Chapter 348
Say goodbye and leave without blame.

Changshenjun paced back and forth in the not-so-spacious corridor in the center of Liangye, his brows furrowed.

The so-called "Heaven's Punishment" is the punishment imposed by Shenting on the major dynasties in the twenty-eight realms when they acted ineffectively. As soon as the "God's Punishment" came out, the inner demons arose, and the Shinto monks of the entire dynasty could not avoid it.In the end, the Shinto monks of the old dynasty would fall completely in a very short period of time and be replaced by the new dynasty.

There is a previous example, Han Jinglin from Qianfu County went to Dachang Shendu.The "Four-eyed Bayang" that is related to the way of the road is only a cultivation of gods, but Han Jinglin is not worried that any god will take advantage of it and take it away.

Anyone who dares to do so is asking for their own destruction.

If the gods and uncles have any objections to the fiefdom and territory, they will have a direct dialogue between the two sides, and the winner will be determined by a battle.The loser moves to another country, no matter what.

For all the Shinto monks, the interests of each person depend on a thousand-year review; but for the Shenting, it is necessary to judge the overall trend of each dynasty from a more macro perspective, how much it has gained or lost, and whether it is advancing or retreating.

Hurting everyone while fattening one is absolutely forbidden by the court of God.

But Shenting has no intention of acting as a judge to meddle in other matters, and handles every dispute in person.For Shenting, if a dynasty cannot fulfill its duties, it can only be punished by heaven, causing it to go to destruction and usher in a new life.

For tens of thousands of years, because of the accidental fall of a certain ancestral lineage in the Shinto dynasty, it has happened more than once that the dynasty was punished by heaven.

Thinking of this, Chang Shenjun clapped his hands.

Behind a maid, suddenly appeared a tall man who was two feet tall and wearing a golden battle armor.This person has a square face, thick eyebrows, and a majestic appearance. At first glance, he is a capable person under Chang Shenjun.

Chang Shenjun lightly crushed the green stick in his hand, and ordered: "How many hunting and suppressing teams are formed by the Yuanying monks from the Eight Great Xuanzongs and the Forty-nine Lower Sects?"

The big man in golden armor clasped his fists, without any hesitation, he said loudly: "There are three thousand six hundred and twenty-five teams in total."

Chang Shenjun nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Choose five people from among them. They must be outstanding in ability, and they must take into account all aspects of specialties to form an elite team. Go ahead and let these five people be sent without blame."

The big man in golden armor responded immediately.

Chang Shenjun said again: "The selection of these five people not only requires strong cultivation, but also must not lack the city. Don't teach people to tell at a glance that this is a group of elite teams deliberately deployed."

The golden-armored man hesitated for a while, and said: "Since it is the choice of elite soldiers and strong generals, with the innocence of eyesight, you can tell the difference."

Chang Shenjun waved his hand and said, "I don't know about this. Don't mix in people who are too sharp and ignorant, just cause trouble for me."

The man in golden armor responded aloud, but did not leave.After a little hesitation, he said: "Looking at the purity of this person's aura, he is an unheard-of person in the Golden Core Realm. What's more, Han Jinglin has the 'four-eyed Bayang' in his hand, so I can be more sure of this person's weight. This kind of person is in the lower realm , I am afraid that you don’t need to be so careful when dealing with opponents in the Nascent Soul Realm.”

Seeing Shenjun Chang not saying a word, the man in golden armor added: "It's not that the subordinates dare to entrust you with big things based on speculation alone. It's just that such an arrangement is out of Shenjun's good intentions. But if the other party doesn't appreciate it, it will be self-defeating."

Chang Shenjun shook his head and said: "This person's talent and Taoism are high, there is no doubt about it. It's just a scholar of the ancestral court, who may not be able to understand the dangers of the lower world. It depends on the number of days, and it is better to eliminate risks."


Gui Wugui returned to the residence arranged for him by Chang Shenjun.

After getting the inheritance from the lineage of the Shang Qingzong, Gui Wujiu couldn't wait to absorb the essence of the secret law.Just walking through the main hall, seeing Huang Caiwei transformed into a young girl, holding Huang Xiyin in her arms and teasing gently, she couldn't help being startled.

Because Huang Xiyin in Huang Caiwei's arms has grown significantly bigger, like a chubby little white sheep.

Gui Wugui counted it in detail, from the time he came to Qianfu County, to the time when he rushed to the Dachang Temple and entered the pit to observe the "Xiandian", suddenly two months had passed.

In two months, for the path of Gui Wugui, the practice of Yuanying Road for two hundred years is just an insignificant moment.But for a baby, it is not an exaggeration to say that it has changed its appearance every day.

Gui Wujiu stepped forward and reached out to take Huang Xiyin over.After a little weighing, this little guy has gained at least five or six catties.

Huang Xiyin lay on the bamboo basket on Gui Wujiu's back for a long time, and was very familiar with Gui Wujiu's aura, so he didn't recognize him at all, and the two stared at each other for a long time.

Suddenly Huang Xiyin "giggled" and struggled with her limbs.

Gui Wugui said that seeing Huang Xiyin's appearance, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

This is not only because Huang Xiyin is exceptionally cute, nor is it entirely because Huang Xiyin is the first disciple he has been waiting for for a hundred years, and it is not because she is the object of his own completion of "contradictory method" and mutual learning in Taoism.

The main reason is that this little doll is the only one who, along with him, came from the realm of the Nine Sects and entered the indigenous civilization.

The sense of isolation between the two worlds can be connected through such a little person.

Gui Wugui suddenly thought of Huang Zhengping and the Han couple.Looking at Huang Xiyin, who had obviously grown a lot in her arms, somehow, he thought of the time when the two met again hundreds of years later.

An idea came to mind.

He took out a photostone from the Nawu ring, threw it to Huang Caiwei, and said: "From now on, this little baby will use this photostone to record everything he eats, dresses, sleeps, and plays."

After speaking, he taught Huang Caiwei how to use the Shadow Stone.

He hugged Huang Xiyin and rocked for a while until she fell asleep.Gui Wugui handed her back to Huang Caiwei to hold her, and found a secret room to practice.

Take out the jade slips presented by Chang Shenjun and watch them carefully.

The Shangqing sect, that is, the lineage of Puritanism, has a "Da Zang" from its ancestral court, called "Twenty-Four Items of Shangqingcang Wuchang", with [-] volumes and [-] characters in each volume. One of the "Orthodox Classics" is called "Shangqing Edition from the Dingzhen Yulu", with a total of more than one million words.

One percent of the selected excerpts were distributed among the four schools of Taoism, Xuan, Xia, and Liu, and turned into two volumes, "The Four Records of Cangyuan" and "Taisu Baolu".

After reading the two exercises, Gui Wujiu frowned slightly.

According to Gui Wujiu's original estimate, the Shang Qingzong's lineage of Taoism may have gained more than Qianyuanzong's.

Because what Qianyuanzong is good at is the alchemy technique of internal strength, and the monk's foundation is more solid; but when it comes to the magical method, it is the "talisman" technique of the Qingzong that is obviously better.

But after watching the two classics, I can't be optimistic about the blame.Because the "talisman" method of the Shangqing sect involved very few swordsmanship supernatural powers. In terms of proportion, it is only about half of the Qianyuan sect, accounting for more than one-ninth of the two classics.

Seventy percent of this one-ninth is the fusion of the remnants of the so-called "ancient flying sword lineage" to achieve a supernatural power.

Gui Wujiu shook his head, he would be satisfied if he could get more than a hundred characters in the second volume of Kongyun Nianjian.

Now due to Wugui's cultivation level, Shizuka's assistance is no longer needed when performing meritorious deeds.After less than ten breaths of meditation, you will enter the state of meditation, entering the state of emptiness, clarity and forgetfulness.

Yunshi "Nianjian Evolution Map".

However, at the moment when the formed handwriting cracked and scattered, Gui Wujiu suddenly felt a sense of fullness.

It's as if you are in a closed wooden house, and there is a strong wind outside.Suddenly the door was opened, and the wind was blowing.It seems to indicate that the upcoming is a great surprise.

No blame at this time, the spirit and soul are all fixed.

Although there is joy flowing in his spirituality, but the so-called transcendence is in the ring.As far as this body is concerned, joy only grows outside the sky, but within this body is the supreme forgetfulness that transcends everything, and has not interfered with the operation of "Nianjian Evolution Diagram" in the slightest.

On the first floor of "Kongyun Nianjian", the handwriting is fully displayed.

On the second floor, one character, cross, more than a hundred characters, more than three hundred characters, stop the way forward.

Then, a whole piece of handwriting suddenly appeared, and the line of the cross was more than [-] lines in one breath.The scriptures with a total of more than [-] characters are connected end to end, and eight indistinct dots also appear at the end.

The inheritance of the Shangqing sect is more than twice as strong as that of the Qianyuan sect in the way of swordsmanship. With only eight words left, the second level of the "Kongyun Nianjian" will be fully presented!

Gui Wujiu knew it well, all the mysteries were in the so-called "Inheritance of Ancient Feijian".If this inheritance is unearthed, the deduction journey of this natal supernatural power will usher in a huge leap.

at the same time.Something in Gui Wugui's dantian trembled slightly, and a thought came from him.

Twelve days!
"Yuan Yu Jing Dendrobium" grade rise time node, a full twelve days ahead of schedule.

It can be improved for more than ten days at a time, which is enough to be recorded in the book and celebrated.

Completely digest this joy, the day of success is the time to travel.

Originally, Gui Wugui planned to travel alone, looking for traces of the Demonic Dao.But Chang Shenjun insisted on refusing, and said that he would have several subordinates for Gui Wugui.His words are sincere, and he can't be too unkind.

Therefore, this trip is to play by ear in the middle of the battle.Naturally, it was impossible to bring Huang Xiyin with him.

Even if it was in the Dachang Temple, Gui Wujiu did not ignore it in the slightest.

After a little thought, Gui Wujiu set up the six-return wishful array and three other extremely brilliant forbidden arrays in the courtyard, and threw Huang Caiwei and Huang Xiyin into it.

Considering Huang Xiyin's talent, if she ran around, the Six Returns Wishful Formation would definitely not be able to trap her.So the most stupid method was adopted, and a wall about Zhang Xu was cast inside the Liuhui Ruyi Formation.

Leave enough food and water, and told Huang Caiwei to live in it with peace of mind for the time being, and wait for her return.Only then did I feel relieved to leave.

In the hall of the front hall, five people have been waiting for half an hour.

The hall is not big, and there are four people sitting on top of the eight chairs.

On the left and right, there are two old men in gray robes with white beard and hair but hale and hearty.Both of them sat upright, closing their eyes and exhaling.They kept this action motionless, at least for more than a quarter of an hour.

The two old men lowered their heads respectively, but there were two women.One is a middle-aged beautiful woman in elegant clothes, and the other is a delicate girl with blue and white jacket, red arms and snow-white skin.

As for the other person, he couldn't sit still and kept moving around in the hall.

This person looked about thirty years old, with a naked upper body and a wild boar tattoo on his vest, which was black and shiny.What was even more frightening was that two boa constrictors with three heads, one red and one blue, were spitting out scarlet letters, swimming up and down his body.

But the naked man asked: "Daoist Yin, tell me, who is the one who can teach the five of us to bow our heads and obey orders?" When he spoke, the man seemed to be circling around the girl inadvertently.Two strange snakes with three heads seemed eager to try.

The girl frowned imperceptibly, and immediately returned to her lukewarm face, and said silently: "Who else? It's probably a senior in the transformation stage."

At this moment, a strong and powerful voice came from tens of feet away: "Please wait for a long time, everyone. It's time to set off."

Ps: I sneaked a little time to watch the finals.I had already planned to delay it for a while, but I didn't expect to write it smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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