Chapter 346

Just as Gui Wujiu was about to take out the talisman bestowed by Changshenjun, the two tall and thin men in sackcloth who were guarding the door had already greeted him, and with a smile that was clearly tempered, he led the way: "But blameless Fellow Daoist? The Divine Lord has already ordered you to come in, fellow Daoist.”

Gui Wujiu nodded, and stepped into the gate of the Zhang Xu high stone chamber.

After understanding the situation of the hundreds of thousands of people and demons for hundreds of thousands of years, it is not surprising that the news of the sudden tension in the Donghua world came from the sky.At most, this happened too fast, it happened in front of my eyes, it was just a little dramatic.

If it is said that the four continents and six seas are under the rule of nine sects, it is nine "points" in the vast world.Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the human race's so-called one-third of the Ziwei Great World was just a collection of huge "points".

But in just over [-] years, today's twenty-eight heavens have almost divided up one-third of the area once covered by the human race!
In other words, one-ninth of the area in Ziwei Great World has been connected into "slices".

Naturally, given the vastness of the Ziwei Great World, this "piece" is also full of moisture.For example, Donghua Jiekong ruled three thousand dynasties, but it does not mean that the sum of the areas of the three thousand dynasties is equal to Donghua Jiekong.

On the contrary, including the Donghua Jiekong, each Jiekong was established at the beginning of the establishment of a majestic map with a very large area, fully considering the potential for the growth of the number of dynasties in the future.

Jie Tianzun, Tianxuan Shangzhen, and Emperor Jiekong, members of the holy religion, nicknamed the places where the power of the human race was not as good as "Three Desolations."

Those who have been included in a certain realm, but are not affiliated to any dynasty, are called "inner wastes", and wait for the number of dynasties to gradually grow and fill.

Beyond the twenty-eight realms, human forces are out of reach, but in history, there are also outer domains with fairy cities and stars, called Outer Desolation.

Although the human forces are not the main force here, there are many hidden sects, martial arts practitioners, and yin and yang practitioners hidden in the isolated fairy city.There are even "Flying Ascension Platforms" in many ancient cities, and you can see the monks who have ascended from the small world to the Ziwei Great World.

As for the third type of desolate land, known as "Yuanhuang", it is the realm beyond the "one-third" that humane monks dabble in. Except for those who take risks alone, very few people go deep into it.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, outside the ancient city, there was nowhere that was not "Yuanhuang"; but hundreds of thousands of years later, the monks of humaneness already had a place to live in.

If we advance, the enemy will retreat, and if one declines, the other will rise. This principle is very clear.For hundreds of thousands of years, human civilization has squeezed the space of the adjacent demon tribes to the limit, and even the demon tribes and demon tribes that have been completely wiped out are quite a few.

Although nine out of ten of the "Twenty-eight Realms" are "inner barren" places that are not as good as the dynasty, under the combined force of the Yin and Yang Caves, the Forbidden Formation of Secret Laws, and the Great Emperor Jiekong, even if the big demon clan settled in the "inner barren" land. In the "inner barrenness", there is always a bit of discomfort, and I have to migrate far away.

Rebound, one day will come.

However, changes in the upper-level power play a decisive role in this large-scale change.Presumably, what Bai He said about "the ancestor of the great demon descended into the world" is one of them.

But that's not something to worry about.After the Baihe sent the order, Chang Shenjun had already ordered the Twelve Dynasties in the north to assemble one hundred thousand elite squads, and each squad was equipped with a monk who was very good at tracking objects to fight back against the infiltration of the eight tribes of the monster clan.

No blame is still determined to tackle the difficulties of the road.

Stepping through the stone gate, you can see three pits that are thousands of feet wide.Each pit spirals down in a cone shape, and the deeper it gets, the narrower it becomes, with a total of ninety-nine floors.A string of torches taller than a person stretched down the path of the pit.

Even if it is an indigenous civilization, orbs for lighting are not a rare thing.The reason why torches are used is that the continuous torches form a fire array, which can offset the cold air from the pit.

Inside the crater, countless stone pits of one foot, three feet, and several feet square were dug out of the winding stone walls, and treasures were hidden inside, just like murals.

Gui Wugui lost his mind, it was like an upside-down Nine Weeks Half Mountain.

These three pits are the three "Dedication"!
The so-called consecrated codes are the list of treasures presented by the lower-level Shinto monks through various dynasties to the twenty-eight heavens and the ancestral Taoist sects, and the three major codes that have been inspected for their value.

Gui Wujiu once asked Han Jinglin, since it is for such a purpose, then each of the subordinate Shinto practitioners should have one of this object, why it is hidden in the Dachang Temple instead.

Han Jinglin replied: "There are, but they are not suitable for use."

Ask again, Han Jinglin just smiled and didn't answer.

However, Han Jinglin did make a copy of the "Xian Dian" in his possession, and handed it over to Gui Wugui for viewing.

Among them, there are only three categories: the names of all kinds of herbs, their general appearance, and estimated value.Not even a pair of shadow graphics.

In front of him, the underground treasure of Dachang Temple, the true form of the "Official Code", also does not have any pictures or graphics.

However, every rare plant is equipped with a real object preserved by a special method as a "specimen"!
Step down the first step.

What I saw in front of my eyes was a thin three-leaf grass with yellow tip and dark green tail.It is not far from the weeds that can be seen everywhere on Longtoumo.

Name: Yanghuayao Bicao.

It introduces in detail its five flavors and four natures, the pros and cons of yin and yang, thirty-six methods of processing, and twenty-seven kinds of medicines.Gui Wugui was surprised to see it. Such detailed records can almost be regarded as half a "recipe", no, a "prescription".

If the top monks of Jiaoyin sect and other races get it, I am afraid that they will make great progress in the process of refining medicine.This is probably also the reason why "Xian Dian" had to be divided into two parts, the complex and the simplified.

One of the most valuable uses of "Yanghuayao Bicao" is one of the twelve main medicines named "Baishou Zhonghuang Dayao".

"Bai Shou Zhong Huang Da Dan", perhaps in Gui Wugui's habit, it should be called "White Shou Zhong Huang Da Dan", it is said that it can have a great magical effect on Buxu cultivators' advancement to the separation and reunion realm.

Lihejing monks represent the backbone of the ancestral Taoist sect, or the monarch of a Shinto dynasty.

At the bottom of the real Yanghuayao Bicao is engraved a line of small characters: worth a silver lottery.

A silver lottery can be understood as a small achievement.Collect all nine silver tickets to get one gold ticket; get six gold tickets to take the exam once.Only after taking the exam three times can he get the chance to be promoted from Shenbo to Shenhou.

Compared with the real value of this grass, this reward is too thin.

This is not because Zuting Daozong deliberately squeezed the labor of the monks under him.In the simple Pharmacopoeia in Han Jinglin's hand, Gui Wujiu found that, except for more than a thousand kinds of treasures known to everyone in the world of cultivation, other kinds of treasures, the simplified version of "Xiandian" roughly divides them into heaven, Di, Xuan, Huang four grades.

Its intentions are obvious.

Along the way, whenever you come across a new kind of spiritual herb, Gui Wujiu will glance at it first to see if it can be used as medicine.If it doesn't matter, just record it in the jade slip.If you encounter something that may be used, you will carefully record it in another jade slip.

I do not know how long it has been.

In front of my eyes, there was a purple flower like a hedgehog, which swelled and became very bloated.

Youshan viburnum.

A string of complicated and detailed characters, I will ignore it if I don’t blame it.Just look at its medicinal effect: it can be used as the main medicine to refine "Nine Souls Guiyuan Great Medicine" to treat a strange disease called "Sleepwalking in Love".

Gui Wugui frowned, chewing the words repeatedly.It was finally confirmed that the so-called "sleepwalking in the sky" is exactly the phase of "the soul will never return" among the twelve missing phases of heaven and earth.

Gui Wugui's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because under the name of this medicine, there is a word.

"In ancient and modern times, those who have the capital of thousands of generations and are born with Taoism are often envied by heaven."

"God's will tricks people, so give them first, and then take them away. You can't take advantage of the talents of the world; you can't fulfill your ambitions if you embrace the tools of the Tao. Every dream is dazzling and deep, comparable to the demeanor of the sages, and the heroes of different generations. , After waking up, the only thing I can do is regret it, leaving a sigh in vain."

"My sage religion has the power to gather seven kinds of this kind of different names and their treatments, and the title is 'Seven Phases of Mending the Sky'. It makes the talents with extraordinary talents live up to the path of this life. Sleepwalking in the sky, one is also; the other six kinds The related medicines are listed on the right."

On the lower right, there are six small holes dug out of the wall, and a black stone is placed in each of them, which seems to be a mechanism.

Blameless was slightly silent.Six out of eleven. "Jade tripod stumble", will it be among the remaining six phases?
He stretched out his hand, touched the stone in the first small hole, and spun it lightly.

The image of "Youshan Viburnum" suddenly jumped out, and a layer of clear light emerged, slowly covering it.Then a new thing appeared, like a melon or a pear, the size of a palm, with pointed yellow skin and dense spots.

White tail lake fruit.Refining and refining "Qinghe Benyun great medicine", it is mainly used to treat the stagnation of the seven vessels of the small Zhoutian.

Gui Wugui shook his head and turned the second stone.

Akabane Tianba flower.

Refining "Shenhui Qingqi Great Medicine", it is mainly used to treat the reflection of the dantian and the symptoms of not being able to keep the center.

Mingshui Gaoye.

Refining and refining "the most perfect yang medicine", it is mainly used to treat the symptoms of mind, energy channels, muscles and bones that are difficult to express.

The penultimate one.

Warm water tassel fruit.

One of the two main ingredients of "Heaven-Man Mediastinum Medicine".It is mainly used to treat the symptoms of "there is no difference between the inside and the outside" in which the mind is extremely sharp, the internal and external brains are chaotic, and the synaesthesia is integrated.

This "no difference between inside and outside" is clearly "internal and external synaesthesia".

There is another line of small characters under it: Millions of years ago, the other main ingredient of "Mediastinum Medicine", "Siyou Zhiguo", became extinct in the great world.Therefore, to this day, there is no cure for the disease of "there is no difference between inside and outside".

Gui Wugui was a little distracted and remained silent.After more than ten breaths, he slowly stretched out his hand and moved the last stone.

The brilliance in front of him transformed again and solidified.

A black clover.

Name: Tianyu Zuhuang.

Refining "Two Phases and Three Uniform Medicines".The comment below says: All those who practice Taoism have two or one missing, and taking this medicine can solve it.

But Gui Wujiu was calm and did not show any joy.

Because there is still a line of words under it: "The effect of this medicine is ingenious, and it combines the three talents. If you want to be full of feet, how can you cut your feet to fit the shoes. The effect of the medicine depends on the amount of supplement, and the profit and loss have their own degrees."

It turned out that this "two phases and three uniform medicines" that blindly supplemented the talents of "Yu Ding's failure", just like its name, was to make up for the missing one by slightly reducing the other two outstanding talents.The lost qualifications can never be recovered.

Although the efficacy of the medicine can be adjusted flexibly according to the amount of medicine taken, the so-called "profit and loss has its own degree".It is not necessary to completely equalize the missing talent with the other two.

But Gui Wujiu calculated in his heart that to catch up with the five hundred year meeting, his spiritual root level needs to be raised to at least the fifth level.In this way, the super-grade capital of one's own Dao Nian and Dao Yuan must drop by at least one rank.In the end, it degenerated to a level comparable to Xiao Tianshi and Zhang Hongbian of Youhuan Sect.

Blameless did not hesitate.

Whipping his sleeves, he smiled casually, without any regrets, and continued walking along the spiral tunnel.


Gui Wugui glanced back.

He originally planned to discard even the prescription of "two phases and three uniform medicines".But after thinking about it, from the steps down, every prescription has been entered into the jade slip, even those that seem to be completely useless.

Wouldn't it be too deliberate if only this prescription was left unrecorded?
Dao heart is firm, and there is no need to strengthen it through such a small ceremony.

Thinking of this, I conveniently included this "two-phase three-uniform medicine" prescription together.

After this action was completed, Gui Wujiu felt more open-minded and transparent in his heart.

A sense of light in the heart of the Tao arises spontaneously.

Just when Gui Wugui will continue to move forward.There was a flash of brilliance in the dantian, and it turned into a fat boy standing in front of Gui Wujiu.

It is Xuanji Dinghua Furnace Baoling, the little blacksmith.

Gui Wujiu looked up, this is the first "Pharmacopia" of the three major offerings, I don't know why Baoling came out at this moment.Could it be that he was in such a hurry to become a sworn brother to himself that he was so active in learning the properties of medicine?
So he asked, "What advice does Master Xuanji have?"

Fat Tong'er rubbed his head, smiled innocently, and said, "Why don't you and I split into two groups, how about it? Brother Wu Jiu, you continue to study your pharmacopoeia, and this real person goes to wander around the other two tiankengs. "

Gui Wujiu said in surprise, "Could it be that Master Xuanji discovered something good?"

Fat Tong'er said seriously: "Based on your trump card or means, if you walk on the ground of Nine Sects, as long as the True Monarch is capable, you can say that you can easily deal with the Nascent Soul cultivator in the lower realm, even the fourth-level cultivator can't do it." How about you."

"However, there are a lot of practitioners of the 'Three Small Realm of Response between Heaven and Man' here. Not to mention, there are not many people like Shenjun Chang and Han Jinglin."

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, and he said, "What does Master Xuanji mean?"

Fat Tong'er giggled, and said with a hint of merit: "Your female cultivator puppet is a very remarkable treasure. The crafting method must have been passed down from the Falling Spring Sect, and it is enough to be hit by Xing Jun casually." It’s not bad. Compared to other worlds, it’s extremely hard to injure a Buxu cultivator or a first-class Shenhou.”

"However, the structure of this puppet related to containing the soul is a little rough. It can only be refined into the Nascent Soul cultivator's natal baby and turned into a Nascent Soul-level puppet. In terms of the potential of this treasure, it can be regarded as a huge one. waste."

"I felt a lot of good things in those two pits, but I can take them and re-sacrifice them. One day, if I can sacrifice the soul baby of a Buxu real person to enter, you will be in the indigenous civilization. Among them, it can be regarded as having a certain combat power.”

After finishing speaking, Fat Tonger looked at Gui Wugui eagerly, as if he was waiting for Gui Wugui's praise.

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said: "If this is not the real Xuanji, it would be difficult for others to do it. If it is done, there is no need to mention the three pills, and Guimou will become a brother with you."

Fat Tong'er was overjoyed and nodded heavily.With a flash of light, he could not wait to go to the second pit.


Going down alone without blame.

Thirty-fifth floor, forty-fifth floor, seventy-fifth floor.

Finally, after more than a month, Gui Wujiu finally arrived at the ninety-ninth floor and collected the entire "Pharmacopia" in one go.

Just when Gui Wujiu was going to watch the second and third "Dedication", he met up with Boy Xuanji.The order talisman presented by the god Xiu Zhongchang was a flash of brilliance, and two lines of writing came from it, showing the message.

For more than a month, with the help of the secret methods and treasures of various dynasties, the suppression of the seven secret agents of the Yaozu has achieved great success.

But only a few squads that suppressed the monks of the Demonic Dao suffered defeat and suffered a lot of losses.It seems that monks of the magic way have mixed into the teleportation array of the Gale Dynasty and sneaked into the Dachang Dynasty.Lord Changshen said, please be more careful when Gui Wugui is walking outside.

Gui Wugui had a smile on his face.

 Yesterday and today were all important things, and I was busy during the day.But even resisted the useless leave note.Feeling sublimated.The 4000 words lost in two days will be filled in when the writing is smooth.

(End of this chapter)

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