Chapter 351

In the process of fleeing quickly, gray smoke gradually appeared from the broken sections of the arms and calves of the two demon cultivators.After a while, the smoke condensed and the stump was completely repaired.It's just that the aura of the two demons became slightly weaker.

Gui Wugui took the lead, followed by Tianshanke and other five people, chasing after him.

Dozens of breaths passed, Tian Shanke and the other five felt a little strange in their hearts.Judging from a moment's experience, the escape speed of the two demon cultivators should be slightly slower than their own, and it stands to reason that they can catch up in a moment.

But now, I clearly feel that I am getting closer, but I still can't catch up with the goal.

These five elite soldiers will form a team, how can they easily admit defeat?They mobilized all their mana one after another, set up the Gangyun, and chased after them fiercely.

After flying away for a while, the middle-aged woman Leng Youshan, who was stranded at the end of the queue, suddenly shouted: "Everyone, pay attention!"

Everyone stopped suddenly, looking around with surprise.

Only then did I realize that the direction that Gui Wujiu was chasing with all his strength was towards Zhengdong; while the direction Qianhe Xuanzong Lan Miyan was chasing was more than [-] zhang to the south; Yanhai Xuanzong Yi Munan, Yi Muqiu The two brothers were more than a hundred feet away; as for the shirtless big man Tianshanke, he was the most outrageous, almost rushing towards the south.

Leng Youshan was at the end, seeing all this clearly, and immediately sounded a reminder.

In fact, she was also lied to at first.It's just that he suddenly noticed that the two different snakes on Tianshanke's shoulders were too yin and too common, and they seemed to have a strange state, and they couldn't stop moving up and down.But Tianshanke himself didn't notice anything.

It was only after I thought of seeing the truth that there was a "click" in my mind, and a mystery was broken.

Brothers Tian Shanke, Lan Miyan, Yi Munan and Yi Muqiu raised their heads one after another.Only then did he clearly see that the two demon cultivators clearly appeared in front of Gui Wujiu, but they were getting farther and farther away from him.

Everyone was stunned: Why did I lose my direction when I was in a daze?

Lan Miyan adjusted his direction according to the opportunity, and followed Gui Wugui, but still didn't say a word.Tianshanke and the Yi brothers couldn't help but blushed.How experienced the two are, they lost to a Golden Core cultivator this time.

Gui Wujiu shook his head secretly in his heart, this was a great opportunity to get rid of several people, but Leng Youshan pointed it out.Now that the matter has come to an end, he also seized the opportunity and shouted: "This is the magic sect's 'reversing the wrong way' technique, please follow closely."

It's just that Gui Wujiu was thinking in his mind, how to get rid of the tailing, and meet those two demon cultivators alone, to find out the details.

Having snatched Elder Xu who was beside Mo Tianqing, as well as He Ning, Ye Minghong and his party's bags, Gui Wujiu has dabbled in quite a lot of magical powers.

What the two demon cultivators in front of them activated was the "Great Reversal Technique" in the magic illusion.

This technique has been practiced to a high level, enough to make a person under the illusion go around in circles for several months without being able to escape, and the person still thinks that he is moving forward in a straight line.

The technique performed by the two people in front of them is a relatively superficial branch of the "Great Reversal Technique", which can only make the chasing enemy slightly deviate.

If so, it is already an extremely practical way to get rid of supernatural powers in the indigenous world.If it wasn't for Leng Youshan who was behind the formation, even the four extremely skilled Yuanying Daoists would have followed suit one after another.

Now that the illusion of "reversing the lost path" has been broken, and the real competition of escapism, the two demon cultivators whose breath is in the middle stage of Yuanying are obviously weaker than Tianshanke and others.

After more than ten breaths, the six people formed a group and trapped the two demon cultivators.

One of the two demon cultivators is taller, the other is much smaller, with exquisite figure, it seems to be a man and a woman.

The faces of the two were covered with blood mist, as if a strange mask had been coagulated with their own blood, which completely concealed the fluctuations of their souls and their appearance.

The light in the eyes of the two demons turned, and they instantly realized that the six late Nascent Soul cultivators were trapping them, and they couldn't help but feel a sinking heart.

wrong.Is it five Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivators, and one... Golden Core cultivator?
The two demons were secretly happy, and immediately made up their minds to break out in the direction guarded by Gui Wugui.Just looking up and meeting Gui Wu Jiu's clear and deep eyes and smiling face, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart and dared not go forward.

At the moment when the two demon-headed rats were about to change course, Yi Muqiu caught a glimpse of a flaw.Immediately controlling the vitality knife disc in his hand, the six flying knives stabbed the two people in three directions, up, middle and down.

The flying knife was very cold, and it was imminent in an instant.

However, the two demon cultivators were unafraid, they were stronger than they were, and they broke through in the direction of Yi Muqiu.

Those six flying knives condensed with mana passed through the body cleanly!

The joy on Yi Muqiu's face hadn't dissipated yet, but he suddenly realized that the six flying knives had no effect, the water stopped flowing when he drew the knife.The wound on the second demon's body immediately healed as before.

At this time, the magical weapons held by the two demon cultivators were full of ghostly aura, and the magic flames were blazing, obviously powerful.If he retreats a little bit, the encirclement will be broken.

At this moment, Lan Miyan held the pipa upside down, plucked it with two fingers, and made two clangs.In front of the two demons, there was thunder on the ground, and the air was dense.The two demons immediately had a hunch that if they wanted to take another step forward, if they bumped into the copper head and iron arm, they would have to bleed.Gritting his teeth, he had to retreat back into the circle again.

Yi Munan yelled: "Brother Qiu, you are the best at dealing with monks of the demonic way. Could it be that you have not met an opponent in the past two hundred years, and you have already forgotten the way to meet the enemy?"

Yi Muqiu was startled when he heard the words, his face was half red and half white.

Suddenly, Yi Muqiu tore open his sleeve, and took out a wine bag that seemed to be made of animal skin from his bosom.Uncork the bottle, the aroma overflows.Yi Muqiu took a sip, mixed his magic power, and sprayed it on the twelve vitality knife plates.

On the twelve flying knives, there was a foreign object like a layer of mung bean paste.Although the sharpness is no longer there, there is a strange feeling that seems to be able to absorb the spirit.

Yi Muqiu pulled himself together and threw out six throwing knives again.The two demon cultivators didn't seem to care, and they still broke out in the direction of Yi Muqiu.Since it has been proven that this technique is useless, how could they be afraid.

But this time, six flying knives cut through.The two sorcerers cried out in pain and stumbled back.The wound between the chest and abdomen, black blood kept flowing out, far from the miraculous effect of the first quick recovery.

As for Yi Muqiu's six-handled flying knife, it seemed that the greenery on it was a layer deeper, and the blade was faintly blackened.

The two demons were wounded, Tian Shanke and Leng Youshan wanted to attack, and they were about to end the two demons.

The two demons showed fierce lights and groaned in pain.All of a sudden, his body fell, and he plunged violently into the underground swamp. He wanted to use the "Hundred Thousand Caves" that penetrated thousands of miles to escape him.

The two brothers Yi Munan and Yi Muqiu sneered in unison.He shouted: "How dare you go away, you evil spirit!"

The two brothers pressed their palms together, their mana was connected, and their aura was more than doubled suddenly.Recite the formula silently, stretch out the index finger and move down a little.

I saw that the originally flowing swamp below suddenly turned into a solid mountain of earth.

Yi Munan shouted loudly: "Fellow Daoist from Tianshan Mountain!"

Tian Shanke nodded and said with a smile: "It depends on your own skills."

Tianshanke raised his hand, and the red snake "Taiyin" around his neck regained a huge body several hundred feet long, plunged headlong into the mud, and rolled up a hundred-foot-high earth mountain.

As soon as the snake's body tightened, it was crushed immediately.

Yi Munan and Yi Muqiu are both good at a kind of supernatural power of "pointing the ground into steel", which is very effective for monks who are proficient in the five elements escapism, or fighting under the special terrain of "Hundred Thousand Caves".

In the usual team battles, chasing down the cunning enemy, the Yi Munan and Yi Muqiu brothers have their own skills, and they have firmly locked the core position of the team.

Only this time, Xing Wei Shen will combine the two into the same team for the sake of safety.

The two brothers have a wonderful method of combining kung fu together, which is enough to increase the power of this supernatural power by more than three times.In this way, no matter how fast the enemy's evasion method is, they cannot escape the scope of "pointing the ground into steel".

The huge earth mountain was crushed by the Taiyin Red Snake, and the two demon cultivators were hidden in it.

Tianshanke's face was filled with joy, and he was about to step forward to capture him.

However, Moxiu's body, tightly strangled by the snake's body, shriveled suddenly, leaving behind wreckage like a shed skin. The real body had already escaped from the trap, and it flew two or three miles away in an instant.

Although these two demon cultivators are not very good at killing and defeating supernatural powers, they have endless ways of hiding and escaping.

But in the eyes of the five, these two demons are just the end of their strength.

Yi Muqiu shot out the two throwing knives again, but this time it was different.A piece of bright yellow talisman paper was attached to the two flying knives, and a silk thread transformed by mana was tied to the handle of the knives.With two extremely light turns, he avoided the defenses of the two demon cultivators and pierced in from the back of the head.

With one stab, the talisman paper immediately melted away, turning into a wisp of fly ash.But the two demon cultivators were stiff and could no longer move.

Lan Miyan and Leng Youshan followed up, and each took out a very amazing sealed treasure, trapped the two demons firmly, and put a seal on them.

Yi Muqiu said happily: "It's finally done."

Although in the battle of the "Hooking Snake Demon" whose killing skills reached the peak of Yuanying, Tianshanke made a big splash.But the purpose of their trip was to capture the spies of the Monster Department, not to kill wild monsters.

From this point of view, Yi Muqiu should take the lead in this trip.

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, and he was about to make up an excuse to stay away from the five people.But he accidentally looked up, and saw the two snakes "Taiyin" and "Taichang" wrapped around Tianshanke's body. They kept spitting out messages, and the snake's head twisted wildly, as if eager to try, successfully attracting Tianshanke's attention.

Tianshan guest was thoughtful.

Gui Wujiu took the initiative to take a step forward, and said with a smile: "Everyone, take it easy and rejoice. Let's see what we have captured."

Lan Miyan glanced at Gui Wugui with a little doubt in his eyes.

However, after several experiences in this line of work, she no longer dared to ignore her judgment of innocence.After pondering for a while, he took out a treasure that looked like a lampshade, and took a breath.Within a hundred feet of the cover, there is no gap.

With nothing to lose, he waved his hand and lifted the seals on the two demons.

A stunned scene appeared, the bodies of the two mummy-like demons gradually turned green, with two small tentacles sprouting from the top of their heads, and four fangs exposed.He kept bowing to people, then bent down and landed on all fours.Get up again and bow repeatedly.

When he cupped his hands and bowed, he felt no different from a human being; but when he landed on all fours in the posture of a beast, there was a strong aura of a monster.

Yi Munan's expression turned ugly: "The Red Meizu!"

But these two Scarlet Meizu demon cultivators lacked aura and looked dull, and they didn't know what kind of sorcery they had fallen into.

Tianshanke sneered, stepped forward and kicked one of the Chimei over.

Only then did the five people see that there was a hole the size of a copper coin in each of the scarlet charm's feet, and the infinite vitality turned into white juice, flowing out from the bottom of its feet.

Apparently, these two Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators of the Chimei Clan are not long in their lives.

It was actually a form-replacing method used by demons and supernatural powers at the cost of the monk's life.

Tian Shanke lightly stroked the Taiyin and Taichang two snakes on his shoulders, felt the guidance of the two snakes, and said in a deep voice: "Follow me!" He activated the light, changed the direction several times, and finally locked the enemy's breath.

Sure enough, about half an hour later, the two previous demon cultivators reappeared in the field of vision of the six people.

As a result, the faces of the two demons were really ugly.

In the ensuing battle, the two demons used the method of substitute robbery three times in a row, sacrificed the lives of six red demon monsters, and escaped repeatedly.

But the two snakes on Tianshanke seemed to be extremely effective, and he persisted.Finally, when they caught up with the two demon cultivators for the third time, the two demons seemed to have exhausted their puppets of the method of substitution, and could only wait to die.

After sealing the two demons firmly again, Lan Miyan stepped forward to check them carefully, and found that they were genuine demon cultivators, not Chi Mei Yisha.

Tian Shanke seemed to be extremely happy in his heart, and said to Yi Muqiu: "Brother Yi, this time, is it you who have done more, or me who has done more?"

Yi Muqiu forced a smile on his face, and said, "Naturally, Your Excellency has contributed more."

Hearing Yi Muqiu concede defeat, Tianshanke raised his head and laughed.This person's magical powers of slaying demons and directing the earth into steel are the two most important trump cards in this line of work, but in the end he still stole the limelight.

But Tian Shanke's smile stopped abruptly in the middle of the smile.

Moxiu, who was surrounded by six people and was firmly restrained by the sealing technique, suddenly shrunk and turned into two black pebbles the size of walnuts. How could there be any breath of life in them?

At this time, Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

Under the astonished gazes of Tianshanke and the other five people, Gui Wugui disappeared in broad daylight!

Ten feet above a jade slip buried deep in the mud, a clear light bloomed, and a young man in a black suit with two swords on his back suddenly appeared.

Gui Wujiu faced the two corpses of "Red Charm" lying in the bushes, and said calmly: "The two fellow Taoists are fine."

(End of this chapter)

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