Chapter 302

Don't leave words behind Mu Yunli, and go up without blame.

The picture I saw at this time was a picture of Qu An.

The picture scroll on the left side of the stone steps is no more than two zhang wide, and the figures seen before are all located in the middle of the scroll. In terms of size, the small ones are no more than a few chi, and the larger ones are no more than a zhang.But this one is full of picture scrolls, and its front legs are lifted up like a human being. Therefore, although it is only two feet wide, it is more than five feet high.

This picture is even more exquisite, unlike the previously seen graphics that focus on spirit rather than shape, and are composed of a few strokes of graffiti, this one is exquisite and intricate, with deep lines and careful, and almost every hair is clearly identifiable .Thousands of ingenious ideas merged into a vivid shape of a beast.

Roughly calculating the complexity of the brush, I am afraid that adding all the previous patterns will not be enough.

Looking at its Taoism, one life is two, two begets three, and the five elements are related to each other. The wonder of change.

But in the face of this difficult problem, Gui Wujiu remained calm and unruffled.

Because he has confidence in his heart: Although the map on Tianxuan Road is precise, but about half way up, he can handle it with confidence.

It has been conceived for a long time, and a picture is made in the shape of rainwater.Thousands of drops of water converge into a stream, which flows eastward.

As the tip of the sword slides, the two pictures are viewed from left to right, creating an interesting interplay.

Although this picture is far less dense and detailed than that of Bi An, the principle of "all changes return to oneness" contained in it just complements the picture of Bi An.

Ten breaths, the picture is completed!
Before he had time to put away the long sword, there was a sudden change, and a burst of golden light blinded him. Gui Wugui had to squint his eyes.

It turned out that at the moment when "Rainwater Map" was completed, the blank space on the right was brightly lit, and hundreds of golden characters were connected up and down, with a height of three feet. It was almost suspected to be a dazzling ancient monument!

The words left by Tianzun that I saw before, except for his own name, are all one person and one verse, explaining his own way.Gui Wujiu was in a trance for a while, could it be that a senior who was so poetic left so many handwritings here?

Quickly gather your eyes together, and glance up and down:
"Raise your hand to hold the South Dipper, and turn your back to lean on the North Star.--Chenyang Jinli Xing."

"Looking at poverty for three kalpas without enlightenment, one thought of sincerity is the Dharmakaya. --Zhentan Xu Zifeng."

"Lonely childlike innocence, peach blossoms and willow catkins wind. --Ying Fa Xia Hanshang."

From top to bottom, there are more than thirty lines in total.

As seen in the first half of the journey, the routine of one sentence per person remains unchanged; although more than [-] lines of handwriting are gathered together, they are actually written by more than [-] masters.

Among them, there are more than [-] lines of golden handwriting that are the most eye-catching, and there are as many as seven or eight lines of black and chaotic ones.

On the Tianxuan Avenue, there are only forty-nine people in total.In the past halfway through the walk, I saw only a dozen or so people one after another; but now there are more than [-] people gathered in just a few feet.

It is extremely shocking that these many seniors have all stopped here.

In this way, isn't it true that only a few people have been there for the next half of the journey?
Where Gui Wugui glanced over, there were two lines of writing not far apart, which caught his attention.

One of the lines is the vigorous and powerful eight characters: "The law is at ease, and the Tao transforms all life."

Another line of elegant and beautiful handwriting is: "In the middle of autumn, the west wind is strong, and the moon is full in the sky."

The former signed "Chenyang Zhu Yongchen"; the other author "Eastern Evening Sunshine".

What attracted the attention of No Blame is not that there is any subtlety in these two sentences, but because——

These two lines of characters are black, and the handwriting is extremely clear.

Together with this large section of rich and rich relics, there are a total of eleven dark and vague posthumous writings, including no blame.

And the existence of these two clear handwritings shows that these two true monarchs are still sitting at the gate of the mountain.

Not only that, but you can also get two pieces of information:
Zhu Yongchen and Dongfang Wanqing are undoubtedly the two strongest among the current Nine Sect True Monarchs.

There are forty-nine people on Tianxuan Avenue, and thirty-six people have achieved it.According to this calculation, these two people are very likely to become Tianzun in the future.

This kind of news can only be detected in the Tianxuan Dao, and even the upper echelons of the current Nine Sects may not know all of them.

Take a break.

The Bi An picture is very tall, so after more than fifty steps, I came across the next picture.

What this picture draws is a mountain peak standing in the clouds and mist, steep and lonely, far away and unpredictable.

Blame no blame, but look inside, and feel that the spirit is perfect and unimpeded.So stop looking at the picture.

But this stop took a full two hours.

After a long time, Gui Wujiu gathered himself together, took a deep breath, and said to himself: "Unfortunately, it was as expected."

Gui Wugui once had a feeling in his heart: until halfway through the road, there should be no serious problems.

At that time, Gui Wugui thought that after this point, the real test had just begun.Just like this, accumulate step by step, progress slowly, and your final limit may be the end point, or stop at eighty feet.
But no matter how far he went, Gui Wujiu never thought about it—it wasn't until more than thirty sages stopped at one place that Gui Wujiu felt a faint warning sign in his heart.

There is indeed a big difficulty hidden here.

The "Lonely Peak Map" in front of me seems ordinary, and the changes don't seem to be many; but Gui Wugui thought for a long time, but he couldn't find a place to start.

Although encountering difficulties, Gui Wugui is not anxious, and adjusts his breath for a while.Then jump out of the picture, or from the whole, or from the part, or look back from a distance, or look forward to a closer look. Various ideas are tried one by one.

It's a pity that all methods have been exhausted, but it is still in vain.

Is it really over?

Just at the moment when he was in a dilemma, Gui Wujiu suddenly thought: "This sky-hanging road points directly to people's hearts. If this place is really the limit of my ability, then there should be a feeling in my heart at this moment."

But Gui Wujiu is now helpless, but standing on the stairs, there is no trace of discomfort in body and mind.

Thinking about it again and again, it is absolutely impossible to break through such a test of Zhixuan with brute force.

Gui Wugui simply relaxed his body and mind, turned around and sat on the stone steps, watching the scenes below with great interest.

First, I looked at the topics on the left side of the road, starting from the first picture of tits, until the last picture of 狴犴, the picture of isolated peaks.
Then I read the verses left by the ancestors of the past dynasties.

The last thing to look at is the answer to each "question" that I blame myself for.

From "Water Hyacinth", to "Thousands of Sails Passing", and finally "Rainwater Picture".
Gui Wugui's eyes lit up.

Gui Wugui suddenly realized that his works did not exist in isolation.Looking forward and backward, it seems to form a whole.

Rejuvenated, continue to observe carefully.

Looking at these patterns, the previous "legislative" experience, the three thousand wonderful methods, the light separation and manifestation, the empty sword, and the three swordsmanship supernatural powers combined on the Moyun Dao, the previous experience and insights seem to be in my own. It can be presented in a large number of works.

It's not just a presentation; it seems that it is written here for the test, but it is more clever.
Blaming no blame gives rise to a clear understanding: Although any creation cannot exceed the limit of the author's own ability, this does not mean that external forces are useless.

For example, on this Tianxuan Road, it is precisely because of the existence of the "paradigm" on the left that it provides a "confrontation" framework for one's own creation, which is equivalent to stepping on a ladder and laying a solid foundation virtually.

For a moment, Gui Wujiu suddenly felt the shortcomings of his past creations.

If at this moment, I return to Moyun Dao again, the three swords I created will definitely be improved compared to the current "Clumsy Sword", "Skillful Sword", and "Illusory Sword".

Even if this improvement is only a trivial point.

Smile without blame.

This problem has been solved.

Gui Wugui closed his eyes, thinking about the time for a cup of tea. "Xiao Ran Yiyi" jumped into her hand.

Swords dance with dragons and snakes, and three small swords with different charms gradually emerge on the wall.It is an improvement of the sword intent of the three swords "Clumsy Sword", "Skillful Sword" and "Illusive Sword".

Why did more than [-] seniors stop here? The answer is also the same.The so-called creation does not mean that one can do it by relying on one's own talent, unrestrained imagination, and unbridled imagination.When it reaches the extreme depths, it must rely on a large amount of empirical experience.

The Heavenly Suspension Dao is not just a test, but also a reference and assistance for the creators of the law.Therefore, if someone who comes here follows the old method of this sect and does not have any empirical experience in opening up a new path, then he will naturally not be able to understand the magical effect of this level, and he can only stop here.

After a few sucks, the three swords of Guiwugui took shape.Although this pattern is purely an improvement of the supernatural power of Moyun Dao, it is naturally related to the pattern on the left.

One peak and three swords are clearly divided into physical and practical.

But at the moment when the pattern was formed, there was another movement.

A line of words appeared on the right side of Gui Wujiu: "The ancient sages bow their hands together, and the mountains and rivers bow their heads."

Similar to what Mu Yunli left, this is a line of white characters.

Although the semantics of these two sentences are extremely domineering, the handwriting is rare and neat and neat. It seems that they are completely written on the spot, without a trace of personal characteristics.

But there is no characteristic, but it has become the biggest characteristic here.

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, and he looked at the place where the signature was signed: "Chenyang Xuanyuanhuai."

Gui Wujiu was originally well prepared, Xuanyuan Huai's name probably appeared at the highest point of Tianxuan Avenue.It was a little surprising to see this all of a sudden.

In this way, he should be above it.

But after thinking about it, Gui Wujiu's expression became serious instead.

It turns out that among the nine sects of exercises, the theory is the most brilliant and mature, and none is better than Chenyang Sword Mountain.

The most mature also means the most closed.

And Xuanyuan Huai Eight Dharma fellow practitioners are already at the pinnacle of the world, and there is absolutely no need to start a new path.Even if the cultivation technique evolves, it will be after the division into the Dao.

Xuanyuan Huai should have been restrained by his lack of empirical experience, and was in the same formation as the thirty or so people next to him.

However, he insisted on relying on his unrivaled resources to forcefully take a step forward.

The so-called "all the sages and sages in ancient times surrendered their hands together" is not only the belief in his heart, but also a portrayal of reality.

The "sages from ancient times" are not only empty fingers, but also correspond to more than [-] seniors who have been overwhelmed by him.

 This chapter feels a bit problematic, but I don't have time to change it.

(End of this chapter)

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