordinary implication, which is compatible with the body.

In the system of cultivating Taoism, there are of course dragons and unicorns who practice the so-called "way of luck"; among them, there is no one more brilliant than the fruit of the ten yuan mysterious tree in Mona Benzhou.But the special charm at this time, clearly every breath, every action is in perfect harmony with the whole Mana Island.

This is no longer "luck plus body", but "luck is me".Taking the entire Mana Island, and even the entire Ziwei Great World, as his support and support; it is clearly a great achievement of naming by dating.In comparison, a Profound Dao Fruit is just a drop of water in the ocean.

It's just that there is no sound and no sound, and the avenue is invisible.Except for Gui Wujiu who can glimpse this kind of high morality, others are unaware of it.

After about ten breaths of effort, the figure of Shu Shen Yun gradually faded.

There is one more beauty in this-

The escape of special charm is obviously different from Gui Wugui's communication method.This is not going to the world of Ziwei through a certain "passage"; but its spirit and magical power are infinite, as if it came out of the shell, completely breaking the Mana Island.

It is conceivable that where it goes, it does not need to take the Ziwei Great World as a transit first; it directly escapes to the endless void star stream.

With the help of the achievements of dating, the real body of Shu Shenyun has clearly reached the level of directly breaking the natural barrier of the Ziwei Great World and gaining contact with each other.

After a few more breaths, the figure of the special charm finally dissipated completely, but Gui Wuqi heard a shallow voice:

"The karma is not over, and there will be a period later."

Gui Wugui thought about it.

Although the "breakthrough" of his own body has not yet been completed, but because of the phenomenon of the "big egg"'s restraint, he has reached the final step; this step is unshakable and unstoppable.In other words, I can announce in advance that I have achieved the goal of "the number one in the world of Ziwei".

It was agreed at that time that it could be declared completed in advance.

Rendang, Bajiaoluan, Xuan Lingying and others all looked unbelievable at this moment, as if they hadn't recovered their senses yet, and they still couldn't tell if Shu Shenyun had really "gone away".

After thirty or fifty breaths, Tong Jia's chest suddenly rose and fell, and he said in a low voice: "The owner..."

In fact, they also generally know something about the secret of carrying forward the past and opening up the future here, and Shu Shenyun's heart.Now that this matter has been completed, after the reformation of the past, the new "big shrine" after the reunification may be based on impunity.

But in their minds, they only thought it was the last result of Shu Shenyun declaring her retirement and practicing the secrets of heaven and earth alone; even if she really let go and went back, it would probably be twenty or thirty years later.

Unexpectedly, with new achievements and confirmation of the restoration of the Ten Yuan Xuanshu, Shu Shenyun had already bid farewell on the eve of the establishment of the Shrine of Hunyi!

This step came so fast, like lightning, and so free and easy.

Gui Wugui's gaze was fixed, and he took a few steps forward, also standing on the edge of the tower.

Shu Shenyun said, she only made half of it, and let herself do the other half.

After pondering for a while, Gui Wugui took a deep breath, and said loudly: "After the Cangmang Era, everything will be unified, and a world will be established. From today to all ages, it is called the 'Chaos Era', and it was created by Mo You!"

The sound was like a torrent of thunder, and it was transmitted endlessly, and it also resounded throughout the world.

As soon as these words came out, Gui Wujiu's mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Suddenly, at this moment, the various scenes in the world of Ziwei seem to be unavoidable; the inner and outer worlds, the center and the outside, are just a mirror of the diaphragm That's all, the details are clearly visible.

It is the result of the "Ding Yuan First Era" that the divine will connects the inside and the outside.

Gui Wugui's voice is obviously not as interactive and rich as the special charm.This is because whether it is Gui Wugui or Special Charm, they have reached the point where the inside and the outside are connected.Although in the cultivation system of Mana Benzhou, the state of blameless and special charm can be said to be equal; but in terms of the true cultivation of the body, there is a big difference between the two.Therefore, when the oracle is transmitted at this time, there is no image that fully envelops the world like the special charm.

But although the scale is not as good as it is, the height is neck and neck.

In the minds of the people in Mana Benzhou, although the sound of breaking the drink feels clear and plain, but it is firmly believed, like a god and directly points to people's hearts, but it is no different from a special charm!
The naming of the new era is also destined to be imprinted in the deepest part of the thoughts of the gods in this world, and become the foundation for stabilizing the world.

Inside the tower, even Tong Jia, Xuan Lingying, Ba Jiaoluan and others who were very familiar with "Mo You" felt a sense of awe from the bottom of their hearts at this moment.

On the contrary, he is responsible, he is extremely talented, and he has long been convinced that Gui Wugui will become the master of the world, so he is not surprised at this day.After a moment of shock, he quickly came to his senses, took two steps forward, and said with a frown: "Senior Brother Mo You. Boundless and chaotic, it seems that the meaning of the law is similar. In my opinion, this 'Chaos Era' is more like The name of the previous opportunity. Now that the brother has set up a new career, it should be to get rid of ignorance and establish truth; why is it called chaos?"

Gui Wuqiji glanced at Lingdang, secretly surprised in his heart, he just smiled and said: "Brother, I have my own reasons."

Looking at it in the blink of an eye, a thought suddenly appeared in Gui Wujiu's heart.

Just naming the epoch is not enough.

The order of time and space, the four dimensions and eight directions, the past and the present, the two are indispensable.

Looking at the world from afar, Gui Wujiu realized something, and said: "This boundary...'Muna Benzhou' should also be a thing of the past. From today, this realm is named—Ziwei Xinshi."

As soon as the words fell, Gui Wugui felt something silently.

Although he stood on the tower, he could clearly feel that it was the tower itself that had changed.

Li Qi escaped from the light, turned around and looked, and sure enough, on the stone wall of the highest floor of the tower, there was a relief with the four characters "Ziwei Xinshi".

Ling Dang blinked, followed immediately, and asked, "I don't know when Senior Brother Mo You is enthroned for the ceremony?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "Three days later."

(End of this chapter)

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