Chapter 328
This person has a handsome face and a tall stature, wearing a crown that reaches the sky, and a golden purple Taoist robe.Apart from a silver fish talisman hanging around his waist, there is nothing long on his body, only a soaring aura that vibrates the sky repeatedly stirs, reflecting inside and outside.

It was the Lord of the Five Tombs, Yue Xuanying, who was only one step away from the close Taoist position six hundred years ago.

The wind stopped, and Ai Wubei saw a person emerging from the two-color pool in the valley from a distance, only then did he realize that the Ruyi Gate is actually the teleportation array of the Yueheng Sect.But it's not necessary for them to come forward to make fun of it if they talk to their peers.

Both of them knew in their hearts that once the discussion was over, it was time to set off.

Gui Wugui stood up to greet him, and said with a salute, "Master Yue, I'm sorry."

Yue Xuanying waved her hand and said calmly, "You're welcome."

In Gui Wujiu's mind, it was more likely that Ling Yishuang and the other four would come here, but he didn't expect it to be the Lord of the Five Tombs.However, although Yue Xuanying and Gui Wujiu had very little communication, and there was no friendship, they actually had a deep relationship.

As the presiding officer of Gui Wujiu's true biography election meeting, in a sense, Yue Xuanying can be regarded as Gui Wujiu's teacher.This is not only the case for the Yueheng sect, but also for the rest of the sects.

Yue Xuanying's actions have always been simple and convenient, and he doesn't talk about empty words.It was only half a quarter of an hour after they met, and before they had time to drink tea, they immediately asked Huang Hai what the purpose of this trip was, how the strength of the enemy was compared with ours, and how the pre-war preparations were, all of which were practical matters.

Waiting for no blame to explain one by one, half an hour has passed.

Yue Xuanying heard that Gui Wujiu had already recruited Xingyue Sect to help him, and he already had internal support in Yu Xuanzong, which was beyond expectations.If he planned to make a big move, the power of the White Dragon Chamber of Commerce alone might not be enough, so he had to go on a killing spree by himself.

Now it seems that he only needs to calm down the situation and kill the enemy's leader, and Huang Hai will be settled.I can't help but praise Gui Wu Jiu for having such a business after a hundred years of practice.

From the perspective of imputation, he has considered more than once the attitude of the people in the sect.

As long as I still have a glimmer of hope of enlightenment, the sect will be happy with the favor, and my superficial treatment will not change in any way.Moreover, they are all people who have practiced Taoism for hundreds or thousands of years, and they are not so superficial that they would openly leave no way out and neglect face to face.

However, there are two situations that are most likely to happen: one is that although the superficial skills are good, the inside is actually more alienated than before; future.

However, Yue Xuanying's attitude was beyond Gui Wugui's expectation, neither of the two guesses appeared.He talked with Gui Wujiu for half an hour, and his attitude was the same as before, as if the frustration of Gui Wujiu's path never happened.

After a long time, when talking about Gui Wugui's journey to the boundless world, Yue Xuanying took out a picture scroll about a foot high from her sleeve.

This volume has no breath, and it doesn't look like something used by cultivators, but it is translucent and half-gray in appearance, and it is also somewhat unpredictable.

Yue Xuanying said: "This picture is called "The Main Gate of the Great Realm", and it is the gate for you to go to the boundless world. Once you open it, you need to use it."

"The period of use of this picture is within three years. After you use it once, this picture will change and become another "Anti-Great World" with an unlimited shelf life. That is what you will use when you come back. Know yourself, don’t bother.”

Through Yue Xuanying's mouth, no one knows that there are more than ten volumes in each of the nine major sects of this picture scroll, which were inherited from the time when the sect was established [-] years ago.It's just that this scroll must be engraved with a seal by the great power of Tianzun before it can be used, otherwise it will be like a white scroll and have no effect at all.

The activation of the imprint of the volume in front of him was precisely the work of Jiang Chenglu, the original Lu Zongmu Sword Immortal.If there is no alliance between the two parties, there will be no native civilization without blame.

Of course, if there is no alliance between the two parties, there is no need for such a trip.

For Gui Wugui, sweeping the barren sea and grabbing miscellaneous jade are just preparations before leaving.What he really cares about is an important link in his path.

So he took the opportunity to ask: "How many people can this "Great Realm Main Gate" accommodate?"

Yue Xuanying was startled, and said, "Of course it's just one person."

Gui Wugui's expression changed.

But Yue Xuanying pondered for a while, and said: "It is not accurate to say that it is only one person. In fact, there is something mysterious about this thing, and Yue doesn't know much about it. It is said that this picture was made by the ancestors of the Nine Schools, and it is related to the deepest space supernatural powers. Dharma door, there is no mistake in the slightest."

"According to the records in the door, the verification of the effectiveness of this portal is a simulation of an ancient treasure, and the load limit does not exceed one hundred and eighty-eight catties. For you, naturally it can only One person can be accommodated. Unless, what you want to bring is a child who does not weigh more than thirty or forty pounds."

I felt relieved to be blameless, and I was in a good mood, as expected, the sky never stops me!
So he asked with a smile: "May I ask you, why did Master Yue come here? The Hall of Five Mausoleums studies the true teachings of hundreds of schools, and the business is very busy."

Yue Xuanying said calmly: "Senior brother Ling is very free. He did volunteer to run this trip. However, according to the words of the real master, you have been operating in the deserted sea for a hundred years, and there may be some people or things that must be brought back to the sect. If Senior Brother Ling came, people here would have to return one by one after hundreds of years, which would be extremely inconvenient."

"It just so happens that because of his past experience, Yue is the only one among the three true kings in the sect who has the means to bring several people back together on the same spot. Therefore, he was ordered to go to the lower realm."

Gui Wugui sighed in his heart, these two sentences are worth a thousand words.

At this time of change, this delicate and considerate arrangement, no matter whether it is the true head of the sect showing sincerity, or he is a scheming person like Du Minglun, he should appreciate it without blame.

Speaking of this, Yue Xuanying glanced over with sword-like eyes, and said: "But Yue's method can only bring six people back at most. If it exceeds this limit, Shu can't do anything."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "No more, no more. Just bring four people back."

The previous plan of action has already been clearly explained, and both of them know that they will go their own way after departure. After the troops are divided into two groups, they may not necessarily reunite.Gui Wugui immediately explained all the arrangements.

The four people that Gui Wujiu wanted to bring back to the sect were Dugu Xinling, Xi Qingheng, Huang Zhengping and his wife.

Gui Wugui said: "The mortal couple, try to make them live four hundred years later, when I return to the sect. Although the elixir of this level is rare, there must be some in the sect."

"As for the other two cultivators, except for the two volumes of "Jing" and "Lun" that non-true disciples in the Yueheng sect cannot read, the remaining three volumes of "Fa", "Zang" and "Ji" are welcome to read. One All the merits and virtues needed will be paid by Gui Wugui."

"If the female cultivator of the Nascent Soul third-level realm breaks through the fourth-level barrier, if you need help from the door, please try your best to help her cross this level. Her aptitude is solid, and it is possible to succeed. If it fails, It also allows her to prolong her life until she returns without blame."

Yue Xuanying had no expression on her face, and agreed one by one.

The discussion has been decided, Gui Wujiu explained to Huang Zhengping and his wife, and asked him to live in the valley with peace of mind for a period of time.In the valley, numerous restrictions were set up to ensure safety.

In addition, due to the new addition of Huang Xiyin, Gui Wujiu was afraid of lack of manpower, so he spent half a day buying two maidservants from the nearby ordinary towns and returning them to show them kindness and training.

Only then did Yue Xuanying, Feng Zhixi, and Ai Wubei leave the Six Returns Wishful Formation and head for the Hengyue Gate.

When leaving the valley, Yue Xuanying glanced at Feng Zhixi, secretly surprised.I don't want to blame it, but I can also get in touch with people from this faction.

The four of them were riding on Yue Xuanying's dharma boat, and their escape speed was extremely fast.In just a few days, he arrived at the Pleiades Dojo.

Although the main force of the White Dragon Chamber of Commerce has arrived, only twelve people including Wu Changxin and Dugu Xinling stayed in the White Crane Palace.The rest of the large-scale Nascent Soul and Jindan monks, who are cited as the backbone, are all hidden in the large Dharma circle hidden by the clouds in the sky.

Therefore, from a rough perspective, the Pleiades Dojo is still silent, but there is no noisy and lively battle.

As he was about to approach Qianhui Peak, Feng Zhixi took out the jade flute in his sleeve and began to play it.

The sound of the flute came out, not long after.At the main entrance of the White Crane Palace, a few people rushed out and looked forward to it.Until the Fazhou landed near, I saw four monks who had just entered the first level of spiritual form, followed a square-faced monk about thirty years old, and greeted them.

The square-faced cultivator was startled, then showed an incredulous expression, strode forward, and paid homage.

Ps: I am a little dizzy writing today.Go with the flow, stop here.I don't want to be spliced.Tomorrow's one more 1000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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