Chapter 334 The Old Man Reunited

Gui Wujiu looked around, and among the five people who caught his eyes, there were indeed three old friends.Although the remaining two people did not know each other, their faces were vaguely familiar.

Seeing these five people standing beside He Ning, the long-standing haze in Gui Wujiu's heart suddenly disappeared.

Xi Qingheng's pretty face was also full of shock, as if she couldn't believe that these five people were able to walk with He Ning.

The old man on the far left has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, is dressed in a purple robe, and has no trace of fireworks in his body.It was Xie Jinchan who met at the Pinzhen meeting and was known as an old friend of Zhang Shun's mansion.

Xie Jinchan was surrounded by clouds, and the auspicious and wonderful ideas were condensed into a ball, which was very solid and thick.It can be seen that his cultivation base has gone a step further, and he has reached the triple realm of Yuanying.

Xie Jinchan glanced at Yue Xuanying, who closed his eyes and drooped the curtains, motionless.

But Xie Jinchan felt a palpitation inexplicably in his heart, and he didn't dare to look any more.Turning his head towards Gui Wujiu with an amiable smile, he cupped his hands calmly and said, "My little friend. Time flies, and a hundred years go by in a blink of an eye. Back then, my little friend was good at dancing with long sleeves and a good tongue. Keeping it in the dark, it's hard to cheat."

"With my little friend's aptitude, the old man thought that you might have reached the Nascent Soul Realm early. I didn't want my little friend to really have lofty aspirations and intend to consolidate the foundation, so I chose Xu Tu's slow progress method."

Gui Wujiu shook his head, and said indifferently: "My aptitude is very blunt, how can I be a baby after a hundred years? If fellow Taoist Xie Yuzhen is still there, maybe I can do it. I am very curious, when the ice silkworm When spinning silk and devouring crystal jade, can it arouse your yearning for your granddaughter, Fellow Daoist Xie?"

Xie Jinchan's city mansion couldn't help but change his expression.

The rest of the group also had a gleam of coldness in their eyes.

Next to Xie Jinchan was an old man with a high crown, staring at Gui Wugui with a complicated expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, but unlike Xie Jinchan, this one didn't say a word at the moment.

Among all the people, Gui Wugui was the first to know this person.

We met at the beginning of Breaking the Waves, Zhang Shun's Mansion.

On the right hand side of Zhang Shun's mansion is a thin old man.He is said to be an "old man", but in fact he is tall and straight, his beard and hair are black, his skin is smooth and firm, and he does not seem to be old; but the vicissitudes in his eyes can't be concealed.

The old man was dressed in coarse white clothes, his upper body was still fit, but the lower part of the clothes seemed to be half a foot shorter, only covering his knees, which looked a little weird.

Looking back at Zhang Shun's mansion again, Gui Wujiu suddenly realized that the reason for the familiarity was that the faces of the two were somewhat similar.

The one next to the short-kneed monk was also wearing a white robe.This person is also a third-layer Nascent Soul cultivation base, but his eyes are distracted, and his mind is wandering.It seems that even Yue Yue Xuanying, who is rarely seen in thousands of years, is completely ignored.

The last person has long hair and shawls, and is dressed in tattered black clothes. His body is full of energy, and it is unstable to gather.It was none other than Ye Minghong, Pei Hongping's leading brother back then.

It's just that Ye Minghong is a little strange at the moment, and his face is changing.Sometimes he gnashes his teeth, his facial features are crowded together; sometimes his eyes are empty and lifeless, which is almost the same as stupidity.

Gui Wujiu wondered in his heart, could it be that this person did something wrong and became like this?
As for the great meritorious deeds of karma, it is not obvious whether they are advancing or retreating compared with those in the past.

However, when Dang Gui Wu Jiu looked at him, Ye Minghong seemed to be "activated", his eyes burst out instantly, and his aura became gloomy and terrifying.

He Ning's bleak smile continued, and he said slowly: "Zhang Shun's Mansion, Xie Jinchan, and Ye Minghong are all old acquaintances of Gui Xiaoyou, so there is no need to say more. Let me introduce the other two."

"The person next to Fellow Daoist of Zhang Shun's Mansion is the law enforcement elder of the main altar of the Shattering League, Zhang Shunqing, Zhang Daoyou's brother. Fellow Daoist Zhang Shunqing faded out of the sect and practiced hard for more than two hundred years. Finally, he broke through the realm in one fell swoop and became the first in the Shattering League. One, the fourth Nascent Soul Quadruple Realm Realm in the barren sea of ​​Rongzhou."

"The one on the right hand side of Fellow Daoist Zhang Shunqing is Wei Yusheng, the Great Elder of Yujingmen."

Gui Wugui had already guessed Zhang Shunqing's identity.But when Danggui Wugui heard Wei Yusheng's surname, he couldn't help but feel moved.Taking a closer look, it turns out that the outline of the eyebrows is somewhat similar to that of Wei Zhengming who met in the Yulan Secret Realm.

Most of this person is the elder of Wei Zhengming's clan.

He Ning said again: "Little friend Gui is so powerful that he even knew the origin of Daoist Xie and the 'Suoyin Ice Silkworm'. I was shocked. Everyone who knew about this matter had names and surnames, and no more than ten people were counted. personal."

"It can be deduced by excluding one by one now, it must have been leaked from the White Dragon Chamber of Commerce."

"The White Dragon Chamber of Commerce's plan for the 'Shuoyin Iceworm' has always been lukewarm, and the alliance of the three families against Yu Xuanzong has gradually faded out. At the same time, the entanglements with the interests of the Shattered Alliance, Yujingmen, and even Yu Xuanzong have all Gradually loosen the ties without a trace."

"Originally, I thought that it was mostly due to the transfer of the Bailong Chamber of Commerce's business focus to other states. This is especially confirmed by the Chamber of Commerce's efforts to support the Wanchi Sect over the past hundred years."

"Unexpectedly, the White Dragon Chamber of Commerce is actually related to the big sect behind Gui Xiaoyou. The White Dragon Chamber of Commerce has secretly gathered forces in recent decades, and it seems to have taken action. Could it be that it wants to cooperate with Gui Xiaoyou's lower realm operation to eliminate Yu Xuanzong? If it is true So, it was a big surprise.”

Ai Wubei said coldly: "He Zhenren guessed right. At this moment, the elite forces of the White Dragon Chamber of Commerce and Xingyue Gate will join forces, and they will arrive at the Yuxuanzong Mountain Gate in a few days. Even if He Zhenren transmits information now, it may be too late gone."

As soon as this remark came out, He Ning was not only not surprised, but instead looked up to the sky and laughed.

Not only He Ning, but also Ye Minghong with a blurred expression, Xie Jinchan, Zhang Shunqing, Zhang Shunfu, Wei Yusheng all tore off their sanctimonious masks and laughed long and happily.

Gui Wugui sighed: "Fellow Daoist Ai hasn't noticed yet. Master He Ning is no longer a member of Yu Xuanzong."

"At least, he didn't regard himself as Yu Xuanzong's person."

"Back then when I heard the news about the 'Shuo Yin Ice Silkworm', Gui's first reaction was that this was a trick set up by Yu Xuanzong to lure the enemy. He deliberately revealed the secret method of the 'Suo Yin Ice Silkworm', and gave up some miscellaneous jade The mine vein intends to use the last dark thunder ambushed in the 'Shuoyin Iceworm' to plot against the three sects including Yujingmen. If the monks of the three sects use the refined jade refined by this method to cultivate, once it happens, their vitality will be severely injured."

"However, when Yu Xuanzong smashed into a secret place for cultivating ice silkworms, he didn't turn a blind eye as Gui expected. The situation in the barren sea was tense in an instant, and a full-scale confrontation was imminent. This made Gui a big Surprised, I had to retract my original judgment."

"It turns out that this is not Yu Xuanzong's plan, but yours and Ning's plan; through Xie Jinchan, the secret technique of 'Shuoyin Iceworm' was passed on to the three sects. It seems that to solve the last problem of Suoyin Iceworm, You found the answer."

He Ning said leisurely: "This old man doesn't have that great ability. It was the Luoquan Sect who found the answer."

Immediately afterwards, He Ning's turbid eyes suddenly brightened: "But today, it seems that the old man has spent hundreds of years of hard work in vain. As long as you get the rucksack behind your little friend, the 'Shuo Yin Ice Silkworm', you can throw it away like I'm sorry."

"It's just a pity that Daoist Xie's good granddaughter has a 'Xuanyin earth mother's body' wasted for nothing. It's really a pity."

Xie Jinchan sighed, eyes slightly closed, and shook his head slightly.

He Ning said again: "Give Daoist Gui a reassurance. Han Anshi, an old fellow, is afraid of becoming a demon servant, and refuses to believe in the Demon Lord sincerely. He just learns some tricks to prolong life and longevity in the magic arts of the Falling Spring Sect."

"If the White Dragon Chamber of Commerce and the Xingyue Gate really come out in full force, and Shu Yongyan comes in person, Yu Xuanzong probably won't be his opponent."

"Here, the old man first wishes Gui Xiaoyou the victory and destroys the Yuxuan Mountain Gate."

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "It's easy to say."

He Ning laughed three times, and said in a loud voice: "There is a saying: Going alone in danger, the arrogance of the sect fell into jeopardy; the power of heaven was horrifying, and Daxiu came to the world to destroy Yu Xuan. It was a good show, a good show."

He Ning said with a smile: "Don't be angry, fellow Daoist. These two sentences were made up by Mo Tianqing, and they are not intended to offend the old man."

Gui Wugui pondered for a long time, then said calmly: "Good boy. It seems that I have underestimated the heroes of the world."

The hero Gui Wugui was referring to was naturally not He Ning and his party in front of him, but Mo Tianqing.

At the beginning, the analysis of blame is very clear.Mo Tianqing, as the leader of this generation, hopes to destroy Yu Xuanzong who controls the deserted sea and is capable of organizing a grand sacrifice every few decades, and cuts off the way for the sect to advance. This intention must be true.

Therefore, it is completely reasonable and reasonable to complete the transaction with oneself and provide information in exchange for setting foot in the wild sea to seize the mine veins and destroy Yu Xuanzong's ruling foundation, and it is in the interests of both parties.

What's more, he decisively killed the same sect, and informed He Ning of the great improvement in strength, which further strengthened Gui Wugui's trust.

But Gui Wujiu ignored it, if he died at the hands of Yu Xuanzong, then Shangzong Yueheng's actions towards Yu Xuanzong can be imagined, and it is very likely that he will be able to try his best to completely flatten this place.

As a result, compared with Yougui Wugui's plan to dig out the mine veins, this possibility obviously hit Yu Xuanzong more thoroughly, completely eliminating the possibility of the Great Sea Rebirth Festival.And Mo Tianqing took the opportunity to get rid of the most threatening competitor four hundred years later.

Kill two birds with one stone and reap the benefits.

But Gui Wuyu said this calmly, without any grudges or worries about miscalculations in his heart.

If the lower realm really has the combat power to defeat Xingjun Linfan, this is beyond the cognition of blameless, and it is not his mistake in judgment.

But at present, Gui Wugui has not seen this.With these five people in front of them, how could they be Yue Xuanying's opponent?

In front of Yue Xuanying, Zhang Shun's Mansion, Wei Yusheng, and Xie Jinchan of the Nascent Soul Third Stage Realm were almost negligible.Even if He Ning surpassed the peak of the fourth level of the Nascent Soul, plus Zhang Shunqing, who had just entered the fourth level of the Nascent Soul, and Ye Minghong, a hundred-year-old third-level Nascent Soul whose cultivation level is unknown now, would it be enough to win?

Karma macro?
Thinking of this, Gui Wujiu looked at Ye Minghong a few more times.

Gui Wugui's action fell into He Ning's eyes, and he said with a smile: "Return to fellow Taoist. It is thanks to you that Fellow Daoist Ye became what he is today. If it weren't for you beheading Pei Hongping, how could we be where we are today?" The fruit? For you, it can be regarded as digging your own grave."

He took a deep breath and uttered an extremely weird syllable.

Ye Minghong felt it, his eyes widened suddenly, and he opened his mouth to roar loudly.A whole body of pure devilish energy spread out, filling the inside and outside in an instant, sweeping the wind and clouds for more than a hundred miles, the aura was so strong, it was even more powerful than Yue Xuanying!

The expressions of Gui Wugui and the other five people changed.

Yue Xuanying opened her eyes.

Is this the clone of Demon Venerable?

Comparing the two families of Dao and Demon, the position of Xingjun is about the same as that of the strongest purple-clothed demon servant among the demon servants.And once the Demon Venerable clone is achieved, even if it is the first time to enter this realm, the mana is higher than that of the Xingjun.

Demonic monks, only those with extremely high qualifications, can be canonized as "Holy Sons" by the golden book bestowed by the demon, and they are expected to become disciples of the demon in the end.

Thousands of disciples of Mozun have taught the Dharma for thousands of years, and spread widely to believers.Among them, the one with the deepest roots of wisdom, the most blessed fate, and the most followers can stand out and become a new demon king.

This method is the only one in the magic way that can hope for the great way.

Ordinary demon sect disciples, after reaching the fourth level of Yuanying realm, take another step and become demon servants.With He Ning's current cultivation level, he has faintly broken through the boundary of the fourth stage of the Nascent Soul, and if he goes through a ritual of worshiping the Demon Lord, he will become the lowest level of "White-clothed Demon Servant".

The cultivation base of the demon servant is getting deeper and deeper, and eventually he will inevitably become the clone of the demon master.Accomplishing the clone of the Demon Lord is actually no different from "death".The soul is completely asleep, and the "self" does not exist at all.

Until one day, when this avatar of the Demon Venerable was accidentally destroyed, or was voluntarily given up and transformed by the Demon Venerable, there would be a chance to transcend the mind and soul, reincarnate and rebuild.

Accomplishing the clone of the demon king is something that monks of the demonic way can't avoid, but they can't avoid it.But since you are greedy for thousands of years of life, you have to pay the price of becoming a tool of the demon king to subdue the world.

After becoming a demon servant at the fourth level of the Nascent Soul, every demon cultivator thinks in his heart that he can maintain his sanity for a longer period of time, and then a little longer.Who can't wait to become the clone of the Demon Lord?

After breaking through the fourth level of Nascent Soul, after becoming a white-clothed devil, his merits will improve, and he will successively become a green-clothed devil, a red-clothed devil, and a purple-clothed devil.Going one step further, to become the clone of the demon king, it would take four to five thousand years at most.

And a hundred years ago, Ye Minghong was just a Nascent Soul third-level demon cultivator.

What's more, at this time, Ye Minghong seemed to have a sliver of consciousness, not a completely cold and unintentional walking dead.

He Ning proudly said: "You Daoist Ye is Pei Hongping's leading senior brother. It is also a sharp knife in Pei Hongping's hands. I don't know how many hostile forces that coveted his position have been cut off for Pei Hongping."

"Fellow Daoist Gui, you beheaded Pei Hongping. Fellow Daoist Ye, even if you have the Nascent Soul third-layer cultivation, you will not be able to gain a foothold in the Fallen Spring Sect. Not long after, you were besieged by several fellow sects in the Fallen Spring Sect who had been feuding for a long time. "

"Fortunately, fellow Daoist Ye stole a volume of the secret method of "sacrificing one's life" from the door in advance to prevent accidents. In desperation, he became a clone of the Demon Lord in one fell swoop, betrayed the Falling Spring Sect, and will become your gravedigger today. "

He Ning smiled and said: "What the old man uses is all conspiracy. Return to my little friend. Next, the old man and fellow Taoist Zhang Shunqing will assist the fellow Taoist Ye and the star king of your school to fight; fellow daoist Han, fellow daoist Zhang, and fellow daoist Xie will fight with each other. Three enemies and five against you five Golden Core cultivators. What do you think the odds are for both sides?"

He Ning let out a long breath, and sighed: "Killing Daxiu, a great talent, great, great!"

"After today, what more does He Ning want in this life? The only thing is to live in seclusion in a hut, write it in a book, and write down this great achievement from ancient times to the present."

Although Zhang Shunqing, Xie Jinchan and the others did not say anything, their eyes had a faint brilliance, which seemed to be colored, and they were obviously infected by He Ning's words.

The moment He Ning and the others relaxed, Yue Xuanying moved!

While the two sides were expressing their sincere feelings to each other, Yue Xuanying kept her eyes closed all the time, with a gesture of keeping strangers away.Even if Ye Minghong exploded to the level of Demon Venerable Clone, Yue Xuanying's aura didn't change at all.

But at this moment, Yue Xuanying activated it instantly, and the world was turned upside down in an instant.

Under the feet of Gui Wujiu, Feng Zhixi and the other five people, the soil suddenly collapsed, and a translucent lotus flower made of fresh air burst out of the ground, and instantly turned into a size of more than ten feet, enclosing Gui Wujiu and the other four people. !

On the lotus, there was still a slight white smoke, as if it had just escaped from the fire.

At the same time, a cloud of clear air in the air appeared in response to the sound, appearing at a height of tens of feet above the lotus flower, exuding a rolling burning sensation, instantly regaining the appeal of the great and powerful demonic energy of karma, and becoming the center of this world.

The violent wind blows, the murderous air spreads, and the previous method of killing thousands of monks in an instant appears again.

He Ning, Zhang Shunqing, and Ye Minghong could still withstand this move, but the other three Nascent Soul third-level real people couldn't help feeling a little suffocated in their hearts.There was a feeling in his heart: as long as he was forced by this murderous wind for more than ten breaths, the three of them would turn into corpses and rotten wood, just like those low-level Golden Core monks.

The three of them were startled, and each took out their magic weapons to save themselves.

Zhang Shunfu clapped his hands together, took out a long-handled jade ruyi, and put it over his head with his backhand, like an emperor's crown.Twelve beams of moistening white brilliance, like twelve scorpions falling down, the precious light connects and echoes, covering him firmly.

The treasure Wei Yusheng used was even more peculiar, it was a broken sleeve that was in dire condition.This sleeve is called "Hua Pei Sleeve". Compared with its appearance, it can be said that the name is contrary to reality.

Shake this thing against the wind, and immediately hide your real body in it.

With a flick of Xie Jinchan's fingers, a slender, beautiful but lifeless "girl" suddenly appeared beside him, who was exactly the puppet made of the remains of his granddaughter Xie Yuzhen.

This puppet has been entrusted and strengthened by concentrating sacrifices for a hundred years, and today it has many incredible uses.

Xie Jinchan, with a small body, seems to have used a kind of bone shrinking technique, and instantly got into the body of "Xie Yuzhen" puppet.

With these several defensive methods, it can last about half a quarter of an hour longer.

But Yue Xuanying calculated for a long time, how could his skills stop here.With a loud shout, the voiceless sound rolled, and the boundless murderous aura turned into eighteen thunderclaps, each with three thunderclaps, falling heavily!

These three thunderbolts, with the strength of He Ning, who will break through the peak of the fourth level, will also be broken up.Even if Xie Jinchan and the other three had treasures to protect their bodies, they couldn't resist it.

Zhang Shunqing hurriedly acted.

His lower skirt, which was half short and only reached his knees, swelled several times in an instant, almost acting as a balloon, protecting himself in the center.

This thing is a treasure that has been passed down for six or seven thousand years in the Alliance of Destroyer. Even if it is used by a Nascent Soul third-level real person, it is enough to withstand a blow from the fourth-level peak.

With his cultivation base of stepping into the fourth level, he can bring the power of this treasure to another level.Although he knew that his opponent was a Taoist Huanglong thousands of years ago, he only blocked one blow, but he thought to himself that he was somewhat sure.

But after a moment, Zhang Shunqing suddenly felt a little bad, as if death was imminent.

He has just stepped into the fourth stage of the Nascent Soul, and it is the time when he is in high spirits.At this moment, the omen of death came, which instantly caused his Taoist heart to wear out, and he felt in a trance for a while.

at the same time.Ye Minghong roared, and his head, arms, and feet exploded at the same time, turning into billowing demon energy.

At the moment when Yue Xuanying's murderous aura and lightning strike were about to fall, the four demonic qi transformed by Ye Minghong's limbs almost moved out of the void, covering and blessing Zhang Shunqing, Xie Jinchan, Zhang Shunfu, and Wei Yusheng, killing them all. The breath suddenly increased several times.

And the devilish energy transformed from that head seemed to be protecting He Ning as a matter of course.

But at the next moment, the demonic energy transformed by Ye Minghong's head moved towards He Ning, but passed him strangely.

This ball of devilish energy shot out like a sharp arrow, unexpectedly turned a corner, and suddenly turned into a "Ye Minghong", rushing towards Gui Wujiu and the others.

This unexpected move was actually a tactic to strike east and west.That "Ye Ming Hong" seems to be devoid of intelligence, and he didn't expect to be able to come up with such a trick.

It turns out that "Ye Minghong" looks muddled on the surface at this moment, but in fact it is all controlled by He Ning.

In fact, it was Mo Tianqing who arranged for Ye Minghong to steal the secret method of "sacrificing his life" from the Luoquan sect at that time.The ultimate goal is to make it into a big killer that may be of great value within one or two hundred years.

This "sacrifice of life" secret technique has hidden a back door that can be manipulated during the hundred years before the practitioner's own mind is completely swallowed up and completely reduced to the clone of the Demon Lord.Until today, when Mo Tianqing encountered a good opportunity, he entrusted He Ning to drive it.

He Ning knew in his heart that he could use his magic skill of splitting and disintegrating thirty-six times a day.I would rather be hit by Yue Xuanying three more times, but also seize this fleeting opportunity to deal with Gui Wujiu and others.

But Yue Xuanying's face was as calm as ever, unmoved in the slightest.

Sure enough, the impact of the head clone of "Ye Minghong" slowed down inexplicably.When it was five or six feet away from the gasified giant lotus, it was almost as slow as a mortal's walking speed.

"Ye Minghong" was confused for a while, and wanted to back away.But he only took half a step back, and he seemed to feel extremely painful all over his body, as if thousands of insects and ants were eating his body, it was extremely difficult to resist.With a sudden blow, the whole body condensed into a small ball, the pure strength increased several times, accelerated again, and rushed towards Gui Wugui.

He Ning seemed to feel something was wrong, so he manipulated it with magic tricks.But "Ye Ming Hong" was unmoved, and the impact continued.

The manipulation method completely failed.

Moments later, with a "bang", the ball hit the lotus, and there was a terrifying scream immediately.The black air evaporated completely and scattered in all directions.

At the same time, eighteen thunderbolts fell one by one.

He Ning used the method of crushing the body again, and the whole body was shattered into powder and re-condensed.

But Zhang Shunqing and the other four were protected by Karma Hong's devilish energy, and they were all intact.The devilish energy was attached to his body, but most of it was scattered by the shock, and a small half remained.

Among the four people, Zhang Shunqing's cultivation level is the highest, and she has the double protection of the treasure of clothing. At this moment, she only feels the blood flow in her whole body is accelerating, and her skin is just a little hot.

But even though he was saved, the fear of death just now haunted him like a haze that could not go away.

However, Xie Jinchan and the other three felt that their spirits were shaken violently.Although he was not injured, his head was unavoidably a little dizzy, and he felt a little timid for a while.

As for Ye Minghong himself, although he was just a remnant body without a head and limbs, he was the least affected by Lei Zhen.Three thunderbolts, like a breeze, did not even break a hair.

Yue Xuanying's eyes were fixed, this person received three thunderbolts from him when his dharma body was incomplete, it can be seen that in terms of the depth of mana alone, this person's entering the realm of the demon king's clone is actually superior to himself.

He Ning failed to make a sneak attack, so he still had to follow the law of righteous soldiers.Seeing that Zhang Shunqing and the others were a little frustrated, they hurriedly shouted loudly: "Act according to plan!"

He Ning, Ye Minghong and Zhang Shunqing rushed to Yue Xuanying.

But Zhang Shun's Mansion and Xie Jinchan listened to He Ning's drink and revived their spirits, with Ye Minghong's body-protecting demonic energy still attached to their bodies, they went straight to Gui Wugui and the others.

This wasn't because He Ningyan was trustworthy, or it was some kind of Lao Shizi's "Yangmou", but because the monks in the third stage of the Nascent Soul were really unable to get in the fight with Yue Xuanying.

The best method of warfare is the only one.Both sides are well aware.

Under the two blows of wind and thunder, Yue Xuanying's hand didn't stop.A treasure suddenly appeared in the palm of the hand, and the precious light bloomed. It seemed to be an iron gossip, and it smashed towards Ye Minghong swiftly and relentlessly.

Under the brilliance of this treasure, it produced a great oppressive force, Zhang Shunqing's short robe and Wei Yusheng's "Hua Pei Sleeves" all trembled.

This thing is exactly Yue Xuanying's natal magic weapon, the treasure of the Eight Refinings "Controlling the Qi Wheel."

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

As soon as this treasure came out, a little fear appeared in Ye Minghong's eyes, and in a short while, controlled by He Ning's secret technique, he gathered a devilish energy and rushed towards him fiercely.

Although Ye Minghong's magic power is high, after all, he was promoted to this realm by the Nascent Soul triple stage, but he doesn't have any treasures of the same level on his body.Only with mana recklessly.

Xie Jinchan and the others rushed forward a few zhang in front of Gui Gui Wu Jiu and the others, then suddenly slowed down and stopped, as if they were under tremendous pressure, their performance was much worse than that of Ye Minghong's head avatar.

For a moment, the three of them showed shock on their faces.

Zhang Shun's mansion will retreat.

But only half a step forward, Zhang Shunfu's face turned pale, and he shouted: "Not good!"

Xie Jinchan and Wei Yusheng were frozen in place, unable to advance or retreat, unable to retreat.On the face, it is full of panic.

He Ning and the other six people had carefully arranged the arrangement, and the Demon Lord's avatar with more magic power than Yue Xuanying was the core. At this time, Yue Xuanying attacked in a row, one against six, and completely suppressed.

So far, Yue Xuanying has used her true ability, showing the demeanor of the strongest combat power under the Nine Supreme Masters.

The true monks of the Yueheng sect have cultivated eighteen supernatural powers, and often they are good at different supernatural powers, assisting each other, and winning with variety.

This is not the case for Yue Xuanying, the other seventeen supernatural powers of this person are not very clear, and they have been achieved hastily. He can only use his own life-killing supernatural power as the foundation, refine the changes in it, and exert its power to the maximum.

This supernatural power has a very simple and direct name: "Killing God".

The supernatural power of "Killing God" is known as "vitality generates all things, and murderous energy cancels cause and effect."

This supernatural power is based on "two methods and four images" as the principle of change, and it has both offensive and defensive, aid and protection, enemy groups, and single combat.In the Yueheng sect, even the few true monarchs are very capable, and they are all very praiseworthy.

What is the name of the four images?

The wind sign "dissipates the energy like the wind", and spreads this murderous energy for hundreds of miles. The washed creatures and those with a little lack of merit will immediately turn into rotten wood when they are blown by the wind.This technique is best at being outnumbered and extremely lethal.

The Thunder Elephant "Falling Air Generates Thunder", when the mind moves, the murderous aura condenses on the top of the opponent's head, turning into three falling thunders, collapsing its shape, dissolving its body, and killing its soul.This technique is designed to kill one person, and its power is even greater.

The Earth Elephant "Earth Qi produces a lotus", with a restrained murderous aura, it grows from the soil and turns into a lotus flower.This technique only defends but does not attack, and its defensive power exceeds any magic weapon in the same realm.

The celestial beings "shake the heart of the sky", and a cloud of airflow with no whereabouts and no attachments descends from the sky.This technique is the most miraculous, as if there is a filled balloon invisibly, every time the opponent takes a step closer to this technique, the pressure on the opponent will increase exponentially.

Those with weak minds and impure foundations, even if their skills are comparable to Yue Xuanying's, cannot come within three feet of this technique.

This technique has another wonderful point, if the opponent is hindered by this aura and wants to retreat, the murderous aura will counterattack in an instant, although it will not hurt the person temporarily, it will grind the person's will and erode the person's soul.After today, my meritorious deeds will stop, and I will never make further progress.If you want to forcibly practice to make up for it, the more you work hard, the faster your skills will regress.

Zhang Shun's mansion and the other three are in a dilemma, which is the prestige of "shaking the heart of heaven".

Ps: Two chapters in one.It's too late to polish today, sorry for the rough writing.

In addition, celebrate the full text of 100 million words.

(End of this chapter)

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