Chapter 332
Yu Xuanzong dared to withdraw all high-end combat power back to the mountain gate, so he naturally had sufficient reliance.At the very least, he wouldn't be afraid of Xingyuemen's massive attack just when "Yi Duan Tian Nan" was weakened.

The "Zhenwei Yinxuan Four Tribulations and Five Squares" deployed on Quhuan Island is even stronger than the one where the mountain gate is located.

Hundreds of years ago, when an elder of Yu Xuanzong was traveling in other states, he accidentally obtained a remnant of the inheritance of the "Formation of Stealing Laws".

The so-called law-stealing formation is one of the nine formations.This array can absorb the external force of wind and thunder from heaven and earth, constantly enrich and strengthen itself, and even cover all the flaws in this array.Except for the gate mechanism designed by the formation builder, it is absolutely difficult to break the formation by violence.

"Law Stealing Array" has another powerful feature.Even if you forcibly crack it with brute force, you have to do it before the formation has established itself for a long time.Otherwise, if the formation continues to operate for hundreds of thousands of years, the strength of the formation will gradually increase, and the hope of breaking the formation will naturally become increasingly slim.

However, "The Formation of Stealing the Law" is not without any flaws.This array absorbs the external force of heaven and earth, so there is naturally a limit to bear.Once it comes to the day when the absorption of external force reaches its limit, the entire formation will collapse completely, irreparably, and cause devastating damage to at least thousands of miles.

The elder Yu Xuanzong obtained the fragments of the "Law Stealing Formation" and absorbed external forces to perfection, with eighteen thousand years as the end point.

The senior leaders of the sect, from the head Han Anshi down, had a discussion.Thought that although this formation is good, it is not appropriate to bless it on the big formation of the mountain gate.If he did so, wouldn't it be telling Yu Xuanzong that there would be only [-] years?

As for the barren sea competition, Han Anshi was confident that within ten thousand years, he would completely win this round.Since this treasure is present, it is just right for the moment, so it is decided to bless it on the Quhuan Island Yinxuan Formation.

Spring comes and autumn goes, and in the blink of an eye, this "formation of stealing laws" has been in operation for more than five hundred years.According to the estimation and comparison of Han Anshi and others, the strength of the formation at this time is already more than [-]% stronger than that of the Shanmen formation.It is expected that the Xingyue Gate will never be breached.

However, here is another difficulty.

For the core disciples of the next generation, such as Xi Qingheng and others, the Wild Sea Chess Game is where they practiced.Therefore, a number of top-ranked true disciples live in Zhongqu Island, Xiaohua Island, and Baisha Island respectively, accepting missions and practicing with peace of mind.

The dignity of this generation is actually higher than the ordinary Yuanying elders of the outer sect, and he has the right to decide all matters in the wild sea.In the event of an emergency, entering Qu Huan Island is also the right thing to do.

But at present, his level of skill is still low, if he is given the method of entering the battle, if there is a mistake and the enemy controls him, it will inevitably become a huge hidden danger.

Fortunately, in the sect's secret treasury, there is another superior array mechanism called "Qipin Danchao".

This organ uses the method of the movement and change of Dan Qi as the key, and the seven methods are combined in one place, and the formation is self-unified.The core disciples settled in the Zhongqu Islands each select one to three teachings.

When it's time to enter the formation, gather three or four true disciples together, and with the seven skills, you can open the formation.Normally, these disciples lived separately in the islands, and the guards were tight, so it was absolutely impossible for them to be wiped out in one go.

Even so, for the sake of safety, Yu Xuanzong brought back the two disciples who held the key to the "Empty Gate"—that is, the key to the chicken head in the stele—back to the sect when Daoist Yuanying was about to leave. .

In this way, even if anyone really has the ability to wipe out all the disciples of Yu Xuanzong, they will not be able to gather all the keys to the seven doors.

It's a pity that with Gui Wugui's knowledge, he knows that the technique of "Pill Qi Locking Key" is not unsolvable.It's like opening an iron lock in the secular world. Even if there is no key, a skilled locksmith can use a copper pick and iron wire to test whether it is true or false, and it can still be broken in response.

The reason is the same, if you find a second-level Jindan cultivator with pure skills and nuances, you can concentrate your alchemy and listen to its rhythm, it is enough to detect the changes in it, and you don't need magic formulas to solve the formation in one fell swoop.

This is why Gui Wugui searched for manpower in advance.

At this moment, Xi Qingheng used a method to crack it, even though the qi was divided into three, there is still room for it.

Don't say that one is divided into three, as long as one is divided into seven, it is not difficult as long as you follow the formula and follow the trend.

However, Gui Wujiu, Feng Zhixi, Qin Mengxiao and the other four had to gather their alchemy into a thread, like strings, carefully comprehending the changes in the stele.

In a few moments, where Xi Qingheng's three dan qi pointed, on the back of the chicken, the wings of the chicken, and the tail of the chicken, a little crack bloomed at the same time, and immediately bloomed into a flower the size of a bowl.

But Xi Qingheng can't let go of his alchemy at this moment, he can only maintain this shape and wait for the other four.

After only five or six breaths, Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

As his fingers trembled slightly, the fourth crack bloomed above the chicken head.

Xi Qingheng used it in accordance with the law, but Gui Wugui solved it with his own alchemy.There is only five or six breaths of effort between the two, which is unimaginable.

Ai Wubei and Qin Mengxiao were only slightly startled, but immediately relieved, this is not uncommon or unusual.

But when the wind stopped, his face inevitably changed.

After another twenty breaths, the fifth crack bloomed on the chicken neck.It is the end of the wind.However, this person did not look happy, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were slightly narrowed, as if he was resting his mind.

At this moment, Ai Wubei and Qin Mengxiao, with their eyes closed and their brows tightly locked, seemed to be plucking the strings between their fingers, and the alchemy was faintly visible. They were obviously in the process of intense sensory attempts, and there was still some time before success.

However, Gui Wugui didn't take it seriously, the quality of this "Seventh Rank Profound Pill" alchemy key method is determined to be within the capabilities of Ai Wubei and Qin Mengxiao.The difference is just how much time it takes.

Sure enough, after a quarter of an hour, Ai Wubei and Qin Mengxiao opened their eyes at the same time, and pressed their fingertips a little harder.The tortoise pattern on the stone tablet suddenly cracked, and two flower buds bloomed at the same time.

The moment the seven flowers gathered together, a strange figure was formed, and the stone tablet made a "hum" sound, and the whole Quhuan Island shook at the same time.

The fog in front of him split suddenly, like cutting through the waves, the tide divided into two, giving way to a broad avenue.

The five people let go at the same time and entered the formation one by one.

After walking for about two or three miles, after passing through the corridor of the formation gate, the willows and flowers suddenly brightened in front of my eyes.

Yu Xuanzong's so-called "Second Mountain Gate" is an important place, and the inner style is finally revealed in front of Gui Wugui.

As far as I can see, although the buildings are not very burly, it lacks a huge and majestic palace.However, there are countless buildings no more than ten feet high, thousands of palaces and rows of buildings, all running across the east and west, which is still a scene that cannot be underestimated.

Every palace and every hall is dotted under a mountain peak. If the total number is estimated, it is still an extremely astonishing scale.

Walking two more steps forward, a short, fat Taoist with earlobes reaching his shoulders suddenly emerged from a nearby phoenix-roofed pavilion.This person was at the first level of Jindan stage, holding a cattail fan in his hand, Chaogui Wujiu and the others sized him up for a while, with a dazed look on his face.

But when he saw Xi Qingheng immediately, he seemed to feel at ease.After a little hesitation, I will go up to see you.

At this time, Feng Zhixi slowly pulled out the jade flute.

The next moment, a green light bloomed, and the short and fat Taoist suddenly fell to the ground.When it landed, its body was broken in two.The person hadn't died immediately, he opened his mouth wide, and his pupils showed confusion until the light gradually dimmed.

Gui Wujiu shook his head, and said: "Since Daoist Feng is happy to do this, then those who can do more work. Please, Fellow Daoist Feng, look around and don't let strangers approach when Gui is casting a spell."

Feng Zhixi had a resentful expression on his face, obviously unwilling.

Although Gui Wugui did not state the purpose of this trip, it is not difficult for the four of them to guess the answer.Feng Zhixi is also very willing to see what kind of means Gui Wu Jiu will use to accomplish this.But he didn't want to blame him, but at this time he spoke out to send him away.

Ai Wubei understood, smoothed things over and said: "Brother Feng stays here to protect the Dharma for fellow Taoists, and I will leave the inspection to Ai Mou."

Feng Zhixi said happily: "Very good. Unexpectedly, brother Ai, you are not a high-level person, but you are a person who is eager for justice."

Ai Wubei smiled and said nothing.

Gui Wujiu nodded, he didn't want to add more details.Although he knew that there might be many rare treasures that Yu Xuanzong had accumulated over the years in the palaces of Qu Huan Island, his purpose of this trip was pure and he did not waver.

Once the plan is arranged, put it into action immediately.

Although the mineral veins under Quhuan Island are huge, they are still a very small part compared to the entire Quhuan Island.If someone else is here, even if there is a way to grab miscellaneous jade, I am afraid that finding the location of the mine veins will be the first difficulty.

But imputation has its own way.With a movement of the magic formula in my heart, the strange treasure buried here immediately sent out a feeling.

Flying to escape by following his aura, he fled for more than a hundred li to the southwest of the island and locked his position.

Gui Wugui looked around, saw a source of water not far from the west side of his feet, it seemed like a lake, far away it was vast and he couldn't see the edge.The water color of this lake is very clear, and it seems to have the image of vitality flowing, deep and deep.And the connection between my heart and that treasure is also extremely strong.

I knew it immediately, this is the other side of the lake shore.The turmoil that year was in the abyss deep under one's feet.

Without hesitation, as soon as the back was unwrapped, the small pocket immediately swelled a thousand times and turned into a golden dragon with a length of more than a hundred feet. Skyrim!

After rushing to a height of more than a thousand feet, the giant dragon suddenly turned around, with its head facing down, and ruthlessly pierced into the lake.

Originally, Quhuan Island was covered by clouds, so no matter morning or evening, noon, the brilliance was dim like dusk.At this moment, once this dragon comes into the world, it seems that there will be several rounds of bright moons in the sky immediately, soaking the whole island in the cold and biting white brilliance.

However, this brilliance only lasted for a few breaths, and as the dragon turned like water, the brilliance disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

Fifteen hours ago, the moment the formation was opened, many deacons and Taoists on the island felt a sense.But at that time, only the elders of the sect who thought it was normal came, except for the short and fat Taoist, there were not many who were willing to meddle in their own business.

At this moment, a vision that has not been seen for a hundred years suddenly appeared, but everyone was concerned, and everyone hurried out to see what happened.These people were trapped in Qu Huan Island and couldn't leave, and their daily practice and service were extremely boring.

Originally, Ai Wubei patrolled inside and outside, but couldn't see a single person, just thought it was too leisurely.

At this moment, these people came out one by one, with murderous intent, but saw the sword light flickering, turning into a clear light, and almost no one could respond, so they fell to the ground one after another, becoming the soul of his sword.

Once the Yulongdou enters the water, it will swim according to its own sense, and it will soon be clear where the ore veins are.

It's just that although the Yulongdou is huge in size, it is still impossible to take all the miscellaneous jade from the four islands of Quhuan in one go.Gui Wugui naturally wouldn't do that, after he formed the alchemy, those ordinary miscellaneous jades of refined jade grade were useless.

At this time, the giant dragon turned into an invisible body, scurrying around in the underground fine jade vein, and the gasified body was soaked, and the quality of the entire mineral vein was fully understood in a blink of an eye.

Gui Wugui picked out those mine veins of Gangyu rank, and then carefully commanded the giant dragon to suck away all the circled places.

These are all familiar things, but after a meal, you're done.The storage has been completed, but the space that the fish-dragon pocket can hold at this moment actually only takes up [-]% of the space.

As soon as his mind was drawn, a huge dragon rushed out of the water, moved three times in the air, turned into a bag again, and returned to Gui Wujiu's back.

By Wugui's side, Xi Qingheng, Feng Zhixi and Qin Mengxiao were all joyful and amazed.Although Xi Qingheng has seen the shape of a fish-dragon pocket, but he has not seen the function of this thing, at this moment, his dazzled mind is no less than that of Feng Zhixi and the other two.

As for Feng Zhixi and Qin Mengxiao, they all looked smug and lustful, which really opened their eyes.

Qin Mengxiao didn't know the severity, he simply saw the strange scene that he had never seen in this life, and his mind was shocked and intoxicated by it; but Feng Zhixi knew it well, the scene in front of him was far inferior to even the eight-refined natal magic weapon, it seemed that only the legendary Hunyuan Zhenbao can have such a magnificent scene.

Therefore, although his status and vision were much higher than Qin Mengxiao's, the shock he felt in his heart was more real and specific than Qin Mengxiao's.

Gui Wugui said: "The great work has been accomplished. The next stop is to go to Baisha Island."

Feng Zhixi quickly waved his hands, shook his head and said: "Feng looks at the many palaces here, and I'm afraid there are still some useful things. Why don't you ask Feng to search for it. Don't worry, it will delay you for half an hour at most."

Seeing Gui Wugui hesitated, Feng Zhi said: "If you encounter a treasure with a high enough value, the reward for the two pieces of the essence of the nine aggregates will be more than worth it."

Just as Gui Wujiu groaned and remained silent, a sullen voice suddenly came from the air: "Guy Taoist friend. You can go to Baisha Island as a guest, and leave the Hualong bag on your back."

Blameless and the wind stopped, he was shocked, turned his head suddenly, and looked into the sky.

Even for an ordinary Nascent Soul Daoist, it is absolutely difficult to quietly appear within thirty feet of Gui Wujiu without being noticed.

And this person in the air is only fifteen or sixty feet away from Gui Wucui, suspended in mid-air, even Yuanying Daoist's secluded, mysterious and harmonious appearance has been put away, it is almost a piece of paper floating in the air, and he has not emitted the slightest breath .

Even Shu Yongyan, the head of the Xingyue Sect at the fourth level of Nascent Soul, might not be able to achieve this step.

This person's face was blue, his eyes were like falcons, exuding a cold and stern brilliance, his face was full of ravines, and the corners of his mouth looked bitter.Coupled with the tattered clothes and gray hair, it can be seen at a glance that he is a very difficult person to get along with.

But Gui Wugui, Feng Zhixi had hallucinations in an instant, and felt that this person was very close to him in a trance.His heart was shocked at the same time, and he immediately regained his clarity. It is known that this person's evil skills have reached an extremely high level.

Gui Wujiu fixed his eyes and said solemnly: "He Ning?"

The blue-faced man showed surprise, and said: "You recognize the old man? That's right, a traitor from the sect told you about it, so you know it. How about it, have you considered it?"

Gui Wugui suddenly smiled: "Of course, I've thought about it.

With bright eyes, He Ning said, "Oh?"

Gui Wugui continued slowly: "You can go to die."

As soon as the words fell, a cold and stern breath that could shake for hundreds of miles suddenly burst out, almost piercing the sky.

This breath does not know where it comes from, nor where it goes.The sound of the wind spread, and all the trees and flowers inside and outside withered.

Except for Gui Wujiu and the others, whether it was in the palace or the Golden Core cultivators watching from the dark, all of them seemed to be weathered, and instantly turned into skinny wood carvings and fell to the ground.

Standing in the air, He Ning suddenly showed an incredible expression, and his whole body trembled like chaff, and then cracks appeared everywhere, turning into a pool of black soil and falling to the ground.

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(End of this chapter)

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