Chapter 1379

Three more days passed.

Whether it is Xiandao, Yingyuan, or Longyun and Fengqing, after reaching such a level of cultivation, although they are not as good as the four of them like Yuion, they still care about every detail and care about everything.

The hearts of the four people are naturally clear-at this moment, there is only half an hour left before the time limit of twelve years.

The management of the four is still the same as it was three days ago.Xiandao and Yingyuan used all their mana to suppress the internal and external changes of the "Big Egg" barrier; while Long Yunfengqing faced the attacks that continuously leaked from the gap between the two clans' formations. .

It's just that the actions of Xian Dao and Ying Yuan are always the same; but with more and more flaws in the two large formations, Long Yunfengqing's responsibilities are getting heavier and heavier.

Suddenly, Xiandao and Yingyuan's eyes met.

Daoist Xiandao shook his head slightly; looking at his lips and teeth, he seemed to sigh slightly, but he didn't make a sound.

Long Yun had time to spare, and glanced over, his eyes were also disappointed.

The "success" one day earlier was obviously just a phantom.

After a glimmer of hope, this world, this general trend, is still evolving towards the ending they don't want to see, there is no change at all!

Just a day ago, the situation suddenly changed slightly.

Xiandao and Ying Yuan were pleasantly surprised to find that the feedback energy in the "Great Egg" had completely returned to zero, leaving nothing.

So, there was another ripple in my heart!
During this period of time, I don't know how many times, he has already determined the conclusion of victory or defeat, and guessed that it is very likely to break out of the blame; but every time there is a new change, he can't help but feel agitated in his heart, like a stone thrown into the lake. water.

This kind of ups and downs, one movement and one stillness, thousands of turns, infinite reversals, are actually extremely rare in terms of the "belief without doubt" Taoism of Xiandao, Long Yun and others.

Flipping back and forth between infinite hope and endless disappointment, it is actually not too harsh to comment on "considering gains and losses".

There was a loud bang, echoing thirteen times, and red clouds appeared in the sky.

The four of them turned their heads to look at the same time.

It can be clearly seen that it is the change of the foundation of the two large formations.

Three days ago, I realized that the two big formations were not the combined enemies of the seven formations after all. After the process of "dissipating from China and foreign countries", the demon kings and hosts of the two clans tried their best to make up for it, which seemed to ease the tension a little. The trend of dissipation.But even so, after three days, nearly a quarter of it still disappeared!

Don't give birth to an illusion--

Nearly a quarter of them dispersed in three days, and the total formation of the two races can last for more than twelve days; because the principles of the two large formations must be preserved [-]% before they can barely stimulate [-]% of their combat power. The mighty power of the seven outer formations competed against each other; once the [-]% limit was broken through, the subsequent disintegration process would suddenly accelerate.

In other words, the defeat of the two formations was just a matter of days and nights.

Xiandao narrowed his eyes, only a gleam remained, looked into the distance, and said: "If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Feng Qing was making a move of his own accord, resisting an attack that turned into a real form of thunder, and was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Didn't the two of Xiandao have made up their minds to "see the last moment" here?

With such a tight blockade here, how should we leave?
Under such a strong array of interference, even if it is to ascend to break through, it is completely impossible.

He moved his thoughts quickly, but Xiandao and Ying Yuan's movements were even faster - but they saw their hands clasped, clasped and stretched out.

The palm is empty.

But after only three to five breaths, the two groups of entities suddenly converged into a solid form, and it was the strange thing that sent Ming Jun and others out earlier.

It's just that after the thing was condensed into a physical channel and used once, it was obviously completely destroyed; at this time, it reappeared inconceivably.

Ying Yuan turned around and said to Long Yun and Feng Qing, "You two fellow Taoists, let's leave now; I'm afraid there will be no future. Unfortunately, we joined forces to stir up the situation, but ultimately failed. "

Long Yun turned his head suddenly, his face turned slightly blue, and shouted: "What do you mean?"

Unlike Xiandao and Ying Yuan who seem to persevere until the end, he and Feng Qingyuan have a way to retreat.But that method is not easy to operate, and the cost is also high; in Long Yun's plan, it was originally to take advantage of the last-minute death battle between Xian Dao and Ying Yuan to take advantage of the opportunity.

Now that Xiandao and Yingyuan suddenly said that there is a way to leave, it really messed up Long Yun's plan.

Long Yun's actions are extremely decisive, and he seems to have reversed the importance of the dragon and does whatever he wants; he can't control the cooperation between the two parties for a long time.With a flash of brilliance in his eyes, he wanted to look for an opening and interrupt Xiandao and Ying Yuan's leaving to cast spells.

He is also very careful in his mind, even if he prevents the two of them from escaping, although the two of them are extremely dissatisfied, they will not fight with him;After all, fundamentally speaking, it was not me who broke the [-]-year Taoism of the holy religion.

But if you look carefully, the aura around the two is quite subtle; after three days of cultivation, they have grown extremely strong.

The qi mechanism that seemed to be the "flow of earth force" actually formed a physical mask, which firmly protected Xiandao and Dao.This method of protection is clearly to guard against Long Yun and Feng Qing.

Long Yunyou couldn't be reconciled, so he took advantage of the gap and punched out.

A blow of [-]% force hit Daoist Ying Yuan's protective mask, but it didn't show any effect.

If the two of them are allowed to hold the Qi machine and release more than [-] times the "power of doubling", of course it will be easy to break the situation; but under the current situation, the offensive that appears at any time from the outside will be borne by the two of them at any time, but they will not No such conditions.

Feng Qing was also determined, and hurriedly said to Long Yun: "Don't be entangled, you and I should also think about the way to retreat from Tibet."

After three breaths, the strange and thin "channel" that has become real again emerged.The purpose of this thing is to have the ability to temporarily disappear once, but to reappear twice.

In short, this is not a "one-time" treasure, but a "secondary".

Long Yun's face was livid, but at a glance, only this "comrade" had the same image as when it first appeared.

The nature of its inheritance is still the method of "big and small". Only when the person with higher merit bears the price on his behalf can the person with lower merit escape.At this moment, if he and Feng Qing hadn't cooperated with their full strength, Xiandao and Ying Yuan would still be unable to get away.

It must have a backhand!
Sure enough, Daoist Xian Dao raised his right hand empty-handed, condensed a little brilliance from his fingertips, and threw it into the "channel".

Immediately, the two had a good time to sit and wait.

The so-called "good things are always", although they knew that it was a foregone conclusion that Gui Wugui would come out, but at the last moment, they still did not give up their suppression of the "giant egg".

At this moment, Long Yun and Feng Qing ignored Xian Dao and Ying Yuan, and each took the initiative to use magic power and plan the magic circle, as if they were making some very cumbersome preparations to create conditions for the two to use the escape method.

Words such as "farewell" are unnecessary.

After about a quarter of an hour, the two each set up a "small four-element array".All have this array, you can store mana first, so that it can "change in response", resist the offensive of the seven outer arrays by itself, and at the same time free up your hands to use the next method.


After finishing the method, Long Yun turned his head to look, and couldn't help being slightly startled.

Xiandao and Yingyuan still sat on the spot and did not leave - he also said that the two had already left.

Because the final outcome is not faster, since things cannot be done, Long Yunfengqing doesn't have to engage in verbal disputes; In the meaning of "out of sight, out of mind" for ordinary people; unless Xiandao and Ying Yuan suddenly attack the two of them, this "mind lock" will be broken;

Seeing the two leave, I became more and more lonely and poor, and finally my mind was not in harmony.

Long Yun's original way may have been operating the Leaving Method for a long time; but after a careful look, he knew that was not the case - because Xiandao and Ying Yuan's complexions were blue, and there was an inexplicable sense of loss and emptiness in their eyes!
No matter what setbacks they encountered before, the two of them failed to show this appearance!

Feng Qing said suspiciously: "The two of you are..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the newly built "channel" suddenly burst into loud noises, and then completely collapsed!

This time, it was completely destroyed, and it was impossible to revive it again.

Daoist Xiandao suddenly smiled—this smile was neither sad nor happy, but also meaningful: "Did you think they would make such a choice?"

Daoist Ying Yuan shook his head and said: "I didn't expect that. Xuanmu is fine. Hanzhen and Mingjun, no matter what situation they encounter, even if it is between life and death, they should trust me. This kind of heart should be It's true. So... I really didn't expect it. People's hearts are scattered."

In the last sentence, Daoist Ying Yuan's voice turned from flat to bleak after all.

Three days ago, all the arrangements made by Xiandao and Yingyuan for Hanzhen, Mingjun and others were true——

This method was originally prepared as a backup method for Xi Zhenzi and Master Li.

Through the Dajue Mountain court, a half-decayed Yin-Yang cave was found; the last use of this cave was collapsed to cover up the traces.In the Tianshan Gate Stone of Yinyang Cave, get six pills, which are enough to cover up Qi.Within [-] years, cover up all deduction methods.

Even what the two of them told Long Yun and Feng Qing about the secret method of the channel, the principle of "blocking from top to bottom", they also confessed everything without falsehood.

Even if all his arrangements were overheard by others, and he used the best divination calculations to deduce the secret calculations, he still couldn't find any flaws.

But what he didn't say was—

When Hanzhen and Mingjun came to the boulder, they smashed the boulder with the method of Shinto, and got not only six pills, but also another very prominent thing; How to do.

At that time a token.

Waiting for the signal to activate, which is enough to activate a Yincheng Xiangsheng formation that uses half of the holy religion's [-]-year reserve as its food, and in an instant, it is enough to induce a large mana equivalent to dozens of Taoist realms—just that mana It is too suffocating and slow, and it can only be heavy on a large scale, but it has no ability to hurt the enemy-reversing the severity in turn, can make the two of Xiandao become the "lighter" side and escape from the sky!

But... the signal was sent out, but there was no response!

(End of this chapter)

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